Ravingdork |
9 people marked this as a favorite. |

I'm a sucker for the dramatic and am loath to say something like "I cast fireball" at the gaming table. I would prefer cool-sounding incantations, such as Maleficent's wall of thorns spell (video in the link and texted below).
Maleficent is trying to stop Prince Phillip from reaching King Stefan's castle
Maleficent: Forest of Thorns shall be his tomb! Borne through the skies on a fog of doom! Now go with the curse, and serve me well! 'Round Stefan's Castle, CAST MY SPELL!
Dark, towering clouds appear over the castle followed by lightning strikes. Huge thorns as thick as weeds burst out of the ground around the castle, cutting off Prince Phillip
Anyways, I was hoping we could start a thread in which people name an existing spell from the core book and then make up a cool sounding incantation that can be used to enhance one's roleplaying experience.

Ravingdork |

Anyways, I was hoping we could start a thread in which people name an existing spell from the core book and then make up a cool sounding incantation that can be used to enhance one's roleplaying experience.

Lathiira |

I like this idea!
Destruction, Morag-style:
"I am the Gatherer of Souls;
Cold is my flesh, darkness is my blood.
I have walked the breadth of this world.
Servant of Death, banished from Life.
I was born to meet the end of days,
never to know mortal rest.
So, as I pray, I grant you...your Final Night!"
Chant to the cadence of the Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works.

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Level 0 - Sorcerer/Wizard
"Do not let my ally croak,
Resistance surround you like a cloak."
Acid Splash
"Acid burn, and acid bubble
Acid Splash this worrisome trouble."
Detect Magic
"My open eyes I open thrice,
find spell, and school and Detect Magic through my eyes!"
Detect Poison
"From snake, or spider or assassin's knife,
Detect Poison in object, body or life."
Read Magic
"Like crystal clear, and by my finger's crook,
I'll Read Magic like an open book!"
"By fuzzy logic and woolly thinking,
be Dazed like you've spent all night drinking!"
Dancing Lights
"Dance like fairies, dance like ghosts,
By my power Dancing Lights come forth my motes!"
"I evoke Fire without heat,
but light with Flare!"
"Like Firefly, with phosphorous tail,
I evoke Light to come forth as a torch without fail!"
Ray of Frost
"A little chill, a little cold,
a Ray of Frost will chill your bones."
Ghost Sound
"Spooky wyrd and echoes strange,
Ghost Sounds come forth today."
"Bleed through wounds, and Bleed through pores,
Bleed through eyes and Bleed through sores."
Disrupt Undead
"You were dead before,
I Disrupt Undead, so they be dead again!"
Touch of Fatigue
"From your life I steal one night's rest,
with my Touch of Fatigue, I steal this from thy chest."
Mage Hand
"Mage Hand come and Mage Hand go,
Mage hand steal and Mage Hand sew."
"I hum a tune to aid my Mending,
darn, sharpen, fix, hew with the power I'm sending."
"If closed I Open, if Open I close,
for just this task, this spell I chose."
Arcane Mark
"By arcane oath, and arcane name,
my Arcane Mark I place without wane."
"Alakazam, Abracadbration,
I cast now Prestidigitation!"

