Maveric28 |

Hey all, thought we'd look for a few new players... established game group has been off n' on for last decade or so in Sacramento/Roseville, but "real life" is interfering with some schedules and we find ourselves looking for more players.
We currently have two Pathfinder games, one is a pretty full campaign that goes every other Sunday, approximately 11 or 12 to 6 p.m. The other is an alternating every-other-Saturday campaign, which is being scrapped in favor of a brand new campaign. We currently have 3 solid players (not including the DM) and we prefer 5 or so, so that means we have at least 2 open slots. We're scrapping the old campaign (Shackled City) due to a constant change in casting, so once we have a solid group of players picked out, we'll start a brand new Adventure Path.
Anyone interested? Questions?

DragonMunchie |

Hey all, thought we'd look for a few new players... established game group has been off n' on for last decade or so in Sacramento/Roseville, but "real life" is interfering with some schedules and we find ourselves looking for more players.
We currently have two Pathfinder games, one is a pretty full campaign that goes every other Sunday, approximately 11 or 12 to 6 p.m. The other is an alternating every-other-Saturday campaign, which is being scrapped in favor of a brand new campaign. We currently have 3 solid players (not including the DM) and we prefer 5 or so, so that means we have at least 2 open slots. We're scrapping the old campaign (Shackled City) due to a constant change in casting, so once we have a solid group of players picked out, we'll start a brand new Adventure Path.
Anyone interested? Questions?
To be helpful, this Pathfinder game is just within a few miles of Thunder Valley Casino in a very nice neighborhood. Being a player in the Saturday game I can tell anyone giving this a second look that the team is very fluid, rolling with punches and the players know quite abit on the rules.
I'm considered one of the resident arbitrary rules lawyers of the team, moving in favor of both players and DM alike to create balance. This works for and against us, as I'm known even to be fair enough to shoot myself in the foot by revealing things in the situations in my actions.
The Saturday campaign will likely be opening up into a new adventure path as, with the lack of the preferred number of players, we don't have a core to go into the Adventure Paths, or back to another lengthy campaign.
Food and drinks must be suprlied by the players, though most of the cast does share. Rides might be able to be provided, depending upon location.
If someone is interested please reply, and don't be afraid to ask questions.

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Hey All--
Might I suggest joining this: http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/bayareapathfinder/
The Bay Area Pathfinder Society welcomes Sacto and nearby areas into the group. I know of about 10 Sacto players in our group and your postings might find traction with them.
In addition, BAPS will be organizing Pathfinder Society play for Conquest:Sacramento at the end of March as well as a few other Bay Area conventions.
Rock on.

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Go here: http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/Sacramento_Area_Pathfinder/
Find other people who play in the area.
Or come down to Kublacon: http://paizo.com/forums/dmtz5f9p?KublaCon-2012-The-Khan-of-Cons and play PFS with us. We'll intro you to some Sacto peeps.
Best of luck, WickedBlender.

4saken1 |
I hope this isn't thread hijacking by posting here, but here goes......
I'm trying to get a group a group of players (4-5) together interested in a long term campaign, spanning three super-modules: Temple of Elemental Evil, Scourge of the Slave Lords, and Queen of the Spiders. Players preferably have no experience with or specific knowledge of these epic adventures. I run a house-rule heavy version of Pathfinder, with a greater emphasis on role-playing than power-gaming. Sessions will be weekly, tentatively on Thursday evenings (depending on schedules of likely candidates) at my place (near Sac City College). Seeking adventurers who enjoy playing and can commit themselves to do so on a regular basis. PM me or post here if interested or have any questions.

4saken1 |
I'm down in Galt and interested, how solid is the Thursday evening meeting time?
I'm pretty flexible with the day. I picked Thursday because it's the day that I'm least likely to have something else going on. If the group can come up with a better time slot that works for everybody, I'm fine with that! The biggest obstacle so far is getting people on board. There were a couple people interested that started playing in a different campaign because it was taking too long to get people together. I currently only have one other player who wants to play, but a friend of mine says he knows a couple that might be interested. As soon as I can get 4 players together, it's a go!