Pathfinder Society in Manchester, UK, this Weekend (16-18 October '09)!

Local Play

There are a number of Pathfinder Society events scheduled for Game '09 in Manchester this weekend, which the excellent messieurs Wintergreen and Rob Silk of these boards have helped to organise.
*Link to GameCon site*

Ah, just across the water from me!

I wish there was a Dublin division!

Uggh. Blue screen death and no computer access since Friday...
Hope that you all had fun there in Manchester, and for those in the UK who missed it but are interested in such events, please check the PaizoCon UK site (*link*) for information about our convention next July (2010), and for other events before then where Wintergreen/Rob Silk or their associates may be running PFS.

The Exchange 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Mediterranean

And keep an eye on this thread.

Next planned event is Oddcon.

How did it go? It was great meeting you again, this time in The Thirsty Scholar. I hope your return journey was better!

The Exchange 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Mediterranean

ericthecleric wrote:
How did it go? It was great meeting you again, this time in The Thirsty Scholar. I hope your return journey was better!

It went quite well. The majority were new to Pathfinder (and quite a few new to roleplaying or had only played 4th edition D&D) and everybody seemed to enjoy the games. A slow start but we had a number of tables running in each slot. Should get some photos up on the website soon.

Good to see you again. The Thirsty Scholar seemed to be my kind of pub!

I'm glad you liked it (the pub)!

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