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Level 1 - Sorcerer/Wizard
"Ring thee once for stranger, Ring thee twice for danger,
If danger approaches, save me harm, I cast the now protective Alarm!"
Endure Elements
"Endure Elements so that neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays this one from their task."
Hold Portal
"Shutter window, and door jam,
Hold Portal closed against thief and ram!"
Protection from Good
"By the hoary hosts, and benighted sood,
By blasphemic power, and causes unrighteous,
Guard me 'gainst the forces of lighteous,
I abjure forth Protection from Good!"
Protection from Evil
"In blackest day,
in darkest night,
let those who worship evil's might,
beware my power. I abjure
Protection from Evil keep me pure!"
Protection from Law
"Flabeberty jab, and thumberty jibbert,
flummox and floog, the hungrood's thibbit,
Protection from Law, cacoo cackaw!"
Protection from Chaos
"Perfect rhyme and perfect cadence,
geometric line, and lawful valence,
Protection from Chaos is the power I choose,
so protect me from chaotic ruse."
"Against thy slings and arrows,
of noble misfortune I shall wield,
by abjuration, a convex Shield."
"A stick of butter makes thee slip like eels,
I conjure Grease and how slippery it feels!"
Mage Armour
"I conjure Mage Armour,
to Armour this Mage,
protect me from dagger, spell and warrior's rage!"
"My little pony, my horse and steed,
I summon a Mount in my time of need!"
Obscuring Mist
"Obscuring Mist, a fog bank'd cloud,
I draw thee forth like a misty shroud,
let those with vision and sight endowed,
be lost like shadows in this smoky crowd."
Summon Monster I
Rather than have a single incantation for every permutation I would recommend Naming the creature that you're about to summon, and calling it forth. Here's a couple of examples:
Celestial Dog
"Noble hound of Herne's Hunt,
I Summon thee forth, the litter's runt,
A faithful hound to protect and serve,
I Summon thee by name Laddi McSpot, HERE BOY!"
2 Fiendish Fire-Beetles
"Klickity Klack, and Klackity Klick,
phosphorous bug, and hell-bred tick,
I Summon thee once, I summon thee twice.
I Summon thee forth, when I summon the Thrice!"
Comprehend Languages
"Comomprehend Lanamanguages!"
Detect Secret Doors
"My power keeps no secret safe from me,
it unlocks secrets like a key,
Detect Secret Doors for me,
my power remove this mystery!"
Detect Undead
"What once was dead,
is now revealed,
I Detect Undead,
for my eyes to wield."
"What you are, and what could you be,
my precious thing before my eye,
What are you? Identify!"
True Strike
"Strike well my bow,
Strike true my staff,
True Strike my target,
let it feel my wrath!"
Charm Person
"Although we have only just met,
You feel like we're best friends yet,
because when I finish you see,
Charm Person's the spell that will effect ye."
"When I count to three, in my power you will be,
Hypnotism task you see, is to enrapture you.
One, two, three."
"Now it's time,
to go to Sleep,
rest your head,
count some sheep."
Burning Hands
"I fan the flames with Burning Hands,
then feel the fire and burn, in the passionate flame,
feel the fire and let it burn!"
Floating Disk
"This Floating Disk will follow me,
floating and moving like mercury."
Magic Missile
"I cast Magic Missile,
upon my foes! If no foe remains!
I cast Magic Missile,
upon the Darkness!"
Shocking Grasp
"My Shocking Grasp is no handshake,
metal armour is your mistake,
so come here and get your zap,
fry and frizzle you electrified sap."
Colour Spray
"I think that you shall not see,
this Colour Spray is blinding thee!"
Disguise Self
"Who I was goes on the shelf,
I'm someone else when I Disguise Self."
Magic Aura
"What you think it is, it's probably not,
Magic Aura means you can't be sure what is what."
Silent Image
"A Silent Image for all to view,
magic comes on the count of one,
the illusion's made on the count of two!"
"Upon my casting Ventriloquism,
my voice shall find itself in space,
apart from me, after this rhythm."
Cause Fear
"Your heart will shake, your knees will rattle,
Cause Fear will break you like cattle,
your nightmares come to destroy your mind,
run like a girl, while there's time!"
Chill Touch
"My Chill Touch comes from the grave,
it kills the old, the young,
the cowardly and the brave."
Ray of Enfeeblement
"You feel so weak, you feel so nauteous,
perhaps you should be more cautious,
a Ray of Enfeeblement saps your strength,
makes you helpless as a lamb lead to its death."
Animate Rope
"Loop-de-Loop and Rope-a-Dope,
Like a puppet's string I Animate Rope!"
Enlarge Person
"Enlarge Person,
embiggens even the smallest man."
"Erase what was, and make it wasn't."
Expeditious Retreat
Feather Fall
(Said while falling:)
"Featherfallfeatherfallfeatherfallohgodthatgroundiscomingupsofastfeatherfal lfeatherfallfeatherfall *spell kicks in* phew."
"I get up, and nothing gets me down,
Might as well Jump! (Jump)!
Yeah go ahead and Jump!"
Magic Weapon
Use the actual weapon when casting the spell, in my example I've used a sword
"Transmute this sword beyond its kind,
reforge it with magic by the power of my mind,
Magic Weapon will be what you must,
into these hands I thee trust!"
Reduce Person
"Halve the man you are,
Reduce Person make you shorter far,
shrink until you're half your height,
make it so by this rite."

Ravingdork |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Magic Missile
"I cast Magic Missile,
upon my foes! If no foe remains!
I cast Magic Missile,
upon the Darkness!"
Any other forumites care to give this a try? It's fun!
Let my try one:
Fireball (I used dwarves, but you can name any victims you like.)
"My Fireball to burn, burn tree and fern!
Shrivel and scorch! A fizzling torch
To light the night for my delight,
Bake and toast 'em, fry and roast 'em!
Till beards blaze, and eyes glaze;
Till hair smells and skins crack,
Fat melts, and bones black
In cinders lie
Beneath the sky!
So the dwarves shall die!"

Mikael Sebag RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16 |

Remember Dungeons and Dragons 2: Wrath of the Dragon God? You know, the sequel to the worst movie ever? The one that was, in fact, surprisingly better than the first film, despite its tremendously evident lack-of-budget? Well, here are some of the verbal components that Ormaline the elf wizard used throughout the film, spoken in the movie's interpretation of Elven:
Detect magic - Divante mekatlum
Gust of wind - Dakos minas mil kabal
Wall of fire - Illithios mavarda fedaruk
Teleport - Manos batori holo gibran
Dispel magic - Vinlana hatanem mig nagal
...but more along the lines of previous incantations:
Locate Object
"Thrice around,
Twice was bound,
What once was lost,
Now is found."

