Music of the Society

GM Discussion


First of all, players be warned, here there be spoilers. Big, huge, massive spoilers. Turn back now or be forever damned!

...okay, now that I've got your attention, the spoilers probably aren't that bad. First of all, the normal playspace for my local PFS group allows every table a quiet room to themselves. At a convention or normal game store this probably wouldn't be advisable, but I've found in running "The Devil We Know" that having the right tunes handy seems to help keep the players focused. It can also creep them the hell out, as using barely audible whispering amid dischordant, intermittent tones for the Derro proved. So...looking for some stuff to specifically load up for certain recurring themes.

General Use

Pathfinders / The Grand Lodge: Looking for something generically heroic. This has to serve as a stand-in for both the Grand Lodge of Absalom and its' most important members - our heros. The specific composition doesn't matter too much, but see the Enemies section below.

Andoran: This theme should be simple and evocative of a bit of frontier spirit. Remember that Andoran itself has a very "Colonial America" feel to it and that any music for locations specifically wthin the nation should probably try to mirror this.

Cheliax: Rennaisance Italy, with a particular attention paid to the presence of dischordant harmonies and grandeur twisted.

Osirion: Ancient Egypt, should be evocative of mystery. Probably something middle eastern, but try to make very distinct from...

Qadira: Something similiar to what might be heard on the streets of Baghdad back when it was the height of culture in the region.

Taldor: This theme might be best served by being related to the Cheliax theme, but with the grandeur not meant to be in mockery.


The Aspis Consortium: Should probably have a quick pace. The Consortium's intrigues are not of much concern to Pathfinders - they serve as very dangerous adversaries, but very straightforward ones.

Shadow Lodge - Pathfinders: Unlike the Consortium, the Shadow Lodge is all about intrigue. A somewhat slower theme, this should readily be able to serve as either combat music or "danger lurking in the shadows." A strong lietmotif with the main Pathfinder theme a plus.

Shadow Lodge - Goblins: Comedy Relief villains at their finest. While the Goblins aren't dangerous, they do have the ability to twist into something extremely silly on a moment's notice, and their music should reflect this. Something from a kids' move might work.

Shadow Lodge - Dragons: These guys are the Shadow Lodge's heavy-hitters, and there should be no mistake there will be a fight and the players are very likely to lose when this music begins playing.

....and any other useful suggestions for things that will come up often that I might have missed.

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