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So, for players of this new game. Here are some random background, goal, tie generators.
Roll 3d6, one being the Dragon die.
11_______Teyrn's Guard
12_______Petty Thief
14_______Scam Artist
Background Dragon Die Results (if doubles are rolled)
1_____You begin play with 10+3d6 silver instead of 50+3d6.
2_____You've suffered from a debilitating disease. -1 to one Statistic.
3_____You begin play with 25+3d6 silver instead of 50+3d6.
4_____You begin play with 75+3d6 silver instead of 50+3d6.
5_____Choose an additional focus for your highest statistic.
6_____You begin play with a magic item that increases a statistic by +1.
Note that a survivor always begins play with 10+3d6 silver, and a spellcaster background always has a magic item.

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Roll 2d6 for adventuring hooks. (What sent your character over the edge?)
2_____Death of (a) loved one(s).
3_____Threat of death or imprisonment.
4_____Searching for something.
5_____Searching for someone.
6_____Caught red-handed.
8_____Different religious or social views.
9_____Different political views.
10____Romantic interest.
11____Pursuit of justice (or revenge).
12____Weird, freaky magic stuff.

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Roll 3d6 for goals, but keep the dice results separate. If a double is rolled, consult the dragon die result for an unusual goal.
Short Term Goals
1 Find someone in the local area.
2 Find something in the local area.
3 Learn about a place.
4 Learn about a person.
5 Learn about a historical event.
6 Learn about new talents, foci, or magic.
Medium Term Goals
1 Travel to a place.
2 Meet a famous person.
3 Make a certain amount of money.
4 Be recognized for an accomplishment.
5 Find something from your childhood.
6 Find someone from your childhood.
Long Term Goals
1 Be famous for a certain task or ability.
2 Travel to a distant place.
3 Own an establishment or business.
4 Gain influence with the area's leaders.
5 Get married and have a family.
6 Help a friend reach their long term goal.
Dragon Die Goals (if doubles are rolled, consult the dragon die for a special goal in addition to the long term goal)
1 Discover a new magic that will help your allies.
2 Master the Fade.
3 Find and use a legendary artifact.
4 Become king.
5 Save a kingdom or race.
6 Mastery over demons, darkspawn, or the undead.

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So, as an example of all this put together, I'm going to bring out my Surface Dwarf warrior, Gorim Drizcole.
Background: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 3) = 12
Petty thief. Hmm, fitting for a merchant race.
Dragon die: 3 (25+3d6 silver starting cash)
Probably fined heavily.
Hook: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 2) = 6
Caught red-handed. Yep. See above.
Goals: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 1) = 8
Learn about new talents, foci, or magic.
Travel to a place.
Be famous for a certain task or ability.
Dragon die: 1 (Discover a new magic that will help your allies.)
Ties (2 characters): 2d6 ⇒ (6, 5) = 11, 2d6 ⇒ (3, 5) = 8
Politically bound.

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Gorim Drizcole's father was a fairly good surface dwarf trader, until he got caught skimming wealth off the top of his coffers and overcharging on dwarven products to make up for the difference. The Council forbade Nildur Drizcole from trading with dwarven wares again, and confiscate most of his coin wealth. To surfacers who understand nothing about honor debt, this might seem a harsh penalty, but completely logical to dwarven reasoning.
With little to survive on, Gorim watched his family nearly starve to death, and gradually learned to rely on stealing from other merchants, usually food and other small goods, though sometimes he would do unwanted jobs for coin or (more often) room and board.
When Drizcole stole from the Korkills, the same surface dwarf family his own father stole from, he incurred a far more personal debt. He had two options at this point, flee and leave dwarven society forever, or become servant to the Korkill household.
Gorim has a desire to see his family name restored, and believes he can do so by bringing back the legendary runeaxes his Paragon ancestor had created. He has a current goal of learning the focuses of smithing and enchantment, but ultimately he wants to find the burial place of his Paragon ancestor Drikith Drizcole and restore honor to his family by making new runeaxes for the warriors of Orzimmar.
His current allies are:
Althild Korkill, a member of the family he and his father stole from to whom he is politically bound until such a time as she releases him from his oath. Althild does not discuss the topic much with him, but seems interested in helping him restore his family name and honor.
Filarron, a Circle Mage who has accompanied the two dwarves so far without explanation.