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |
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Power beyond the twilight and crimson blood that flows.
Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows.
I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand
against the mighty gift bestowed to my unworthy hand.
Oops, sorry, wrong epic fantasy.
BUT (if there's anyone left behind in the remaining crater): I bring up The Slayers for this reason, as you all reminded me of this. Slayers d20 magic system--which is different from standard Vancian--had a thing where you could opt to take a standard casting time spell and turn it into full-round--i.e., you were saying the whole, lengthy incantation before releasing the spell. Doing so would improve the chance that your spell would go off successfully (but of course there was more of a chance you could be counterspelled or interrupted).
You could adapt such a thing to PF, probably--slightly boost the caster level or save DC if you're willing to take the time to voice the entire incantation.
(And if you need ideas, the Slayers spells are actually a good place to start for incantation ideas).
And no, Lathiira, Morag cannot have Dragon Slave. Nor Ragna Blade. Maaaybe Rah Tilt. When she's level 21. :D

Lathiira |

Power beyond the twilight and crimson blood that flows.
Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows.
I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand
against the mighty gift bestowed to my unworthy hand.
DRAGON SLAVE!Oops, sorry, wrong epic fantasy.
BUT (if there's anyone left behind in the remaining crater): I bring up The Slayers for this reason, as you all reminded me of this. Slayers d20 magic system--which is different from standard Vancian--had a thing where you could opt to take a standard casting time spell and turn it into full-round--i.e., you were saying the whole, lengthy incantation before releasing the spell. Doing so would improve the chance that your spell would go off successfully (but of course there was more of a chance you could be counterspelled or interrupted).
You could adapt such a thing to PF, probably--slightly boost the caster level or save DC if you're willing to take the time to voice the entire incantation.
(And if you need ideas, the Slayers spells are actually a good place to start for incantation ideas).
And no, Lathiira, Morag cannot have Dragon Slave. Nor Ragna Blade. Maaaybe Rah Tilt. When she's level 21. :D
That's okay, I'd never get them off anyway. The Spellcraft DCs are too high. I also understand that with great power comes great pain, often repeatedly. And I think I've already had enough pain to last me a lifetime;p

Ravingdork |

knightofstyx wrote:Your guys' incantations would make it extremely easy to identify the spell being cast.That's why getting some bonus for saying the incantation would be a good idea.
Or not. The Spellcraft DCs are such that it's already easy enough to identify spells without the need for any extra bonuses. The only problem people would have is not being trained in the skill in the first place.
Also, these incantations are meant to BE the verbal component of the spell, rather than in addition to them. As such, no new rules are necessary.

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Considering I put the name of the spell in each incantation I'm not surprised. The incantations were put together in an effort to cast spells without breaking character.
It's not like it's hard to tell what spell someone is casting.
Which sounds more fun in play:
Wizard: "I cast Grease."
GM: "A 10 foot area is covered in Grease."
Wizard: "A stick of butter makes thee slip like eels,
I conjure Grease and how slippery it feels!"
GM: "Heh, okay. The battlefield is covered in a slick buttery substance."
Rogue: X-P "Gross."

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A nasty curse from an old fantasy novel, meant to overwhelm the magical defenses of a rival wizard by causing all sorts of stuff to go wrong with his body at once;
"In your guts and in your bloodstream,
find a canker, and a worm,
in your liver, in your vitals,
grows a tumor, large and firm.
In your heart and in your brain,
softens mush-like, the decay,
in your body gathers corruption
when I command, you'll die in pain."
The incantation could be used for a Contagion or Harm or Slay Living sort of spell.
I think the book was called Fane. The dude made his saving throw and survived.
Note that the words are probably all wrong. I lost this book twenty or thirty years ago. :)
There's also the Charm of Making, from Excalibur;
Anail nathrach, orth bhais betah, do cheol deanta
(ah-nal nathrak, uthvas bethud, do che-ol di-envay)
'Breath of the serpent, spell of death and of life, the song for the maker / thy omen of making'

Utgardloki |

I'm a sucker for the dramatic and am loath to say something like "I cast fireball" at the gaming table. I would prefer cool-sounding incantations, such as Maleficent's wall of thorns spell (video in the link and texted below).
Maleficent is trying to stop Prince Phillip from reaching King Stefan's castle
Maleficent: Forest of Thorns shall be his tomb! Borne through the skies on a fog of doom! Now go with the curse, and serve me well! 'Round Stefan's Castle, CAST MY SPELL!
Dark, towering clouds appear over the castle followed by lightning strikes. Huge thorns as thick as weeds burst out of the ground around the castle, cutting off Prince Phillip
Anyways, I was hoping we could start a thread in which people name an existing spell from the core book and then make up a cool sounding incantation that can be used to enhance one's roleplaying experience.
If you want to be ambitious, you can run your incantations through a translate program like Google Translate to translate them into another language. Translating them into Italian will get you close to Latin; perhaps there's a translater that can go all the way from English to Latin.
Or perhaps you can use translation program and just pick out some of the words to spice up your incantation.

