Discussion: The Golarion Cookbook

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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Set wrote:

Oh hey, there's Hugo. Time to break out that recipe for buttered frog legs...

Bullywug or Grippli?

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Lilith wrote:
Awesometastic my fellow gamer foodie! You too, Paris. Just don't believe that guy that said that searing seals in juices - it doesn't. ;)

Oh, I know. I watched that episode of Good Eats (there aren't many episodes I haven't seen). He was right about not poking it with a probe thermometer, though. Of course, I knew that already, too. ;-)

I think this is a really fun idea. It would be a neat way to bring my kids into Pathfinder gaming and the world of Golarion, too. "Okay, girls! Today, we're going to make a Korvosan beef stew for dinner. We can continue to explore the haunted manor house while it's on the stove."

I'm curious, though. Is there a risk in this project of reinforcing a similarity between Golarion and real-world region? Many cultures of our world are strongly identified with styles of cooking. If we aren't careful, we might overemphasize a connection that doesn't fit with the way Paizo envisions a particular nation. Just a thought.

What nation in the world would consider flumph a local meat animal? ;)

(That said, yeah, you just have to be careful.)

As to stone soup, good idea. I think it could be 0 level. Hm. Interesting. In Golarion, clerics can feed the masses a lot more effectively than in D&D since you get unlimited 0-level spells (create food and water is 0 IIRC). You're only limited to 960 practical castings a day assuming 16 hours casting and 8 hours resting.

Liberty's Edge

Turin the Mad wrote:

For Andorans, "manacle"-styled wedding cakes might be rather popular, with the cutting of the cake celebrating their shattering the shackles of their pre-married lives.

Quoted for irony

Shadow Lodge

Lilith wrote:
Cheliax and Taldor probably have a lot of farce food, turducken, or a whole roasted pig stuffed with veggies and whole chicken. Something really elaborate, complex and time-consuming. Can totally see the umpteen course dinner.

One of the local butcher shops offers; chickens stuffed with sausages, stuffed in a lamb, stuffed in a pig. It's MEATASTIC!! Or, so I would think. :)

Gear wrote:

One of the local butcher shops offers; chickens stuffed with sausages, stuffed in a lamb, stuffed in a pig. It's MEATASTIC!! Or, so I would think. :)

That's freakin' awesome! :D

At one point my old gaming group put together dinner using recipes out of a Dragonlance supplement, "Leaves from the Last Inn," I think. Of course, the core of this group also put together the "Sunday Night Exotic Dinner Society," in which we would arrive around noon and begin cooking a theme dinner from scratch, all the while sampling multiple vintages and varietals.

I am currently running a character who is a swashbuckling mage and chef. He has various magical cooking implements, and has modified several spells to augment the process of cooking while travelling:

Animated Knives: automatically chop, dice, slice, etc.
Magnificent Spice Cellar: creates and grinds fresh spices
ChiaHerbs: you get the idea . . .
Self-heating pots and pans . . .

He's modified various transdimensional spells, (like Tiny Hut, etc.) to provide pantry and cellar space . . .

Needless to say, I would be interested in this project, and would hope to contribute

Sovereign Court

Gear wrote:
One of the local butcher shops offers; chickens stuffed with sausages, stuffed in a lamb, stuffed in a pig. It's MEATASTIC!! Or, so I would think. :)

A pambicken? Kinda like the distant cousin of the turducken (turkey stuffed with duck stuffed with chicken stuffed with Andouille sausage ... mmmm).

Liberty's Edge

I would love to be responsible for introducing southern comfort food into Golarion (preferably in Alkenstar, since it's badass there). I have this great recipe for hot-brown, and... What? I cook. Something wrong with that? o.o

Jeremy Puckett

Dark Archive

Paris Crenshaw wrote:
I'm curious, though. Is there a risk in this project of reinforcing a similarity between Golarion and real-world region? Many cultures of our world are strongly identified with styles of cooking. If we aren't careful, we might overemphasize a connection that doesn't fit with the way Paizo envisions a particular nation. Just a thought.

It is true that some of the associations (Taldor with Italy, for instance) might not entirely match assumptions. (For instance, I see Taldor as having lots of breads and cheeses, with particularly ornate and complicated pastries, and little or no pasta.)

And there are sections of Golarion that don't perfectly match up with a real-world society. It's easy enough to look at Osirion and say Egypt and Qadira = Persia and Ustalav = Slavic / Russian and Linnorm Kings = Scandinavian, but Cheliax and Numeria kind of go off and do their own thing...