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Althild Korkill, another Surface Dwarf warrior.
Background: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 5) = 16
Prophet (how odd)
Dragon die: 5 (additional focus for highest statistic-Drinking)
Hook: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 5) = 9
Different political views.
Goals: 3d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 1) = 8
Find someone in the local area.
Find someone from your childhood.
Be famous for a certain task or ability.
Dragon Die: 1 (Discover a new magic that will help your allies.)
Ties (1 character): 2d6 ⇒ (3, 3) = 6
Employed by Firallon, a Circle Mage.

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Althild Korkill's family is a fairly famous name for beers. A Korkill's Keg was a beer that many surface dwarves and Orzimmarans swear by. Althild came up with a slightly different recipe: Lyrium Beer. At first she just mixed a Lyrium potion with Korkill's Keg.
The result is a drunken stupor in which the imbiber experiences visions of distant or future events. Althild frequently drank the stuff herself and came to be known as a prophetess among the surface dwarves. She eventually discovered the addictive effects of the new concoction were far too strong. More and more lyrium was needed to produce the visions. The elders of her family finally stepped in, taking her brewing privileges away.
Althild is strongly addicted to Lyrium Beer. She is searching for a new supplier of alcohol in the area since her license was revoked and most dwarves that know of her situation refuse to sell her alcohol or lyrium. One of her childhood friends Gelark Drimnole inherited a lyrium mine, but she has not heard from him in a very long time. Althild plans to continue working on her Lyrium Beer, making the results stable and predictable.
Althild has been hired as a guide by Filarron the Circle Mage to show her the Lyrium trade, though she finds it odd that Filarron wants to keep their aggreement secret for now.

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One Last Time: Filarron, the Circle Mage
Background: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 2) = 10
Mercenary (odd again)
Hook: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 2) = 8
Different religious or social views.
Goals: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 4) = 11
Learn about a place.
Be recognized for an accomplishment.
Gain influence with the area's leaders.
Dragon Die: 4 (Become King)

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Filarron the Circle Mage has every desire to uphold the Chantry's laws of magic. When the Chant of Light says that Magic should only be used for good and not to harm others, he takes it quite literally, and has forsworn all magic that causes damage. (Primal, Entropy)
He climbed up the ranks of the Circle easily enough, but was surprised by the Senior Enchanters' and First Enchanter's leniency towards magic users. Filarron sought ways to brand those who used damaging magic on others, and works for the Templars more so than any Tower. Strangely enough, the Templars are eager to use Firallon's talents and have employed him for a number of magic-sensitive jobs.
Filarron's views on magic mark him as quite unique and the Templars hope other mages will emerge like him, even if they still carry the Fade taint.
Filarron is currently searching for a Lyrium dealer who has provided Lyrium powder to apprentices and mages alike, illegally and outside the control of the Templars. Filarron hopes to eventually capture this Lyrium dealer and bring him to the Templars for justice and recognition. Ultimately, he hopes to merge the Templars and the Circle Mages into a closer, cohesive unit... one that is capable of gaining even a King's attention.
Filarron has employed Althild Korkill to guide him through the underground Lyrium trade, but has no personal connection with Gorim Drizcole.

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Random Magic Item
Roll 1d6 to determine how many magic abilities the item has.
1-4: 1 ability
5-6: 2 abilities
Roll 4d6 but do not total the dice. If any triples are rolled, the dragon die determines a special power. Choose abilities from those that have been rolled.
1 Increases communication attribute by +1
2 Provides +2 bonus for certain communication checks.
3 Increases constitution attribute by +1
4 Provides +2 bonus for certain constitution checks.
5 Increases cunning attribute by +1
6 Provides +2 bonus for certain cunning checks.
1 Increses dexterity attribute by +1
2 Provides +2 bonus for certain dexterity checks.
3 Increases magic attribute by +1
4 Provides +2 bonus for certain magic checks.
5 Increases perception attribute by +1
6 Provides +2 bonus for certain perception checks.
1 Increases strength attribute by +1
2 Provides +2 bonus for certain strength checks.
3 Increases willpower attribute by +1
4 Provides +2 bonus for certain willpower checks.
5 Increases starting health by +5
6 Increases speed by +2
1 Increases defense by +2
2 Increases attack by +2
3 Increases damage by +2
4 Increases armor rating by +2
5 Provides one extra stunt point.
6 Provides two extra stunt points.
Special Power (Dragon Die)
1 Increase damage by +4 against undead.
2 Increase damage by +4 against darkspawn.
3 Increase damage by +4 against demons.
4 Increase all attributes by +1.
5 Health regeneration: 2 per round.
6 Mana regeneration: 2 per round.
Body Slot: Roll 1d6.
1 Weapon or Armor
2 Ring
3 Amulet
4 Helm
5 Gloves
6 Shoes

