CotCT pbp in need of more players

Gamer Connection


right now I have 4 players playing 5 characters we are using beta rules until about Oct and then switching to final rules, I am using the critical hit an fumble decks. Current party is:

Druid (with wolf companion)
Cleric (This character is brother to the wizard, and able to be used as a pre-made if someone wants to control him)

They are level 3 and almost done edge of anarchy... I'm not against running people throughwho know whats happening as long as you try to keep OOC knowedge and IC knowledge to yourselves.

you can either reply here or email me at e(dash)gendron(at)charter(dot)net I'm looking for up to 3 players, 4 if someone wants to take over the cleric.

Silver Crusade

I am interested. Let me know if your looking for anything particular.

Is there a discussion/and or pbp thread here?

Doh! Found it! I think.

I'm interested ! I can play a cleric.


OOC thread : Here

Game thread:


Feel Free to email me a character sheet at level 3. I've been tryign to post pretty much every other day (mon-Fri) with an occational post of the weekend

Which character is the cleric?


Branahm is the cleric, if you want to email me at the above email, I'll send you his history and sheet.


I'd be interested in playing CotCT. My group started the first book but didn't make it very far before our DM dropped out. It was just long enough to whet the appetite!

It looks like you could use a martial type character. A human fighter would be good I think.

How many players are you looking for in total.

I'm interested, but it looks like I might be late to the party...


smell of orange blossoms in the wrote:

How many players are you looking for in total.

I'm interested, but it looks like I might be late to the party...

If if everyone that has posted decides to play, then you take the last available spot. everyone can email me at the email in my first post with a level 3 sheet (JZ not sure if you want to make any adjustments to Branahm's sheet)

Great, I'll throw something together. Looks like I can go with just about anything.

Hate to bother you, but do you have a link to a nice fill-inable character sheet?

Oh yeah, character creation rules: 25 point buy?


4D6 reroll any 1s drop the lowest
Double max for 1st level HP (NPC humanoids are getting this too though)

I don't have a link for a good char sheet... I know there are a few threads with info on them, but I didn't save them..

Silver Crusade

Cap and JZ, just let me know when you want to start running Branahm. I have a sheet updated with his recent purchases; I'll try to send it to Cap tonight.

OK, thanks!

Silver Crusade

JZ, I'll send it to you too; I just found your address in an old post.

I sent over a character sheet for my fighter with some background info. Let me know if there is anything I need to change.


Keepiru wrote:
I sent over a character sheet for my fighter with some background info. Let me know if there is anything I need to change.

look for a post for the 2 new characters that I have sheets for later tonight on the in character thread... I have a good tie in for your background, it may be a while before you come across it though.

Sorry for the delay. I'll get to creating the new profile tonight. My posting rate is daily, but I have this bad habit of being really slow getting started with a new game.


JZ wrote:
Sorry for the delay. I'll get to creating the new profile tonight. My posting rate is daily, but I have this bad habit of being really slow getting started with a new game.

no problem if you want to see what already happened, see the first post i made for the new people.. thats the majority of what happened (some other things have happened... but these were the points that are still relevant)

New Branahm here. Took me forever to find the right avatar.

Okay, I'm handing off the baton.

Liberty's Edge

Got room for one more? I'm looking at creating a Human Paladin with a sense of humour and a willingness to not simply chop up anyone who happens to have a small tinge of evil in their aura. Scandalous, I know ;).

Pseudo-Branahm wrote:
Okay, I'm handing off the baton.

My, what a close likeness we have!



Short answer: most likly, but not until after GenCon

Long Answer: I'm not going to know until after GenCon how well the group really gels and how they will deal with some encounters. I hope to be able to finish the first book by then, which would both have a good lead in for the type of character you propose and make him level 4 instead of 3. So most likely it would be fine, but up to you if you want to make a sheet before or after GenCon.


Liberty's Edge

I'm not entirely sure when GenCon is, so I might as well get a sheet together and send a copy. Besides, if it turns out that anything on there wouldn't work, it gives me more time to make changes without disrupting things.


Sorry, Gencon (for me) is one week from tomorrow and lasts a week

Liberty's Edge

Well, here's a link to my sheet. I'm not sure which advancement rate you're using for XP, so I haven't set that yet, and it still doesn't have non-stat type stuff included yet. I'll get a description up soon, but the rest will take a little longer.

Character Sheet Link:

I'm still reading the previous posts. Please let me know if there is something I need to take action on soon.

Silver Crusade

Branahm Pelgane wrote:
I'm still reading the previous posts. Please let me know if there is something I need to take action on soon.

I think that we're about to encounter two new PCs (ca. post 1095).

OK thanks

I bookmarked the wrong page, and got the impression the game stalled since last week, which is why I haven't been posting. Sorry !


Branahm Pelgane wrote:
I bookmarked the wrong page, and got the impression the game stalled since last week, which is why I haven't been posting. Sorry !

haha no problem.


Storian wrote:

Well, here's a link to my sheet. I'm not sure which advancement rate you're using for XP, so I haven't set that yet, and it still doesn't have non-stat type stuff included yet. I'll get a description up soon, but the rest will take a little longer.

** spoiler omitted **

Sorry, somehow I missed this post. Looks good so far. Like i said in the board thread, I leave tomorrow for a week (more or less) I hope to be able to check email and update the game, but won't be on the boards for much else.

That will give me time to catch up reading (declares the eternal procrastinator.)

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