Johnpocalypse's Kingmaker - The Exiles' Quest

Campaign Journals

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


Kyte - Male Elf Druid - Brett
Rosalia - Female Elf Rogue - Jess
Sarynn - Human Barbarian - Cailey
Dhagodir - Half-Elf Alchemist - Stijn
Malagor Bobtwo - Half-Orc Bard - Luke
Zool - Gnome Summoner - Mitch

A group of slaves escape from the city of Westcrown in Cheliax with the aid of Janiven (a rebel associated with the Children of Westcrown) and Captain Riven Grozne (a Dwarven pirate-gone-honest trader). They took a ship to Korvosa and travelled for many months through Varisia, until eventually reaching the city of Restov in the nation of Brevoy.

Here they met a human noble (a sword-lord of Restov) named Lord Javoci Ladoca.

Lord Javoci, impressed by their skill and resourcefulness offered them an opportunity to reach the River Kingdoms by giving them a charter. This charter gave them authority to explore the Stolen Lands (specifically an area known as The Green Belt). The party excited by the prospect of freedom and adventure signed.


Characters choice the Exiles Origin from my Kingmaker Toolbox.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Day 1:

The Exiles are introduced to others who have been chartered to explore the Green Belt. They are introduced to:

Isahn - Human Cleric of Pharasma - Tim
Alexia - Half-Elf Infernal Sorceress - Jacob
Jax - Human Ranger - Chris
Doc - Dwarf Cavalier of the Order of the Shield - Daz
Tahli - Halfling Aberrant Sorceress - Derek.

After agreeing to work together to explore the Green Belt the party spent the night carousing. They reached Oleg's Trading post, a week's ride from Restov, the last bastion of civilization in the otherwise wild Greenbelt. The Bard Malagor Bobtwo took a job as a stand-up comedian at the Restov Inn of the Prancing Pony.

Malagor's player had to drop out due to scheduling conflict.

The Exiles learned of a problem Oleg and his wife Svetlana were facing. Bandits had been shaking Oleg down for supplies and equipment for months, he'd sent word to Restov that he had need of guards but they hadn't arrived. Fortunately the Exiles had arrived.

The party arranged an ambush for the bandits (who were due to arrive the next day), the cleric Isahn wanted to open by negotiating with the Bandits. With the rest of the Exiles lying in wait should diplomacy fail (understanding the need to tread lightly but carry a big stick). [Rosalia and Dhagodir were with Oleg and Svetlana as a last line of defense].

Unfortunately the Bandits were interested in Loot, not Words.
A fight ensued which featured such things as:
FIRE! (Quickly extinguished by Kyte and his create water spell)
A ranger's spectacular slip. (Jax rolled a 1 to leap from the palisade to the roof, slipping and injuring himself).
A near dead animal companion (Haps kept attacking the druid's pet, good times)
Greased up foes (a large group of mooks, is just begging to have a hilarious three stooges style).

When the majority of the bandits had been killed, the others were easily captured and tied up.

The Exiles were suddenly faced with a dilemma, what to do with repentant bandits. (Unrepentant bandits were to be put to death by sword or rope). Talking

amongst themselves and with Oleg they decided to put the bandits to work paying off their debt to the trader by helping to repair and improve Oleg's Trading post.

The surviving bandits were forbidden from carrying weapons again, and were branded with a letter B on their skin to show that if found carrying weapons they would be put to death on the spot.

Nice, where's your Toolbox hiding at?

The exile's origin sounds somewhat familiar... :)

I followed this link from another thread, seems you're looking at 11 players? The mook hordes will definitely become a problem. ^_^

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Turin the Mad wrote:

Nice, where's your Toolbox hiding at?

The exile's origin sounds somewhat familiar... :)

I followed this link from another thread, seems you're looking at 11 players? The mook hordes will definitely become a problem. ^_^

Indeed 11 players (with a possible 12th joining as well). From the next quest onwards the group will be consistently splitting into two, to take on different quests (one group is going to deal with the Kobold Problem, while the other is off to retrieve Svetlana's Ring).

Here's the link to My Kingmaker Toolbox.

The first game was just used to establish, who exactly was in the game, and let some of the players get to know each other a little.

From the Diary of Kyte - Elven Druid*:

After signing the charter for Lord Javoci regarding the exploration of the Green Belt we met more companions.

A strange bunch they were nothing like the creatures I'm used to dealing with in my forest but they all seem nice enough. The only one I believe I'll need to keep my eye our for is the ranger** there is something unsettling about him. After meeting my new travel companions we travelled for many days till we arrived at Oleg's Trading post.

Oleg was a kind merchant who was being harassed by bandits. My travelling party decided that we should aid the merchant. We laid out a ambush for when the bandits returned with the cleric and the cavalier trying to reason with the bandit leader. As we soon learnt reason doesn't work when it comes to bandits. The bandits stuck first wounding both the cleric and the cavalier. After this everyone moved in surrounding the bandits. Through solid strategy and a touch of luck we were able to defeat the bandits.

Lym*** was badly hurt in this fight****. I was tending to her wounds when I heard the noise of wood chopping and screaming I would of investigated it but I needed to stay with Lym.


I'm posting this here as a back up for my gamers' facebook page where we use the discussion boards to organise this sort of stuff. Kyte is played by one of my players.


The Ranger is named Jax, and is played by another of my players.


Lym is the name of Kyte's animal companion.


A critical arrow to the face will do that.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Day 2 (Game date 5/5/10)
Place: Oleg's Trading Post, Bokken's Hut
Dramatis Personae:
Ihsahn, Human Cleric of Pharasma
Doc, Dwarf Cavalier (Order of the Shield)
Rosalina, Elf Rogue
Sarynn, Human Barbarian
Zool and Wang (Gnome Summoner and his Eidolon)

People met: Oleg, Bokken


After saying farewell to half the party the party decided to explore the Kamelands to deal with the heightened kobold problem. First step was visiting a hermit named Bokken in hopes of purchasing more potions for possible upcoming battles.