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1d6 ⇒ 6, 4d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 5, 5) = 18
Helm of Dainethol
Constitution +1
Health +5
Regenerates 2 health per round.
1d6 ⇒ 4, 4d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 4, 2) = 12, 1d6 ⇒ 2
Ring of Warriors
Attack +2
1d6 ⇒ 1, 4d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 1, 2) = 10, 1d6 ⇒ 4
Learner's Cowl
+2 to Cunning (Lore) checks
1d6 ⇒ 5, 4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 3, 3) = 17, 1d6 ⇒ 1
Faithful Longsword
Damage +2
Willpower +1

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Critical Injuries
Inflict Critical Injury is a special stunt that requires 5 stunt points in combat encounters. Anytime a character receives 15 damage or more from a single attack or event, that character also suffers a critical injury. A character that is brought back from the edge of death may also suffer a critical injury, depending on the circumstances.
Roll 3d6 to determine what type of injury is inflicted. If a double is rolled, consult the dragon die for a special injury.
3 Bleeding
-- -1d3 natural healing
4 Broken Bone
-- -1d3 Dexterity
5 Concussion
-- -1d3 Magic
6 Coughing Blood
-- Causes fatigue (-1 to Strength, Dexterity, Constitution checks)
7 Cracked Skull
-- -1d3 Cunning
8 Crushed Arm
-- -1d3 Damage
9 Damaged Eye
-- -1d3 Attack
10 Deafened
-- -1d3 Defense
11 Gaping Wound
-- -5 Maximum Health
12 Head Trauma
-- -1d3 Willpower
13 Open Wound
-- -2 Constitution(Stamina) checks.
14 Torn Juggular
-- -1d3 Constitution
15 Wrenched Limb
-- -2 Initiative
16 Torn Muscle
-- -1d3 Strength
17 Terrified
-- Causes wild fear (-1 to Communication, Cunning, Perception checks)
18 Dementia
-- Causes insanity (-1 to Cunning, Magic, Willpower checks)
Dragon Die injuries (cannot be healed)
1 Facial Scars
-- -1 Communication, +1 Constitution
2 Severe Skull Injury
-- -1 Cunning, +1 Dexterity
3 Tainted
-- -1 Constitution, +1 Magic
4 Cursed
-- -1 Magic, +1 Willpower
5 Lost Eye
-- -1 Perception, +1 Cunning
6 Lame
-- -1 Dexterity, +1 Perception
Critical injury effects are cumulative.
A critical injury can be healed with an hour of work with a successful Cunning (Healing) check, TN 12+2 for each critical injury the character has suffered. If for example, Filarron has been critically injured three times, one of those injuries can be healed with a successful Cunning (Healing) check of TN 18. The next injury can be healed with a TN of 16, and the final injury would be TN 14.

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Example of Critical Injury.
After suffering an almost fatal blow from a warrior's two handed sword, Filarron is drastically injured.
3d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 3) = 10
Filarron received a stunning blow to the side of his head that has deafened him, making his reaction times slower in slower. He suffers -1d3 ⇒ 3 Defense and also suffers a special critical injury.
Dragon die: 3
The darkspawn ogre that attacked him has tainted Filarron with blood or spittle. Filarron is now permanently tainted and suffers -1 Constitution but gains +1 Magic as a result.

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Let's try this again.
Example of Critical Injury.
After suffering an almost fatal blow from an ogre's two handed sword, Filarron is drastically injured.
Filarron received a stunning blow to the side of his head that has deafened him, making his reaction times slower. He suffers -3 Defense and also suffers a special critical injury.
Dragon die: 3
The darkspawn ogre that attacked him has tainted Filarron with blood or spittle. Filarron is now permanently tainted and suffers -1 Constitution but gains +1 Magic as a result.
The deafened injury can be removed at a later time with a cunning (healing) check TN 14, unless Filarron is critically injured again.
To compensate Filarron, the GM decides to give Filarron a random magic item that the Ogre had among its treasure.
1d6 ⇒ 2, 4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 4, 4) = 13, 1d6 ⇒ 6
Silver Slippers
+2 to Defense
+1 to all attributes

