The Oasis of Still Water

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I new this dude once, who had a really wicked tattoo.....or maybe that's just the shrooms talking.....

Hello, I seek Dot Dotty McDottisan. I see that he is here now. Goodbye.

Well, that certainly was a long and eventful weekend... :)
Morning All. Diving in to catch up on the new Temple thread now...

EDIT: And I love the tattoo/powdered pearl idea, DB3. A solution with form as well as function to it - very nice! :)

The Bard wrote:
Mirathan wrote:

*He turns to Mirathan.*


Ready, Water Lord.

*Kaelar begins to chant again, and as before, the needle is barely felt. Slowly the trident and eel take form. When the tattoo is finished, The Bard stretches and dabs the ink.*

"There you go. I put a little extra magic in both the tattoos, just wait until you go back into the water!"

When they return to the water, the tattoos will move as if alive.

Thank you.

Mirathan tries out the new land legs.

I had some bad shrooms once, and I couldn't feel my legs for like a whole week...

Okay - I think I'm now caught up on thread events and RL work (for the moment anyway). It looks like everyone is picking up from where things left off on Friday, but several hours later. Does that sound about right?

The Dalesman wrote:
Okay - I think I'm now caught up on thread events and RL work (for the moment anyway). It looks like everyone is picking up from where things left off on Friday, but several hours later. Does that sound about right?

Yep, that sounds right. Friday was the morning, so we're probably to mid-to-late-afternoon in game.

Allura wrote:
Yep, that sounds right. Friday was the morning, so we're probably to mid-to-late-afternoon in game.

Ack - busier Monday than I expected...

Do you think they would have heard Sky Cloudgather's warning about Innocent Blood?

The Dalesman wrote:
Allura wrote:
Yep, that sounds right. Friday was the morning, so we're probably to mid-to-late-afternoon in game.

Ack - busier Monday than I expected...

Do you think they would have heard Sky Cloudgather's warning about Innocent Blood?

Somehow I doubt it :)

Allura wrote:

Ack - busier Monday than I expected...

Do you think they would have heard Sky Cloudgather's warning about Innocent Blood?
Somehow I doubt it :)

As do I...

...though I just don't see them feeling too bad about being 'out of the loop' this time. Can't imagine why... :)

Whenever I feel bad, I like to go lie down in a nice field of flowers and daydream about my childhood.

Time for me to vacate the workplace and head home. I'll check back in an hour! :)

And back for a little bit :)

[EDIT:] Okay, nodding off at my desk is evidently a hint that I need to go catch up on some sleep. I think I'll call it an early night...see everyone in the morning! :)

Nimora exclaims in delight as she sees the movement in the tattoo. She then hurries to catch up with Mirathan to try out her new land legs. She is astonished when she does not trip right away. She tries jumping, and then running.

Lolloping across the sands, his robes billowing from his position on the back of his mount, comes Auruns the goblin... He comes tearing into the Oasis in a hurry.
Not dead undead! Not undead dead!, he shouts in some obvious confusion.
Walking skeleton things.

Auruns the Goblin wrote:

Lolloping across the sands, his robes billowing from his position on the back of his mount, comes Auruns the goblin... He comes tearing into the Oasis in a hurry.

Not dead undead! Not undead dead!, he shouts in some obvious confusion.
Walking skeleton things.

Nimora grips her trident.

Where is be these walking skeleton things?

Out there, the goblin waves back out in the direction of some nearby sand-dunes. But heading this way. Maybe ten, maybe fifteen.
Auruns never see anything like them before.

Mirathan! Hurry! Trouble is be coming. Ethelbert, you is being sure guard portal while we is being gone. We must not be let these things entering the Oasis.

They drip red, as they walk. Things like skeletons but not skeletons. And Auruns leave warclub at home.
Auruns spend enough time rai... uh, 'playing' in gravyeards when younger to know skeletons need smashy weapons to hurt them.

Auruns the Goblin wrote:

They drip red, as they walk. Things like skeletons but not skeletons. And Auruns leave warclub at home.

