GM Eoin's Council of Thieves


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Sworn I explained that, yellow are stairs up. Orange or where the veiw expends.

Female Human (Taldan) Rogue 3

In that case, let's plough on south!

Male Human (Andoran) Cavalier (Hound Master) 3

I agree, straight ahead south.

The chiseled rock becomes mortared stone as you enter this wider hallway, ahead the corridor turns south and ends at a double door. In front of you however are two large growling dogs with glowing green eyes. They snarl and make ready to attack you.

Roll initiative! Sorry for the delay!!!

Male Human (Andoran) Cavalier (Hound Master) 3

Initiative1d20 ⇒ 13

Dark Archive

Male Human (Chelaxian) Bard 1 / AC - 17 / Init - +3 / Perception - +0

Sorry I have been sort of away for the last week. Stupid connection doesnt want to work. Initiative-1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

And because I might not get on to do my first round action, Ignatio will Inspire Courage

Female Human (Taldan) Rogue 3

Initiative 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19

Lowering my crossbow at the slathering beasts, I let loose a bolt, praying it hits it's mark before they reach us.

Attack 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Damage [dice]1d8[/ooc]

Female Human (Taldan) Rogue 3

My bad!

confirmation roll 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Damage 1 1d8 ⇒ 1
Damage 2 1d8 ⇒ 4

Male Human (Andoran) Cavalier (Hound Master) 3

Grasping my axe in both hands, I rush forward to cleave the dread hound apart, as Chompsky attacks the other.

Wat's attack 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Chompsky's attack and trip attempt1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

Male (he/him) Irish Physicist (Programmer Dedication) 5

Ignatio begins his music, while Euphemi shoots one of the dogs, dealing a glancing blow.

The hounds charge forwards and bite at Chompsky and Wat, Wats armor saves him, but Chompsky takes a bite [/ooc]3 damage[/ooc].

Wat seeks revenge but the nimble hound evades him. Chompsky is more succesful and the hound bites deep into his opponents side, flattening the creature with his ferocity.


Female Human (Taldan) Rogue 3

I curse my bad aim, reload a bolt into my crossbow and Hex the north dog with misfortune.

Male Human (Andoran) Cavalier (Hound Master) 3

Wat's attack 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Chompsky's attack and trip attempt1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Dark Archive

Male Human (Chelaxian) Bard 1 / AC - 17 / Init - +3 / Perception - +0

Maintaining the powers coursing through my veins I step forward, lashing out with my rapier as ruins flow down the blade and crackle along its length.

Arcane Strike + Inspire Courage1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 251d6 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

Roll to confirm Crit1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 121d6 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Excellent. Good to be back in business. I'm just going to wrap up this fight though. The gap was immense, and better to restart in the aftermath. Posting will be sporadic during exam season, so I suggest we get back and try and get regular again in late May?

Dark Archive

Male Human (Chelaxian) Bard 1 / AC - 17 / Init - +3 / Perception - +0

Sounds good to me. I hopefully will have Zalana and Flit running by then, depending on the other PbPs. I can't wait to get back to the Council of Thieves though! :)


MAP (You guys are on the second sheet, underground)

The second rapid, fiend-touched hound falls to the ground with a whimper and a wet gurgle as Wat's axe cuts brutally into its lungs wit ha powerful blow.

You find yourselves now in a worked section of the catacombs, the walls smoothened and the floor covered in large falt slabs of worked stone. Around the corner stands a pair of double doors, lying closed and shrouded in shadows at the edge of Euphemi's magical light.

The age old question, what would you like to do now?

Dark Archive

Male Human (Chelaxian) Bard 1 / AC - 17 / Init - +3 / Perception - +0

"Well praise the Gods for that!" I laugh softly, stepping forward, to the end of the hall, and peeking around the corner, trying to make out the way beyond.

Perception-1d20 ⇒ 15

For ONCE Ignatio can see!!

Female Human (Taldan) Rogue 3

"I suggest we keep on going. We have no idea if they heard that battle, so we'll have to act now to keep the element of surprise."

I walk forward towards the end of the corridor, torch held high.

Dark Archive

Male Human (Chelaxian) Bard 1 / AC - 17 / Init - +3 / Perception - +0

"I agree, lets keep up the pace and aim to hit this place room by room as fast as we can. We can come back later and look around I am sure!"

The doors around the corner are engraved with skeletons, both of whcih have long curving horns and bear scythes. The door does not appear to be locked or barred, and can be opened by simply pushing it.

Female Human (Taldan) Rogue 3

I detect magic on the door before proceeding.

If it's non-magical, I open the door.

If it's magical, I don't open the door and tell the others before they can open it.

You open the heavy door into a large crypt, lined with burial chambers in alcoves, all the stone here is worked. Standing at the far end of the room, looming over a hlaf-orc bound in ropes are four figures, three wear hoods and wield maces, clearly tieflings, but the fourth is taller, his strange, dessicated, flaking green skin is bound in clothes and wrappings, his eyes sunken and dead.

They turn to face you and the cloth-covered figure smiles a rictus smile.