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Blessing of the Maker
The Blessing of the Maker is performed by the heads of the Chantry. While not a magical effect, the Blessing provides a morale benefit for about a day. It takes two major actions to perform a Blessing.
Roll a Willpower (Faith) check to determine the effect. If doubles are rolled, consult the dragon die for a special benefit.
0 no effect
1-2 +1 Starting Health for 1 hour
3-5 +1 Starting Health for 1 day
6-7 +3 Starting Health for 1 day
8-9 +1d6 Starting Health for 1 day
10-12 +5 Starting Health, +1 Defense for 1 day
13-15 +2d6 Starting Health, +2 Defense for 1 day
16-19 +2d6 Starting Health, +2 Defense, +1 Willpower for 1 day
20-22 +10 Starting Health, +2 Defense, +2 Willpower for 1 day
23+ +10 Starting Health, +2 Defense, +2 Willpower, +2 Constitution for 1 day.
Dragon Die Results: If a dragon die result is indicated, the blessing allows you to use one of the following abilities one time.
1 Reroll one attack.
2 Force an opponent to reroll one attack.
3 Reroll a skill or magic check.
4 Force an opponent to reroll a skill or magic check.
5 Heal yourself by a number of Wounds equal to Cunning or 2, whichever is greater.
6 Heal yourself or an ally by a number of Wounds equal to Cunning or 2, whichever is greater.
Filarron the Circle Mage is finally recovered from his critical injury thanks to the work of the Sisters at the local Chantry. His taint remains however, but it is not as noticable at the moment. Before he departs, he asks Mother Halovar for a Blessing of the Maker. Filarron has a Willpower attribute of 2.
3d6 + 2 ⇒ (2, 3, 5) + 2 = 12
For the remainder of the day, Filarron gains +5 Starting Health, and a +2 morale bonus to his defense.
Blessings of the Maker can be transferred to holy symbols of Andraste instead of given to the receiver immediately. These can be activated at any time as a major action, at which point the user receives the full benefits of a Blessing of the Maker (dependent again, on his or her Faith).
Even after the blessings have been used from the holy symbol, a holy symbol retains a special morale ability for those who have the faith to rely on them.
A holy symbol can be activated with a Willpower (Faith) check as a major action, and once activated grants its bonus until the wearer loses consciousness or falls asleep.
Wooden holy symbol. TN 11 - Cost: 10 silver
Silver holy symbol. TN 12 - Cost: 30 silver
Golden holy symbol. TN 13 - Cost: 75 silver
Jeweled holy symbol. TN 14 - Cost: 1 gold, 15 silver

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Books of Learning
There are many powerful books that provide special benefits to those who learn from them. They are exceptionally rare and expensive. (10-25 gold)
Reading a Book of Learning requires a successful Cunning (Research) check. If doubles are rolled, the dragon die result indicates a disaster or major boon, determined by the success of the roll.
Tome of Winter's Reach
Price: 10 gold
TN: 14
Reading this work grants you additional attribute points as though you had just raised a level. You gain no other benefits, only the attribute points.
Tome of Knowledge
Price: 10 gold
TN: 14
Reading this tome grants you additional attribute focus(es) as though you had advanced a level. You gain no other benefits, only the skill focuses.
Circle's Tome
Price: 12 gold
TN: 15
When you read this work, you gain access to a new spell as though you had raised a level. You gain no other benefits, just learning a new spell.
Fighting Tome
Price: 14 gold
TN: 15
When you read this tome, you gain a warrior's talent or increase one of your warrior's talents to the next rank.
Tome of Legerdemain
Price: 14 gold
TN: 15
When you read this tome, you gain a rogue's talent or increase one of your rogue's talents to the next rank.
Tome of Arcane Studies
Price: 14 gold
TN: 15
When you read this tome, you gain a mage's talent or increase one of your mage's talents to the next rank.
Class Study Guide
Price: 16 gold
TN: 18
When you read this tome, you gain all the benefits of increasing a level of said class. You have the minimum number of experience points for your new level. This tome is available for all three classes: Mage, Rogue, and Warrior.
Dragon Die Results. Depending on if the research was successful or not, consult the following.
Unsuccessful results.
1 -2 Cunning, permanent.
2 -1 Cunning, permanent.
3 The book is destroyed in a blast of fire, causing 2d6 fire damage to you.
4 The book is destroyed in a blast of fire, causing 1d6 fire damage to you.
5 No additional effect. You can try this research later.
6 The book conjures a demon that agrees to help you learn the effects of the book even though you failed to understand it yourself, but the price will be high.
Successful results
1 You gain 100 experience points.
2 You gain 200 experience points.
3 You gain 300 experience points.
4 You gain 400 experience points.
5 You gain 500 experience points.
6 Reroll the dragon die to get a lower number.