Shisumo's Test of the Topaz Champion (ST00)


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female Akodo Bushi 1 - Insight 123

Ume bowed to the Scorpion, and nodded. "Bayushi-san, i would gladly have your company. I was actually intending to go there now." Without her knowing, the seeds sown so many years ago were already well at work, the name Bayushi was enough to put her more at ease than, for example, Yasuki or Daidoji might have.

"I am nothing if not surprised at how highly placed this years competition is going to be." She said, without betraying too much of what she thought. While not a courtier, and probably outmatched by a witty scorpion, she wasn't going to just lay down her cards, no matter how much sympathy she had.

Tenmaku falls into step alongside Ume. "The Emperor himself!" he nods sympathetically. "I was caught unawares myself. And such a field of competitors... truly, the winner of this year's competitions will have earned his..." and he smiles at Ume, bowing briefly, "or her... title." He pauses, then continues with a thoughtful tone, "I will say this for the Crane: when they set out to test samurai for weakness, they do it thoroughly."


Nagatsuna gives a bow and says with sincerity, "I am honored to meet you. Do you have knowledge of what tomorrow mornings contest will be?"


Oroko studies you for a moment, a little warily, but replies, "Yeah. It's the wrestling contest in the morning - which I imagine you're looking forward to - and the heraldry test. Then we get a lunch break, and then it's the obstacle course, the mounted combat, and the etiquette and law tests in the afternoon and evening."

female Akodo Bushi 1 - Insight 123

"They surely do. The Topaz Championship would never have even gained the prestige it carries, let alone kept it, if it was not throughout, and well-founded." She smiled. At least he knew enough to not assume.

She couldn't give in to insecurity, or start questioning all the things she knew had not been covered in detail in her education. It would work out, somehow. Her relatives wouldn't have put anything on the line by sending her unprepared.

"So, Bayushi-san, have you been here for long? I only arrived half an hour ago." She asked, more to keep the conversation flowing than because she really thought it would matter all that much.

"I arrived this morning," Tenmaku replies, "and have spent the day exploring the town. If you have questions, I'd be happy to answer them, and if you want a guide... well, in that case I might have to steer you to one of the Cranes, but I will do my best if you insist." He smiles again. Ume can't help noticing once again that he really is quite handsome. "For myself, having 'met' the town this morning, if you will, I intend to meet my fellow competitors tonight. We are opponents, it's true, but in one sense, we're all in this together."

female Akodo Bushi 1 - Insight 123

"I would choose the word 'rivals' myself." the young Matsu replied. She gave him another short glance from top to bottom. His looks were quite fetching, certainly.

But not really enough to make her consider something extremely rash and stupid, she decided. Not at this point, anyway. "I think civility alone requires we be able to sit down and enjoy a cup of tea."

Male Half-Orc Monk 5

"I am curious as to would risk their reputation sponsoring him." "Your Family and school's honor would suffer also if he were a ringer sent to steal the championship from the rightful victor." "Kakita schools best student usually wins the championship, just imagine the shame for that student to loose such an important test to an imposter."

Added to the unfinished roll before the perception/investgation roll =30

That's what I assumed, though I did make another roll here in case.

"Keitomaru-san," Megumi says as she gracefully comes to his side making a short bow before continuing back to the inn. "What exciting news this day. To have been given the honour of participating in the Championship was enough but the Emperor himself!" It is obvious she can barely contain her elation and the words pass from her mouth unusually quickly.

"Don't you think the twin sons looked rather distinguished as well? I have not seen either before today." Though she attempts to hide it Megumi's attention is divided between her present company and that of her own thoughts.


Nagatsuna smiles, "I am looking forward to all the contests. Especially the etiquette contest, as there is always room to learn something new. Do you have one that you prefer?"

Female Utaku Battle Maiden 1

Thanks, that's great.

Yukari makes her way down from the dais, heading back towards the inn. Rather than go straight into the Laughing Carp, however, she instead goes to the nearby stables, intending to check on Arashi. Much as she wished to blow some steam off with a fast-paced ride, they had been travelling for a good part of the day and she always put the health of her companion first.

If the horse seems energetic, then she'll take him out for a while. But I'm guessing with the travel, he's probably worked pretty hard today already, so in that case her intention will be to check in on him and then head back to the inn.