Kalyth |
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I used Incantations as Bunks in a Changling game we played all the time. Some of those easily switch over.
Flesh to Stone
"Earthen blood and granite bone,
flesh of marble, heart of stone."
This is one I used for "Backward Glance" but could work for Legend Lore or a similar spell.
"Lost in shadow, lost in time.
No bard sang nor put to rhyme,
The fate that fell in days of old,
on this long forgotten hold.
What cries were made, Did heroes weep,
In these chambers, dark and deep?"

Kalyth |
Ravingdork wrote:I'm a sucker for the dramatic and am loath to say something like "I cast fireball" at the gaming table. I would prefer cool-sounding incantations, such as Maleficent's wall of thorns spell (video in the link and texted below).
Maleficent is trying to stop Prince Phillip from reaching King Stefan's castle
Maleficent: Forest of Thorns shall be his tomb! Borne through the skies on a fog of doom! Now go with the curse, and serve me well! 'Round Stefan's Castle, CAST MY SPELL!
Dark, towering clouds appear over the castle followed by lightning strikes. Huge thorns as thick as weeds burst out of the ground around the castle, cutting off Prince Phillip
Anyways, I was hoping we could start a thread in which people name an existing spell from the core book and then make up a cool sounding incantation that can be used to enhance one's roleplaying experience.
If you want to be ambitious, you can run your incantations through a translate program like Google Translate to translate them into another language. Translating them into Italian will get you close to Latin; perhaps there's a translater that can go all the way from English to Latin.
Or perhaps you can use translation program and just pick out some of the words to spice up your incantation.
Just saw your Latin suggestion there, missed it the first time.

Marius Castille |
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With apologies to the Visionaries:
"By Nature's hand,
By craft, by art.
What once was one
Now fly apart!"
Visionaries is a great source for this kind of thing. Also the Charmed TV series. Not to mention Shakespeare. And, of course, the Gargoyles cartoon.
Here's a few for bard-type spells, cobbled from many sources:
Mending/Make Whole
By heart, by craft, by nature's hand
What once was one
Make whole again
Cure Wounds
Bind this wound, seal this rift,
Let his pain be cast adrift
Often have you heard it told,
All that glitters is not gold
See Invisibility
Magic's Lady, I sing thee praise,
Pierce the veil that hides the known,
Let this song enhance my gaze,
The unseen seen, the hidden shown
Hallucinatory Terrain
O lay me by the streams that glide,
With gentle murmurs soft and slow,
Let spreading boughs my temples hide
Thou sun, thy kindest beams bestow.
Inspirational Boost
On this field, our oath we plight,
To watch, and labor, and unite
Neutralize Poison/Cure disease
Remove the cause of sleep's unease,
Troubled blood with foul disease,
End this blight which earns our scorn
Heal the sick so none shall mourn

Fallen_Mage |

"My Fireball to burn, burn tree and fern!
Shrivel and scorch! A fizzling torch
To light the night for my delight,
Bake and toast 'em, fry and roast 'em!
Till beards blaze, and eyes glaze;
Till hair smells and skins crack,
Fat melts, and bones black
In cinders lie
Beneath the sky!
So the dwarves shall die!"
I can't help but see a wizard, 13 Dwarves, and a Hob.....Halfling stuck in a Fir tree surrounded by goblins on wolves. LOL
Phantasmal Killer
"Deep from within,
On night's sweet breath.
I summon you forth,
Bring this one's death."

Mahorfeus |

For some reason I am reminded of Bleach, where all of the spell incantations consist of long, random poetic rabble that seems to have absolutely nothing to do with the spell.
Personally, I'm more a sucker for incantations being in some exotic, foreign tongue that booms out. Kinda like what Gandalf and Saruman did in the LotR movies.

Sayer_of_Nay |

I sometimes write up incantations for my spellcasters; it's great fun, but I find that if used too often, it begins to lose its flavor (with the other players, mind you, not me). I can remember a few that I adapted (stole) from other sources:
Shocking Grasp: (From Slayers)
"Deliver, o' wind, at my command,
the power of lightning into my hand!"
Fireball: (From one of the Elminster books)
"By tongue of bat and sulfur's reek,
these mystic words I now do speak,
there, where I wish to play my game,
let empty air burst into flame!"

Ravingdork |

For some reason I am reminded of Bleach, where all of the spell incantations consist of long, random poetic rabble that seems to have absolutely nothing to do with the spell.
Personally, I'm more a sucker for incantations being in some exotic, foreign tongue that booms out. Kinda like what Gandalf and Saruman did in the LotR movies.
"I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the Flame of Anor. The dark fire will not avail you, Flame of Udun!"
Not all of their spells were mere foreign/arcane gibberish.