'Just in time to join the party. Glad you killed those little yowling s#%~s, now if you'll just lay down your weapons and come with a nice pretty smile,' he gestures to the bound half-orc.

'He learned the hard way that resistance is futile.'


Dark Archive

Male Human (Chelaxian) Bard 1 / AC - 17 / Init - +3 / Perception - +0

Stepping in to the room, I look around slowly, focusing on everything but the man speaking to us. I cast a casual gaze over the bound Half-Orc before swaggering forward, one hand on the hilt of my rapier, the other tucked in to my belt. My eyes gaze over the man wrapped up like a mummy and I pull a square of silk from my pocket before clutching it to my nose, my face twisting in to a grimace.

"You dare to address me as such? Where is your Leader? Where is Palaveen? I am here on offical busniess from my Master. We have a meeting with your Master!"

Bluff-1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21

Grimacing, I look from the man to the Half-Orc. "My Masters Guardian is not to be harmed. Please release him and give him back his weapons, now, or my Master will not be pleased. He is a very powerful man. Very powerful!"

Bluff-1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21

"Wat see that Masters Guardian is free and armed please. I believe myself and this man have some things to discuss. Come Euphemi! let us discuss our Masters wishes!"

Ignatio moves towards the bandaged man slowly, eyes locked with his. "Where is your Brother? We were told bout you!"

Diplomacy-1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

Gotta lie like a mother fudger!

Male Human (Andoran) Cavalier (Hound Master) 3

Unsure exactly what the bard is intending to do, I play along, my thick accent making me appear to fit easily into the role of bumbling, uncouth manservant.

"As ye say, m'lord."

Confused, I lay there waiting to see what happens.

If it looks like a fight is breaking out, I'll try and burst the ropes, otherwise, just laying in wait...

Strength check, if needed - 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

I gave him a +5 bonus on his sense motive, and proceeded to roll a 3 and a 1!

'We-' the clothed figures voice returns to normal, no longer the raspy gargle of the dead he speaks like a living creature once more, looking around at his tiefling helpers.

'Well. You heard the man, untie this fool and grab his gear from the boneroom,' the man turns back to Ignatio then.

'All a misunderstanding. I'll take you to Palaveen myself. With an escort.'

Male Human (Andoran) Cavalier (Hound Master) 3

I make a mental note to buy the bard a drink!

As soon as my bonds are loosed I hop up and snarl at the nearest tiefling 'You heard him, my possessions. Now.'

I move away from the remaining tieflings and their bandaged leader so that no one is behind me. I take a moment to look over the newcomers who have secured my freedom. I shoot a grin at the talkative one.

Huh... Do you know its only with Ethan's entrance that I realise that you guys have been talking in first person instead of third! Its not a problem, just different to other PBPs and I never noticed until someone knew did it!

Dark Archive

Male Human (Chelaxian) Bard 1 / AC - 17 / Init - +3 / Perception - +0

Bowing my head graciously, I smile, before moving towards the Half Orc. "A moment while I talk to my associate please, my good man!"

Well Ethan is free and things are more even now. When he is geared up I suggest we position ourselves to stop them getting past us and free, then slaughter them. Well not slaughter but incapacitate. Yeah? Or do we want to go the whole way to the Boss and try lie to him to make him disband?

Someone must pay for my humiliating capture. Oh yes, how they will pay... That said, I still have no idea who you guys are yet either so we should probably have a bit of a chat before Krazga decides to fight his way clear of everyone and ends up either dead or knocked out for a second time today.

Male Human... enough Physicist3/Nerd4/<Presitge Class Here> 1

The half-orc's gear is returned by one of the tieflings, and they form an escort aroun the party, two teiflings behind, one with the leader up front, and open the skeleton emblazoned doors back into the hallway.

'This way, we will bring you to Palaveen. He must be expecting you. Tell me, how were you in the catacombs already but without one of us Bastard's as a guide?'

Female Human (Taldan) Rogue 3

Keeping step with Ignatio, I keep quiet while the bard does his thing. When the half-orc is untied and rearmed, I give him a curt nod before leaning close to Ignatio and whispering in his ear:

"A friend of yours, Ignatio?"

In answer to the question, I answer: "Our master was given directions by your master in a secret correspondence, which he passed on to us." With a small smile, I continue - "How else could we have found your hideout?"

Bluff check 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

I slip over towards Ignatio and Euphemi, and keeping my voice low, speak with them for a moment.

"Many thanks for returning my gear. Your master must be powerful indeed for his mention to have so cowed that... thing."

Krazga spends a moment trying to think on if he has ever heard of anything that matches the description of the greenish figure in the wrappings.

Knowledge (religion) check 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

Male Human (Andoran) Cavalier (Hound Master) 3

Chompsky at my heels, I follow the tieflings, pondering the likelihood of solving this situation with words and reasoned debate.

'Of course. I will bring you to Palaveen immediately, I'm sure he is eager to get your meeting underway. He must be finished his rituals now, Mammon calls as I'm sure you know.'

The tieflings begin to lead you out into the hall as you chat, Euphemi's magical light guiding the way.


