Web-site breakdown of faction guide links

Website Feedback

I don't know if the powers that be are aware of this or if this is the correct place to make this statement, but it seems that all the links to the faction guide product have broken down and send the site user to the Pathfinder Chronicles product page. There is a list of the products excluding the faction guide.

Pathfinder Chronicles product page

If a product is chosen and then the left and right arrows are followed to the right, the user will eventually get to a faction guide link that will revert the user back to the above page.


Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

That's really weird, because when I click your link I go to the Faction Guide product page.

Gary Teter wrote:
That's really weird, because when I click your link I go to the Faction Guide product page.

Did you just fix it? ;)

It didn't take me there a couple minutes before...

Thanks, by the way.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

I didn't do anything besides click the link, I swear.

I blame sunspots. Or Cosmo. Or maybe the servers just trembled in fear at my mighty click and decided to get themselves back in line before they suffered my wrath. They do that sometimes.

Gary Teter wrote:
I didn't do anything besides click the link, I swear.** spoiler omitted **

Cosmo sound slike a good spot to place the blame. ;)

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