erian_7 |

Some of the formatting into cells seems to have been messed up with the new feat data. I don't think the cells are wrapping the text properly.
You mean the summary text that comes up after you select a feat? If so, that doesn't wrap but rather shrinks to fit. I'm looking to reformat that area once I've got the feat automation going. It will look more like the Traits area, with a selector, a Qualified indicator, and a two-line summary that wraps.
SI was hoping that we could get an intro on "How to Use the Sheet" somewhere, maybe on the first page. I'd also like to see all the "Legal" stuff be more conveniently "hidden." Can it be behind a button or something?
That's a good idea on a step-through for making a character. I'll think some more on that.
For the Legal tab, you can bump the tabs over using the arrows in the lower left corner. I want to keep it visible so folks can check sources and such, but I'm open to ideas.
SAs for how to use the sheet, I must be doing something wrong on step 1 when I am at the "Front" page and I set the point buy to "Epic" then start putting stats in the starting abilities. I don't see "spent" update. Should it? I suppose there are going to be varying ways to use the sheet but a basic method to direct people through setting up a character would be nice.
SI could see a per class "How to" option in the future, but something simple for now would be useful.
After you set the Point-Buy Type, the message right below Spent should say Choose a Race! if you haven't selected one. Once you do that, the message will change to X Points Left! and Spent will start showing how many points you've spent. I'm guessing you didn't select a race?
SMaybe have a version Change-log on the first page too?
I have maintained change logs in the past for other sheets, but I usually do so only when the sheet has reached a final baseline version (i.e. v.1.0). In this stage of creating sheets, I find all sorts of little things to improve so a change log would be quite large.
SAnd, finally, is there an easy way to convert a character sheet from an earlier version of the sheet to a new version?
Not at this stage--there are changes all throughout the various tabs and they'd be too extensive to effectively duplicate in an older version.

erian_7 |

How can I add tiefling to the list of races? Can I just insert a cell right under the other races and type in the info?
Customization is probably the area I need to spend the most time on working up a "How To" section...
On the Tables tab, you will find grey (changing to green in the next version) shaded cells in the tables for skills, races, and classes. You can use these to add custom information related to these areas. For adding a tiefling, start in the cell right below the Human (AF10). You can use the information in the other race entries to figure out what to put in each cell, but let me know if something is confusing. That will help me work up that "How To" guide.

erian_7 |

i agree the how to is important. But doesnt completeing the sheet for core classes and races more important at present?
Oh yes, I'm not going to derail that. I'm a multi-thread kind of thinker--as I work on one thing I'm usually thinking on two or three others. I won't start any new major items until the core classes are done, but "starter" spots for helping things along my pop into my head.
One thought, would folks want full help laid out, or Comments for various cells?

![]() |

I don't know if it is just me or not, but when I select a race other than human or half elf, it makes the point buy a -2 points spent. Is there a reason for this?
Also, where are we supposed to put the +2 charisma +2 con -2 strenth stat changes in for gnome for stat adjustments?
I also just found that adding charisma bump at level 4 also messes with the point buy formula.

erian_7 |

Actually my stats are set, but it is sitting at 2 points left to spent when I really have none. Why would the lv 4 ability bump effect the point buy formula?
Can you tell me exactly what you've got in the Starting ability array? The sheet works the points spent and racial modifiers together--i.e. a gnome's racial modifiers are calculated into the starting point of 10 in each ability, so at the beginning you have 17 points to spend on a standard point buy. I just tested this out and it seems to be working, but I may have a formula error somewhere I'm not picking up by not emulating your steps.
I also noticed that the other attack bonuses and other damage modifiers for the primary weapon is locked and can't be added to.
And no Problem! I am making my character so I will let you know if I come across anymore.
Keep up the great work!
Yep, another error there--I rebuilt the Weapon blocks to accommodate the Bonus functionality and it looks like I partially locked the Other Mods cells in the process. Checking them all now and fixing...

![]() |

Can you tell me exactly what you've got in the Starting ability array? The sheet works the points spent and racial modifiers together--i.e. a gnome's racial modifiers are calculated into the starting point of 10 in each ability, so at the beginning you have 17 points to spend on a standard point buy. I just tested this out and it seems to be working, but I may have a formula error somewhere I'm not picking up by not emulating your steps.
we are using a 20 point buy.
in the starting ability section, I have the following abilities with out race added in.
str 10
dex 14 (5 ranks)
con 14 (5 ranks)
int 10
wis 13 (3 ranks)
chr 15 (7 ranks)
The following are the abilities I have put into the starting ability stats with race added in. This is what I currently have in the starting abilities area. (gnome)
str 8 (-2 from gnome)
dex 14
con 16 (+2 from gnome)
int 10
wis 13
chr 17 (+2 from gnome)
I have the lv 4 stat bump put into chrisma. (it put -2 into the point buy for choosing this)
I currently still have 2 points left according to the point buy formula, though I have used all my points.
I am more than likely doing something wrong.