Matsu Ume wrote:

"I would choose the word 'rivals' myself." the young Matsu replied. She gave him another short glance from top to bottom. His looks were quite fetching, certainly.

But not really enough to make her consider something extremely rash and stupid, she decided. Not at this point, anyway. "I think civility alone requires we be able to sit down and enjoy a cup of tea."

Tenmaku nods, seemingly pleased. "I quite agree, Matsu-san. It is surely no coincidence that Akodo-kami placed courtesy among the virtues of bushido - we may be rivals (and I do like that word better) - but we remain samurai." He pauses and looks at you with a surprisingly frank stare. "Forgive me for saying so, Matsu-san, but it is refreshing indeed to have a discussion of honor that celebrates its strengths, rather than mocking its weaknesses. At times, the company of my Clanmates can be most... unsatisfying. I am pleased to be able to be among those who possess a more enlightened view of the world."

At this point you reach the inn, and see that many, if not all, of your fellow competitors have returned here as well.

Shosuro Tamu wrote:
"I am curious as to would risk their reputation sponsoring him." "Your Family and school's honor would suffer also if he were a ringer sent to steal the championship from the rightful victor." "Kakita schools best student usually wins the championship, just imagine the shame for that student to loose such an important test to an imposter."

Amiko looks shocked. "Shosuro-san," she says slowly, "I would have a care, tossing such accusations around so lightly. Have you any testimony you might offer to support these... wild claims?"

Kakita Megumi wrote:
"Keitomaru-san," Megumi says as she gracefully comes to his side making a short bow before continuing back to the inn. "What exciting news this day. To have been given the honour of participating in the Championship was enough but the Emperor himself!" It is obvious she can barely contain her elation and the words pass from her mouth unusually quickly.

"I am... overwhelmed," Keitomaru says, and for the first time, seems slightly unsure of himself. "One does not come to the Topaz Championship without the expectation of glory, but this..." He shakes his head once, as though to clear it.

Kakita Megumi wrote:
"Don't you think the twin sons looked rather distinguished as well? I have not seen either before today." Though she attempts to hide it Megumi's attention is divided between her present company and that of her own thoughts.

"Ah, what? Oh, yes, the twins. An interesting puzzle, that. It is said that only they and their midwife - not even the Emperor himself - knows which is older. Of course, I hope that Hatsu is named heir, since I'm sure he would be inclined to take a Crane wife and allow us to shake off the legacy of Empress Amika, but Kobashi seems well suited to the throne as well."


Oroko snorts - which she also manages to do attractively - and replies, "Sorry, Hida-san, but you're going to have to wait to see how I perform along with everyone else."

Male Half-Orc Monk 5
DM Shisumo wrote:
Shosuro Tamu wrote:
"I am curious as to would risk their reputation sponsoring him." "Your Family and school's honor would suffer also if he were a ringer sent to steal the championship from the rightful victor." "Kakita schools best student usually wins the championship, just imagine the shame for that student to loose such an important test to an imposter."
Amiko looks shocked. "Shosuro-san," she says slowly, "I would have a care, tossing such accusations around so lightly. Have you any testimony you might offer to support these... wild claims?"

Accusations no, just questions a prospective champion should ask. The great sensei himself wrote; "Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster.” I just wish to avoid disaster and to prevent any allies from the same fate. I do apologize for assuming to speak with you with the familiarity I speak to my own clan mates.

Is to so unreasonable that a clan less honorable than yours might treat this tournament as a game to bet upon as you would game of dice?


With a wry smile, "That is truly a shame but I will look forward to the worthy competition." With a polite bow, "I must be off to meet the others Oroku-san. May the spirits guide us both." After waiting for her return bow he heads off to look for his clansmen. As he does so he says over his shoulder, "Hopefully we will be matched up in the wrestling competition."

female Akodo Bushi 1 - Insight 123

Ume's smile grew only marginally, but the compliments were not entirely lost on her. It was rare enough that she got any, and despite knowing it might be some kind of ploy. "And well... I don't want to assume too much, but if we look at history, anyone discarding honor also discarded victory in the long run."

She smiled, and looked around the tavern. "So, what in particular are you going to do tonight? Any last minute learning? I am certain i would manage to crush my confidence if i tried."

Shosuro Tamu wrote:
Is to so unreasonable that a clan less honorable than yours might treat this tournament as a game to bet upon as you would game of dice?

