Forums Are Way Too Long: The Next Generation

Off-Topic Discussions

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Solnes wrote:

Good Christmas Morning Urizen! :D

Hello Nurse!

The patient is still sleeping. She doesn't know yet that there are some presents waiting for her. She'll be slightly disappointed that she didn't get me anything (per our original agreement), but I failed that role. "Honey, do you know how much I $AVED? Pennies to the dollar!"

taig wrote:
Solnes wrote:
taig wrote:
What are the Moore Christmas plans? You going anywhere, or are you spending all day at home?

Naw, we were going to go to Hubby's mom's but her husband is in the hospital again. He has double pnuemonia, add that with his emphazima its not pretty. They are spending the day in the hospital. We are hoping they will be home on Sunday and we will go to their place and do our Christmas with them then.

So our day will be spent at home playing with all our new toys.

Prayers for your mother-in-law and her husband. That's not a good way to spend Christmas.

Yeah I know. I am trying to think of a way to brghten her day. Or at least make up for it. I offered to cook, but thats how she relaxes and keeps busy. I just wish that they could come home today and relax. Thank you Taig.

Urizen wrote:
Solnes wrote:

Good Christmas Morning Urizen! :D

Hello Nurse!

The patient is still sleeping. She doesn't know yet that there are some presents waiting for her. She'll be slightly disappointed that she didn't get me anything (per our original agreement), but I failed that role. "Honey, do you know how much I $AVED? Pennies to the dollar!"

We used to do that. Neither one of us was good at not getting the other at least something small. So we finally just gave a money limit to it, I think he broke it this year though. :)

RPG Superstar 2012

Solnes wrote:
taig wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Heya Taig! How has your morning been? Are your kids pleased with their take?

Oh yeah. My son is especially pleased with getting Dragon Age for the PC. Of course, my daughter and I had to mislead him for 4 days. Luckily, he is easy to mislead. :)

Awesome! I want to get that for hubby when we get the PS3 fixed.

The big gifts here were the Nerf gun, the Non-Lego Castle for the girl, and well everything that the baby got was a big hit with him. :D
I like his new Cars cars though. He got Sherrif and Lightning. They make noises and talk and light up. So cute.

My big gifts were new pots and pans! Great ones! And I got a digital picture frame, a really nice one. Lyn Thank you for the hand held one. :)
And hubby got a new cd player for his truck. :)

That's great. Prepare to be hit with Nerf missiles all day. :)

I got some gift cards, which I will be putting to use shortly.

Solnes wrote:

We used to do that. Neither one of us was good at not getting the other at least something small. So we finally just gave a money limit to it, I think he broke it this year though. :)

So, inquiring minds want to know. What was it?

taig wrote:
Solnes wrote:
taig wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Heya Taig! How has your morning been? Are your kids pleased with their take?

Oh yeah. My son is especially pleased with getting Dragon Age for the PC. Of course, my daughter and I had to mislead him for 4 days. Luckily, he is easy to mislead. :)

Awesome! I want to get that for hubby when we get the PS3 fixed.

The big gifts here were the Nerf gun, the Non-Lego Castle for the girl, and well everything that the baby got was a big hit with him. :D
I like his new Cars cars though. He got Sherrif and Lightning. They make noises and talk and light up. So cute.

My big gifts were new pots and pans! Great ones! And I got a digital picture frame, a really nice one. Lyn Thank you for the hand held one. :)
And hubby got a new cd player for his truck. :)

That's great. Prepare to be hit with Nerf missiles all day. :)

I got some gift cards, which I will be putting to use shortly.

Yah, I already put a stop to that! He knows we do not point even toy guns at people. So he is shooting EVERYTHING else. Although I am sure that at some point today his sister will be shot, and probably in the face. But he sure did love it. :)

Urizen wrote:
Solnes wrote:

We used to do that. Neither one of us was good at not getting the other at least something small. So we finally just gave a money limit to it, I think he broke it this year though. :)

So, inquiring minds want to know. What was it?

What was what? What I got or the money limit that he broke?

Solnes wrote:

Yah, I already put a stop to that! He knows we do not point even toy guns at people. So he is shooting EVERYTHING else. Although I am sure that at some point today his sister will be shot, and probably in the face. But he sure did love it. :)

Run, Paizo, Run!

