Rennick |

There are stories to be told, and legends to be made. From the ancient deserts of Ramziz to the mysterious of the Castle Dragonwall. This is a land with many tales to be spun, and this is just but one... A tale of conflict and strife, of fresh faced heroes and evils most ancient. A tale from the Dragonwall, a tale of the Darkness Rising.
This will be my first campaign journal and will center around the first campaign to be run in my own world, called "Dragonwall." Named for the world's most infamous dungeon, in the same vein of Greyhawk being nown for Xagig's old keep. This story takes place in the Kingdom of Mareth, mostly in the city of Arodan.
The heroes so far:
Davek Homeforger (Human Ranger)
Penfold Fenwood (Gnome Poet and Bard)\
Simon Ziggurat (Human Sorceror)
Roran Giantsbane (Human Barbarian, DM NPC)
The party's regular group is small, with one of our three players being unreliable at the moment, so DM NPCs will be frequent.

Rennick |

Chapter One: The Hangman's Noose.
The players awoke to find themselves in the jury's box of an old and rundown courthouse, along with another nine individuals. Connections were quickly established when it became clear that eight of the Jurors; the halfling Madge, the gnome Jester Ebin, the Hobgoblin Malgrim, the Half-Orc Halgrak and the humans Killian, Patrissa and Rekkart were all members of the jury for the last trial that was held in this very courthouse, before it was condemned a decade ago. A trial against the courthouse's own hangman, Jarbin Mord for the murder of his wife and child. The Paladin Sir Rekkart was also quick to realize and draw connections to the absent jury members and the new comers. The first was Elizabeth Andalis, a local noble who's brother sat on the trial. This connection was simple as Elizabeth is well known within the city. The others, all new comers to the city were slightly less obvious.
First was a young woodsman, named Davek Homeforger. Davek's father was a good man at heart, but never the smartest and he ran himself into debt with some of the city of Arodan's most notorious criminals. A debt that his son now carries. The Gnome Bard, Penfold Fenwood, never even knew his parents and had in fact only come to the Kingdom's capital in an attempt to discover and meet them for himself. Lastly was Simon Ziggurat, a young sorceror who did not end up at the trial because of his lineage but a case of mistaken identity. It was an old friend of Simon's who filled the last seat in the juror's box, and it was at this man's home that Simon was abducted in the night.
As the would be band attempted to leave the old building, the truth of their situation quickly came to light. As objects around them came to life, shadows sprang from the walls to kill them, the demented spirit of a poor lost boy tormented them and the fearsome specter of the Croaker hounded their every step, the party began to piece together what truly happened ten years ago. But their time was running out. One by one members of the Jury fell, either driven to death or insanity by the Croaker's dogged pursuit. Until finally only five remained. Davek, Simon and Penfold stood along side Rekkart Cole, who upon realizing that he had sent an innocent man to death, forsook his vows as a Paladin, the noblewoman Elizabeth Andalis and the Halfling acrobat Madge, who the party had managed to save from undead corpse of her own father, came face to face with the true murderer and mastermind of the horrors committed ten years ago; Magister Allister Wade.
Wade's lies did little to convince the heroes of his innocence, and soon blade clashed on blade. Working together, the party managed to subdue Wade into unconsciousness, and dragged him back to the gallows. They woke the man with Noose around his neck and asked if he had any final words. The Magister replied by cursing and spitting at the party. Then Davek stepped forward and uttered to Wade the same speech that he had heard in his dreams, plagued by visions of the trial so long ago.
"Allister Wade, May the gods have mercy on your blackened Soul,"
With Wade's hanging the ghost of Jarbin Mord was finally able to find peace. The survivors of the courthouse finally escaped, stepping into a new day. From where they stood on the old bluff, they could see the metropolis of Arodan, the banners of the king's court, flying of the towers of Castle Mareth. And in the distance, jutting from the ward like three swords that belonged to the Gods themselves, the towers of Castle Dragonwall.
To Be contiued in: The Wyvern's Shadow.
DM Notes: The Hangman's noose is the only published adventure that will be used in "The Darkness Rising," Though many paizo products have a great deal to do with inspiring certain elements. Most prominent in this installment is Elizabeth Andalis and her as yet unnamed brother. The idea for the two was taken from Lavinia and Vanthus Vanderboren. Arodan was inspired by Korvosa and more nods will pop up as the campaign goes on.
This is my first time writing a campaign journal and I plan on experimenting with my entries until I find a style I like.
Favorite quote from this adventure:
Davek: (After being tortured by Gabe's spirit AGAIN) I'm going to kill that little freak!
me: He's a ghost...
Davek: Find, I'll ressurect him, then I'll kill him!