Fallen_Mage |

Mahorfeus wrote:For some reason I am reminded of Bleach, where all of the spell incantations consist of long, random poetic rabble that seems to have absolutely nothing to do with the spell.
Personally, I'm more a sucker for incantations being in some exotic, foreign tongue that booms out. Kinda like what Gandalf and Saruman did in the LotR movies.
"I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the Flame of Anor. The dark fire will not avail you, Flame of Udun!"
Not all of their spells were mere foreign/arcane gibberish.
True. Alot of good the Shield did, the Balrog one shot it.
Flesh to Stone
"Water to Ice
Pitch to Amber,
Your muscle and bone
are now stone."

ntin |
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Cleric: Arcane casters sure are weird lot. I cannot tell if this is a battle or poetry night at the inn.
Oracle: I know right? Do you see what they are wearing while in a battle?
Cleric: Anything heavier than a bath robe and they cannot wiggle their fingers right.
Oracle: Yeah… So want to get some more armor polish to complement our medium armor proficiency?
Cleric: Oh lets, I have some an orc stain left from the last battle where we were crushing in skulls.
Oracle: Should we wait for Druid to finish casting his 10 minute long reincarnation ritual while in the form of a box turtle, first?
Cleric: Of course, we cannot walk away from this dazzling display of intricate turtle hand gestures and the siren song of turtle chanting.
And so our three heroes walked into the sunset with their d8 hp and medium armor, to buy more armor polish.

Rathendar |

"By nature's hand, by craft, by art,
what once was one now fly apart!"
~Visionaries(all of these)
would be hmm...more like shatter than disintegrate maybe?
Overland Flight (or haste perhaps)
"Sheath these feet in the driving gale,
Make swift these limbs o'er land i sail"
Stoneskin (alternately Statue)
"The arrows turn, the swords rebel,
let nothing pierce this mortal shell"
Horrid Wilting
"by what creeps and crawls, by what does not,
let all that grows recede and rot"

Patcher |
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If there's one incantation that would fit really well (I'd say), it would have to be Tales of the Abyss' English rendition of Indignation.
I, who stand in the full light of the heavens
command thee, who opens the gates of Hell!
Come forth, divine lightning!
This ends now!
And then a grand lightning tears the earth. I suppose Call Lightning could work, but then again it is far from epic enough.

Kyremi |
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This isn't quite the same as what's been described already, but...
I made myself Words of Power cards for each word, and on the back of each card is written the Latin translation of the name of the word, so now when I cast a combined spell, it sounds something like, "Lectus Arcus Impulsae" (for Selected Shock Arc).
My favourite combo would probably be... "Fragor Procresco Incendio Fulmen", translating as Burst Boost Burning Flash.
I also considered translating it to "Sprādziens Pacelta Degoša Uzliesmošana", but that's all-round harder to pronounce in the middle of battle :P (bonus points if anyone recognises the language without using a translation tool)

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Your guys' incantations would make it extremely easy to identify the spell being cast.
Not when you only have one standard action or around 3 seconds to say the entire incantation in most cases.
With most of these incantations you are looking at 4 to 12 words per second. With background combat noise. Try and keep up with that!

Marius Castille |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Call Lightning
The lightning flashes, its power sunders
From the clouds, a bolt of thunder
Charm Person
Let those who would do me ill
Now succumb to force of will
To my person now accrue
The form of ally, tried and true
Dispel Magic
Undo the magic enacted here,
reverse this spell so all is clear
When darkest evil doth encroach,
The forest stymies its approach
Flame Blade
When fire is needed to slay the beast
The land supplies a blade of heat
Let the object of objection become but a dream
As I bid the seen to be unseen
Major Image
Grant me power, this I ask
Leira's cunning, wit of Mask,
Realm of shadow, I now weave
In order to my foes deceive
Let them all for now believe
Mirror Image
Wisps of shadow, now take form,
As things no different from the norm,
Midst this crowd which now appears,
This handsome fellow disappears
Obscuring Mist
Misty vapors I bid thee rise
Conceal this field from prying eyes
Pass Without Trace
Hunters track my wayward stride
This rhyming ward my passage hides
Silent Image
I conjure dreams that none can hear
From heart's desire to greatest fear

Marius Castille |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Poached this from another board. The latin phrases that casters in the Baldur's Gate games used;
1) Illusion: "Veritas, Credo, Oculos" = "The truth, I believe, with my eyes"
2) Alteration: "Praeses, Alia, Fero" = "Protecting, another, I bring this forth"
3) Necromancy: "Vita, Mortis, Careo" = "Life, and death, I am without"
4) Divination: "Scio, Didici, Pecto" = "I know, for I have studied, with my mind"
5) Abjuration: "Manus, Potentis, Paro" = "A hand, powerful, I prepare"
6) Evocation: "Incertus, Pulcher, Imperio" = "Uncertain, beautiful things, I command"
7) Conjuration: "Facio, Voco, Ferre" = "This I do, I call, to bring you forth"
8) Enchantment: "Cupio, Virtus, Licet" = "I want, excellence, allowed to me"

