[Guide to Darkmoon Vale] Strength of the Diamond Question

Lost Omens Products

Scarab Sages

So here's the feat I'm wondering about.

Strength of the Diamond:

Benefit: Any effect that would normally make you panicked instead makes you frightened. Any effect that would make you frightened instead makes you shaken. Any effect that would make you shaken has no effect on you. Not that you can still become increasingly frightened by multiple fear effects from different sources, but each source is modified before it is applied to you. In addition you gain a +2 bonus on any saving throw versus fear effects.

(Love the feat, btw.)
You're basically immune to anything that causes the shaken condition, right? Like, even if you're currently frightened and someone Intimidate (demoralize)s you, you don't care because, "Any effect that would make you shaken has no effect on you."

Or, is it that Intimidate (demoralize) would, in this instance, cause panic, thus it can effect you?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Tom Baumbach wrote:

So here's the feat I'm wondering about.

** spoiler omitted **
(Love the feat, btw.)
You're basically immune to anything that causes the shaken condition, right? Like, even if you're currently frightened and someone Intimidate (demoralize)s you, you don't care because, "Any effect that would make you shaken has no effect on you."

Or, is it that Intimidate (demoralize) would, in this instance, cause panic, thus it can effect you?

It would have no effect. The feat says that the effects are modified down before they affect you, so the shaken condition doesn't affect you. You'd need something that made your frightened, which would reduce to shaken to even begin to get worried. Quite a powerful anti-fear feat.

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