Ideally, a good article should include sample dishes from at least the five Pathfinder Society nations, as well as some other popular cultures, including Shoanti, Mwangwi, Tien, Vudran and Varisian dishes.

Dark Archive

Random Golarion food-inspired fanfic. Foodfic?

The Feast.

“Ah, you should have been there, oh honored executioner. It was a sight for the ages, of which songs will be sung. I have truly earned your services this night.”

“I was tasked by our esteemed and faultless Satrap to oversee the creation of a suitable meal to honor the return of Prince Shahrukh, who, as you may know, loathes this ‘insignificant bit of sand, the very dust beneath the sandals of Greater Kel’.”

“I felt compelled to honor him as lavishly as he honored us, and so arranged for a magnificent feast, with hot-eyed dancing girls clad in the colored scarves of their distant homelands, sweating slaves groaning under enormous platters of smoked cheeses and spiced fruits, and fantastic sculptures of pastry glazed to depict the great battles and victories that the esteemed Prince was born too late to see.”

“I left the main course a mystery, and waited just long enough for its absence to be noted, with some concern. I clapped my hands and six slaves came forth bearing a veiled litter, and I allowed the mystery to continue as they brought it alongside the table, parting the veil to reveal an egg nearly as tall as a man, cream-colored with brown mottling, and decorated exquisitely with calligraphic characters in gold leaf. Ah, how they gasped, as I stepped onto a chair, and thence onto the table itself, in gross violation of tradition, there to regale them with the tale.”

“The warriors of Mwangi, I told them, would prove their bravery by raiding the nests of the terrible lizards, who were as tall as five men standing one upon the other, who were able to consume an oxen in a single bite, and who were strong enough to tear down the mightiest trees of the great jungles. Eyes widened, and I explained further how they would bring the eggs back to their homes, and slowly roast them over great fires, with the warriors feeding from the rich yolks, so that the strength of these titans would flow into their limbs and hearts and loins.”

“I then presented a gold-plated steel rod, the size of a mace, and resembling nothing so much as a spoon, that had been crafted for a giant, to our beloved Prince Shahrukh, asking that he step up to demonstrate his warriors strength, to crack open the egg, and let the feasting begin!”

“He obliged, caught up in the drama of the moment, and I stepped down again to the floor, as if remembering my station in the presence of his greatness. Once he struck the egg, and breaths were held. Again he struck it, and a great crack appeared, to the cheers of the assembled. A third time his arm fell, and a piece of shell the size of a warriors shield fell to the table. He raised his arms in triumph as those who looked on cheered his name at a blow well struck.”

“And then the creature within struck the fourth blow, surging forth from the riven shell, its head that of a crocodile and it’s body shriveled with the effects of mummification and decay. At the juncture of neck and shoulder it seized him, shaking his body like a dog does that of a rat, and my heart sang to hear him wail like a child, flailing about uselessly and screaming as the rotting horror took its pound of flesh.”

“The guards made short work of the thing. It was but an unborn infant among its kind, after all. And the Prince, he survived the wounds to his flesh, although I suspect his spirit still writhes within its jaws, unmanned by his display of terror.”

“And so you are now the last eyes I will see, esteemed executioner. I knew it was the penalty of death to truck with the death-lovers of Geb, but it is worth a thousand deaths to have heard a Prince scream...”


Charles Evans 25 wrote:
So would there be interest in such a product, either as a pdf or a dead tree product?

This is an awesome idea, though probably more the purview of a website or other unofficial vehicle. I always loved the old "Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home" books with all their cool recipes and pieces of sheet music and what not. That was a big part of the reason I asked Amber to include a recipe in her Varisians article in Pathfinder 7, and that worked out great - though personally I haven't tried it yet. While I could see us doing such a thing in Pathfinder again when/if it feels natural I have no idea when that would be. So yeah, I'd love to see you all put together your ideas someplace. Heck, might be a good addition to Wayfinder #2! Ooooh, and a Paizocon cook-off sounds both awesome and terrifying!

Sovereign Court

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Charles Evans 25 wrote:
So would there be interest in such a product, either as a pdf or a dead tree product?
This is an awesome idea, though probably more the purview of a website or other unofficial vehicle. I always loved the old "Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home" books with all their cool recipes and pieces of sheet music and what not. That was a big part of the reason I asked Amber to include a recipe in her Varisians article in Pathfinder 7, and that worked out great - though personally I haven't tried it yet. While I could see us doing such a thing in Pathfinder again when/if it feels natural I have no idea when that would be. So yeah, I'd love to see you all put together your ideas someplace. Heck, might be a good addition to Wayfinder #2! Ooooh, and a Paizocon cook-off sounds both awesome and terrifying!