The clothe-wrapped figure appears to be a form of mummy, but this similarity is only appearance deep, a ruse to disguise that he too is also a teifling like his minions.

Dark Archive

Male Human (Chelaxian) Bard 1 / AC - 17 / Init - +3 / Perception - +0

Keeping my voice pitched low, so as not to let the enemies hear, I snort. "Our Master? Don't know if we have one. How about we cause some noise hmm?" A feral grin crosses my lips before I peek over my shoulder at Wat, giving him a slow nod.

Male Human (Andoran) Cavalier (Hound Master) 3

"Not yet, Ignatio... wait 'til we meet th' boss, don't want t' complicate things 'fore we have a chance t' take out him as is at th' top... then, we'll make all th' noise we can! If we start t' fightin' now, we could be lost in these tunnels, surrounded by th' enemy... as Lady Liberty writes, 'choosing th' time fer action is as important as strength of arms.'"

Dark Archive

Male Human (Chelaxian) Bard 1 / AC - 17 / Init - +3 / Perception - +0

"As you say. We will play the part till the end then. Dangerous game though my friends. Let us hope he has not amassed an army near him!"

Female Human (Taldan) Rogue 3

"If we can cut off the head, the body will die. When we get to Palaveen, we must try to kill him as quickly as we can."

Male Human (Andoran) Cavalier (Hound Master) 3

I do my best to keep my voice low. "Aye, Euphemi, you have th' right of it. And when Palaveen is down, these poor bastards will have no one to protect or guide 'em, an' it wouldn't do t' have forty tiefling bandits ruderless on th' streets of Westcrown. Seems as Arael and Janiven may have uses fer these boys."

Wat is dead keen on redeeming these bandits, if possible!

"Just give me the word and I guarantee heads will be cut off..."

Krazga will try and leave a few of them in one piece :P

EDIT: Fixed my tags

You would know that a rousing speech on the fact that the infernal bourgeosie is who keep tieflings oppressed, and that the Chldren support oll of Westcrowns people. These are however rather vicious criminals, with murderers and rapists among them, aswell as the misguided and desperate, in fact in can be hard to differentiate.

The clothe-wrapped figure, who you overhear one of he gaurds call Ostenso leads you back to the graffiti covered wall, before making a loud whistle. From the darkness slip two more hooded thugs, and thena large tiefling with a crown of chaotic horns, a wide mouth and and one overlarge clawed arm strides forward.

'Dravago, we bring these humans for their meeting with Palaveen,' Ostengo announces, with smarmy pride.

'I didn't hear about any meeting, are you from the Council? Your fancy man is dressed fine enough.

I rest my hand on the hilt of my great sword and tense. If our 'fancy man' can't talk us past Dravago, the first thing I'm is going to do is drive my great sword through Dravago's spiny skull...

Female Human (Taldan) Rogue 3

I cast my eyes around, waiting for our resident fancy man to answer Dravago's question. In case of a fight, I look for the biggest group of tieflings on whom I can cast Burning Hands.

Male Human (Andoran) Cavalier (Hound Master) 3

I'll just follow Ignatio's lead in whatever smooth-talking he pulls out on this one.

Dark Archive

Male Human (Chelaxian) Bard 1 / AC - 17 / Init - +3 / Perception - +0

Quick Perception-1d20 ⇒ 5

"Finally! A man of some stature around here. Master Dravago an extreme pleasure!" I bow fluidly, stepping forward with an almost manic smile on my face. "My Master has sent me here to bargain with the leaders of the most terrifying Gang in the city!"

I offer the man my hand for a shake, before continuing to speak, pitching my voice for Dravagos ears alone. "I expected to be taken straight to Palaveen but find myslef brought straight to the true power behind the throne. This is an honor!"

Bluff-1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

"My Master sends his good wishes and his hopes that, one day, soon, the reign of the Bastards spreads far and wide!"

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

'Reign of the bastards eh? Your not from the council at all are you, you oppurtunisitic s%#$!? Whatever it is you came here for, it ends now!'


Neither you nor the tieflings have weapons drawn.

"Lord in Iron, guide my blade!"

I draw my great sword and cast lead blades, five foot stepping back to O8 if necessary to avoid provoking.

Initiative 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

Dark Archive

Male Human (Chelaxian) Bard 1 / AC - 17 / Init - +3 / Perception - +0

Initiative-1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

Perception-1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

Knowledge Religion to see whether the bindings on the Mummy like figure can tell me anything.1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

I glare long and hard at the Tiefling before grinning darkly."Well I tried. Guess it was only a matter of time before you idiots caught on. This is a Raid. We have you surrounded, all of you. We know your numbers and every inch of these tunnels. It is the gallows for you all if you touch one of us. I am Constable Ignation Aulamaxa. My Master has need for your gang, but not if you harm any of us. Your move fools!"

Versatile Performance(Act)1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22

As I wait for the man to answer, power begins to build around me, ruins flowing down my arms and across my face and palms.

Summon Monster(Dire Rat) in O-11

I think that is all in order. If it isnt, please do tell me!

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