Solo Saga Edition Campaign Plot Help / Advice

Other RPGs

I'm currently running a solo adventure Saga Edition campaign and am looking for some suggestions as to what direction to go in at this point.

The adventure is set during the initial phase of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion.
Basically, I've run this player through the story of Resident Evil. Had him get stranded in a remote mansion in the Hapes Consortium and slowly discover its been overrun by zombie-like creatures. After going through the mansion and finally discovering passage to an underground research facility, he found that scientists working for a company called Aurora have been experimenting with Yuuzhan Vong slave seeds, a vong flower, and the rakghoul virus.
Barabels that have been exposed to their hybrid virus turned into Hunters, humans and near humans into zombies, etc etc

He has gone through the entirity of the mansion and the research facility, and escaped by the skin of his teeth from the auto-destruct the blew up the facility and the mansion.

The broader plans of Aurora are to deliver their engineered virus into the atmospheres of 3 planets along the Yuuzhan Vong invasion corridor. When the Vong attempt to conquer those planets to continue their advance, they will be entirely stymied by Aurora's genetically enhanced forces (the infected population).

During the adventure, my player discovered that his commanding officer was actually working for/with Aurora and believes him to now be dead. In the research facility, he found mention of a "Theta Facility" located on Ziost and a cargo vessel named "The Tenebrous Star" left the research facility for Ziost 3 days before the player arrived on site.

His destination is now the Theta Facility on Ziost. As I feel we've run through the plot from the original Resident Evil, I'm not really looking to continue along those lines. He is looking to take down Aurora, but I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas as to what I should throw at him on Ziost?

He is Level 9, it is a solo campaign, but he has a salvaged T3 droid from the mansion running around with him and he is remarkably hardy and kicks butt in melee.

Any ideas/suggestions are most welcome!

Well, lets see. You could have him triumphantly arrive at a major city, let's say, Cloud City; the swelling crowd cheering his name as he rides down the streets on a Taun-Taun who is clearly out of his element. Next you could have him summoned to the leadership and given a task to help assist in a major war which has been brewing with a deviously evil BBEG. After the first major victory, he could infiltrate the BBEG's facility and discover that his long-lost son is actually the BBEG himself, fallen from grace. Of course, that's after the hero lops off his head with a light saber.

Next there could be a long hiatus of downtime... let's say about 25 years. After this, the hero is summoned once again to the same city as before and discovers that the zombie-plague has hit the city in full force. He then heads off to visit his old mentor, we'll call him Obi-John-Kenobi about it, but finds that his mentor has slipped off to another star system. The hero, seeking this information, heads off to the star system and ends up meeting some crazy fire-alien in a bar who directs him to the location of where Obi-John has slipped off to.

While seeking the mentor on yet another star system which we'll call Fireplane, he finds that the universe is in danger from an even greater villain than the former BBEG. At this point, the hero needs to unleash legendary Banthas capable of devouring whole worlds in order to stop this new BBEG.

From there, the hero unleashes them and then finds out that Obi-John is actually the former BBEG in disguise so he has to free the real Obi-John and then realizes that his best buddy, Spitbacca is actually a crazy old prophet named Solotannen.


OK, I think a similar plot has been used before...

You might need some more help.

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