Txoro of Barsaive |

This will be the thread for the individual journals you will be keeping for submittal to the Library of Throal. Legend Points & Silver will be rewarded for journals written from your character's perspective. They don't have to be completely accurate to the dice rolls, just try to write the journals from the perspective of your race and discipline. T'skrang Swordmasters see the world very differently from Obsidimen Warriors.

Txoro of Barsaive |

This will be the thread for the individual journals you will be keeping for submittal to the Library of Throal. Legend Points & Silver will be rewarded for journals written from your character's perspective. They don't have to be completely accurate to the dice rolls, just try to write the journals from the perspective of your race and discipline. T'skrang Swordmasters see the world very differently from Obsidimen Warriors.
You may begin your journals now

Solonchak |

Life has certainly been eventful since leaving Xeric and my liferock. Seeing so many things that I had only ever read about was...breathtaking. The sky and sun, plants, the soil, animals, streams; our ancestors before the Scourge must have lived with them every day, yet for us they are wonders beyond compare.
When I was chosen to go to Tsennan I felt a mixture of joy at being able to discover the world and trepidation at what we might find. Finding other survivors was wonderful, and our group and the newly emerged Kaer dwellers soon put aside suspicions and began to work together. I am glad my skills proved useful to them, although I didn't expect to be treating so many cuts, bruises and splinters. I even had to deal with sunburn; my brother Solonetz would never believe it!
Over time, I took the chance to learn more about the area surrounding the cave, and Garrett and I did much exploring. He loved making his maps, I just found the chance to take so many samples of soil and plants to be so fulfilling, and my notebook is already filling up with notes of new discoveries.
When we heard the logging party were missing, we felt a duty to help. Many of those who hadn't come back were simple people, so it was important that we Adepts showed that our Talents could also be used for good. How pleasant, if initially surprising, to meet Glottal Cha and Fenswalder - they have proved themselves to be invaluable companions because without them we would have never defeated the foul necromancer who cruelly slew our friend Tartuk. We have buried him as best we can, and will make a monument to his memory. When I can find a fellow devotee of my Discipline who can teach me a spell of purification, I will go back to that cave and cleanse the foul taint that has seeped into the soil there.
Meanwhile, having got the others back safely to the settlement, there are other things I plan to study, and I feel the power of the earth swelling within me with each passing day. With practice I feel able to handle more powerful enchantments, but having seen the skill with which Glottal Cha wields his giant blade, perhaps a little training with my own sword might prove useful for the future...