Once finding the friendly Hermit, the team stacks up on potions.
During sunset, a dancing light appears, suspended in the air. The Rogue begins to follow it, but the party decides against it. Deciding that the will-o'-the-wisp is too dangerous to be trifled with.

Party sets up camp in the plains.

Day 3
Dramatis Personae: Hex beneath Bokken's Hutt, Spider Lair
People met: Joog Joog - Kobold Warrior

Ihsahn, Human Cleric of Pharasma
Doc, Dwarf Cavalier (Order of the Shield)
Rosalina, Elf Rogue
Sarynn, Human Barbarian
Zool and Wang (Gnome Summoner and his Eidolon)


While Zool sleeps, 2 kobolds got into camp the Party captured one while the other ran away.

Found out Mites are the cause of kobold troubles and are fighting with the kobolds. Kobold agrees to take the exiles to the clan and leader.

Joog Joog the kobold guide unfortunately led the PCs directly to a Giant Trap-Door Spider lair. Zool used his Wang as a meat-shield. The creature was felled with team-work and the aid of the mighty barbarian Sarynn.

Late in the afternoon the PCs come across an old oak tree that looks like a claw. Sarynn with the help of her friends discovered a hidden cache of treasure beneath the tree.

During the night Sarynn the barbarian was startled by a rustling and large shape in the darkness. She wakes the group to prepare for trouble, and they discover a curious moose. The moose promptly knocks over Doc the Dwarven Cavalier and runs into the hills.

Day 4
Places visited: Shrike River, Sootscale Cavern
People Met: Chief Sootscale (Chief of the Sootscale tribe) and Tartuk Kobold Shaman

Dramatis Personae:
Ihsahn, Human Cleric of Pharasma
Doc, Dwarf Cavalier (Order of the Shield)
Rosalina, Elf Rogue
Sarynn, Human Barbarian
Zool and Wang (Gnome Summoner and his Eidolon)


The party discovered the lair of the kobolds with the help of Joog Joog, they found a mite sitting trapped in a poorly constructed wooden cage. Resting on the side of cave's entrance was a faded sign reading: "Oaktop Silver Mine".

The party was led to the kobold chief, Chief Sootscale. The party convinced the chief they could help him with the Mite problem. The chief took them to the shaman (who showed an even greater irrational hate of gnomes than his bretheren). The shaman Tartuk explained the mites had stolen the kobold's god Sharptooth. The PCs would need to return it, as the kobolds were dying of an illness known as "Yellow Scale", neither person trained in medicine had heard of such a thing.

The tension between the Chief and the Shaman was extremely thick. The Shaman made it clear the statue should be returned to him first. After the Exiles were out of the shaman's earshot the Chief claimed the statue should be returned to him first. The PCs made a tentative arrangement with Chief Sootscale.

It was getting late and the Exiles decided they would camp outside the Sootscale Caves and head towards the Mite Lair beneath the old sycamore in the morning.

From the Quill of Doc, Dwarf Cavalier, Order of the Shield.

Went to sort out some troubles with Kobolds.
Met a crazy old guy. A Hermit they called him. Had a few potions for us, and asked us to get him some fang berries from down south.

Saw a wierd floating light at nightfall. Chased after it a bit, but decided to let it go in the end.

Woke up the next morning and found we had a pet Kobold. It must of gotten lost and wandered into camp. Anyway, seemed friendly enough. Even if he's afraid of spiders.

We ran across a little one on the way to his tribe. Peter (the kobold) ran away screaming before (Cailey) squashed it.

Came across some old tree that had some stuff buried under it. Gnome got a cloak out of it. Nothing else of use though.

Got to the caves. Felt good to be underground again. Found out a little more about Kobolds. The mites have stolen their totem, and there's some sort of power struggle between the Chieftain and the Shaman. The Shaman told us some rot about needing the totem to cure the yellow rot. But it's not an issue. We'll be dealing with the chieftain anyway.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Meanwhile (These events occur simultaneously to the events of the other party):

Day 2 (Game Date - 12/5/10)

Locations: Oleg's Trading Post, Moon Radish Patch

Dramatis Personae:

Alexia - Infernal Half-Elf Sorceress
Jax - Human Ranger
Kyte - Elven Druid and Lym his Snow Leopard Animal Companion
Dhagodir - Half-Elf Alchemist


The party were approached by Oleg, he asked that they retrieve Svetlana's Ring from the Thorn River Bandit camp (revealed by one of the captured bandits). Unknown to Svetlana.

Svetlana approached the party (unknown to Oleg) and asked that they retrieve some Moon Radishes from a patch in the nearby Narlmarches. Jax attempted to negotiate to give Svetlana a kiss on the hand for the deed, his more level headed sister said that the monetary reward would be just fine.

A few hours after leaving Oleg's the PCs came across a Worg. Kyte's impressive intimidation scared it away. After a few more hours travel the Exiles enter the Narlmarch proper, finding their way to Moon Radish patch guarded by Kobolds (moaning from having eaten too much). The Exiles made short work of the kobolds and collected the Moon Radishes. Finding some meager treasure and map scraps.

Making camp nearby the exiles were robbed by Fairies (the Ranger was unable to chase the fairies thanks to their fey magic), and the druid awoke in a puddle of grease.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Day 3 (Game Date - 12/5/10)

Location: Hex West of Oleg's Trading Post (Near the Radish Patch)

People Encountered: FAIRIES.... freakin' fairies!

