Txoro of Barsaive |

"Unclean bastard, that's what you get for giving us spellweavers a bad name."
"I'd piss on your corpse if I thoughtit would make you suffer more, bastard."
After his rant Fenswalder begins to tend to his wounds muttering curses at the dead troll as he does.
urinating on a corpse might be seen as a horror-tainted thing to do...heh...
Amongst the scattered possessions of the troll you now know as Ladras, are a journal, what appears to be a blood-stained star shaped amulet, which upon astral inspection by Fenswalder is definitely magical. A satchel containing several hundred silver and an academy journal with the name Ladras embossed on it in Throalic. A troll sword was strapped to Ladras' side. There were also several potions in his bag, which you're not sure you should use until identified.
Do you dare read the journal?
A bag lying in a corner contains his journal, and it details how his Nethermancer peers of Bartertown, a city to the South near Throal, mocked him for being inept at magic compared to their own standards. He decided to forge a blood pact with a Horror, and the Horror granted him powers that craft Horror constructs—techniques normally only available to very powerful Nethermancers with more experience of life and death. These powers corrupted Ladras, as is evident in his writing becoming more and more spooky, describing the enjoyment of killing the humans he turned into his cadaver men servants. The journal details Ladras’ plan to seek out more victims to turn into cadaver men, and then to eventually return to Bartertown and let his former peers be slaughtered by his undead army.
The journal also contains something written in blood. Read Magic Talent to read.
Legend Point award for this part of the Tale:
1800 LP each. [including end of story, and magical treasure awards] [lots extra, but as I said, I want to hustle the game along, that should get you close to second circle, but will allow you to shore up any talents you found lacking, perhaps...thread weaving.]
You can use a recovery test now as well.
You can also perform a Karma ritual and refill you pool.
You can train when you return to your village, silver fees are waived in the village for training since your teachers are there. You probably won't have time to learn new skills. You still need to make the journey back to the village protecting the rest of the villagers, and it's still night time...

Fenswalder Twoflower |

"Hey Fenswalder, would you check to see if his sword is special?"
"I'm going to start digging a pit for the body."
Glottal Cha will ask any of the survivors if they would gather some
wood for him.
Just give me a moment to see what's the troll was writing down first
1d10 ⇒ 1

Txoro of Barsaive |

Glottal Cha Cliffchaser wrote:"Hey Fenswalder, would you check to see if his sword is special?"
"I'm going to start digging a pit for the body."
Glottal Cha will ask any of the survivors if they would gather some
wood for him.Just give me a moment to see what's the troll was writing down first
must be written in some sort of code...you think...
The sword is completely mundane...

Txoro of Barsaive |

Dragging the body outside to burn it, digging a pit to pt it in so a forest fire doesn't start. Get the civies to help if they want. Then head a bit of the way home before resting.
What about Tartuk? Do you want to take him back to his mother in that condition?
After a second perusal of the cave, tucked into a crevice you find a Grimoire...it has several spells in it, none of which are elemental or wizard spells.

Txoro of Barsaive |

Is there a proper way to bury him? or bring him back to be buried? What's the culture for that?
Knowledge (Barsaive Lore) or something similar...
Most people never encounter something like this, and those that do, generally don't talk about it, it's very rude...and you don't want to give Horrors more power by talking about them...

Solonchak |

Just checking in - back from holiday and ready to go
Solonchak says 'there is a spell - unfortunately not currently known by me - which may tell us if Ladras' foul rituals have despoiled the very earth itself. If I can find someone to teach it to me, I shall return here and find out'
Looking around at his wounded companions, the obsidiman sees the wounds they carry. Taking his medical kit out of his bag, he beckons them over.
If people are happy to let me check them over - it does take a while - I can add 1 to their recovery test rank thanks to my 1 rank in Physician. Probably a good one to think about increasing...

Txoro of Barsaive |

Just checking in - back from holiday and ready to go
Solonchak says 'there is a spell - unfortunately not currently known by me - which may tell us if Ladras' foul rituals have despoiled the very earth itself. If I can find someone to teach it to me, I shall return here and find out'
Looking around at his wounded companions, the obsidiman sees the wounds they carry. Taking his medical kit out of his bag, he beckons them over.
If people are happy to let me check them over - it does take a while - I can add 1 to their recovery test rank thanks to my 1 rank in Physician. Probably a good one to think about increasing...
Fenswalder can tell that astral space has been tainted in the cave using his astral sight.
remember to let me know when you're using Astral sight since it causes strain
Txoro of Barsaive |

Glottal Cha goes to have his wounds looked at before continuing the firewood gathering.
You don't need them looked at, you just relax for 10 minutes and you can burn a recovery test to recover points. Only an actual wound requires 8 hours rest, and you didn't take a "Wound". But, having it increased by Physician can definitely help.

Txoro of Barsaive |

This isn't in character. What do Earthdawn people do when someone dies? bury? burn? cairn?
it would be regional I think.
The simple folk ask: "Is it over adepts? Where's Tartuk? Is the troll gone forever? What are you going to do with him?"
after they find out about burning him "Good idea...we'll help gather deadwood, and dig the pit."

Txoro of Barsaive |

What is the normal burial rite? Does a body get burned or buried? or other?
I did answer it above, but I answered it more in depth in the discussion thread.
Now would be a good time to use the Campaign Journal to write down your characters perspective of what transpired.

Txoro of Barsaive |

Anyone want to give this place a name?
Remember, names are VERY important in Earthdawn, The name of a location, an item, and people have meaning in Earthdawn. You will eventually develop a name for your group...(once we get it down to the constant players). Threads can be woven to locations, to items and even each other.
The cave is tainted, you can't remove the taint...yet...so what will you do?