The 8th Dwarf |

Ah, found it. The problem is in the formula incorporating the ability bumps. Now that I think about it, I can greatly simplify that formula now that I've got the starting score and final score split. I'll have that in v.0.5.7; until then note that everything works fine except for the ability bumps.
Hello Erian_7
You (and the other guys who are helping out) are doing an excellent job. In regards to channelling is it possible to include a box for traits (sacred conduit)or buffs that increase the save DC?

erian_7 |

Hello Erian_7
You (and the other guys who are helping out) are doing an excellent job. In regards to channelling is it possible to include a box for traits (sacred conduit)or buffs that increase the save DC?
Thanks, and definitely!
I actually want to have for several common options on various aspects of the sheet--feats like Power Attack, Weapon Finesse, Combat Expertise, etc. and how they affect attack/damage/AC; same for channeling and feats/traits. As part of that, I'll add a blank area similar to the little Mods boxes already on the sheet, to cover cases I can't readily accommodate.

Malvoisin |

For Amrmor and Weapons:
Is there anyway that you could add a drop down menu for said items as oppsed to manually entering them? Included could be all applicable bonuses already figured into the weapon/armor (feats, character abilties, etc).
I agree, especially for armor. Having to manually enter the AC bonus, plus all the other details is one of the biggest problems I have with the sheet right now.
I don't want to complain too much, because this is turning into an excellent sheet! But I just want to express my opinion that this should be moved up on the priority list, if possible. Thanks!

erian_7 |

I want to hit Equipment, but I can't see moving it above class and feat automation since these can be far trickier than weapons and armor. Is it more important than spell automation? Spells are also generally trickier than equipment and change level by level
And of course there's the data entry. I'll need all the equipment entered into a table format for use. Of course, with all the good folks on this thread that'll probably get done for me well before I'm able to work on the functionality...

Full Bleed |

Full Bleed wrote:Some of the formatting into cells seems to have been messed up with the new feat data. I don't think the cells are wrapping the text properly.You mean the summary text that comes up after you select a feat? If so, that doesn't wrap but rather shrinks to fit. I'm looking to reformat that area once I've got the feat automation going. It will look more like the Traits area, with a selector, a Qualified indicator, and a two-line summary that wraps.
Actually, here are some samples of where I'm seeing problems in the formatting:
12h through 17h, 12i to 17i, 15j to 17j, no solid lines around the feat descriptions, benefit, and normal.
Below that, there seems to be all kinds of wrapping issues with the descriptions, benefit, and normal cells.
At least, that's what I'm seeing in Excel 2007.

erian_7 |

Actually, here are some samples of where I'm seeing problems in the formatting:
12h through 17h, 12i to 17i, 15j to 17j, no solid lines around the feat descriptions, benefit, and normal.
Below that, there seems to be all kinds of wrapping issues with the descriptions, benefit, and normal cells.
At least, that's what I'm seeing in Excel 2007.
Ah, you mean on the Feat tab itself! Yes, I haven't really focused on formatting there as it's been more a data source than a display screen. I fixed the formatting for v.0.5.7 now that I know what you were looking at, so you should be good to go.
And as a note, I'm working on the Rogue now and will then get this version posted for review.

erian_7 |

Okay, v.0.5.7 is ready for folks to check out. I've completed class automation for all core classes except sorcerer and wizard (plus the cleric domains) and this version has an Abilities and Feats tab to show how these can be displayed. I'd like to get some feedback on the presentation itself. Is this what folks were thinking as far as a 1-sheet display? How do you like the handling of sub-abilities (like rage powers) vs. main ability entries? Spells? I can tweak things around and replicate it for the other classes fairly quickly, but I'd like to know I'm on a good path before doing that as it can be a bit tedious...and I expect I've got some errors in there right now!
Other additions/changes in this version: (1) fixed the various errors and formatting issues that have been reported, (2) added in functionality to show age effects for ability scores by race, (3) revamped the point-buy tracking so it is straight from the PRD chart (i.e. it doesn't add in racial and other mods first), (4) reformatted the custom data entry fields on the Tables tab to be consistent with the other tabs, (5) added an Other DC Mods box for channel energy

