Sir Ophiuchus |

Once a day, [x] may be activated as a standard action. Flying creatures within sight of the bearer must make a DC 25 Reflex save (or a DC 30 Fly check) or be bound with invisible coils of force and start falling at the normal rate. They may remake this check each round they fall or until they strike the ground, when the effect ends.
Edit: Hmmm, it appears the original post has disappeared. A shame; it was a fun idea, and a great way to keep the forum alive while we wait for the results.

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Once a day, [x] may be activated as a standard action. Flying creatures within sight of the bearer must make a DC 25 Reflex save (or a DC 30 Fly check) or be bound with invisible coils of force and start falling at the normal rate. They may remake this check each round they fall or until they strike the ground, when the effect ends.
Edit: Hmmm, it appears the original post has disappeared. A shame; it was a fun idea, and a great way to keep the forum alive while we wait for the results.
I can re-write it up. I wasn't sure there would be enough interest( as it doesn't work if there isn't ).
Basically the idea was that each person is allowed to submit 1 aspect of a wondrous item. People then vote on whether to keep that aspect( 3 votes gets it kept ). The aspects include name, description, mechanics, cost, type of item, etc. Once something has the requisite 3 votes post the current version of the item. You can vote on as many ideas as you want, but you can only submit 1 idea.
mine was:
This small onyx figurine depicts and eagle shrieking in rage as it is slowly constricted by a large python.

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Once a day, [x] may be activated as a standard action. Flying creatures within sight of the bearer must make a DC 25 Reflex save (or a DC 30 Fly check) or be bound with invisible coils of force and start falling at the normal rate. They may remake this check each round they fall or until they strike the ground, when the effect ends.
Edit: Hmmm, it appears the original post has disappeared. A shame; it was a fun idea, and a great way to keep the forum alive while we wait for the results.
I like it... Though I am not sure about all of the mechanics... All flying creatures within sight seems powerful. Is there a rule for being grappled while flying? If so we might be able to leverage those mechanics and give the effect a cmb/cmd. Or maybe it gains the grappled condition unless it suceeds on an escape artist check dc x...

Nicolas Quimby RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 aka Hydro |

Not that Ophiuchus's idea isn't cool, but I think I'll take a crack at it to:
""Once per day, the wielder may speak a command word that causes the intertwined figures to come to life and continue their silent duel for one round, then freeze once more. If the python comes out ahead (base 50% chance), the possessor of the figurine is affected by dispel good and dispel chaos (caster level 10th); if the eagle claims the edge, the possessor instead benefits from dispel evil and dispel law (also caster level 10th).
Every time the item is activated, the eagle's chances of escaping either increase or decrease by a cumulative 10% (depending on which figure "wins" that round), as the python either coils tighter around the eagle or comes closer to being dislodged and disemboweled. Should either figure achieve a 100% chance of success it slays the other and the figurine becomes nonmagical. ""
(edit: never mentioned that it was 1/day, oops
Double edit: Somehow I edited out the "base 50% chance" part. Put it back in)