Dramatis Personae:

Alexia - Infernal Half-Elf Sorceress
Jax - Human Ranger
Kyte - Elven Druid and Lym his Snow Leopard Animal Companion
Dhagodir - Half-Elf Alchemist


Kyte the druid convinced a pair of sparrows to lead the party to the home of the Fairies encountered during the night.

The exiles came across a small clearing within was a bandit with a broken leg. Jax silently made his way around the bandit, in the hopes of taking him by surprise. Stepping into the clearing he stops just before stepping into a bear trap. The bandit then promptly disappeared. Kyte and Alexia theorized it was a fey illusion to dissuade the Exiles from following further.

Eventually the exiles found the fairy camp, Dhagodir threatened to blow up their home. The pixies fled!

Jax volunteered to climb the forty foot fir tree in an attempt to leave offerings of wine and food for the pixies. He even managed to climb back down the tree without falling.

Later that night the fairies made their return known by dropping a bag of slugs on Dhagodir's head: "That's for threatenin' to blow us up poop head!"

With careful Diplomacy the party hope they have convinced the fey to aid their assault on the Thorn River Camp.

On questioning the fairies about any information they had about the bandit's leadership they only recalled one name: "The Stag Lord."

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Day 3 (Game Date - 12/5/10)

Place: Fairy Base, Hex with the Thorn River Camp

Creatures met: OWLBEAR!

Dramatis Personae:

Alexia - Infernal Half-Elf Sorceress
Jax - Human Ranger
Kyte - Elven Druid and Lym his Snow Leopard Animal Companion
Dhagodir - Half-Elf Alchemist


Encountered an Owlbear by a river after about 10 hours travel. Alexia and Dhagodir wanted to try and kill the creature. Idiots (Nb - Jax's opinion)

Alexia attempts to run from the monster in an attempt to act as bait, unfortunately the Owlbear bit a huge chunk from Alexia's body dropping her to near unconsciousness. Dhagodir threw a bomb at the creature, but it barely seemed to phase the monstrosity. Jax was conflicted, terrified of the owlbear and hoping to save his own skin his sister lay helpless at the creature's feet. (You're not that fond of her anyway. She only reminds you of the monster that tainted your mother). Jax seemed resolved to make his own escape. Then he surprised himself and everyone around him by leaping from the underbrush and tackling his sister into the nearby river, hoping that they would both be washed away fast enough to escape the Owlbear.

CLIFFHANGER - Jax, Alexia and Dhagodir leaped into the river in an attempt to escape the Owlbear, Kyte has disappeared into the forest in the hopes of catching his allies at a more opportune moment.


Alexia's current HP is 0.

Day 4.
Was woken up by Dhadgodir and the camp was covered in a thick smoke, my first instinct was that we were under attack so i doused the fire not long after a bag of slugs fell on Dhadgodir and the two fay we encountered earlier appeared after some negotiations and some dancing we struck a deal with them for them to help us with our raid of the bandit camp. After this we headed downriver to the bandit camp. At this point the fay had vanished... i hope they keep there side of the deal, pranksters they may be but hopefully they will keep their word. Half a day had passed and we came across a very unnatural abomination it resembled what would be a cross between a bear and an owl. Just the very look of it made me sick to my stomach who would create such an atrocity against nature??? Unfortunately somehow Alexia caught its attention and the creature charged her, Alexia tried to flee only to be caught by the bears claw and mauled horribly she hit the deck a few moments pasted and Dhadgodir threw a bomb at it while the owl bear was distracted Jax ran and picked up his half sister and dove into the lake (the first noble action i have seen by the ranger). Dhadgodir also dove into the river to escape the monsters rage.
I followed to river as fast as i could to catch the others when I did end up finding them they were dragged out of the river by a group of bandits. There were too many of them for me to take on so I decided to see if I could find the other group and get them to help me. So I headed off and traveled all night and came across them on open field. They agreed to help and now we are on our way back to the bandit camp.

Dhagodir has been retconned from a half-elf to a Gnome.

Day 5.
We traveled throughout the night, when we arrived at the bandit camp Doc had a plan to split the group up and have a couple of us release the captives and the other group would distract the bulk of the camp. The plan went off almost with a problem the only real issue was that Doc was wounded and bleed out but me and Isahn were able to get to him in time to heal him.
After this we took the remaining living bandits into captivity and questioned them. We found out that Sevtlana's wedding band was taken by a group of mites and that they didn't have it at the cave.
After this we questioned Cressel the leader of the bandits, Jax was more then happy to knock her around untill she answered out questions then things got out of hand and Doc and I noticed that Jax was about to attack her with a weapon so we both tackled him to the ground. After a this the group were decided whether or not we would kill her. Half way through the discussion Jax pulled a knife a slit her throat before any of us were able to react. After this i lost myself to a burning rage and took a swing at Jax unfortunately he dodged it. From this i herby refuse to assist Jax in any form.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Day 3

Place: Hex with Thorn River Camp

Dramatis Personae:
Alexia - Infernal Half-Elf Sorceress
Jax - Human Ranger
Kyte - Elven Druid and Lym his Snow Leopard Animal Companion
Dhagodir - Half-Elf Alchemist


Tim - Ihsahn, Human Cleric of Pharasma
Daz - Doc, Dwarf Cavalier (Order of the Shield)
Jess - Rosalina, Elf Rogue
Cailey - Sarynn, Human Barbarian
Mitch - Zool and Wang (Gnome Summoner and his Eidolon)

The rushing water threatened to drown our heroes, but fortunately those who were weaker were aided by the stronger. Unfortunately they could do little besides keep their heads above water. When the waters slowed down enough, the trio found themselves at the feet of a rather large group of bandits.

The Druid followed the party down river as fast as possible. Seeing his allies get picked up by the Bandits he quickly formulated a plan. Knowing the general area his other allies were headed in the green belt, he made for a hard ride towards the Sootscale Caverns (he had recovered a rough map from some previous kobolds defeated).