Auruns spend enough time as child raiding graveyards to know skeletons need smashy weapons to hurt them.

Nimora curses. I is no have smashy weapon. Kaelar! I is be need your help! We has trouble come!

Mirathan hurries to the commotion.

All I have is a trident, net, and dagger. No 'smashy' things either.

Hurry. Over there, look! the goblin points at a dune.

From behind the dune which Auruns pointed to, a couple of hundred yards off, a number of red-smeared skulls pop up for a moment, points of intense blue light glinting in the depths of their eye sockets. Then they duck down again, out of sight.

Ooohhh! Pretty blue lights.....

Two groups of skeletons, each half a dozen strong and roughly adult human in shape and size, break from around the flanks of a dune, and charge towards the oasis across the sand, flexing their bony talons as they come.
The blue lights burn in their skulls, contrasting with the red smears that cover them from head to foot, and they leave red stains behind them on the sands.

Whilst the others seem paralysed by the spectacle, Auruns looks around wildly, then head for a nearby palm tree, and starts to climb up it...
He's actually going up there for a branch, not to try and get away and hide.

Mirathan approaches the foe, trident and net in hand. As he does his form blurs, as if he is underwater.

My 1st land battle. This fighting in two dimensions is so limiting.

Nimora clutches her trident, determined not to let these creatures into the Oasis. And hopefully not to hurt herself this time.

Yes, it is be very limit. I is being so use to being able to being go up or down.

After chopping noises, almost falling in his hurry to get back down, Auruns heads back down the tree clutching a branch.
Uhh, sorry about this, tree, but right now I need it more than you do, I figure.

One of the groups of red 'skeletons' heads into a different part of the Oasis, whilst the other six make for Mirathan, Nimora and Auruns. They open their mouths and emit a reddish haze from their gaping jaws as they close to within ten feet.
This mist isn't actually toxic or anything, but their mistress wants to observe how the defenders react to apparent threats from unknown quantities.
I'll assume other defenders of the Oasis handle the ones attacking elsewhere, basing any account on observations of how this fight goes.

The Bone Servants wrote:

One of the groups of red 'skeletons' heads into a different part of the Oasis, whilst the other six make for Mirathan, Nimora and Auruns. They open their mouths and emit a reddish haze from their gaping jaws as they close to within ten feet.

This mist isn't actually toxic or anything, but their mistress wants to observe how the defenders react to apparent threats from unknown quantities.
I'll assume other defenders of the Oasis handle the ones attacking elsewhere, basing any account on observations of how this fight goes.

Ahh, like a blood octopus.

Mirathan swings his net high in a quick circular motion. He quickly brings it in low, hoping to catch the legs of a skeleton and trip it. If successful he will bash the downed opponent in the skull with the butt of his trident.

If the haze blocks his sight he will activate true seeing.

In something like controlled panic, Auruns does his best to pull what he can of his robes up over his mouth, before trying to resume a firm grip on his branch.
As the 'skeletons' set foot in the Oasis, the vegetation beneath their feet withers and dies.

Whilst they're still 'alive', these ones are very dangerous to any plant life which they come in contact with, due to the stuff which they're smeared in and constantly seep. There's a vague hope here, that they might damage VT PlantJack if he's around and engages them physically.

While she is much more comfortable using the pointy end of her trident, she is an accomplished enough fighter to use the staff end of it as well. Nimora feints and dodges until she is near several skeletons at once so she can whirlwind attack.

Mirathan snares and drags one down, but as he moves to smash its skull with the butt of his trident, two others close in to flank him and rake at him with their claws.
They'll get attacks in unless Mirathan is pretty nimble or backs off on finishing the downed one off...
On the other hand, smashing the skull of the downed one (assuming Mirathan is stout of arm) will finish it off, causing it to go still (and the plant destroying effect from that one will stop within moments).

Auruns pokes and prods with his tree branch, as best he can engaging one of them, whilst it lashes out at his robes, trying to get a telling hit.