Amiko's expression chills further. "I do not bet on dice, Shosuro," she says. The lack of the -san ending is pointed. "I will inquire as to the ronin's sponsorship. Go with the Fortunes." And with that, she turns resolutely away.

Hida Nagatsuna wrote:


** spoiler omitted **

Oroko's snort trails after you, but as your turn away, you see something that might also be a speculative glimmer in her eye...

We can probably drop out of spoilers at this point, though if you'd prefer to stay in them, that's fine too.

It comes as no surprise that most of your Clanmates have retired to the Poisoned Water Sake house, rather than return to the inn. Only the Kuni seems not to have joined them.

Male Half-Orc Monk 5
DM Shisumo wrote:
Shosuro Tamu wrote:
Is to so unreasonable that a clan less honorable than yours might treat this tournament as a game to bet upon as you would game of dice?
Amiko's expression chills further. "I do not bet on dice, Shosuro," she says. The lack of the -san ending is pointed. "I will inquire as to the ronin's sponsorship. Go with the Fortunes." And with that, she turns resolutely away.

Not exactly the way I intended it to go but the seeds of suspicion have been sown which was the purpose of the talk.

Hidden by his mask a smile crosses Tamu's face. Thinking to himself, "One rival distracted, now to find weaknesses in the others and exploit them."
Tamu turns from the dais and heads to the Laughing Carp.

As tempting as it is Nagatsuna passes by the Poisoned Water and heads back to the Laughing Carp.

Utaku Yukari wrote:

Thanks, that's great.

Yukari makes her way down from the dais, heading back towards the inn. Rather than go straight into the Laughing Carp, however, she instead goes to the nearby stables, intending to check on Arashi. Much as she wished to blow some steam off with a fast-paced ride, they had been travelling for a good part of the day and she always put the health of her companion first.

If the horse seems energetic, then she'll take him out for a while. But I'm guessing with the travel, he's probably worked pretty hard today already, so in that case her intention will be to check in on him and then head back to the inn.

Arashi seems tired, though he has already received a thorough and careful brushing, the equal of anything Yukari herself might have done for him. He whickers softly when Yukari enters, pushing his nose forward for a pat, but seems content to say in his stall and munch his oats for the moment.

Yukari returns to the inn proper, then, to see that some of the others have returned here as well.

Currently in the Laughing Carp's common room or about to arrive there:

Bayushi Tenmaku
Doji Keitomaru
Hida Nagatsuna
Isawa Tsutakito
Kakita Megumi
Matsu Chigitsu
Matsu Ume
Moto Tsuto
Shosuro Morito
Shosuro Tamu
Tamori Ryuko
Utaku Yukari
Yoritomo Kagetora

"Do not worry Keitomaru-san," Megumi begins with sincerity. "Your presence in the Championship brings great honour to the Doji family and to our clan of course." She is serious but her voice is soft and reassuring.

"Hatsu or Kobashi would make a fine emperor, though I agree with you and hope Hatsu is the heir. If he were to take a Crane as wife it would be an occasion for great joy." Megumi seems to hesitate slightly at that last sentence as if slowly considering each word and perhaps biting back a few as well.

Male Half-Orc Monk 5

After ariving Tamu looks around the Laughing Carp for his clansmen and any of the others that might be sitting alone.

Megumi and Keitomaru, having taken their time making their way through the streets of the village, arrive just after Tamu.

I'm not really sure whether the PCs (and their current companions, if they have them) are sitting by themselves or in company. However...

Matsu Chigitsu and Moto Tsuto are sitting together, Tsuto apparently telling some tale of martial bravery to a politely skeptical Chigitsu. Shosuro Morito and Yoritomo Kagetora are sitting together as well, though they seem to be having a much more ordinary chat over relatively inconsequential topics. Isawa Tsutakito and Tamori Ryuko are each sitting alone, but Ryuko is occasionally tossing annoyed, even angry, glances at the Isawa, who seems utterly oblivious.

Just behind the Cranes, two more competitors enter, the two ronin. Kenji offers a distracted bow to the samurai he passes on his way into the room and across to the stairs leading to the sleeping quarters; Oroko watches him go with a faintly disappointed air before finding herself a seat alone near the door.

female Akodo Bushi 1 - Insight 123

Ume had, bold as she was, seated herself and her newly-acquired acquaintance near the other Matsu, who was talking to the Moto competitor.