Riding to the point of exhaustion. He managed to find the other party members, and solicit their help.


The captured trio were tortured by the bandits for information. The ranger lost a finger to Kressle's brand of interrogation. He swore she would pay.


The party was riding back when they met up with Perlivash. Kyte the druid asked Perlivash to fly ahead and let their captured allies know that rescue was fast approaching.


Perlivash approaches the prisoners invisibly. Dhagodir convinces Perlivash to return his alchemical equipment. Soon after the other PCs arrive.

Hell Breaks Loose


- Cavalier declares a challenge against Kressle. Kressle laughs, and orders all of her nearby bandits to turn the Dwarf into a pin-cushion. He goes from 14 to exactly 0. Rolls a one when he tries to hit Kressle, and starts bleeding out.

- Dual axe-wielding Barbarian Sarynn outfights Kressle.

- Alchemist accidentally sets fire to his own wooden prison (it's becoming a theme).

Day 3 Cont'd

The Party had captured Kressle and a couple of surrendered bandits.

They quickly decided to brand the bandits and tell them to leave the Stolen Lands (subjecting them to the punishment of previous captures). Kressle was a different story. Unrepentant, the party knew they had to deal with her somehow.

An argument ensued.
Imprisonment or Execution?

Back and forth the party argued, unable to reach a consensus. Then the decision was taken out of the group's hands. Angry, hot for vengeance for his lost finger, and remembering his vow to destroy banditry wherever it was found. Jax slit the woman's throat from ear-to-ear with his longsword. She gurgled blood and died.

The Exiles had executed their first bandit, and the taste of justice was bitter indeed.

They spent the next few hours burying the bandit bodies, as they did so the sky already heavy with gray clouds poured forth heavy rains. Ihsahn said some brief words over the graves, and the party trekked back to Oleg's.

For 10 days they kept out of rain at Oleg's, some crafted. Some trained. Others socialised with the hunters, warriors and trappers that also took shelter at the trading post. A priest named Jhod Kavken arrived, along with some new explorers from Restov, Rhonin a human Inquisitor of Erastil, and Urim a human fighter.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Day 14

Place: The Kamelands, The Old Sycamore Tree (Mite Lair)

Dramatis Personae:

Kyte - Elven Druid and Lym his Snow Leopard Animal Companion
Dhagodir - Gnome Alchemist
Sarynn - Human Barbarian
Rosalina - Elf Rogue
Alexia - Infernal Half-Elf Sorceress
Jax - Human Ranger

Highlights -

While travelling through the hills the party discovered a Gold Mine. Marking it on their map they promise to return to it later, when they have the resources to do something about it.

They then headed to the Old Sycamore Tree, where they entered the Mite Lair. What ensued was dirty, dangerous and bloody work. A giant centipede nearly killed Dhagodir (who fell while trying to cross an underground chasm). Unfortunely Kyte was killed by Tickleback - a giant tick the size of a pony. Drained of blood, he fell to the ground while his animal companion and fellow allies avenged his death.


Day 13

Places: Oleg's Fort, The Narlmarches, Fairy Nest

Dramatis Personae:

Doc - Dwarf Cavalier (and Moose)
Ihsahn - Human Cleric of Pharasma
Zool - Gnome Summoner (and Wang)
Rhonin - Human Inquisitor of Erastil (First Appearance)
Urim - Half-Elf Fighter
Maligor Bobtwo - Half-Orc Bard

Highlights -

Jhod Kavken approached the three heroically awesome characters (Ihsan, Zool and Doc) and offered a new quest. The new quest involves working with hired mercenaries (Urim, Maligor and Rhonin) to rediscover the Temple of Erastil somewhere in the Narlmarches.

While searching for the temple the party finds Berries, useful for making anti-toxins.

Walking through an area of the forest Doc steps on a Bear Trap, requiring multiple attempts and 4 people to get it open. Upon looking around the party collects a further three bear traps.

Found an abandoned camp with delicious week old jerky.

Found a Tatzlwyrm in a bear trap, after assessing the situation the party decides to free it. It flees once freed. The party chases it down. Upon catching it the Tatzlwyrm attacks. It knocks Ihsahn into unconsciousness by constricting him, Rhonin and Malagor knock it unconscious. After stabilizing the creature to interrogate it further about the temple and the pixie house Ihsahn tries to kill it in vengeance but Rhonin stops him. Ihsahn calls a bounty on the beast's head and Urim stabs it, the creature again falls unconscious. When Urim again goes for the kill Rhonin casts sanctuary on the creature, unfortunately Urim's desire to slay the beast breaks the sanctuary. He impales the creature.

Thoroughly annoyed with each other the party heads south to the fairy nest. The party leaves the fairies a note on behalf of Kyte.

That night the party is awakened by the sound of a fairy screaming "RAKE". The party chats with the fairies and learned that a "Man trapper" named Breeg's body can be found to the North.

Day 14

Locations - Narlmarches, Thorn River, Thorn River Crossing

Following the Thorn River the party finds a man clinging desperately to a rock in the middle of the rushing river. The party throw a rope to the man and reel him in. The man is naked, and through conversation the party discovers:
- His name is Althalos.
- His last memory is enjoying his bachelor party near Restov.

The party also realise the man has lost nights, the nights of the full-moon.

He is a werewolf.

After much discussion and debate, Doc volunteers to escort Althalos back to Oleg's until they can find a solution for him.

As the party continues its search for the temple Rhonin accidentally wipes his ass with poison oak bark. Fortunately his Community Domain power allowed him to heal the possible sickening.

Party arrives at the Thorn River Crossing to find it flooded. Zool summons a Celestial Dolphin to drag a rope across and the party crosses with little trouble. The party continues Northwest hopefully towards the temple.

The party come across Elk tracks winding through a Game Trail which abruptly disappear.

