>>Ask *James Jacobs* ALL your Questions Here!<<

Off-Topic Discussions

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Paizo Employee Creative Director

tcavagne wrote:

Dear all-knowing James Jacobs,

I have never understood why the cleric (and now oracle) have a d8 and a 3/4 BAB and the sorcerer and wizard are stuck with d6es and 1/2 BABs. Can you unravel this mystery?

To a certain extent, because of tradition.

To a greater extent, because arcane spells are generally more widely applicable than divine spells. Divine spells tend to be less powerful when it comes to damage, and there's fewer of them to get. They're more focused on recovery and protection and bolstering allies, but arcane spells are more well rounded.

Clerics also fill the role of a holy warrior or missionary, requiring a bit more physically robust attribute than arcanists, who tend to eschew physical improvement over mental and magical improvement.

And because when you look at myths and stories, you often see big beefy warlike religious folks, but not often big beefy warlike wizards.

And because divine casters are more likely to have to save/use their spells for healing and recovery, and thus need to be able to do a better job with combat than arcane spellcasters. Think of the better BAB and HD as a reward from the rules for playing a character that's helpful and who isn't intended to be the one in the limelight showing off his bad-ass magic or combat.

And because clerics are cooler and more interesting.

Sovereign Court

Which is the better name: Brontosaurus or Apatosaurus?

Liberty's Edge

What is pi to the 1,000,000,000th place?

Liberty's Edge

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
What is pi to the 1,000,000,000th place?
I'm not going to copy/paste it, but it's here on this site.

AH! You got me!

I love that song, but liked it better when Seth McFarlane did it.

Ironically, I kind of wanted to listen to it, so SCORE!

Who put the ram in the rama-lama-ding-dong?

Liberty's Edge

Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?

music has come up a few time, what do you listen to? and how much longer before you tell us all to shut up?

How do you get away with wasting time on the internet? Are you answering these questions on the clock? If you are, how can I get a job with Paizo?

Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

Coincidence! I'm rereading A Mote in God's Eye.

What's your favorite Niven/Pournelle book and why?

The smitter wrote:
music has come up a few time, what do you listen to? and how much longer before you tell us all to shut up?

What is Tyralandi's theme song... were she to have one?

Ironicdisaster wrote:
How do you get away with wasting time on the internet? Are you answering these questions on the clock? If you are, how can I get a job with Paizo?

Oh. Yes. That's how to get hired.

What is the airspeed velocity of a female laden swallow? (european)

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Where are my keys?

Do you see yourself as more of a Fafhrd or Gray Mouser?

The Exchange

Does knowing I have Big Blue tattooed on my arm weird you out?

Who would be the best choice for ruler in our Kingmaker campaign: Arolys the Elven ranger, Mikli the slave girl, Rowynn the bard, or Ginni the Dwarven cleric of Desna?

What's the best way to get Troll blood stains out of ones clothes?

And lastly, When are we gonna see a FAWTL template in the Bestiary?

Oh yeah, my wife wants to know if you would sign her breast at the next PaizoCon?

Silver Crusade

James, first I wanted to thank you for answering my previous posts.

I do have a question: What was the thinking behind the development of the Summoner?

I understand some of the thinking behind the Core Pathfinder Rulebook, which was to rethink the core classes and to make them more attractive to play all the way through 20 levels of the game. Also there was some consideration to give the core classes a slight power increase so they were comparable to the classes produced in the latter half of 3.5 D&D.

I understand that the new classes in the APG were put together to provide something new to the lineup. The Alchemist provides something new. I can see a bit of Dr. Jeckel and Mr. Hyde, also the “mad scientist” with his beakers and explosive concoctions. I can see that tithe Cavalier adds something. The Cavalier is a warrior equally capable in a royal court with social skills, and equally capable on the battlefield. In my opinion the Inquisitor also ads allot to the game. Beyond the name, you can easily adapt it to a variety of other character concepts (Marshal of Iomadae, Abadar etc) The Oracle I find to be a fascinating class, adding spontaneous clerical spell casting to the game. I like the curses, and the fluff. The witch also adds to the game. The witch takes her place among the wizard who gains his arcane power through study, the sorcerer who gains his power through his bloodline, and then there is the witch, who gains her power through making a pact with an other worldly power. In my opinion they all add something new.

I am not sure what the summoner adds to the game. At first glance the summoner appears to be merely a specialized arcane caster. The class also seems to go against the idea of keeping the core classes as optimal choices. the summoner is a better summoner then a wizard specialized on conjuration, or a druid. What was the thinking behind making the summoner? Is the inspiration for him the World of Warcraft warlock class? With that class you have a “combat pet” along with a spell caster. I am sure there were plenty of sources of inspiration for the class. I am just curious what the thinking was. Thanks.

Kajehase wrote:
Who put the ram in the rama-lama-ding-dong?

As a follow up, Who put the bop in the bop-shoo-bop-shoo-bop?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I noticed in the news that there is a lack of mention of mass awareness of a certain avian variety. Have you not heard? It was my understanding that everyone had heard?

Why do other threads continue to exist when people can ask ALL their questions of James Jacobs HERE?

The Exchange

Can you tell me where I put my Harrow Deck? I can't seem to find it anywhere. :(

Oh, that reminds me: my brand new pack of Vis-a-Vis markers disappeared. Can you tell me where they went? Did Aztrucomon take them home the last time we gamed in Oak Cliff?

Liberty's Edge

How do you solve a problem like Maria?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Why is that when ever I stick my finger in an empty light socket I wake up on the floor?