She fully intended to continue some easy discussions with the young Bayushi she had just met. He seemed the pleasant enough sort.

Once the two Ronin entered the room, she greeted them with a passing nod of the head. To do any less would have been rude, no doubt. To do much more... well. It would have felt out of place.

Nagatsuna finds an empty table and waves down a serving girl for tea. He watches the room for a little bit feeling the eddies of the various alliances and rivalies swirling about the room.

Megumi will continue polite conversation with Keitomaru over tea. If he excuses himself early the young Kakita will take some time to herself simply absorbing the festive mood around her. Given that nothing more of interest happens she will head to bed before the hour gets too late.

Male Half-Orc Monk 5

*Tamu aproches Oruku and bows as he greats her*

Oroko-san the tournament is not a time to be alone why not join me in a drink. I was about to sit with Shosuro Morito and Yoritomo Kagetora, I am sure they will not object to a forth. But if a crowd isn't to your liking perhaps I might sit at your table and exchange tales?

Heihachi pulls out his tatami mat, lays it down on the floor, smoothes the edges to perfection. Sits with perfect posture in a lotus position. The stares into the void.

Matsu Ume wrote:

Ume had, bold as she was, seated herself and her newly-acquired acquaintance near the other Matsu, who was talking to the Moto competitor.

She fully intended to continue some easy discussions with the young Bayushi she had just met. He seemed the pleasant enough sort.

Once the two Ronin entered the room, she greeted them with a passing nod of the head. To do any less would have been rude, no doubt. To do much more... well. It would have felt out of place.

Tenmaku follows Ume willingly enough to the table with the Matsu and Moto. As they approach, Chigitsu rises and presents Ume to Tsuto formally, and vice versa. He does the same with Tenmaku, remarking in passing, "I did not realize when you introduced yourself earlier that you were participating, Bayushi-san."

Tsuto, apparently at a key moment in describing a training exercise against a small group of bandits, looks slightly put out by the interruption. His bow is awkward and brusque, but he does seem to appreciate having an additional couple of audience members to hear his story. "Yes... so, where was I?" he begins again. "Right! So I turned Shoorisha to my left, meeting the second one head-on, and struck out with my scimitar. The blade cut the man's head from his body, but his death spasm tore it from my hand! That left me with just my bow against three more, so I turned Shoorisha around again, riding a hard gallop in a tight circle, tighter than anything my classmates had ever managed at the dojo, using my speed and changing angle to keep them from closing with me - and with every second beat, I fired an arrow. Six beats later, the entire group was dead!"

Kakita Megumi wrote:
Megumi will continue polite conversation with Keitomaru over tea. If he excuses himself early the young Kakita will take some time to herself simply absorbing the festive mood around her. Given that nothing more of interest happens she will head to bed before the hour gets too late.

Keitomaru returns to his usual self-confidence by the end of his first cup of tea, and the two Crane continue their conversation amiably for some time. Eventually, Amiko and Toru reappear, the beautiful Crane woman giving her two Clanmates at the table a frosty nod, and her companion pausing for a few brief words of courtesy before he too disappears up the stairs to the rooms above. Eventually, all four Cranes have retired, leaving the common room to their Clan's guests.

Shosuro Tamu wrote:

*Tamu aproches Oruku and bows as he greats her*

Oroko-san the tournament is not a time to be alone why not join me in a drink. I was about to sit with Shosuro Morito and Yoritomo Kagetora, I am sure they will not object to a forth. But if a crowd isn't to your liking perhaps I might sit at your table and exchange tales?

Oroko studies the slim Scorpion and smiles slightly, glancing for a moment at the stairs that lead to the quarters on the upper floors before turning back to him. "I'm not much for crowds," she says, "but drinks can always keep me company. That usually earns their buyer a place at the table as well. Have a seat, Shosuro-san."

Hida Nagatsuna wrote:
Nagatsuna finds an empty table and waves down a serving girl for tea. He watches the room for a little bit feeling the eddies of the various alliances and rivalies swirling about the room.

The tea, like the rest of the inn, is finest quality - a sharp change from conditions on the Wall. It's clear the Crane have made much of their prosperity and peace over the last several decades.

Any specific plans, or just hanging out for a bit?

Kuni Heihachi wrote:
Heihachi pulls out his tatami mat, lays it down on the floor, smoothes the edges to perfection. Sits with perfect posture in a lotus position. The stares into the void.

