GameMastery Card deck symbols


The Exchange

I noticed that each deck of GameMastery Cards has a different symbol. However, I noticed this after I had already mixed several different decks. Is there a list of each decks symbols somewhere, and what they mean.

Now, I'm not talking about the symbol in the upper right hand corner. I know that this symbol is weapon/armor/potion/etc...
What I'm talking about is the symbol in the bottom left corner on the front.


I'm sure someone will come along and post it, but you could always go to the product page for each set and look at the full sized images of the samples from the sets. They show the symbols there.

The Exchange

They are there, however it would be nice to have one that was clean (no background), that I didn't have to cut out of the card.


Shieldknight wrote:

I noticed that each deck of GameMastery Cards has a different symbol. However, I noticed this after I had already mixed several different decks. Is there a list of each decks symbols somewhere, and what they mean.

Now, I'm not talking about the symbol in the upper right hand corner. I know that this symbol is weapon/armor/potion/etc...
What I'm talking about is the symbol in the bottom left corner on the front.


Check out THIS this thread. It doesn't have the pictures, but has the discussions

edit: descriptions even

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