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It's looking great and is saving me a ton of time making one of my own.
I've spotted a few issues so here they are:
1 The "starting gold" cell on the "back" tab needs to be unlocked. Likewise the "current experience" cell and experience point progression drop-down list.
2 I like the new tab for class features. There's an error on it when you create a low-level monk, though. I think it's in the formula for calculating how many bonus feats the monk has. With only limited testing I can see that it works OK for a lvl 4 monk, but not for a lvl 1 monk.
3 The human stat bonus doesn't seem to work correctly. I created a human character, allocated all the point-buy stats and then picked strength as his bonus. It didn't add 2 to his strength so I had to up the point-buy stats, which then complained that I'd spent too many points
4 Also for monks, his AC and CMD should include his wisdom bonus as well as his dex bonus.
5 On the subject of AC, dodge bonuses should be included in Touch AC.
6 On the spell tab, the calculation for long-range is wrong. It should be 400 ft. + 40 ft./level.
Those are the main issues I've found so far. Keep up the great work!

Daniel Hildebrandt |
Feat selection is a little bugged.
First not every feat has description and its better to show summary instead.
Second qualified show is wrong.
Formulas should be (first feat example):
Sorry, german Excel version but it should be clear what i mean.
But with changing this another "little" bug comes out.
If you select a feat that depends on another feat a circle error occurs if you choose this feat as first feat.

addy grete |

It takes an eternity to open in OpenOffice (Linux), and my computer isn't that old. I gave up before it finished, and went back to using your version 0.3... I'm not sure if it's a problem with OpenOffice or what's going on. I did increase the memory settings to get better performance (this computer has lots of RAM) but it didn't really help.

erian_7 |

Thanks for the feedback, folks!
It's looking great and is saving me a ton of time making one of my own.
I've spotted a few issues so here they are:
1 The "starting gold" cell on the "back" tab needs to be unlocked. Likewise the "current experience" cell and experience point progression drop-down list.
2 I like the new tab for class features. There's an error on it when you create a low-level monk, though. I think it's in the formula for calculating how many bonus feats the monk has. With only limited testing I can see that it works OK for a lvl 4 monk, but not for a lvl 1 monk.
3 The human stat bonus doesn't seem to work correctly. I created a human character, allocated all the point-buy stats and then picked strength as his bonus. It didn't add 2 to his strength so I had to up the point-buy stats, which then complained that I'd spent too many points
4 Also for monks, his AC and CMD should include his wisdom bonus as well as his dex bonus.
5 On the subject of AC, dodge bonuses should be included in Touch AC.
6 On the spell tab, the calculation for long-range is wrong. It should be 400 ft. + 40 ft./level.
Those are the main issues I've found so far. Keep up the great work!
Good finds all, thanks Phil! There was a formula problem with the "choose your ability boost" as well as that monk feat calculation--both fixed for v.0.5.8. It looks like I also must have been just starting on the monk AC/CMD bonus and left it hanging. It's fixed now.
Feat selection is a little bugged.
First not every feat has description and its better to show summary instead.Second qualified show is wrong.
Formulas should be (first feat example):
=WENN(ISTLEER(BF82);"";SVERWEIS(BF82;Table_Feats;7;0))Sorry, german Excel version but it should be clear what i mean.
But with changing this another "little" bug comes out.
If you select a feat that depends on another feat a circle error occurs if you choose this feat as first feat.
Thanks! There's definitely a lot of work needed on the feats. What I've got up now is pretty much just a "look and feel" view of how they might work. Once I get into feat automation, the summary view that displays for each feat will properly show any changes in the feat as the character gains levels. I've been thinking on the Qualified mechanic and that's going to take some work indeed. I've toyed with simply having the feat name display in red or some such, but that could present problems for folks with color/vision issues.
In any case, I do see the bits I need to tweak for now, but do know I've got lots more planned for feats.
It takes an eternity to open in OpenOffice (Linux), and my computer isn't that old. I gave up before it finished, and went back to using your version 0.3... I'm not sure if it's a problem with OpenOffice or what's going on. I did increase the memory settings to get better performance (this computer has lots of RAM) but it didn't really help.
Hmm, I've had a few other OpenOffice folks testing without any issues, but I don't think any were Linux users. For any other OpenOffice folks out there, has performance degraded in any way? I'll see if there's anything specific between, say, Windows and Linux OpenOffice (I wouldn't think there is, but also know OS can sometimes have tricky bits in applications).
Keep those comments and problems coming! I've started up the last cycle on the classes, getting the domains in for clerics and then adding in sorcerer and wizard. About half-way done with domains now.