As the merciless sun beats down, baking the combatants, Nimora is able to draw two about her, and get a side shot at the one Auruns is fighting, and to explode into a whirlwind of action.
She breaks several ribs, and red stuff dribbles out, to sizzle on the ground, whilst the two not distracted by Auruns as well, lash back at her.

The aquatic elf's frame hides his strength. Long years of swimming in the strong seas as he guards against intrusions from above have left him little body fat.

He finishes the killing stroke, and takes the two rakes. Bright blue blood flows from the wounds.

Yahh! The air makes wounds sting more. They fight like the Sea Barracuda!

He rolls away from the other skeletons, in a clumsy attempt at swimming above ground.

Nimora winces in pain, but keeps fighting. She must protect the Oasis. She swings her trident again, trying to bash as many of them as possible.

I'm not sure if these things are undead or not, yet, but if anyone tries to channel energy to stop them, it will do so with these ones, but they will explode sending bone-fragments everywhere in a ten foot radius.

The Bone Servants wrote:

I'm not sure if these things are undead or not, yet, but if anyone tries to channel energy to stop them, it will do so with these ones, but they will explode sending bone-fragments everywhere in a ten foot radius.

No channelers currently at the Oasis. Would that still happen if someone hit them with a cure spell, since that's likely what Allura would do, in the battle not currently on screen?

Auruns manages to down the one he was fighting, thanks to Nimora's attack, but his tree branch is withered to practically uselessness with contact by the time he crushes its skull. It's difficult to tell how injured the goblin may be under his robes.

Allura wrote:
The Bone Servants wrote:

I'm not sure if these things are undead or not, yet, but if anyone tries to channel energy to stop them, it will do so with these ones, but they will explode sending bone-fragments everywhere in a ten foot radius.

No channelers currently at the Oasis. Would that still happen if someone hit them with a cure spell, since that's likely what Allura would do, in the battle not currently on screen?

I think a cure of 4th or lower level might just slow them down for a few seconds; a cure of 5th or higher level would probably cause these ones to go 'bang' too.

Mirathan manages to avoid falling prone, and regains secure footing. He moves against the skeletons again, using the trident two-handed. He swings it in a large circle, with the 3 tines making an open-headed club.

I reserve the right to customise my Bone Servants to individual encounters. These are just 'see what you're made of' ones; there may be more of them to come at a later date, or I may try a different line.
And no divinations won't say any more about where they came from than 'the laboratory of a powerful wizard/necromancer'; I'm a Lady of the Boards which means I'm allowed to have my secrets...

The two flanking Mirathan lash out at him, as he manages to swat one of them over; ignoring the sting of his wounds, Mirathan finishes the one prone one off as it thrashes on the ground.

Auruns tugs a piece of cloth from his robes and throws it over the head of one of the ones fighting Nimora, distracting it and allowing her to finish it off.

Nimora keeps fighting, ignoring her injuries and blatantly disregarding her personal safety in an effort to inflict as much damage as possible.

Down to one on one fights, it's clear that whilst these creatures have some sort of ability to fight co-operatively, as part of a pack or group, that they aren't nearly so good at coping on their own.
The last two quickly go down, finished off by Nimora and Mirathan. The skeletons on the ground rapidly start to dessicate, and crumble away into a fine grey ash.
The Oasis defenders stand there panting and sweating beneath the sun.

How good is it for aquatic subtype characters such as Nimora and Mirathan to be fighting out in the air, under the sun, irrespective of whether or not the bard's tattoos allow them to respire normally?

The Bone Servants wrote:

The two flanking Mirathan lash out at him, as he manages to swat one of them over; ignoring the sting of his wounds, Mirathan finishes the one prone one off as it thrashes on the ground.

The slash on his back cuts deep, but there is one less of the beasts to deal with. Mirathan switches to defense, using his dagger hilt in one fist, the trident in the other hand. He spins the trident, forming an impromptu shield.

Scribbling notes...
Interesting... Interesting.

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