Facebook and Breast Cancer

Off-Topic Discussions

Scarab Sages

I'm reposting this from my own Facebook.

OK it seems the females of Facebook think that by posting their bra colors secretly it will raise awareness of breast cancer. Now if they put their money where their bra color is...they might REALLY make a difference.

If all 350 million FB users contributed $1 for Breast Cancer Research, that would make a HUGE difference...posting your bra color doesn't do anything!

I'm donating today, because well, it's the right thing to do. (And I do like my wife having them)

Yeah, I saw that. I think I'm going to take a little deviation from that. Do you mind if I paraphrase your thoughts into my wall post?

Urizen wrote:
Yeah, I saw that. I think I'm going to take a little deviation from that. Do you mind if I paraphrase your thoughts into my wall post?

Please do Sir!

Here's my take on it:

Facebook Page wrote:
It seems the gals of Facebook think that by posting their bra colors secretly it will raise awareness of breast cancer. Let me put my money where your bra colors are. For each woman that shows proof of their "support", I'll show my support by making a $1 donation to each instance for the sake of Breast Cancer Research. I'm doing this because it's the right thing to do ... and I like you ladies having them. :D

Scarab Sages

Urizen wrote:

Here's my take on it:

Facebook Page wrote:
It seems the gals of Facebook think that by posting their bra colors secretly it will raise awareness of breast cancer. Let me put my money where your bra colors are. For each woman that shows proof of their "support", I'll show my support by making a $1 donation to each instance for the sake of Breast Cancer Research. I'm doing this because it's the right thing to do ... and I like you ladies having them. :D

Good deal, I can't make that kinda donation...too many people on my friends of friends lists...but I'm making a donation...and trying to actually raise awareness.

Xaaon of Xen'Drik wrote:
Good deal, I can't make that kinda donation...too many people on my friends of friends lists...but I'm making a donation...and trying to actually raise awareness.

I'm hedging my bets against the display of their breasts. It could end up very well being cheaper than a lapdance in the champagne room. :P

Scarab Sages

Urizen wrote:
Xaaon of Xen'Drik wrote:
Good deal, I can't make that kinda donation...too many people on my friends of friends lists...but I'm making a donation...and trying to actually raise awareness.
I'm hedging my bets against the display of their breasts. It could end up very well being cheaper than a lapdance in the champagne room. :P

All they've been doing is post what color bra they're wearing.

Right. But we want pictures. We'll show our support if you show what's supporting you. :P

The Exchange

Urizen wrote:
Right. But we want pictures. We'll show our support if you show what's supporting you. :P

they will have ot email the pics too you, FB won't let you post em.

Crimson Jester wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Right. But we want pictures. We'll show our support if you show what's supporting you. :P
they will have ot email the pics too you, FB won't let you post em.

That's crap. I've seen pictures of women with bikinis on FB in the short time I've been on there. They should be allowed bra posts. I wasn't asking for anything "bare".

I'll invoke Godwin on them! :P

The Exchange

I copied and sent the Op to my wife who then posted on her FB:

wifes FB wrote:

Got this from My Husband who got it from a friend today...thought I'd share--OK it seems the females of Facebook think that by posting their bra colors secretly it will raise awareness of breast cancer. Now if they put their money where their bra color is...they might REALLY make a difference.

If all 350 million FB users contributed $1 for Breast Cancer Research, that would make a HUGE difference...posting your bra color doesn't do anything I'm donating 2day, because well, it's the right thing 2 do.

well 'awareness' doesn't have 2 mean money yeah money does help w-the research of bc but women need 2 be aware that it can happen 2 women all ages....they need 2 watch out 4 early signs of it.... by simply putting their bra color on her jst makes u more aware of it...i think that's what they r gettin @!!:)

Amen. I agree and that is what I responded back to him with. LOL...awareness is awareness...gets them thinking about it and then we can worry about raising money. If no one thinks about it or doesn't know about it etc, how can we raise money for it????
4 minutes ago

So make me aware what you're wearing. So I can support them. And save them. :P

Save the boobies!

I thought the message was a little snarky, so I changed it a little.

A lot of women on Facebook have decided that by secretly posting their bra colors, it will raise awareness for breast cancer. While this is certainly laudible, if every one of the 350 million FB users contributed $1 for Breast Cancer Research, it would have an enormous impact on the lives of women afflicted with this disease. So instead of posting your bra color, make a donation to Breast Cancer Research, and repost this message on your Facebook page. I did.

But...but...that's not as fun.

Urizen wrote:
But...but...that's not as fun.

Well, I figured if I pissed off my friends, they'd be less likely to donate so...

Crimson Jester wrote:

I copied and sent the Op to my wife who then posted on her FB:

wifes FB wrote:

well 'awareness' doesn't have 2 mean money yeah money does help w-the research of bc but women need 2 be aware that it can happen 2 women all ages....they need 2 watch out 4 early signs of it.... by simply putting their bra color on her jst makes u more aware of it...i think that's what they r gettin @!!:)

Argh... must... resist... temptation... to... smack people upside the head who use numbers and innane abbreviations in common sentences.

(I know it's a comment to your wife's post, not your wife who wrote it)

Otherwise I think it's a great idea, let's hope people will start donating.

GentleGiant wrote:
Let's hope people will start donating.

Already there.

DoveArrow wrote:
Urizen wrote:
But...but...that's not as fun.
Well, I figured if I pissed off my friends, they'd be less likely to donate so...

Well, then they need an enema. :P


But on a serious note, I understand. I alone take my risk. ;)

Urizen wrote:
Well, then they need an enema. :P

Well one of them is doing a liquid flush. :P

LOL! About an hour later, a friend of mine posted, 'BLACK!" Oh well. :-)

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