The forest goes thicker. Zool rides Urim's ass. Party spend the day seeking out the temple, but find only some human bones with a wooden shield damaged by claw marks. They make camp.

Maligor hears a bear roar in the distance, somewhere to the Southwest.

Day 14 (Doc)

Locations - Narlmarches, Thorn River, Fairy Nest, Kamelands, Oleg's Fort

Dramatis Personae:

Doc - Dwarf Cavalier
Lini - Gnome Druid and Lym (Kyte's old animal companion)
Tyg-Titter-Tut - Grig
Althalos - Human Clerk (Afflicted Lycanthrope)

Highlights -

Doc escorts Althalos away from the rest of the party back through the forest. He learns a little bit about the man. He's a man of nervous disposition, who pines for his lost, lady love. Doc comes across a strange gnome and a very familiar cat.

When Doc comes across a Worg, Althalos goes into hiding while Lini and Doc make short work of the beast. Tromping through the forest until night fall Doc makes camp in a wide-branched tree. All through the night he hears the howls of wolves, and Althalos kicking and panicking as if trapped in some gruesome nightmare. Tyg-Titter-Tut true to form makes an appearance playing some harmless pranks on Doc, Lini and Althalos. Doc co-opts her to help him get Althalos to safety.

Day 15

Locations: Narlmarches, Temple of the Elk, Temple Hex (Fully Explored!)

Dramatis Personae:

Ihsahn - Human Cleric of Pharasma
Zool - Gnome Summoner (and Wang)
Rhonin - Human Inquisitor of Erastil (First Appearance)
Urim - Half-Elf Fighter
Maligor Bobtwo - Half-Orc Bard

Highlights -

Just as sunrise approaches Rhonin hears a massive rustling sound to the East and the very earth shakes, Malagor, Zool and Urim wake up and observe the tree tops shaking. There is a disturbingly loud roar/hoot. Ihsahn suggests fleeing, and the party comply.

The party "flee towards the temple" and as luck would happen they find it. There is a pool of brackish water covered in algae, and a set of stairs leading up to a cave. A large and vicious bear roars a challenge at the party and attacks. For some reason enraged particularly by the sight of Rhonin. The party surround the creature and with a few lucky strikes dispatch it. The party find a small treasure cache and after distributing the wealth decide to continue to explore the forest. Fully mapping the Hex.

Day 15 (Doc)

Locations: Narlmarches, Kamelands, Oleg's Trading Post

Dramatis Personae:

Doc awakens to the disturbing sounds of a great beast's hoot/roar somewhere to the East. He climbs his tree to see the tree-tops shake and shudder. Doc feels sad he can't check it out, as he as already committed to escorting Althalos to Oleg's.

Upon reaching the edges of the forest Doc sought out some wolfsbane but was unable to locate any. Hearing the howls of hungry wolves he dashed across the plains on Moose as fast as he could. Riding double with Althalos. As the wolves approached closer and closer Doc realised he'd have to fight his way away. Pulling up short he asked Lini to entangle the fell hounds while he and Althalos used oil and alchemist's fire to set them ablaze. Tyg-Titter-Tut and Doc finished the wolves in combat.

Doc rode back to Oleg's deciding that it was time a council of explorers was convened.

Day 16

Locations: Narlmarche's (Breeg's Body)

Dramatis Personae:

Ihsahn - Human Cleric of Pharasma
Zool - Gnome Summoner (and Wang)
Rhonin - Human Inquisitor of Erastil (First Appearance)
Urim - Half-Elf Fighter
Maligor Bobtwo - Half-Orc Bard


The party encounters a pack of wolves and fend them off, barely, when Zool's attempt at negotiation failed. The party eventually find Breeg to give him his last rites. They then travel back to Oleg's to find that Doc and the other Exiles wish to speak to them regarding something important.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Day 18

Location: Oleg's Trading Post

Dramatis Personae:

Ihsahn - Human Cleric of Pharasma
Zool - Gnome Summoner
Rhonin - Human Inquisitor of Erastil (First Appearance)
Urim - Half-Elf Fighter
Maligor Bobtwo - Half-Orc Bard
Doc - Dwarf Cavalier
Dhagodir - Gnome Alchemist
Sarynn - Human Barbarian
Rosalina - Elf Rogue
Alexia - Infernal Half-Elf Sorceress
Jax - Human Ranger

Trading Post Locals:
Oleg and Svetlana Leveton - Human Traders
Kesten Garess - Human Fighter
- Kesten's Irregulars - Human Fighters
Jhod Kavken - Human Cleric of Erastil
Thurvis - Ex-Bandit
- Other Ex-Bandits

Lady Lilly Ladoca - Human Noble of Restov
Joog Joog - Kobold Rogue
Tyg-Titter-Tut - Grig
Althalos - Human Clerk (Afflicted Lycanthrope)


The First Council

The Exiles and other affiliated locals discussed what they stand for in the Stolen Lands. The arguments were hot and rapid but in the end they managed to come up with the following:

Party Rules:
1. Major decisions must be decided by two-thirds majority.
2. Party members who ignore the rule, by either skipping the vote to act, or defying the party vote will be exiled from the group.

Bandit Laws:
1. Bandits must Repent or Die (by sword or rope).
2. Former bandits who take up weapons will be executed.
3. Bandits will be branded with a "B" to represent the fact they have lost the right to bear arms.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

(Note at this point I decided having 12 players rotating in and out was too much work so I cut six players. The six I cut became zombies in Howling Rock).

Day 19

Dramatis Personae:

Rosalina - Elf Rogue (Original Exile)
Doc - Dwarven Cavalier
Rhonin - Human Inquisitor of Erastil
Ihsahn - Human Cleric of Nethys/Wizard


The party decided to seek out a legendary giant boar named Tusk Gutter, but were rapidly distracted by everything. Doc managed to find some Wolfsbane at the edge of the Narlmarches.