Fozbek |
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I use an Old Norse--English dictionary for my Boreal Sorcerer. He casts spells by drawing runes in the air (leaving a visible trail of frost) and speaking the names of the runes. These are the ones I have written down for him, although they don't include UM/UC spells:
Ray of Frost -- Kaldr (Cold)
Light -- Ljos (Light)
Enlarge Person -- Vaxa (Grow)
Mage Armor -- Herklaedi (Armor)
Shield -- Rond (Shield)
Nerveskitter -- Breyta (Act)
Expeditious Retreat -- Sok (Charge)
Magic Weapon -- Skod Frodleikr (Weapon Magic)
Rage -- Geisa (Rage)
Frost Breath -- Kaldr Ond (Cold Breath)
Stone Call -- Bjarg (Stone)
See Invisibility -- Sja Fela (See Hide)
Fog Cloud -- Thoka (Fog)
Kelgore's Grave Mist -- Draugr Thoka (Ghost Fog)
Elemental Aura -- Skikkja Kaldr (Cloak Cold)
Cloak of Winds -- Skikkja Vethr (Cloak Wind)
Versatile Weapon -- Herr Skod (Many Weapon)
Wind Wall -- Balkr Vethr (Wall Wind)
Greater Magic Weapon -- Storr Skod Frodleikr (Great Weapon Magic)
Wall of Ice -- Balkr Kaldr (Wall Cold)
Solid Fog -- Storr Thoka (Great Fog)
Summon Undead IV -- Draugr (Ghost)
River of Wind -- Heror Vethr (Arrow Wind)
Greater Mirror Image -- Soma Herr (Become Many)
Cone of Cold -- Storr Kaldr Ond (Great Frost Breath)
Summon Undead V -- Storr Draugr (Great Ghost)
Overland Flight -- Hjuka (Fly Off)
Suffocation -- Vaetr Ond (Nothing Breath)
Teleport -- Fara (Travel)
Transformation -- Skipta (Change)
Freezing Sphere -- Knottr Kaldr (Ball Cold)
Elemental Body III -- Soma Kaldr (Become Cold)
Extract Water Elemental --Soma Vatn (Become Water)
Giant Form I -- Soma Jotunn (Become Giant)
Elemental Body IV -- Soma Storr Kaldr (Become Great Cold)
Control Weather -- Vald Vethr (Control Weather)
Polar Ray -- Storr Kaldr Heror (Great Cold Arrow)
Mind Blank -- Soma Vaetr (Become Nothing)
Wall of Lava -- Balkr Hraun (Wall Lava)
Stormbolts -- Vethr Geisa (Weather Rage)
Meteor Swarm -- Stjarna Fall (Star Fall)
Winds of Vengeance -- Vethr Hefnd (Wind Vengeance)
Fiery Body -- Kaldr Likami (Cold Body)
Clashing Rocks -- Gnata Bjarg (Crash Stone)
Here are others I've seen in similar threads before (I believe the variations are for meta-magic effects, or multiple summons):
Cure Minor Wounds: (Elven)
May the grace of the Undying fill you for the slightest moment.
Detect Magic: (Draconic)
Ancestors, guide my eyes to visions of your glory.
Summon Monster:
(small fiendish scorpion) (Draconic)
Six scampering legs, two grasping claws, eyes of shadow and an acrid sting! I call, you answer. I order, you obey. I bind you to my service! Come forth, fiend, and relinquish your will to mine!
Six shimmering legs, two frozen claws, eyes of shadow and an icy sting! I call, you answer. I order, you obey. I bind you to my service! Come forth, fiend, and relinquish your will to mine!
A hundred scampering legs, two dozen grasping claws, eyes of shadow and acrid stings! I call, you answer. I order, you obey. I bind you to my service! Come forth, fiends, and relinquish your wills to mine!
A hundred shimmering legs, two dozen frozen claws, eyes of shadow and icy stings! I call, you answer. I order, you obey. I bind you to my service! Come forth, fiends, and relinquish your wills to mine!
A thousand scampering legs, two hundred grasping claws, eyes of shadow and acrid stings! I call, you answer. I order, you obey. I bind you to my service! Come forth, fiends, and relinquish your wills to mine!
A thousand shimmering legs, two hundred frozen claws, eyes of shadow and icy stings! I call, you answer. I order, you obey. I bind you to my service! Come forth, fiends, and relinquish your wills to mine!
(medium fiendish scorpion) (Draconic)
Six skittering legs, two rending claws, eyes of darkness and a vemoned sting! I call, you answer. I order, you obey. I bind you to my service with chains of faith! Come forth, fiend, and abandon your will to mine!
Six glinting legs, two frigid claws, eyes of darkness and a freezing sting! I call, you answer. I order, you obey. I bind you to my service with chains of faith! Come forth, fiend, and abandon your will to mine!
A hundred skittering legs, two dozen rending claws, eyes of darkness and vemoned stings! I call, you answer. I order, you obey. I bind you to my service with chains of faith! Come forth, fiends, and abandon your wills to mine!
A hundred glinting legs, two dozen frigid claws, eyes of darkness and freezing stings! I call, you answer. I order, you obey. I bind you to my service with chains of faith! Come forth, fiends, and abandon your wills to mine!
A thousand skittering legs, two hundred rending claws, eyes of darkness and vemoned stings! I call, you answer. I order, you obey. I bind you to my service with chains of faith! Come forth, fiends, and abandon your wills to mine!
A thousand glinting legs, two hundred frigid claws, eyes of darkness and freezing stings! I call, you answer. I order, you obey. I bind you to my service with chains of faith! Come forth, fiends, and abandon your wills to mine!
(celestial badger) (Draconic)
Fierce heart, blazing eyes, tenacious jaws! I beseech your presence. Come to my aid, pure soul, so that we may defeat my foes!
Raging heart, frosty eyes, ice-bound jaws! I beseech your presence. Come to my aid, pure soul, so that we may defeat my foes!
(celestial eagle) (Draconic)
Two shining wings adorn your radiant body. Your eyes pierce mens' souls and your talons reap judgement. I beseech your presence, mighty one. Bind your purpose to mine for a time that we may defeat our foes!
Two shining wings adorn your aurora-clad body. Your gelid eyes pierce mens' souls and your talons reap judgement. I beseech your presence, mighty one. Bind your purpose to mine for a time that we may defeat our foes!
Summon Undead:
(human skeleton) (Drow)
Rotting bones in your shallow graves, come forth once more! Focus your anger to my cause.
Winter's Embrace: (Giant)
Winds of the north, sea of rime, gather to me! Steal the breath, freeze the blood, shatter the heart! Ye foe, bathe in Winter's embrace!
Dark tempest, glacial ocean, gather to me! Steal the shadow, freeze the essence, shatter the soul! Ye foe, bathe in Risia's embrace!
Produce Fire: (Giant)
O Surtr, bright-flame and world-ender! Grant but a sliver of your power to my touch!
O Angrboda, frostbitten and windswept! Grant but a sliver of your power to my touch!
O Rimurstar, rimebeard and death's-head! Grant but a sliver of your power to my touch!

