PFS at Norwescon (Seattle, WA), April 2-4

Local Play


I am looking for GMs to run PFS scenarios at Norwescon this year (April 2-4).

We will have some limited Paizo/Pathfinder swag for GMs.

It looks like we will be running the following scenarios (provided we can get judges):

Slot 1: #29 and #43
Slot 2: #30 and #45

Slot 1: #5 and #29
Slot 2: #35 and #30

Sunday: #43 and #45

More details to follow (regarding deferment of convention membership costs for "volunteering" at the convention).

Respond to this thread if you are interested and available.


thelesuit is running this for me directly. I'll be providing him with GM swag for helping him out at the show. Don't be shy! If you live in the Seattle area, post here to volunteer for him!


More details...

Slot 1 will be from 10am till 2pm (on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday).

Slot 2 will be from 4pm till 8pm (on Friday and Saturday).


Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

Yeah!! PFS at Norwescon!

Thanks to Josh and thelesuit for making this a possibility.

Seriously, folks, think about running a scenario. Cuz when you are NOT running a scenario, you can come to the gaming panels (organized by yours truly). Jason, James, Erik, and Sean will be there. Chris Pramas. Mike Selinker. James Ernest. Mike Mearls. Rich Baker. Bruce Cordell. Wolfgang Baur. Jeff Grubb.

Just to name a few. ;-)

Check out the website for more info . It is a good time!

Silver Crusade 1/5

I can definitely do a saturday session or two. Sunday as well.
No need for convention fee removal, I was going to check it out anyway.


samerandomhero wrote:

I can definitely do a saturday session or two. Sunday as well.

No need for convention fee removal, I was going to check it out anyway.

Thanks for your response samerandomhero, if you could e-mail me at thelesuit at hot mail dhot com, that would be handy.


Those of you GMing or playing at NorWesCon may find me randomly playing at your table. :-)


I wasn't planning on NorWesCon as I can't afford the pass to go, but I would be willing to GM assuming I'm not working. Is there a partial pass or something for GM'ing or how does this work? Do you need to GM a certian number of games or help out with the Con in some other fashion? Depending on how this works for NorWesCon I may know someone else who could GM too. I am trying very hard to juggle making it to PaizoCon.


Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Those of you GMing or playing at NorWesCon may find me randomly playing at your table. :-)

Yikes new GM trembles!! LOL :-)


LtlBtyRam wrote:
I wasn't planning on NorWesCon as I can't afford the pass to go, but I would be willing to GM assuming I'm not working. Is there a partial pass or something for GM'ing or how does this work? Do you need to GM a certian number of games or help out with the Con in some other fashion? Depending on how this works for NorWesCon I may know someone else who could GM too. I am trying very hard to juggle making it to PaizoCon.

Thanks for your response LtlBtyRam, please e-mail me at thelesuit at hot mail dhot com.

I might still have some GM slots open -- but it is getting tight.

We will also be running a How To Create a PFS Character/PFS Q&A table concurrently with the gaming.

The basic deal, so I've been told, is that if you volunteer to GM 2 slots (or assist at the Q&A table for 8 hours, or a combination of that), I should be able to get you a day pass for the days you are volunteering. I need to verify this with Mr. Nightengale (some call him TIM).


Silver Crusade 1/5

I already planned to pay for this. Ltlbtyram can have my comp ticket if they are available.
Keep me in the loop as to what you want and need done.
I sent an email to you for contact info purposes.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

Norwescon gaming schedule is UP!

Why look at that.....Pathfinder Society scenarios abound!!!

Awesome! Great work Tim and thelesuit!

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

I love seeing Pallid Plague listed among the offerings! It's got the wrong level range listed, though, since it's a 1-7 scenario as opposed to 1-5. No biggie, though.

Silver Crusade 1/5

yoda8myhead wrote:
I love seeing Pallid Plague listed among the offerings! It's got the wrong level range listed, though, since it's a 1-7 scenario as opposed to 1-5. No biggie, though.

Ah, good to know. Is there anything else a GM should know? I will be running it at Norwescon.


samerandomhero wrote:
yoda8myhead wrote:
I love seeing Pallid Plague listed among the offerings! It's got the wrong level range listed, though, since it's a 1-7 scenario as opposed to 1-5. No biggie, though.
Ah, good to know. Is there anything else a GM should know? I will be running it at Norwescon.

The chances of us having any characters higher than 1st level at NORWESCON are going to be pretty slim.



Just a reminder that THIS is THIS coming weekend.

We have GM's, we have a space to play, all we need are some willing victims.


Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

Should be a hoppin' Norwescon this weekend!

PFS games are Friday and Saturday, at 10 AM and 4 PM
and then Sunday at 10 AM.

All scheduled events and panels are now up on the website for your perusal! Check 'em out!

I hope to see many of you there. Paizo peeps REPRESENT!


I'll be there to play the 10 AM slot on Friday.

Silver Crusade 1/5

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
I'll be there to play the 10 AM slot on Friday.

good, we can all gather around and tell you about our characters. ;)

At which point my eyes will glaze over and I'll collapse to the ground in a catatonic fit.

The Exchange 4/5

samerandomhero wrote:
Joshua J. Frost wrote:
I'll be there to play the 10 AM slot on Friday.
good, we can all gather around and tell you about our characters. ;)

Well that's nice. It should make it real easy for him to come up with a rule that disqualifies all of your characters from society play, then. ;)

It's called the "Josh Rule."

As in "Josh makes the rules, so he rules!!!"

Just kidding. Explosive runes for added safety.


Pathfinder at NORWESCON went really well.

We ran a total of 12 sessions and saw something on the order of 20 new players or so.

Thanks to Tim and Josh for their support and to our judges Daniel Farner (samerandomhero), Kevin Navarro (kjob), Rob Eby (Zoomackulus Echidnar), Jeff Parr (silein), and Blake Davis (Karui Kage/Nethys).


I had a good time playing at Kjob's table Friday morning!

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