Solonchak |

Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but if we name this place, doesn't that mean that someone could come and weave thread(s) to the place - given that the cave and immediate surroundings are the site of some, shall we say 'unsavoury' happenings, including the death of one of our friends, would we want someone to be able to come and do that? I'm a bit unclear on what benefit weaving a thread to a place gives.
'Perhaps after we cleanse his remains with fire, then some sort of monument would be fitting?' says Solonchak. 'If we can collect some wood for a pyre, would you care to do the honours on lighting it Fenswalder? If we make it out in the open, once the fire has died, we can make a cairn to make the spot'.
Maybe *that* would be a good place to name; then it would always carry a link to Tartuk's memory so anyone who wishes to remember him and give thanks for his life can visit this place and draw comfort from it?

Txoro of Barsaive |

Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but if we name this place, doesn't that mean that someone could come and weave thread(s) to the place - given that the cave and immediate surroundings are the site of some, shall we say 'unsavoury' happenings, including the death of one of our friends, would we want someone to be able to come and do that? I'm a bit unclear on what benefit weaving a thread to a place gives.
'Perhaps after we cleanse his remains with fire, then some sort of monument would be fitting?' says Solonchak. 'If we can collect some wood for a pyre, would you care to do the honours on lighting it Fenswalder? If we make it out in the open, once the fire has died, we can make a cairn to make the spot'.
Maybe *that* would be a good place to name; then it would always carry a link to Tartuk's memory so anyone who wishes to remember him and give thanks for his life can visit this place and draw comfort from it?
Exactly, part of the power of the name is the name it carries...
What is also does is tie you to that location. Imagine if the Battle of Bull Run" was remembered only as "The first battle of the Civil War." Not so significant any more is it? Names are tied together, who remembers Lincoln without the Gettysburg address? Custer without the Little Big Horn...and of course, The Alamo...

Txoro of Barsaive |

OK, it seems there's not a lot of RP happening at this juncture. so...moving on.
After you dig the cairn pits, and torch the bodies, you hold a ceremony to honor the dead. You gather the villagers, and at the break of dawn depart, the journey back to the village goes without a hitch.
You arrive back in town, you're missing two of the villagers...

Txoro of Barsaive |

OK, we're in Tsennan, you have to break the news to Tartuk's mother, and the rest of the village about the loss of the other villagers.
You have the magic item you found.
A Little RP action is required in the village. I don't want to narrate everything. We have Sytaz, Solonchak and Glottal still playing. I'm trying to recruit new players, but let's not wait or the game will comepletely die.

Solonchak |

As the heroes approach Tsennan, Solonchak says to his companions 'we have to take the woodsmen to Genna so she can make sure they are all right. The we need to speak to her and Elder Fennon about what we found. They might be able to help figure out what this 'thing' is <he gestures at the amulet recovered from the necromancer> and whether we should look into the journal or just burn it'.
'Then' he says heavily, 'we should tell Tartuk's family what happened. I'll take Lintak with me and do it'. He looks over his shoulder at the dead ork's lover as he says it.

Txoro of Barsaive |

As the heroes approach Tsennan, Solonchak says to his companions 'we have to take the woodsmen to Genna so she can make sure they are all right. The we need to speak to her and Elder Fennon about what we found. They might be able to help figure out what this 'thing' is <he gestures at the amulet recovered from the necromancer> and whether we should look into the journal or just burn it'.
'Then' he says heavily, 'we should tell Tartuk's family what happened. I'll take Lintak with me and do it'. He looks over his shoulder at the dead ork's lover as he says it.
Genna is Tartuk's mother...

Txoro of Barsaive |

Tartuk's mother comes rushing up, her wizened face masking much of her concern, "Where is Tartuk?" Genna asks as though she already knows the answer.
The town elders approach, Geleem's wife and children appear, and immediately begin to wail over his corpse.
After the party describes the events to Genna and the town council the town elder then states, "We shall need to revisit whether we stay here now, once we thought we could carve out a new town here, but perhaps Bartertown would be a better place for the rest of us. This is not a safe place for a small town, this world is changed from the world of old."
"As for that relic, that blood-red pendant, we have no troubadour to tells its tale, a trip elsewhere would provide those answers."
Glottal knows of a powerful wizard in Haven, named Hiermon. He may be able to provide the answers.

Solonchak |

Tartuk's mother comes rushing up, her wizened face masking much of her concern, "Where is Tartuk?" Genna asks as though she already knows the answer.
Solonchak shuffles his feet uncomfortably, looking at Sytaz and Glottal Cha for some moral support. Eventually, he clears his throat, and in a voice full of sadness tells Genna what fate has befallen her son. He leaves out the more unpleasant details, instead telling her - and any other listeners - how it was only through his bravery that any of the other villagers survived. He also recounts the tale of Tartuk's Flame.
After the party describes the events to Genna and the town council the town elder then states, "We shall need to revisit whether we stay here now, once we thought we could carve out a new town here, but perhaps Bartertown would be a better place for the rest of us. This is not a safe place for a small town, this world is changed from the world of old."
Solonchak says 'I can't speak for my companions, but I pledge to do whatever I can to help you. If we' he gestures at Sytaz and Glottal Cha 'go to Haven to investigate this artifact, I'll come back here afterwards if you wish it. In any event, the necromancer has tainted the land with his evil, so I intend to return anyway to cleanse it. First I must learn spells which will help me, and for that I need to find another who follows my Discipline - perhaps we will also find this in Haven?'