Party stumbled upon the lair of Pinkwing, a faerie dragon which took up residence in the empty spider nest. They traded Pinkwing a shiny gem for a Stag Amulet.

During the night the party were attacked by a Troll. The party opened with diplomacy, and Ihsahn coaxed the Troll into telling the party that there were many "Pink Skins" in its territory.

A dramatic and tense battle followed, but the troll was killed in part because Ihsahn's epiphany that he was following the wrong god gave him access to sufficient magics to defeat it.

Day 20

The party follows the tracks of some wolves , which they realised in turn were tracking the other half of the exploration party. They seek out Perlivash in the hopes of learning some wolf activities, and trade him some more alcohol to learn the animals are originating from the North West.

That night the party is kept awake by howling wolves.


Dramatis Personae: Jhod Kavken

The party takes some time to explore the area around the Temple, staying with Jhod at night. The party learns that there may be a statue to the Elk God somewhere East of the temple.

While travelling towards the rumoured source of the wolf problem the party discovers the source of the "Skunk River", a bubbling hot spring filled with chemical vapours. The party strips down to enter the pool, but are attacked by its froggy inhabitants. A tense battle ensues and the party rests there for the evening feeling even heartier than usual.

Day 21

Dramatis Personae:
Zool - Gnome Sorcerer


Day begins with Zool being charged by wild boars. He stumbles upon the party who use their combined skill to turn the boars into bacon. The party maps a little more of the region and stumbles upon the lair of a Shambling Mound. The party decides discretion is the better part of valour and escapes taking the chance to rest for the night.

Day 22

Dramatis Personae:

Rosalina - Elf Rogue (Original Exile)
Zool - Gnome Summoner (Original Exile)
Doc - Dwarven Cavalier
Rhonin - Human Inquisitor of Erastil
Ihsahn - Human Cleric of Nethys/Wizard
Sarynn - Human Barbarian (Original Exile) (Joined later in the day)

Hollow Graves Esq. - Human Necromancer (and member in good standing of the Pathfinder Society)


The party finished exploring the Frog Pond hex (carefully avoiding the Shambling Mound) then headed East. A large rock outcropping on the plains resembled nothing less than a great howling wolf or coyote. The party heads towards the rocks, but are sniped by a bandit at the top of the great rock.

The party races to beneath the Howling rock and encounters some bandits. Using a combination of bluffs and intimidates the party convince the bandits they are also allied with the Stag Lord and convince them to leave telling them there's a meeting in the Narlmarches (indicating the Shambling Mound's lair).

The party enters the caves beneath Howling Rock and discover many of their lost comrades shambling through the halls as zombies. With great sorrow the party are forced to slay their erstwhile comrades, but they draw the attention of more bandits in the complex. With some argument and a quick gun duel they convince these bandits to leave peaceably as well (to attend a meeting with the Shambling Mound).

The party hears some suspicious talk from the next room to discover a man kneeling over Sarynn who is on 1 hp. 2 bandit zombies and an armoured knight stand in the room as well and kills one of the zombies quickly. The party entered negotiations with Hollow Graves, and an argument on the ethics of undeath ensued. Rhonin used the distraction to sneak up behind the necromancer and shoot him. Hollow barely survived and leapt into a nearby pool to escape (thanks also to the distraction caused by Rosalina).
The party decided to take the time to burn their fallen comrades. Doc became frightened by a wolf with peeling skin. It seems the caverns are haunted.

The party then explored more of the caverns and discovered a Caryatid Column covered in ancient elven writing. The haunted cavern caused a silence effect. The party encountered some bandits and a nameless horror that rose from the underground stream. The necromancer Hollow Graves joins in the fight by striking a deal with Ihsahn and the battle is eventually won.

The party find a secret room with a whip and tablet, filled with scorpions. With speed and luck Rhonin escapes the room without drawing the scorpions out.

An excerpt from Rosalina's Diary:


"Dear Diary,

Today the humans were mean. I f!@@ing hate humans. Especially Ihsahn he's such a jerk. And that Rhonin guy is a creep. I totally saw him stare at my chest. And another thing - my sister was like "you're too fat in those pants" and I was like, "well you can't have them" and I was like, "You're a fat s***."
But not really. I don't have a sister and if I did she'd be dead anyway.

God that Ihsahn is so hot. He's such a jerk. No but yeah but not really.

I had another dream I was pregnant. Like what the hell?!


Having found everything they need to enter the inner circle of the caves the party find the walls and loor slick with blood. Spooky! Headed north and were attacked by Blood Wolves. Killed three in combat and Rhonin ended another by using a Cure Light Wounds spell, preventing its reformation for a number of days.
Continuing south the party the party encounters a round room with a pool of water and bones arranged ritualistically beneath the surface. The walls were covered in ancient and mystic runes. The party accidentally awakened a creature that could only be described as a Bone Beast, made from a combination of elven and canine bones, this multiheaded long necked monstrosity attacked the party. Doc held it off in order to let the other party members escape.
Fleeing through the tunnels the party stumbled across a swarm of bats which were quickly dispatched with magic, and then found a traumatised bandit.
An elvish wall painting was deciphered by Doc, Zool and Rosalina:
"Purify your soul in holy Earth
recite the names of the Ancestors
In holy water bathe and clear away the sin of civilization
Breath Thron's joy
Become one with Thron in the ancient way"

The party take s it to mean they must perform a ritual within the head of Howling Rock. The party headed towards a safer section of the caverns in order to rest up, before climbing to the head of Thron Rock.