Conan |

addy grete |

Hmm, I've had a few other OpenOffice folks testing without any issues, but I don't think any were Linux users. For any other OpenOffice folks out there, has performance degraded in any way? I'll see if there's anything specific between, say, Windows and Linux OpenOffice (I wouldn't think there is, but also know OS can sometimes have tricky bits in applications).
Version PFRPG_CS_v_0_5_1.xls opens in around 10-15 seconds, but PFRPG_CS_v_0_5_2.xlsx also takes a very long time (I gave up). I let 0.5.7 go for 20 minutes and it didn't open. I wonder if it has to do with the extension and format, .xls vs .xlsx.

erian_7 |

Version PFRPG_CS_v_0_5_1.xls opens in around 10-15 seconds, but PFRPG_CS_v_0_5_2.xlsx also takes a very long time (I gave up). I let 0.5.7 go for 20 minutes and it didn't open. I wonder if it has to do with the extension and format, .xls vs .xlsx.
Hmm, could be. Try the one below, saved back to the XLS format. For anyone that wants to take a look, this also has the fixes I noted above plus work on the domains. It is, however, about 1 MB larger than the previous file.

addy grete |

addy grete |

Okay, so definitely the version of the file. Can you ensure you've got the latest OpenOffice version and patches/updates in place? I know it's supposed to work fine with XLSX from what I've read, but I didn't check specifically for Linux.
It's the latest available from the Ubuntu repositories (OpenOffice 3.0). The latest release of OpenOffice, 3.1, should be available next month from Ubuntu. Typically patches are made available immediately but upgrades are made available later to avoid breaking things. I tried before to upgrade OpenOffice without using the repositories; it's a pain.

Lord Pel |

I can confirm that on a Windows Vista machine with OpenOffice 3.1 that the XSLX version of the form is opening very slowly.
I should mention that when the XLSX form does open, all the drop downs are broken in that they do not contain data. Only 1 element...the element '0'.
The XSL version however is quick as a <insert name of suitably greased farm animal here>. And it has all the drop downs properly populated perfectly.

erian_7 |

For other users, which version is faster? It could be that the size reduction in Excel 2007 is accomplished by some type of internal file compression that actually ends up reducing performance.
In any case, I can readily save in both formats and will do so until we get the performance issue resolved.

Llaelian |

For other users, which version is faster? It could be that the size reduction in Excel 2007 is accomplished by some type of internal file compression that actually ends up reducing performance.
In any case, I can readily save in both formats and will do so until we get the performance issue resolved.
I've been using Open Office v3.1.1 on a Mac. I've seen the same issues : the .xls is fine whereas the .xlsx loads very slowly and none of the list is working properly.
Apart from that, everything seems fine.
Good job!

ShadoCat |

Thank you Erian_7.
I was looking for a moddable PF character sheet and yours looks perfect for my task.
I'm going to be running a Gamma World (4th Ed.) campaign using a great deal of the Pathfinder system (skills, combat, etc.).
Your sheet looks like it has both the right look for what I want and it looks like I'll be able to easily mod it for what I want.

erian_7 |

Thank you Erian_7.
I was looking for a moddable PF character sheet and yours looks perfect for my task.
I'm going to be running a Gamma World (4th Ed.) campaign using a great deal of the Pathfinder system (skills, combat, etc.).
Your sheet looks like it has both the right look for what I want and it looks like I'll be able to easily mod it for what I want.
Thanks! That's actually one of the key features I'm aiming for--being able to take out chunks that aren't needed, easily rebuild bits that are needed but with changes, etc. Any suggestions you might have for continuing toward this particular goal are definitely welcome!

erian_7 |

I want to thank you for all your hard work as well. Would it be possible to have more Perform skills added in? I need 6 actually for my bard. Thanks.
Thanks! I do indeed need to add some more performance types on the sheet considering with Versatile Performance a bard might want 5 at a minimum. I do need some more space to fit them in--What do folks think about cutting the Profession and Craft back by one each?
Also, Domains are done, so the cleric is complete. I'm about half-way through the Sorcerer and Wizard work. I've also started looking at another file format--Excel Binary--trying to figure out its benefits and drawbacks. It's even smaller than the XLSX format, but I can't figure out 100% if it'll work in OpenOffice. I'm likely going to post the next one in all three versions (XLS, XLSX, and XLSB) and ask for a comparison of performance, compatibility, etc. for those that wouldn't mind trying them all out.

