Prayers for Dave Arneson

Off-Topic Discussions

Liberty's Edge

Mr. Arneson has been admitted to the hospital, as his cancer has grown worse. My prayers to him and his family.

Here's where I found out about this.


Silver Crusade

Heard about this yesterday. It was kept quiet per his and/or his family's wishes. They don't want a lot of mail and calls coming in, which is understandable considering.

Prayers go out for him though.

houstonderek wrote:

Mr. Arneson has been admitted to the hospital, as his cancer has grown worse. My prayers to him and his family.

Here's where I found out about this.


Very sad.

Liberty's Edge

Mikaze wrote:

Heard about this yesterday. It was kept quiet per his and/or his family's wishes. They actually don't want a lot of mail and calls coming in, which is understandable considering.

Prayers go out for him though.

Man, I feel worse now. I figured this would be ok, so we could have our moment of commiseration, but if not, Gary, if you could delete this thread...

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6

Man, that's really a shame. Did not know he was battling cancer. I hope he pulls through.

Silver Crusade

houstonderek wrote:
Mikaze wrote:

Heard about this yesterday. It was kept quiet per his and/or his family's wishes. They actually don't want a lot of mail and calls coming in, which is understandable considering.

Prayers go out for him though.

Man, I feel worse now.

Nah man. Perfectly natural to want to let others in the gaming community know and send well-wishes.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks, Mikaze :)

My gf was just going to bed, but saw me looking sad, and asked what was the matter. She's new to gaming, and doesn't really know about the old days. I explained to her how Mr. Arneson's and Mr. Gygax's game basically created my interest in everything I'm into these days (reading, drawing, history, map making, all kinds of stuff) and how much of myself is wrapped up in their wonderful invention, and how it shaped me into the man she fell in love with.

She gave me a kiss and a hug and a squeeze on the shoulder, and I love her more now than I did ten minutes ago (and that was more than I've loved anyone...).

Thank you again, Mr. Arneson, for making me possible.

Sovereign Court

We're playing D&D tomorrow in New Zealand, we'll roll some dice for Dave

Glen Irving wrote:
We're playing D&D tomorrow in New Zealand, we'll roll some dice for Dave

Amen brother - will do the same here in the NE of Scotland

Ahh man, horrible news.
I always thought Mr. Arneson was somewhat overlooked by the media in comparison to Gary Gygax, but for those of us who know, he's a titan of the industry.
Our thoughts are with him and his.

Well, it seems official- Dave Arneson passed away April seventh.

A sad day.

Liberty's Edge

firbolg wrote:

Ahh man, horrible news.

I always thought Mr. Arneson was somewhat overlooked by the media in comparison to Gary Gygax, but for those of us who know, he's a titan of the industry.
Our thoughts are with him and his.

WotC hasn't even bothered to post a tribute or anything on their main page as of five minutes ago. Considering they're profiting off of the sandbox he created, it kind of pisses me off...

Thank you for everything, Dave. Rest in Peace, sir - you have good company waiting for you up there...

Your Friendly Neighborhood Dalesman
"Bringing Big D**n Justice to the Bad Guys Since 1369 DR"

There's a three page interview with Dave in the newest Kobold Q (Spring, #9).


houstonderek wrote:
WotC hasn't even bothered to post a tribute or anything on their main page as of five minutes ago. Considering they're profiting off of the sandbox he created, it kind of pisses me off...

WotC posted something a little less than an hour ago. Keep in mind that they're on the West coast, and only opened up for business around that time.

Agree with their business decisions or not, the people that work at WotC are good people, and let us (please, I beg) not turn Dave's passing into an excuse for sniping at anyone.

I would rather remember the man and his work than form opinions of any kind on those that won't bother to.

Liberty's Edge

Brian Cortijo wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
WotC hasn't even bothered to post a tribute or anything on their main page as of five minutes ago. Considering they're profiting off of the sandbox he created, it kind of pisses me off...

WotC posted something a little less than an hour ago. Keep in mind that they're on the West coast, and only opened up for business around that time.

Agree with their business decisions or not, the people that work at WotC are good people, and let us (please, I beg) not turn Dave's passing into an excuse for sniping at anyone.

I would rather remember the man and his work than form opinions of any kind on those that won't bother to.

He died two days ago, and created the reason they get paid. Eh, whatever.

Brian Cortijo wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
WotC hasn't even bothered to post a tribute or anything on their main page as of five minutes ago. Considering they're profiting off of the sandbox he created, it kind of pisses me off...

WotC posted something a little less than an hour ago. Keep in mind that they're on the West coast, and only opened up for business around that time.

Agree with their business decisions or not, the people that work at WotC are good people, and let us (please, I beg) not turn Dave's passing into an excuse for sniping at anyone.

I would rather remember the man and his work than form opinions of any kind on those that won't bother to.

Even though the latest version of what he and Gary Gygax made isn't worth the paper that it's printed on.

The Exchange Kobold Press

Kobold Quarterly has posted an interview celebrating Arneson's life, starting with Blackmoor.

Thanks, Wolfgang. Though sad, the timing was fortuitous.

I understand people having gripes, I have gripes. But I do think it's best to keep gripes in gripe threads, and honor in honor threads.

+R.I.P., Dave Arneson. Thanks for everything.

houstonderek wrote:
Brian Cortijo wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
WotC hasn't even bothered to post a tribute or anything on their main page as of five minutes ago. Considering they're profiting off of the sandbox he created, it kind of pisses me off...

WotC posted something a little less than an hour ago. Keep in mind that they're on the West coast, and only opened up for business around that time.

Agree with their business decisions or not, the people that work at WotC are good people, and let us (please, I beg) not turn Dave's passing into an excuse for sniping at anyone.

I would rather remember the man and his work than form opinions of any kind on those that won't bother to.

He died two days ago, and created the reason they get paid. Eh, whatever.

Just as a note, if the family requested that a big deal about it not be made, then I fail to see how WotC splashing it across their front page would not be making a big deal out of it and hence against the family's expressed wishes.

Edit: Bye Mr Arneson. Thanks for everything you've done for me.

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