Sayer_of_Nay |

I use an Old Norse--English dictionary for my Boreal Sorcerer. He casts spells by drawing runes in the air (leaving a visible trail of frost) and speaking the names of the runes. These are the ones I have written down for him, although they don't include UM/UC spells:
Ray of Frost -- Kaldr (Cold)
Light -- Ljos (Light)
Enlarge Person -- Vaxa (Grow)
Mage Armor -- Herklaedi (Armor)
Shield -- Rond (Shield)
Nerveskitter -- Breyta (Act)
Expeditious Retreat -- Sok (Charge)
Magic Weapon -- Skod Frodleikr (Weapon Magic)
Rage -- Geisa (Rage)
Frost Breath -- Kaldr Ond (Cold Breath)
Stone Call -- Bjarg (Stone)
See Invisibility -- Sja Fela (See Hide)
Fog Cloud -- Thoka (Fog)
Kelgore's Grave Mist -- Draugr Thoka (Ghost Fog)
Elemental Aura -- Skikkja Kaldr (Cloak Cold)
Cloak of Winds -- Skikkja Vethr (Cloak Wind)
Versatile Weapon -- Herr Skod (Many Weapon)
Wind Wall -- Balkr Vethr (Wall Wind)
Greater Magic Weapon -- Storr Skod Frodleikr (Great Weapon Magic)
Wall of Ice -- Balkr Kaldr (Wall Cold)
Solid Fog -- Storr Thoka (Great Fog)
Summon Undead IV -- Draugr (Ghost)
River of Wind -- Heror Vethr (Arrow Wind)
Greater Mirror Image -- Soma Herr (Become Many)
Cone of Cold -- Storr Kaldr Ond (Great Frost Breath)
Summon Undead V -- Storr Draugr (Great Ghost)
Overland Flight -- Hjuka (Fly Off)
Suffocation -- Vaetr Ond (Nothing Breath)
Teleport -- Fara (Travel)
Transformation -- Skipta (Change)
Freezing Sphere -- Knottr Kaldr (Ball Cold)
Elemental Body III -- Soma Kaldr (Become Cold)
Extract Water Elemental --Soma Vatn (Become Water)
Giant Form I -- Soma Jotunn (Become Giant)
Elemental Body IV -- Soma Storr Kaldr (Become Great Cold)
Control Weather -- Vald Vethr (Control Weather)
Polar Ray -- Storr Kaldr Heror (Great Cold Arrow)
Mind Blank -- Soma Vaetr (Become Nothing)
Wall of Lava -- Balkr Hraun (Wall Lava)
Stormbolts -- Vethr Geisa (Weather Rage)
Meteor Swarm -- Stjarna Fall (Star Fall)
Winds of Vengeance -- Vethr Hefnd (Wind Vengeance)
Fiery Body -- Kaldr Likami (Cold Body)
Okay, that is VERY cool! I'm stealing this.
Of course, I have no idea how to pronounce most of that...