Just make sure Paizocon Attendees have kitchen access at the hotel next year and we can have that cook-off. ;)

zylphryx wrote:
Just make sure Paizocon Attendees have kitchen access at the hotel next year and we can have that cook-off. ;)


Shadow Lodge

zylphryx wrote:
Gear wrote:
One of the local butcher shops offers; chickens stuffed with sausages, stuffed in a lamb, stuffed in a pig. It's MEATASTIC!! Or, so I would think. :)
A pambicken? Kinda like the distant cousin of the turducken (turkey stuffed with duck stuffed with chicken stuffed with Andouille sausage ... mmmm).

I don't, generally, care for lamb; but I'll be a pig would be good with a couple of turduckens shoved up in it.

Shadow Lodge

Set wrote:

Random Golarion food-inspired fanfic. Foodfic?

The Feast.

** spoiler omitted **...

I enjoyed that very much, thank you. :)

zylphryx wrote:
Just make sure Paizocon Attendees have kitchen access at the hotel next year and we can have that cook-off. ;)

No no, I don't want to have to choose between PaizoCon and GenCon! :)

What do you call it? Dire Chef? Tastefinder? Bobby Mindflay's Throwdown?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

varianor wrote:
What do you call it? Dire Chef? Tastefinder? Bobby Mindflay's Throwdown?

Cold Iron Chef.

Sovereign Court

varianor wrote:
No no, I don't want to have to choose between PaizoCon and GenCon! :)

No no, set the cash aside to attend both! If you can't do that, then just keep in mind: Great gaming at both, but great fare in Seattle! ;)

Gear wrote:
Lilith wrote:
Cheliax and Taldor probably have a lot of farce food, turducken, or a whole roasted pig stuffed with veggies and whole chicken. Something really elaborate, complex and time-consuming. Can totally see the umpteen course dinner.

One of the local butcher shops offers; chickens stuffed with sausages, stuffed in a lamb, stuffed in a pig. It's MEATASTIC!! Or, so I would think. :)

You think that is meatastic just listen to this. Quoted from the 1995 edition Guinness Book of Records: "The largest item on any menu in the world is roasted camel prepared occasionally for Bedouin wedding feasts. Cooked eggs are stuffed into fish, the fish stuffed into cooked chickens, the chickens stuffed into a roasted sheep's carcass and the sheep stuffed into a whole camel." - Guinness Book of Records 1995 edition page 489 in the paperback version

A dish from Qadira perhaps?

I would also be interested in seeing recipes developed based not just on Golarion but other settings as well (although copyright issues would potentially kill off other worlds unfortunately) Eberron's Five Nations, possibly some FR, Greyhawk books (not sure where food items were listed in any of those but Five Nations I do recall mentioned some food items. Well it is (pun intended) food for thought.

See info on "Taste of Golarion", a new column for Wayfinder!

Oooh, excellent!

Owner - Caffeinated Dragon Games

Well, I've had chef training, worked in kitchens, run one & have some free times.
Hells, I was thinking of writing a bunch of recipes for a Fantasty RPG styled game as it was, already had a handful of ideas.

Do they use metric or imperial (if so what sort of imperial)
Or is it handful, dash, & a smidgeon of what is to be added?

Area specific, or just a 'global' selection? Or anything goes?

Saberhagin wrote:

Well, I've had chef training, worked in kitchens, run one & have some free times.

Hells, I was thinking of writing a bunch of recipes for a Fantasty RPG styled game as it was, already had a handful of ideas.

Do they use metric or imperial (if so what sort of imperial)
Or is it handful, dash, & a smidgeon of what is to be added?

Area specific, or just a 'global' selection? Or anything goes?

The idea is to make them usable for the modern home cook, so I would prefer metric measurements, as those are easiest to convert to the standard US measuring system.

For Wayfinder #2, it is not area-specific, but it is focused on the winter holiday season.

Epic Meepo wrote:
Cold Iron Chef.


Question; are we using RL ingrediants or items that are in the setting for ingrediants? Oh and what are the rules?

captramses wrote:
Question; are we using RL ingrediants or items that are in the setting for ingrediants? Oh and what are the rules?

The rules are here. The idea is to make a Golarion-themed food dish that can be made at home, so you'll have to use real ingredients.

*Bump in hope of update*

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