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Solnes wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Solnes wrote:

We used to do that. Neither one of us was good at not getting the other at least something small. So we finally just gave a money limit to it, I think he broke it this year though. :)

So, inquiring minds want to know. What was it?
What was what? What I got or the money limit that he broke?

My guess is it's the gift. :)

Solnes wrote:

What was what? What I got or the money limit that he broke?

Either or (if they're one and the same). There was something else besides the pots & pans, right??? Or am I speaking too soon?


Urizen wrote:
Solnes wrote:

Yah, I already put a stop to that! He knows we do not point even toy guns at people. So he is shooting EVERYTHING else. Although I am sure that at some point today his sister will be shot, and probably in the face. But he sure did love it. :)
Run, Paizo, Run!

Oh I didn't even think of that. I better extract a promise from him now!

Urizen wrote:
Solnes wrote:

What was what? What I got or the money limit that he broke?

Either or (if they're one and the same). There was something else besides the pots & pans, right??? Or am I speaking too soon?


The Digital picture frame. and chocolate, lots of chocolate. :)

Solnes wrote:

The Digital picture frame. and chocolate, lots of chocolate. :)

Yeah, speaking of chocolate, she's been mourning for it lately. I was kind enough to locate some dark chocolate cocoa with low sugar that she'd be allowed to drink for now.

RPG Superstar 2012

Urizen wrote:
Solnes wrote:

The Digital picture frame. and chocolate, lots of chocolate. :)

Yeah, speaking of chocolate, she's been mourning for it lately. I was kind enough to locate some dark chocolate cocoa with low sugar that she'd be allowed to drink for now.

Ooh, is chocolate completely off-limits? I think that would kill it for me.

taig wrote:
Ooh, is chocolate completely off-limits? I think that would kill it for me.

For now. She'll eventually be able to eat it again. Just not in the same quantities. Remember, I had the surgery too...

RPG Superstar 2012

Urizen wrote:
taig wrote:
Ooh, is chocolate completely off-limits? I think that would kill it for me.
For now. She'll eventually be able to eat it again. Just not in the same quantities. Remember, I had the surgery too...

True. Hence the comment about the 100 Grand bar. OK, that doesn't so bad, then. :)

OK folks. I have ta run adn download lots of pics to get together for the mom in law. You guys have a wonderful morning and day. :)

taig wrote:

True. Hence the comment about the 100 Grand bar. OK, that doesn't so bad, then. :)

It's the first six months up to a year is the hellish part. In the beginning, I couldn't even drink soda. I tried and I automatically started foaming through the nose like Cujo with rabies because there was noplace for the carbonated air to rush through to belch and expel the gases. Trial and error. :P

Solnes wrote:
OK folks. I have ta runa dn download lots of pist to get together for the mom in law. You guys have a wonderful morning and day. :)

Run, Solnes, Run! :P

And on that note, must deal with the ravenous bulldog as my woman rises from her Xmas slumber.

Later, Taig!

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Bye, everyone.

I hope you have a great day!

Just thought I'd make a quick stop here to wish everybody a Merry XMas. Now off to the next family engagement! :D

Thank you very much, taig! I do appreciate it!

Solnes wrote:
taig wrote:
What are the Moore Christmas plans? You going anywhere, or are you spending all day at home?

Naw, we were going to go to Hubby's mom's but her husband is in the hospital again. He has double pnuemonia, add that with his emphazima its not pretty. They are spending the day in the hospital. We are hoping they will be home on Sunday and we will go to their place and do our Christmas with them then.

So our day will be spent at home playing with all our new toys.

I hope that he gets better soon. I will keep them in my prayers.

Silver Crusade

wanders into thread

Silver Crusade

sings "We Wish You a Merry Christmas"

Silver Crusade

wanders out of thread

Dark Archive

Merry Christmas! I got a Wii and The Force Unleashed!

Morning FAWTLites. Merry too-sunny Xmas from the middle of the desert. :)

Liberty's Edge

All the snow melted in Dallas. Bummer.

Heathansson wrote:
All the snow melted in Dallas. Bummer.

Half my snow melted, then refroze in an interesting and treacherous form. The Innuit would call it "Nuk" which translates as "Slippery-ass snow that likes to cave in and bite your shins at inoportune moments."

Merry Christmas all! :)

And taig, thanks. :)

Anyone else notice that with Christmas comes loads of trash?!

