The Dalesman |

Ash stops dancing and turns around as she hears her name.
She rushes up to give LJ a hug.
Oh my gosh, I thought I'd never see you again. I wanted to come and see you so many times, but it was totally forbidden. It's so good to see you back to your normal self.
Only able to check in briefly tonight, but may have some time tomorrow :(
Devlyn waves to Lynora and gives a nod to Ashaundra - since it looks like they're going to be catching up for a bit, he will find a seat and enjoy the evening's festivities. Grabs some dinner, that long overdue energy drink from Acme, sees if Magdalena has already left the floor for the evening, and has fun.

Azhagal |

*the crowd riots and the music resumes*
*the crowd disregards the belligerent monk*
the monk rages breaking all of the bottles at the bar hoping that gets their attention

lynora-Jill |

Leading Ash to a small table in plain sight of the bar so they can see if there's any more trouble, LJ is obviously just bursting with questions.
What are you doing here? What have you been up to in the last...however long I've been gone? Did you know that mom sent me a note telling me she's coming for a visit? Talk about a nightmare... But I'd better shut up now so you can actually answer some of my questions. Oh, I've missed you so much.

El-Lina Solareil |

After the monk scurries off El-Lina decides to head over to the table of the Dalesman and JH
Wow! That was...different. And a bit scary. Mind if I join you two big strong handsome men?
pointing to JH I'll even forgive you for not even trying to wear something red. You should, you know. It will set off your skin nicely.

Jack Hammer |

After the monk scurries off El-Lina decides to head over to the table of the Dalesman and JH
Wow! That was...different. And a bit scary. Mind if I join you two big strong handsome men?
pointing to JH I'll even forgive you for not even trying to wear something red. You should, you know. It will set off your skin nicely.
Well it's his table, so it's his call. pointing to the Dalesman I'm only here for a visit and a drink.

Db3's Narrator |

*Kiba sighs*
"I guess this means I have to get some help and try to take this thing out."
*A small magical whorl shimmers into view above his hand*
"DbJ? Kaelar? Theres a monk here who says theres something headed this way. Wanna help me out? Uh-huh. Yeah. Okay meet you outside."
*The three of them meet outside the Club. Kiba's already shifted to his hybrid form, DbJ's turns back into a dragon, and Kaelar walks out of the forge with a brand-new staff and decked out in ice.*
As I have no idea what's about to happen, those who wish to help can 'overhear' the conversation.

Azhagal |

*Kiba sighs*
"I guess this means I have to get some help and try to take this thing out."
*A small magical whorl shimmers into view above his hand*
"DbJ? Kaelar? There's a monk here who says theres something headed this way. Wanna help me out? Uh-huh. Yeah. Okay meet you outside."
*The three of them meet outside the Club. Kiba's already shifted to his hybrid form, DbJ's turns back into a dragon, and Kaelar walks out of the forge with a brand-new staff and decked out in ice.*
the monk returns, clothed this time and a bit calmer
thank you kiba I did not expect anyone to respond positively to my...display in there...anyways the creature I was talking about is called the Zhedal it is on a neverending quest to destroy men, any man she...well they, actually, finnds shal be killed swilftly and without hesitation, and the strange thing is, it cannot be slain by the hands of a woman making these creatures extremely dangerous!

lynora-Jill |

All that proves is that she annoyed the right people. And we both know how irritating she can be. But I'll be careful. I'm not keen on getting sucked in to one of her plans again, thanks so very much. The last one is still giving me grief.
But I want to hear about you now.
The two girls gossip and giggle as they catch up.

Kiba |

the monk returns, clothed this time and a bit calmerthank you kiba I did not expect anyone to respond positively to my...display in there...anyways the creature I was talking about is called the Zhedal it is on a neverending quest to destroy men, any man she...well they, actually, finnds shal be killed swilftly and without hesitation, and the strange thing is, it cannot be slain by the hands of a woman making these creatures extremely dangerous!
"They? There's more than one? And me without any tribbles..."

