Today in the News

Off-Topic Discussions

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Curing colour blindness-monkeys today, people to come?

Overly hot but it is the first confirmed rocky exoplanet-hopefully more habitable ones will also be found

Quantum mechanics and all of the oddness associated with it

A daily mashup for Friday September 18

A daily news mashup September 17

Liberty's Edge

Student launchs a camera into near-space using a weather balloon, a cell phone, hand warmers and a drink cooler; all for less than $140

This is why MIT is famous for divergent thinkers. Awesome stuff.

Liberty's Edge

Andrew Turner wrote:

Student launchs a camera into near-space using a weather balloon, a cell phone, hand warmers and a drink cooler; all for less than $140

This is why MIT is famous for divergent thinkers. Awesome stuff.

That just made my day.

Scarab Sages

Miss. police use Taser, handcuffs on wayward emu

Here’s the story about the law breaking attorney general.

This is disgusting on many levels.

The Exchange

eeire red dust storm blankets eastern Australia

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber
yellowdingo wrote:
eeire red dust storm blankets eastern Australia

I live in Sydney, it was like waking up inside a pumpkin

Scarab Sages

A world first: Vaccine helps prevent HIV infection

The Exchange

Golden Cloth of the spider god...

This would be cool if they could make clothes from this on a large scale - you would never need to buy other clothes again. Golden cloaks for all my cult members.

The Exchange

sanwah68 wrote:
yellowdingo wrote:
eeire red dust storm blankets eastern Australia
I live in Sydney, it was like waking up inside a pumpkin

Im thinking that if it ever happens again - a powerful magnet suspended from a weather baloon to extract iron oxide samples.

yellowdingo wrote:

Golden Cloth of the spider god...

This would be cool if they could make clothes from this on a large scale - you would never need to buy other clothes again. Golden cloaks for all my cult members.

This must be why the drow are so badass, even the poorest of them is running around in kevlar clothing. (the spiders they get their silk from are monstrously large)

Of course the bad part of clothing made from spider silk, is it always gets stuck on your face and in your mouth (yuck!) when you try to put it on.

(sarcasm)Just what every stylish computer needs-fur(/sarcasm)

Cursing, arrogance, stupidity and something for the poodles here at the Paizo boards-A mashup of information-Sept 23

One hellish dust storm

Liberty's Edge


A possible upside to the downturn?

Our earliest known ancestor. A million years older than Lucy.

The Exchange

UF officials remove zombie plan from site

The Exchange

The Bra that was meant to be taken off

Scarab Sages

Fla. woman hurt trying to 'save' wild emu

Scarab Sages

ACORN embezzlement was $5 million, La. attorney general says

The Exchange

Big Dog

Scarab Sages

Naked burglar breaks into home, cooks and showers

Slidell, LA. Hmmmmm....I have a brother who lives near there, and I haven't heard from him in a while.......

This is something I thought was never gonna happen

Lava that even a dwarf can outrun

Beauty on a small scale

Steven Purcell wrote:
This is something I thought was never gonna happen

lol. You know you've gone too far when God doesn't measure up to your standards. ;)

A variety of interesting and bizarre stories

A daily mashup of news from Oct 9

lynora wrote:
Steven Purcell wrote:
This is something I thought was never gonna happen
lol. You know you've gone too far when God doesn't measure up to your standards. ;)

IMHO, Conservapedia is a disgrace to the conservative movement. Bunch of nutters.

Liberty's Edge

UK hospital transplants smoker's lungs; recipient dies of cancer

WTF? To paraphrase the country's greatest writer, that's like giving a drowning man a drink of water.

Liberty's Edge

Chinese justice...

Mentally-impaired Brit to be executed for drug possession


Psychotic murderer gets life in prison

Liberty's Edge

Some people just shouldn't protest.

Silver Crusade

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Some people just shouldn't protest.

I hope he meant that as satire.

Liberty's Edge

Celestial Healer wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Some people just shouldn't protest.
I hope he meant that as satire.

Judging by the expression on his face, I'd put money on it.

It's still friggin' hilarious, though.

The Exchange

Steven Purcell wrote:
This is something I thought was never gonna happen

Oh Come knew it was enevitable? inevitable?

...I'm starting my own church.

yellowdingo wrote:


The Church Of Universal Truth was created on the Internet. And for those prepared to comment on its primitive beginnings, it was considered by many as a Joke and consequently ridiculed and insulted. It was however not a Joke but a subtle inroad into the hearts and minds of the vulnerable; People who were in need of a new reality based entirely on a Doctrine of Truth.

String Theory invalidates Religion and Evolution.
The Universe is Debris of Change in Possibility.
Time is continuous Change in Possibility.
The Singularity is Point of Change in Possibility.
Only Life can create change in Possibility, and only from outside the Universe.

Politics and Wealth being inevitable in a failed understanding of the Universe, We must consider both the Political Financial as a potential extension of any Doctrine of Truth that they not become conflicted. It is therefore necessary to ensure that a Political Agenda conform to a Doctrine of Truth.

Every Act of Government, Law, Constitution, and Sovereign shall require the direct and regular approval of Every Citizen.

Likewise we must ensure that the Church has a financial policy that preserves that Agenda and protects the Church from the misuse of both. It becomes necessary to establish rules regarding Membership Fees and Donations.

Donations will be the only accepted source of Church Income and said funds shall be directed toward:
(a) the Construction of Urban High-rise Barracks to provide housing for Nurses, Doctors, Police men, Ambulance Medics, Firemen, and the Homeless and unemployed who will be provided as priority Jobs and Training (see section b) and;
(b) The Construction of an urban high-rise Farm for the purpose of employing and training the Homeless and unemployed in Dairy work and Fish-farming in a Technologically Modern Urban Environment.

With Donations being the only source of acceptable income, the Church of Universal Truth can ensure that its membership is open to all.

Membership in the Church of Universal Truth shall carry no financial burden on any who would be a member of the Church of Universal Truth. Thus there shall be no Membership Fees.

Anyone may establish a Chapterhouse or Diocese of the Church of Universal Truth and that a Chapterhouse or Diocese shall have a Synod Council consisting of all members of that Chapter House or Diocese conforming to all the obligations of membership in the Church of Universal Truth without question. Such a Chapterhouse or Diocese shall be limited to a Single Nation.
A Chapterhouse or Diocese may collect Donations according to the rules of the Church of Universal Truth and direct the use of those finances toward the Economic policies of the Church of Universal Truth.

Ex Ratio,

Sean Robert Meaney
Church Founder

Liberty's Edge

yellowdingo wrote:


String Theory invalidates Religion and Evolution.

I don't get how strings invalidate evolution. Expand in a new thread, please.

Liberty's Edge

Is blocking pop-ups or using an adblock the same as stealing?

Moscow Mayor Fights Back Against Blizzards

I know he's just planning on moving the snow away from the city and into the country, but I perfer imagining him beating up snow.

Scarab Sages

Weird news from around the world-Oct 20

Scarab Sages

Searching for new worlds

Scarab Sages

More odd news-Oct 16

Scarab Sages

More oddness-Oct 13

Scarab Sages

An unusual game of soccer

Scarab Sages

Possible signs aliens aren't as bright as some might think

Scarab Sages

The rise of the ooze overlords?

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