Day 23

The party discovers a sniper's net in the head of Thron Rock as well as what exactly has been calling so many wolves and wolf-like monsters to the area. The head of Thron Rock is basically a great wind tunnel which causes a howl that spreads across the land, written in ancient elven is the origin of some of Golarion's werewolves, and a possible ritual to reduce their connection to Thron thus restoring their control of the beast within.

They step onto the balcony and are greeted first by a sweeping view of the Stolen Lands, and secondly with a bullet from a sniper werewolf. Combat ensues and things go crazy. Highlights include:
- Doc lassos the werewolf and drags him into the hole leading directly to the Bone Beast's lair.
- Ihsahn disturbs the spirits of the dead tribe and agrees to lend his power to allow them a chance at a new life.
- The party eventually chases down and kills sniper wolf in the halls of Thron Rock.

After the battle Doc pulls himself from the water to find himself covered in brown fur, with an enhanced animalistic side. Soon after the tribe of beast men rise from the pool. The party offer them their rock back in exchange for a safe place to rest should they need it. The party decides they'll bring Althalos here to deal with his curse. First though they decide to rest up a week to train up their skills.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Day 30 - 32

Dramatis Personae:

Sarynn - Human Barbarian (Original Exile)
Rosalina - Elf Rogue (Original Exile)
Zool - Gnome Summoner (Original Exile)
Doc - Dwarven Cavalier
Rhonin - Human Inquisitor of Erastil
Ihsahn - Human Cleric of Nethys/Wizard

Averron - Shifter Shaman
Staedtler - Human Hunter and Trapper


After bidding adieu to Averron and his shifter tribe the party decide to head out and do some exploration. Unfortunately the weather was hardly obliging, with biting cold winds. Zool was unprepared for the winter weather and fell unconscious. The party set up camp in a nearby cave in order to heat him up.

Doc, Rosalina and Zool decide to go hunting in the hopes of finding some more suitable furs for Zool to stay warm in and came across a trapper. They made a deal with him for some hides suitable to fashion into winter weather gear.

After some more exploration the party discovered a burial mound (previously marked on a map made by Hollow Graves). Ihsahn and Rhonin ransack the mound while the others continued to explore the area. Doc, Rosalina, Sarynn and Zool approached a camp of travellers, but the travellers turned out to be bandits. The party defeated them handily and claimed their mounts.

The group ventured south and came across Perlivash and Tyg-Titter Tut's home, unfortunately they appeared to have been followed by the Shambling Mound. A tense conflict followed, but the party came out victorious.

After leaving the fey hut the party was ambushed by bandits, killing all but two who repented. The party eventually made camp.

Day 33

Dramatis Personae:

Sarynn - Human Barbarian (Original Exile)
Rosalina - Elf Rogue (Original Exile)
Zool - Gnome Summoner (Original Exile)
Doc - Dwarven Cavalier
Rhonin - Human Inquisitor of Erastil
Ihsahn - Human Cleric of Nethys/Wizard

Jhod Kavken - Human Cleric of Erastil
Althalos - Human Clerk (Afflicted with Lychanthropy)
Fathos - Chubby Human Engineer


Ihsahn recall a vision of a headless stag destroying the land.

Sarynn's horse got spooked attempting to cross the Thorn River and flees, but the party catches it quickly.

Fog sets in, but recedes by the time the party reach the Temple of the Elk. The took the time to convince Althalos to seek out the shifters. Fathos the engineer tell the party Oleg and Kesten Garess have a disagreement on how to fortify the trading post.

The party rests at the temple.

Day 34
Splitting the Party

Dramatis Personae:

Team Awesome
Doc - Dwarven Cavalier
Sarynn - Human Barbarian (Original Exile)
Rosalina - Elf Rogue (Original Exile)
- Althalos - Human Clerk (Afflicted Lychanthrope)

Team Discovery
Zool - Gnome Summoner (Original Exile)
Rhonin - Human Inquisitor of Erastil
Ihsahn - Human Cleric of Nethys/Wizard

Averron - Shifter Shaman
Oleg Leveton - Human Trader
Joog Joog - Kobold Rogue
Kesten Garess - Human Fighter
- Kesten's Irregulars - Human Fighters
Thurvis - Human Ex-Bandit


"Team Awesome Sauce

Went to frog's pond and went for a swim.

Corrupted Althalos

While in sight of Howling Rock, Moose stepped in a bear trap.
Doc performed a tactical dismount and calmed moose with soothing words, allowing Rosalina's delicate elven fingers to nimbly disable the trap's mechanism.

While Doc treated Moose's leg (which wasn't broken) Rosalina repaired the trap and stowed it in the saddle bag.

Spoke with the shaman at Howling Rock, and he described the ritual Althalos would have to go through. After giving Althalos a rousing pep talk they left and returned to the temple."

Team Discovery

Discovered some Elk Tracks and arrive at Oleg's to find them arguing over the choice of rebuilding the ballistae or expanding the walls. The party convince Kesten and Oleg to expand the walls in order to attract more travellers.

Rhonin takes letters from everyone. Opening his he finds it's an "Explosive Runes" prepared by Hollow Graves as vengeance for shooting him earlier and not apologising. The note reads: "NOW we're even."

Rhonin sends a letter to the temple of Erastil in Restov in the hopes of getting Hollow arrested. Ihsahn and Rhonin asked Oleg to fence the magic ring they found in the burial mound.

Joog Joog arrived at the Oleg's Trading Post informing the party that Chief Sootscale wants to see them. The party stalls Joog Joog and heads back to the temple to meet back with the rest of the party.

Rosalina reads her letter from Hollow Graves, while Sarynn reads hers from Janiven about her son being held by the Hell Knights of Cheliax.

The party heads out and FINALLY decides to go looking for Tuskgutter. The party find the track of a large animal, and feel like they are being hunted. Tuskgutter explodes from the forest and the party is victorious.