stonechild |

Thanks! I do indeed need to add some more performance types on the sheet considering with Versatile Performance a bard might want 5 at a minimum. I do need some more space to fit them in--What do folks think about cutting the Profession and Craft back by one each?Also, Domains are done, so the cleric is complete. I'm about half-way through the Sorcerer and Wizard work. I've also started looking at another file format--Excel Binary--trying to figure out its benefits and drawbacks. It's even smaller than the XLSX format, but I can't figure out 100% if it'll work in OpenOffice. I'm likely going to post the next one in all three versions (XLS, XLSX, and XLSB) and ask for a comparison of performance, compatibility, etc. for those that wouldn't mind trying them all out.
You hit the nail on the head, guessing the Versatile Performance feat. I agree with losing one of the professions, but I've had need for 3 crafts ,anytime I was playing a dwarf actually, but with the loss of the craft benefits, that might not be an issue anymore.
If it can open on my computer, I'm willing to check it out. I'm starting an AoW campaign in a few weeks, and I'm going to have my players use a char sheet of this format, so I'm happy to give my opinion.

erian_7 |

You hit the nail on the head, guessing the Versatile Performance feat. I agree with losing one of the professions, but I've had need for 3 crafts ,anytime I was playing a dwarf actually, but with the loss of the craft benefits, that might not be an issue anymore.
If it can open on my computer, I'm willing to check it out. I'm starting an AoW campaign in a few weeks, and I'm going to have my players use a char sheet of this format, so I'm happy to give my opinion.
Thanks, I'll see what I can squeeze in without sacrificing Craft...
And on a very happy note for me, Sorcerer is complete and I'm almost done with Wizard! Yay!

erian_7 |

Okay folks, I'm a happy man, for the core classes are complete! Now, that said I'm 100% certain there will be errors, so hammer away! As stated earlier, this package comes with three separate versions of the file:
- an XLS that should run on just about everything but is larger than I'd like
- an XLSX that is smaller, but seems to be having performance issues opening in OpenOffice
- an XLSB that is the smallest of the three, but I've never tested on OpenOffice or earlier versions of Excel
For the adventurous, I'd appreciate a test and comparison of all three. I ran the compatibility checker on all versions and from a formula/formatting perspective, they are all Excel 97-2003 compatible.
For those not interested in this little exercise, skip to whichever version works best for you and hammer away at the class functionality. I know I'll need to add some more in the area of familiars and animal companions--probably need a separate tab for those. But everything else for the core classes has had automation applied and should be displaying on the Abilities and Feats summary tab. I'll be turning my attention to feat automation for the next major update, but obviously want to capture any bug fixes as well. I haven't had a chance to address the Perform skill additions (tricky bit since I've got to shift some tables around) but will put out a minor version before the feats are done incorporating that and any bug fixes to date.
And of course, thanks as always for your continued attention and support! This will be a better product thanks to your help...

Llaelian |

Okay folks, I'm a happy man, for the core classes are complete! Now, that said I'm 100% certain there will be errors, so hammer away!
Again, thanks for the work you've done.
I'm running open office 3.1 on a mac and still find the same compatibility issues with both .xlsx and .xlsb : very long opening time and all the pull down list come down with just 0 in them.
On the opposite, the .xls works fine.
On the mistakes I've found :
In the bloodline sheet, the in the draconic 1st level cell (G8), the sorcerer level is referred as A5 where it should be A1.
In the class ability sheet cell N183, the monk wis AC bonus does not check if the character has a monk class and it gets transcribed on the front page.
That's all for now.

addy grete |

- an XLS that should run on just about everything but is larger than I'd like
- an XLSX that is smaller, but seems to be having performance issues opening in OpenOffice
- an XLSB that is the smallest of the three, but I've never tested on OpenOffice or earlier versions of Excel
The .xlsb took 15 minutes to open in OpenOffice 3.0 on Linux but seemed to work correctly. The .xls took 15 seconds.

erian_7 |

Again, thanks for the work you've done.
I'm running open office 3.1 on a mac and still find the same compatibility issues with both .xlsx and .xlsb : very long opening time and all the pull down list come down with just 0 in them.
On the opposite, the .xls works fine.
Yep, it looks like OpenOffice has problems parsing out some of the compressed information in these formats. Looks like I may have to settle with the larger file size of the XLS for the OpenOffice folks...
In the bloodline sheet, the in the draconic 1st level cell (G8), the sorcerer level is referred as A5 where it should be A1.
Got it. Fixed.
In the class ability sheet cell N183, the monk wis AC bonus does not check if the character has a monk class and it gets transcribed on the front page.
That's all for now.
Got it--that was a tricky one... Fixed.