UK Pathfinder Society at Oddcon (15th October - 17th October)

Local Play

The Exchange 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Mediterranean

Venture Captains will be assembling Pathfinders for a number of adventures at Oddcon this year. We will be running The Infernal Vault, The Jester's Fraud and others (we are open to requests).

For pathfinder information contact me at and for convention information go to the Oddcon website.

Grand Lodge 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Baltic

David Harrison wrote:

Venture Captains will be assembling Pathfinders for a number of adventures at Oddcon this year. We will be running The Infernal Vault, The Jester's Fraud and others (we are open to requests).

For pathfinder information contact me at and for convention information go to the Oddcon website.

I'll be there!

I note that OddCon may be the last chance to run some (in)famous scenarios at a UK convention as part of PFS; the next wave of retirements has been announced by Hyrum Savage: *Link*
Hmm. He seems to have given the 'report by' date in American notation...

The Exchange 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Mediterranean

Charles Evans 25 wrote:

I note that OddCon may be the last chance to run some (in)famous scenarios at a UK convention as part of PFS; the next wave of retirements has been announced by Hyrum Savage: *Link*

Hmm. He seems to have given the 'report by' date in American notation...

And we've already had some requests for some of those scenarios. So we should be able to give players the chance to play some of them at Oddcon.

The Exchange 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Mediterranean

Oddcon was very successful and fun. Pathfinder Society games were over-subscribed and in high demand. Thoroughly enjoyable convention. We had 7 GMs, ran far more scenarios than I expected and we managed to have 2 Venture-Captains present!

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