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Off-Topic Discussions

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Scarab Sages

The water walker

Scarab Sages

Free speech under assault?

A long article, but worth the read in my opinion.

The Exchange

Obvious Blackhole Weapon Fallout

Definatly change in her possibility.

Scarab Sages

putting giant frogs in the bestiary might have been a bad idea...

Scarab Sages

I'll let people draw their own concussions (er, conclusions)

Scarab Sages

Sleep is for the weak

Scarab Sages

Addictions of choice

Scarab Sages

Doing anything for the next year and a half?

Scarab Sages

Conspiracy theory gold

Scarab Sages

Fruit flies gone wild

Scarab Sages

More weirdness from the world of physics

Scarab Sages

Here's a spider you won't see in a bestiary anytime soon

Steve Wright (that's the UK DJ not the comedian) just announced on his radio show some research from Bath University. Apparently a marriage is more likely to be successful if the woman is smarter than her husband and is at least 5 years younger, as long as neither individual has been divorced. Interesting...

ericthecleric wrote:
Steve Wright (that's the UK DJ not the comedian) just announced on his radio show some research from Bath University. Apparently a marriage is more likely to be successful if the woman is smarter than her husband
ericthecleric wrote:
and is at least 5 years younger

Whoo Hoo! She's stuck with me until I croak.

Scarab Sages

Preservation, the trouble with smoking, trouble out in the wild, a winter of discontent, and virtues of diplomacy-Oct 27

Scarab Sages

CSI: Invertebrate division, music choices at Guantanamo, Caracas gone quiet, trouble in the skies, trouble at work, humans aren't the only ones who like soccer, Halloween health and a plant for future bestiaries

Scarab Sages

Daydreaming, cheap test for a fake diamond, immigration assistance from an unlikely angle, check the tops of fridges, Uncle Sam needs "the Blob", a beloved slithering friend, and strong self control.

Liberty's Edge

Look closely at the caption under the picture.

PunditKitchen coins a new political term.

Scarab Sages

A dark history of a bright light

Scarab Sages

The beasts of the fields through time and language

Scarab Sages

Careers reputable or not

Scarab Sages

Shingled out for trouble.

Liberty's Edge

Halloween dummy turns out to be real dead body

Silver Crusade

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Halloween dummy turns out to be real dead body

Did you see this one from a few years ago?

Liberty's Edge

Celestial Healer wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Halloween dummy turns out to be real dead body
Did you see this one from a few years ago?

No, thanks for kicking me the link. Call me morbid, but I'm fascinated by stuff like that.

Liberty's Edge

For some robbers, masks are too expensive.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Halloween dummy turns out to be real dead body
Did you see this one from a few years ago?
No, thanks for kicking me the link. Call me morbid, but I'm fascinated by stuff like that.

Apparently stuff like that happens all the time. From Halloween facts.

Q:)People posing as the hanging victim at a haunted house have actually died…

A:)And the whole night passed before they were discovered. Yep, that’s true. It’s happened on multiple occasions, actually, and suicides have been mistaken for Halloween pranks as well. One such occasion happened on October 26, 2005. A 42-year-old woman committed suicide by hanging herself from a tree on a busy road, but no one reported it for hours because they assumed it was just a Halloween decoration.

Halloween myths.

Schwarzenegger has a very special message for California officials.

Something scarier than the scariest costumes.

One Halloween miscellany

Another Halloween miscellany

The internet in all its glory ... and glitches

Fly away home

Eerie but interesting

Ugly but useful

Someone around here (cough James Jacobs cough) may find a use for this ingame

Food for thought

A good cause but it still sucks some of the fun out of Halloween

To infinity and beyond?


A linguistic mash up

Part the land, eventually

Smell of death and smell of predators leads to defensive response


Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

If birds can do it, why can't I?

Remembrance Day (Veterans's Day) notes

Talk about cutting to the heart of the matter

Liberty's Edge

Apparently, John Wayne ain't dead.

Midget sues over "belittling" remarks.

Don't drink in front of the bird.

Apparently, Canadians are considered "suspicious"

No wonder it's spreading so fast...

We need some new acronyms, stat!

Conclusive evidence shows that deer love TV as much as humans.

Friday the 13th stuff(yeah it's a day past, still enjoyable)

Some of the nuttier sides of conservatism, again

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