Magic Well or Fountain?

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

I don't expect anyone to be able to help me with the limited info that I remember, but there was an issue of Dragon or Dungeon that had an article about a magic well or fountain of some kind that allowed characters to drink from the well and recieve blessings and curses.

As I recall, characters could choose their blessing and recieve one curse at random, or choose their curse, but recieve a blessing randomly. Obviously there were two tables in this article - one for blessings and one for curses.

Does anyone remember which issue this was in? I remember stumbling across it ages ago, but I can't find it now.

Liberty's Edge

It was in DRAGON, in an article series called "Wormfood" (supplemental information for the Age of Worms Adventure Path.)

I don't recall the magazine number, but if you pull all of the ones with Wormfood articles (should be 2007-2008), that should narrow it down a little bit.

Hope that helps.

Rake wrote:
there was an issue of Dragon or Dungeon that had an article about a magic well or fountain

Four Fiendish Fountains by Frank Brunner in Dungeon #116.



The "Fountain of Fortune's Folly" is described in the Wormfood article, found in Dragon 339 (January 2006).

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