Kids are actually quiet and volunteered to go to their rooms! Wooo Hooo Christmas day nap!

Oh, and I finally posted the pics from the dragon's visit on FB. Go take a peek. Also a few from Halloween and Thanksgiving. :)

Solnes wrote:
Anyone else notice that with Christmas comes loads of trash?!

Usually never notice until after the festivities, but yeah it never fails... ;)

Merry Christmas to all!!!

Liberty's Edge

Great.....thought my son broke his finger in the t.v. tray last night. On Christmas Eve.
Looks okay though......what a mess.

Heathansson wrote:

Great.....thought my son broke his finger in the t.v. tray last night. On Christmas Eve.

Looks okay though......what a mess.

Yikes...glad to hear he is ultimately okay. What kinda mess?

Liberty's Edge

Nothing....just....contemplating spending Christmas Eve in the ER waiting to get an x-ray for my son's index finger.
He's cool now though.

Heathansson wrote:

Nothing....just....contemplating spending Christmas Eve in the ER waiting to get an x-ray for my son's index finger.

He's cool now though.

Poor baby! I am glad he is ok. That would have been horible for him! Is he still hurting today?

Solnes wrote:
Oh, and I finally posted the pics from the dragon's visit on FB. Go take a peek. Also a few from Halloween and Thanksgiving. :)

I take that back...lots of new pics downloaded. Check out the new ones in the KIDS album. :)

Liberty's Edge

Solnes wrote:
Heathansson wrote:

Nothing....just....contemplating spending Christmas Eve in the ER waiting to get an x-ray for my son's index finger.

He's cool now though.
Poor baby! I am glad he is ok. That would have been horible for him! Is he still hurting today?

Naah, he's allright. He just got pinched really hard.

Heathansson wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Heathansson wrote:

Nothing....just....contemplating spending Christmas Eve in the ER waiting to get an x-ray for my son's index finger.

He's cool now though.
Poor baby! I am glad he is ok. That would have been horible for him! Is he still hurting today?
Naah, he's allright. He just got pinched really hard.


How is your Christmas going? Kids having a good day? :D

Dark Archive

no snow here just lots of ice... dangerous, dangerous ice

Liberty's Edge

Solnes wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Heathansson wrote:

Nothing....just....contemplating spending Christmas Eve in the ER waiting to get an x-ray for my son's index finger.

He's cool now though.
Poor baby! I am glad he is ok. That would have been horible for him! Is he still hurting today?
Naah, he's allright. He just got pinched really hard.


How is your Christmas going? Kids having a good day? :D

Yeah; pretty good. Playing with new stuff and whatnot.

The Exchange

Merry Christmas all.

No Taig I am not. ;)

Well I had an old player get me the Pathfinder Core rules for Christmas and another old player said well I guess we will have to play now. So they are "talking" me into running another game as of January. :)

In point of fact that same player bought about 5 copies and handed them out so we all have the rules now, in hard back.

The Exchange

Crimson Jester wrote:

Merry Christmas all.

No Taig I am not. ;)

Well I had an old player get me the Pathfinder Core rules for Christmas and another old player said well I guess we will have to play now. So they are "talking" me into running another game as of January. :)

In point of fact that same player bought about 5 copies and handed them out so we all have the rules now, in hard back.

I sense he is trying to tell you something.... I just don't know what it is. ;)

The Exchange

Moorluck wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:

Merry Christmas all.

No Taig I am not. ;)

Well I had an old player get me the Pathfinder Core rules for Christmas and another old player said well I guess we will have to play now. So they are "talking" me into running another game as of January. :)

In point of fact that same player bought about 5 copies and handed them out so we all have the rules now, in hard back.

I sense he is trying to tell you something.... I just don't know what it is. ;)

Yeah I haven't figured it out. I cant quite grasp what it is though. ;)

The Exchange

Crimson Jester wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:

Merry Christmas all.

No Taig I am not. ;)

Well I had an old player get me the Pathfinder Core rules for Christmas and another old player said well I guess we will have to play now. So they are "talking" me into running another game as of January. :)

In point of fact that same player bought about 5 copies and handed them out so we all have the rules now, in hard back.

I sense he is trying to tell you something.... I just don't know what it is. ;)
Yeah I haven't figured it out. I cant quite grasp what it is though. ;)

I never did get innuendo, just come out and tell me for cripes sake! :P

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