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Looks like a good place for my Summoning Chants! :D
Dire Rat
Carrier of plague. Thief of hen eggs
A worm like tail, you steal without fail
Wingless bat or prey of cat
I call you!
A flash from water salty and mild
You are like a playful child
Powerful and slick, swimming so quick
I ask your aid!
Powerful ruler of the Skies
I ask you now to heed my cries
Slash with talons and rip with beak
Grant me the help I seek!
Fire Beetle
Protected by a chitinous shell
Your bite burns like the fire of hell
Your glossy eyes show your need
Go, now, it's time to feed!
Poisonous Frog
So colorful, so deadly
You boast a known melody
Come to my side in just a breath
The touch of your skin signals death!
Swift to kick
Running so quick
I mean you no harm
Calling you from your farm
Riding Dog
A man's best friend
Your loyalty will not bend!
Here boy(or girl)!
*piercing whistle*
Back and forth you slither
Now I ask that you come hither
With fang and venom and scale
Strike now and make them wail!
Six legs, two eyes, and mandibles fierce
Gaze now upon the people so mean
Their armor you shall pierce
Kill them now, make proud the Queen!
Fire Elemental, Small
The feeling of love, embarrassment, and pain
I call you forth
The beauty of the sun, the shine of rubies, the warmth of security
I ask your aid
Let the unrighteous burn!
Giant Spider
Rhymes say you have a parlor
With magic I weaved your collar
Poison for enemies and their ilk
Delivered by your woven silk
Devour them!
I ask you now to leave your valley
Trample all that are in your way
Before they rally
Gallop into the fray!
They cry in the distance
Their yellow eyes shine amidst the pines
Back and forth they prance
I call them for the Hunting Dance...
Too bad I haven't completed SM II, or even the other lists. :|

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Poached this from another board. The latin phrases that casters in the Baldur's Gate games used;
1) Illusion: "Veritas, Credo, Oculos" = "The truth, I believe, with my eyes"
2) Alteration: "Praeses, Alia, Fero" = "Protecting, another, I bring this forth"
3) Necromancy: "Vita, Mortis, Careo" = "Life, and death, I am without"
4) Divination: "Scio, Didici, Pecto" = "I know, for I have studied, with my mind"
5) Abjuration: "Manus, Potentis, Paro" = "A hand, powerful, I prepare"
6) Evocation: "Incertus, Pulcher, Imperio" = "Uncertain, beautiful things, I command"
7) Conjuration: "Facio, Voco, Ferre" = "This I do, I call, to bring you forth"
8) Enchantment: "Cupio, Virtus, Licet" = "I want, excellence, allowed to me"
I like these. One for Transmutation would need to be created of course.
I think that beginning the incantation for each spell with these and then ending it with a Latin name for the spell.Such as:
Grease: Facio, Voco, Ferre. Arvina.
And personally I like my incantations to be in either Latin or another language of which I, and more or less everyone, cannot understand fully.
Gives the spells a special "feel".

Marius Castille |

Marius Castille wrote:Poached this from another board. The latin phrases that casters in the Baldur's Gate games used;
1) Illusion: "Veritas, Credo, Oculos" = "The truth, I believe, with my eyes"
2) Alteration: "Praeses, Alia, Fero" = "Protecting, another, I bring this forth"
3) Necromancy: "Vita, Mortis, Careo" = "Life, and death, I am without"
4) Divination: "Scio, Didici, Pecto" = "I know, for I have studied, with my mind"
5) Abjuration: "Manus, Potentis, Paro" = "A hand, powerful, I prepare"
6) Evocation: "Incertus, Pulcher, Imperio" = "Uncertain, beautiful things, I command"
7) Conjuration: "Facio, Voco, Ferre" = "This I do, I call, to bring you forth"
8) Enchantment: "Cupio, Virtus, Licet" = "I want, excellence, allowed to me"I like these. One for Transmutation would need to be created of course.
I think that beginning the incantation for each spell with these and then ending it with a Latin name for the spell.Such as:
Grease: Facio, Voco, Ferre. Arvina.And personally I like my incantations to be in either Latin or another language of which I, and more or less everyone, cannot understand fully.
Gives the spells a special "feel".
Alteration is 2nd ed speak for Transmutation.