Azhagal |

Azhagal wrote:"They? There's more than one? And me without any tribbles..."
the monk returns, clothed this time and a bit calmerthank you kiba I did not expect anyone to respond positively to my...display in there...anyways the creature I was talking about is called the Zhedal it is on a neverending quest to destroy men, any man she...well they, actually, finnds shal be killed swilftly and without hesitation, and the strange thing is, it cannot be slain by the hands of a woman making these creatures extremely dangerous!
yes, and no...The Zhedal appear as a harem of very beautiful, voluptuous women; with bronze colored skin, long, wavy red hair and sultry silver eyes...however once angry The Zhedal become fearsome: while retaining their beauty, they grows fangs, their fingernails become long and scythe-like, glowing sky blue markings appear on their skin, their lower bodies disappear at the hip and are replaced with long almost snake-like tubes that connect to another much larger woman who walks using the smaller women, so if you can imagine the smaller women walking on their hands, supporting the larger "alpha female" that in essence is a(the) Zhedal
they are basically demon-human hydras...which is why I spent the night slaying a hydra and making gauntlet out of it's heads, I figured that if I could slay a hydra with minimal difficulty, I may have a chance against a Zhedal

The Dalesman |

Jack Hammer wrote:Err...I think I better excuse myself. I should check on that monk and his strange warnings.
JH hurries away, checking for any lingering scent of Brut.
El-Lina's eyes flash for a brief second, then she chuckles softly.
So Dalesman. It's just you and me.
Ack! Sorry I left you hanging, guys. My sweety is a gamer too, but is not at all fond of computers. I have precious little time to be online during the weekends, as a result. ;)
I'll try to catch up on some of the dialogue, then see if I can check back this afternoon.
Observes the goings-on with the monk, tries to catch Jack Hammer as he 'exits stage left'.
"Well, mi'lady, I did promise to check up on someone this evening, and it sounds like we may have a security issue that needs handling as well. But I also try not to turn down a lady's request for a dance, either, so..."
Devlyn will take El-Lina on the floor for a dance, but keeping an ear out for brewing trouble.
Question for you, Emperor7:
In and out for the next few hours...

The Seductress |

El-Lina Solareil wrote:Jack Hammer wrote:Err...I think I better excuse myself. I should check on that monk and his strange warnings.
JH hurries away, checking for any lingering scent of Brut.
El-Lina's eyes flash for a brief second, then she chuckles softly.
So Dalesman. It's just you and me.
Ack! Sorry I left you hanging, guys. My sweety is a gamer too, but is not at all fond of computers. I have precious little time to be online during the weekends, as a result. ;)
I'll try to catch up on some of the dialogue, then see if I can check back this afternoon.
Well I guess I didn't miss much then. I had to drive eight hours round trip for a class that ended up only running an hour and a half. Allura sees Devlyn dancing with another woman, and just manages to fight back the rising tide of jealousy she feels.

The Dalesman |

Well, I'm off to church. It'll most likely be tomorrow before I'm back since the race is on after that and I don't want to fight my kids for the computer.
Methinks you would ultimately lose that fight anyway, since I'm guessing you're outnumbered. :)
We'll catch you tomorrow then!
The Dalesman |

Well I guess I didn't miss much then. I had to drive eight hours round trip for a class that ended up only running an hour and a half. Allura sees Devlyn dancing with another woman, and just manages to fight back the rising tide of jealousy she feels.
Devlyn has been keeping an eye on the crowd. As the current song ends, he notices Allura come down to the floor. He thanks El-Lina for the dance, then excuses himself:
"Thank you for the dance, but I just saw the person I needed to check up on, as she was feeling a bit ill earlier. Excuse me, please."
Goes over to Allura, looking concerned and relieved.
"I'm glad you're finally feeling better! Not to mention that that lady in red is a bit too...intense, for my tastes at least. Something doesn't quite add up..."

Thieving Wasp |

Thieving Wasp is seen flying through. He seems to be talking to himself.
"No, the creature will be here soon...yes, the frequencies and magic agree on it. We mustn't get involved, we have a lot of work to do! Any news on the angel? She is an unnecessary distraction. Can we do anything to postpone her...visit? Well, we aren't going to intervene, alright Plant? Now come on, get back to work. We'll find it eventually."
He wanders out, still talking.

Azhagal |

I'm up now so we can continue this little man vs. weird hydra-lady fight.
"Do they have any weakness we should know about?"
And are their natural attacks treated as silver? Gotta know since kiba's a dire werewolf.
well, it depends on which body you attack, this one has a total of 7, 6 small one large. the first small one does vrpal dmg with her claws and is weak against acid, the 2nd does piercing damage and is weak against piercing the 3rd through 5th all do magic damage and are weak against silver, hence my gauntlets, the 6th does elemental damage that changes after each attack, until it finds which one does the most dmg to you, in which case each attack following would be said element. the 7th(the big one) however I do not know the strengths or weaknesses of.
also, the 6th body cannot be destroyed until the main body is slain

Azhagal |

*consults "how to defeat ancient creatures for dummies"*
well I think our best bet would be to focus on 3-5 given your claws, but I have this strange gravitation toward ganging up on the main body just to see what would happen, because at the very least, we know that one that one is slain the 6th one dies also
however...my intellect is 12.....
however my wisdom is the highesty in my party so....I say just wing it and see where this takes us