How do you remove urine stains from a carpet? You see…I have this friend…

Justin Franklin wrote:
I noticed in the news that there is a lack of mention of mass awareness of a certain avian variety. Have you not heard? It was my understanding that everyone had heard?


I hate you so much now.

Do you know the way to San Jose?

Why is it you drive on a parkway and park on a driveway?

If you build it, will he come? whoa! that one could be dirty...

What is going to happen to Eric? Will he live? Will Pam sacrifice herself?

Is Russell the coolest badguy on that show or what?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
JMD031 wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
I noticed in the news that there is a lack of mention of mass awareness of a certain avian variety. Have you not heard? It was my understanding that everyone had heard?


I hate you so much now.

Well it was stuck in my head and I thought I would share.:)

Is the bird really the word?

Scarab Sages

Dónde está la biblioteca?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Donde esta tu hall pass?


Liberty's Edge

Hey, hey...were you there when I farted?

Is this the funniest thread ever?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Dear Mr. Jacobs,
Please ignore the succubus up thread. Succubi, demons generally, daemons... they're all parasites worthy of nothing more than being trampled beneath the iron shod hooves of the legions of Hell.
Devils are not parasites. We employ our brains and cunning. 'The rest' - whom others make the mistake of lumping in with us when they talk of 'fiends' - act on instincts and whims or out of pure spite to everyone else. A beast or rolling boulder could do as much. Devils take what they want, as of right, using physical might or intellectual force, as necessary.
Devils are not parasites. Devils are altruistic - indeed we exist to benefit society, because that which benefits society benefits us as the rightful place of Hell is at the top of any and all societies. What is more, unlike the misguided archons of the heavens, devils are not at all squeamish or shackled by foolish concerns for the well being of lesser beings in achieving the greatest overall good for society. Can a lesser being carry out its tasks efficiently for the good of all? If so, that is all that matters to Hell and to society.
However occasionally, for a lesser being to carry out its tasks most efficiently, it is necessary for that being to have peace of mind, and not to burden it with the true facts of existence which would otherwise distract and confuse it. Occasionally, it is necessary for Hell to permit lesser beings to believe that they have the mastery, so that they do not waste time and effort unproductively rebelling against an order of things which they cannot properly understand. It could be considered a kindness perhaps, and even the most zealous idiot who follows Cayden Cailean would not disagree with me that kindness is something indicative of superiority of intellect and philosophy. Thus even our most ardent foes, it can be said, acknowledge that Hell is in some things to be looked up to and respected. Are parasites looked up to and respected? No. I think that that should be sufficient to make my case.

Nstrivaxon, diplomatic secretary to the IXth bureau.

Jacobian #5 wrote:
Do you see yourself as more of a Fafhrd or Gray Mouser?

Or, if it's more appropriate, a Ningauble of the Seven Eyes, or Sheelba of the Eyeless Face?

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
delabarre wrote:
He skipped my question. I haz a sad. :-(
Post it again! Of course, if I skipped it because it wasn't worthy, that'll just get you a DOUBLE sad. The internet is FULL OF RISKS.

Okay then: Where is the current location of the Ark of the Covenant?

Silver Crusade

James Jacobs, will this rash go away on its own?

Dark Archive

delabarre wrote:

Okay then: Where is the current location of the Ark of the Covenant?

Don't answer that! I like my dice where they are thank you.

Are you bored with answering questions, found a new interest and are going to let this thread fade into Paizo legend?

Scarab Sages

Have you ever seen Bigfoot?

The Exchange

When will we all get tired of asking you questions?

Liberty's Edge

Oooo, my stomach. What did I eat? Ooooo.

Liberty's Edge

Benchak the Nightstalker wrote:

Coincidence! I'm rereading A Mote in God's Eye.

What's your favorite Niven/Pournelle book and why?

Good book.

I am going to go out on a limb and say James' favourite would be The Legacy of Heorot, with Footfall in second place.

James, am I right?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Studpuffin wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
B.O.B. wrote:
Frog blast the vent core?
I have no idea what this is.

So you never played Marathon?

Mac or PC?

I never have. I'm a Mac user, but didn't switch over from PC until well after Marathon had come and gone.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Andrew Crossett wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
I can be just as much a pervert as Ed can, can't I?

Preaching to the choir, bro. I'm the guy who in the last 24 hours got slapped by Seoni and narrowly avoided being stabbed by Merisiel for almost offering to take her to a hibachi restaurant. (The nude sushi bar seems to be working out, though. There's nothing like nude sushi on a hot summer night.)

Next question: how many hit points does Golarion have, and what is its Constitution? (I'm running kind of a munchkiny campaign.)

Golarion is an object, and thus doesn't have a Constitution score. As for how many hit points... that'd require determining how many cubic feet it has and then comparing that to how many hp a cubic foot of stone wall and metal wall has and then determining what portion of Golarion is metal and what portion is stone and then going from there.

So instead let's just say 400, because that's how many hp Zeus and Cthulhu and Odin had in 1st edition.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Callous Jack wrote:
Which is the better name: Brontosaurus or Apatosaurus?


Apatosaurus sounds kinda silly (I pat the saurus!) but it's the "correct" one so we have to grin and bear it.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Callous Jack wrote:
Clark Ashton Smith or August Derleth?

Clark Ashton Smith. Because he's a good writer, not a hack, and added quality to the mythos rather than goofy elemental themes.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Callous Jack wrote:
What's your favorite AP issue?

We call them "volumes" because they're not magazines.

But that said... #1 will always have a special place in my heart.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Callous Jack wrote:
Do androids dream of electric sheep?

Nope. Unicorns.

Oops. Spoiler.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

drunken_nomad wrote:
Beer or beer?


Raspberry wine.

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