CMB and Magic Weapon?

Rules Questions

I waded through the swamp of posts on this but my search-fu was not strong enough to find the answer.

Would a magic weapon apply to the CMB bonus for a maneuver? For example would the +1 Glaive give you an extra +1 on your trip attempt?

Generally, yes, weapon enhancement bonuses are added to one's CMB:

When you attempt to perform a combat maneuver, make an attack roll and add your CMB in place of your normal attack bonus. Add any bonuses you currently have on attack rolls due to spells, feats, and other effects. These bonuses must be applicable to the weapon or attack used to perform the maneuver. (Core Rulebook 199)

That said, a glaive is not a trip weapon; you cannot make a trip attempt with such a weapon, though you may still make an attempt using a hand or foot or other available body part.

The ambiguity in the core rules with a magic weapon is that it has no spells or feats associated with it (other effects could mean anything). To be balanced, an armour bonus does not affect the CMD, so why would a magic weapon affect CMB?

I have scoured through the entire core rules and I find no direct mention that weapon enhancements add to CMB.

on page 199 of the core rule book it says:
"When you attempt to perform a combat maneuver, make an attack roll and add you CMB in place of you normal attack bonus. Add any bonuses you currently have on attack rolls due to spells, feats, and other effects. These bonuses must be applicable to the weapon or attack used to perform the maneuver."

I would like to think that an attack bonus falls under the other effects catagory. The attaqck bonus on a scythe(for example) would make it more effective for tripping, would it not?

Scel wrote:
The ambiguity in the core rules with a magic weapon is that it has no spells or feats associated with it (other effects could mean anything).

"Other effects" does, literally, mean anything: insight bonuses, trait bonuses, enhancement bonuses, sacred bonuses, untyped bonuses; the list goes on.

Any effects that add to attack rolls also add to one's CMB. If the effect is tied to a weapon, that weapon must be used in order to gain benefit from the effect.

Heaven's Agent wrote:
That said, a glaive is not a trip weapon; you cannot make a trip attempt with such a weapon, though you may still make an attempt using a hand or foot or other available body part.

HA is correct. But just for absolute clarity, such a trip attempt would not receive the bonus from the glaive, since it isn't a trip weapon, nor could you drop the glaive to prevent being tripped in return.

Bah, I meant the guisarme, I always get those mixed up :).

Thank you for the replies.

Sovereign Court

Along the same thought pattern, would the bonus for the weapon add to CMD vs. CMB effects like sunder.

If I'm understanding your question correctly no, a weapon's enhancement bonus does not add to one's CMD for the purposes of maneuvers that target the weapon.

The Exchange

Agreed. It does, however, add to the weapon's hardness and hit points, which combat maneuvers like sunder still have to work against.

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