Void/Meditation, TN 20.

Heihachi reaches into the Void and loses himself in it, a perfect emptiness, filled with the unnding pulse of the Universe. After a timeless time, though, an imperfection crosses his awareness... a subtle, uncertain, disquieting imabalance. As he withdraws from the Void and returns to his Self, Heihachi is troubled: he feels a strange sense of unease, or even danger, somewhere around him. He can say nothing of its source or nature, however.


What other feelings am I getting? Just the danger? does it appear to be a danger to me or to all?

Female Utaku Battle Maiden 1

Yukari stays long enough in the stables to give Arashi a pat, glad that he seems happy and is being looked after well. She then heads over to the Laughing Carp.

As Yukari enters the inn again, she gazes around the room for anyone that she recognises. Spotting Tsuto, she decides to head over to the group that he is sitting with. She waits until he has finished talking before speaking herself. "Hello, Moto-san. May I join you all?" she asks, smiling.

female Akodo Bushi 1 - Insight 123

"That's very impressive, Moto-san" Ume replied to the boast. While she considered replying with a small story of her own, the arrival of a clanswoman of the Moto cut that thought short.

As the other unicorn approached, Ume watched her, and their small group, and waited on how things would develop. She wasn't too keen on getting her neck out too much right about then.

Kuni Heihachi breaks from his meditation and knows he must seek another to confer with, he heads back to the common room, and begins looking for other Shugenja

Heads for Tamori Ryuko, quickly bows

"Konnichiwa Ryoko-sama, I need to speak with you about a matter most dire."

I will be especially on the lookout for Omens.

Kuni Heihachi wrote:

Kuni Heihachi breaks from his meditation and knows he must seek another to confer with, he heads back to the common room, and begins looking for other Shugenja

Noticing Kuni Heihachi return to the common room Nagatsuna rises to greet him until he notices that the shugenja seems agitated as he speaks to Tamori Ryuko. In a low voice, "Forgive my intrusion Heihachi-san. Is everything well?"

Hida Nagatsuna wrote:
Kuni Heihachi wrote:

Kuni Heihachi breaks from his meditation and knows he must seek another to confer with, he heads back to the common room, and begins looking for other Shugenja

Noticing Kuni Heihachi return to the common room Nagatsuna rises to greet him until he notices that the shugenja seems agitated as he speaks to Tamori Ryuko. In a low voice, "Forgive my intrusion Heihachi-san. Is everything well?"

"Nagatsuna-sama, no, something is wrong, but I know not what."

Ryuko watches the exchange between the Crab with some confusion, but finally gestures to the cushions across from her and sets aside her tea. "Please sit, Kuni-san, Hida-san, and explain all this, if you can."

Matsu Ume wrote:

"That's very impressive, Moto-san" Ume replied to the boast. While she considered replying with a small story of her own, the arrival of a clanswoman of the Moto cut that thought short.

As the other unicorn approached, Ume watched her, and their small group, and waited on how things would develop. She wasn't too keen on getting her neck out too much right about then.

Tsuto waves his hand. He says, "Sit, if you like, Utaku-san. The more, the merrier, from what I can see."

DM Shisumo wrote:
Ryuko watches the exchange between the Crab with some confusion, but finally gestures to the cushions across from her and sets aside her tea. "Please sit, Kuni-san, Hida-san, and explain all this, if you can."

Nagatsuna bows and sits patiently awaiting the news from his clansmen.

DM Shisumo wrote:
Ryuko watches the exchange between the Crab with some confusion, but finally gestures to the cushions across from her and sets aside her tea. "Please sit, Kuni-san, Hida-san, and explain all this, if you can."

"I was meditating on the coming competition, and I sensed something wrong in the void...I'm not sure what it is, but I know it's ominous. Have you sensed anything in your meditations?"

Ryuko frowns. "Something... 'wrong,' Kuni-san?" she asks uncertainly. "I am afraid I still don't know quite you are are asking about."

DM Shisumo wrote:
Ryuko frowns. "Something... 'wrong,' Kuni-san?" she asks uncertainly. "I am afraid I still don't know quite you are are asking about."

"Have you meditated since arriving at this event or perhaps yesterday and noticed anything odd? If you do...perhaps you will sense it...are there any other shugenja here?"

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