After slaying Tuskgutter, Ihsahn and Doc skin the beast. Rhonin realised the area was similar to the that depicted on a map fragment left by Maligor. The party find a pair of crossed trees digging up a potion of Enlarge Person , 200 gp and 10 silver agates. The party sets up camp.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Day 35

Location: The Narlmarshes

Dramatis Personae:
The Usual Suspects


During the wee hours of the morning the camp was breached by wild Mites, who started going through Zool's stuff. The party engaged in combat but one of the little monsters set Rhonin's tent on fire. Eventually the party killed the mites at the loss of some non-essential things like some rations and bedrolls.

Just as the party manages to get to sleep a Tatzlwyrm poked into Zool's tent with breakfast on its mind. Zool bribed it to leave.

The next day the party stumbled across Perlivash who asked for the head of the Tatzlwyrm, to prove that they were friends. The party explored a hex carefully avoiding combat with a tree slurk.

The party followed the trail of the Tatzlwyrm and discovered its lair. The combat that followed was intense, with Ihsahn almost drowning in the claws of a Tatzlwyrm. After looting the den the party kept tromping through the forest eventually finding the Lost Statue of Erastil. Those who helped restore it gained a keen edge to their weapons.

The party rest at the statue, and during the night a herd of elk peacefully sit with Rhonin in the moonlight. During Sarynn's watch a distant cacaphony was heard. Rosalina's watch is disturbed by a hunter who asks if she's seen any Elk. She wakes the party and they convince the hunter not to hunt Elk within the forest, the hunter offers to pass on any information about the bandits should he learn anything - he does say that they seem to come from the south somewhere.

Not long after that is Dawn of

Day 36

The party heads north on a long trek through the forest to find the Faerie nest. The party talks to Perlivash and restore their friendship with him. They continue travelling towards Oleg's and rest in the forest.

During Sarynn's watch that night a startled family of Elk run through the party's camp. Ihsahn and Rhonin decide to seek out what spooked them. In the words of Sarynn:

"Which was f#%&en dumb because they are fighting motherf%+~ing TROLLS!"

During the combat that followed Rhonin kept up his defense while he waited for a miracle, Ihsahn unfortunately was torn apart by a troll for proving to be a threat with his fire magic.The rest of the party arrived (thanks to a the timely arrival of a familiar 14 point stag). The party managed to kill the trolls, and as Sarynn put it: "But at what cost?!"

Day 36

Dramatis Personae:

Sarynn - Human Barbarian (Original Exile)
Rosalina - Elf Rogue (Original Exile)
Zool - Gnome Summoner (Original Exile)
Doc - Dwarven Cavalier
Rhonin - Human Inquisitor of Erastil

Ulver - Human Druid (First Appearance)


The party travelled to the Sycamore tree to bury Ihsahn alongside Kyte, and found it had blossomed with white flowers.
Waiting at Kyte's grave site was a druid named Ulver, a member of Kyte's old grover hoping to finish what Kyte started in order to repay a debt owed.

The party finished out the day burying Ihsahn and telling tales of their fallen friend and his crazy ways.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Day 37

Dramatis Personae:

Sarynn - Human Barbarian (Original Exile)
Rosalina - Elf Rogue (Original Exile)
Zool - Gnome Summoner (Original Exile)
Doc - Dwarven Cavalier
Rhonin - Human Inquisitor of Erastil
Ulver - Human Druid


The party rode to Oleg's trading post taking a B-line. Talking to the various people there to collect bounties, learn about new ones (Kesten wants a man named Sneeg brought back alive). They were reminded once again to bring some Fangberries to Bokken.

The party decided to take Joog Joog with them and do some thorough exploration on the way back to the Sootscale Caverns. The hills of the Kamelands were relatively quiet and they managed to get some hexes explored within a couple of days.

Day 44

NPCs met: Davik Nettles.


Party meets with Chief Sootscale and agree to give him some hexes and clear out "the Wet Dead Thing" that resides at Nettle's Crossing, the party is treated to dinner in the Sootscale Caverns. The party decides to keep Joog Joog with them as a guide.
Day 45

On the way to Nettle's Crossing the Exiles encounter some Boggards, the party takes some small amount of damage but kill them handily. One of the boggards had a kobold head on its belt, Joog Joog grows upset recognising "cousing Bzsco".

At Nettle's crossing Sarynn throws a rock to stir the tollkeeper, but it cut the rope. The party learns that the Tollkeeper wants the Stag Lord's body and so the party heads back to Sootscale Cavern where they convince Chief Sootscale to side with the party and he provides three kobold commandos.

MikMek - Male Kobold Fighter
JoogJoog - Male Kobold Rogue (already guiding the party)
Skinkski - Female Kobold Rogue (half of mated pair)
Thrib Thrib - Male Kobold Rogue (other half of mated pair).

The party heads south, and meets a mischievous young nixie but continue south to the Stag Lord's Fort. Rosalina, Rhonin and the mated kobolds tried to scout the perimeter but found the unhallowed ground filled with zombies, using a tactical retreat to get away.

The party storms the castle at midnight.

Day 46

In the words of Sarynn.

Manybandits and mini-bosses were killed as well as an Owlbear (Sarynn).
Skullf%!+er [Dovan from Niscroch] was killed by Doc and Rhonin
The Stag-Lord was dropped by Zool's wand of Shocking Grasp, and Sarynn executed him there. Rhonin did his duty as an Inquisitor by declaring Akiros Ismort guilty of "Murder and Betrayal of the Church of Erastil".
Simba inflicted huge damage on Auchs and various other bandits.
Rosalina found the unconscious Sneeg and stabilised him, Skinkski and ThribThrib were killed by bandits.
Ulvar found and learned the story of the Stag Lord, that he was twisted into a monster by his mad druid father who the Exiles judged and Sarynn beheaded.

The Stolen Lands are safer now.



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