Shisumo's Test of the Topaz Champion (ST00)


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Matsu Ume wrote:
"Quite the field to compete against. On the trip here, I was preoccupied with the Crane above all, but it would be quite foolish to neglect the others" She added. In truth, she had been preoccupied with the tournament altogether, yet the crane seemed as good a foil as any.

Chigitsu nods, "The Crane will do well in the iaijutsu tournament, I'm sure, but I think one of the events is wrestling - I'm expecting the Crab to overshadow the Crane there, hey? - and there's a weapons contest too. And with luck, maybe some of the Crane will knock each other off in the iaijutsu tournament."

Hida Nagatsuna wrote:
After he finishes he grabs another sake, raises it for a toast, and once again downs it. "The shadow will always find the mountain waiting for it and will always break against it's cliffs when it does. For our fallen brothers and sisters who's memory gives us strength and who's spirits guide us." After the toast, "Now, let us hear the tales of Chorotoi-san and Heihachi-san for I wish to celebrate their victories."

The listening Crab roar with enthusiasm at Nagatsuna's toast, downing their own drinks with equal fervor, and the innkeeper tosses the group a suspicious glance. One of the surrounding samurai leans toward the center of the group and stage-whispers, "Think we might need to move this to the Poisoned Water, samurai; sensei-sama over there seems to be getting nosy," to a chorus of chuckles all around.

Kuni Heihachi wrote:

Heihachi relates his tale...

OOC: Sorry I'm gonna be pretty busy tonight and tomorrow, after Wednesday I'll be OK for posting more, gotta get 2 papers done by Tuesday.

We'll backtrack to let Heihachi has his moment when papers have gotten out of the way. ;)

After the Kuni's story, the surrounding Crabs' eyes turn back to Chorotai, who begins with the rhythm of someone who has told a story many, many times already. "I was south of the Wall for three days without finding anything bigger than a bloodworm," he booms, "and I was starting to worry about my jade running out before I managed to get my head. Late one afternoon, though, I topped a hill to find myself almost nose to nose with a tall, red-skinned thing with really long arms and a face that looked like a wolf's, but with the skull on the outside rather than in."

"Gekido," rumbles one of the listeners, and a couple other Crab nod.

Chorotai nods as well. "Gekido no oni it was, and neither of us seemed to know what to do with one another for a moment. Then we both roared and jumped toward each other. I was faster - probably saved my life, that - and managed to get my tetsubo around before it reached me with its claws. Pounded it a good one; put a few cracks in that skull-looking face, and I think that knocked it sideways just enough that its own attack just scraped up my armor. And then I realized - it was shaking and roaring, all the intelligence I'd thought it had a second before gone. It was in the Rage, and I knew I needed to fall back."

Chorotai takes a drink - actually tea, this time - before continuing. "There were rocks all over the hillside, so I dove behind one. I had a dose of jade powder for my tetsubo, but only one, and you know nothing else works on a gekido no oni in its Rage. I pulled out my jade packet - and the thing literally pulled the rock I'd taken cover behind out of the ground and tossed it aside, like I might do with a crumpled sheet of paper. I ran for another rock, still trying to get the jade out. I finally managed it, just as it threw my rock aside again. This time, though, I was ready and waiting - when the rock went flying, I swung with everything I had; the jade tore through the oni like paper, and down it went. I grabbed the head in my kubi bukuro and was back at the Wall by sundown." With another roar, the Crabs toast him again, along with shouts of "Hida!" and "The strength of the Crab!"

female Akodo Bushi 1 - Insight 123

Ume nodded empathically, but the giant crabs loud entertainment cut her off. She took a look at him, trying to make up her mind if that was freakish or impressive, but settled for "astonishing" in short order.

"The Crab will do very well in the Juijutsu tournament, agreed." Somewhat more subdued, in a much more private voice she added. "I just wonder if they'll do so well in the other challenges."

She watched the huge Crab for a while longer, listened to the boasting story. "I think the art of battle is in part to shield yourself from bad fortune, and exploit good fortune fully. Why should it be different in this tournament?" Ume even felt Akodo might have written something along these lines.

Megumi keeps her eye on the Phoenix a sense of wonder filling her features. She responds but only passively. "Uh, yes. I think I am feeling a little." The booming of the Crab breaks her reverie and she nearly jumps from the excitement at that table. Looking over in disdain she continues in a markedly more venomous tone of voice.

"It is perhaps the proximity to the Crab here. I am not accustomed to their uniquely displeasing presence." She eyes them suspiciously for a few moments then looks back to her fellow Crane samurai. "We will have to eliminate them swiftly. The Crab do not belong in our homeland."

The young Kakita looks over her kimono absently wrinkling then smoothing parts of it out. She smiles genuinely toward Keitomaru. "Thank you Keitomaru-san for your concern but some tea will help settle my stomach."

All throughout Megumi's eyes quickly glance back toward the newly arrived Phoenix then just as quickly away once again.

"My tale...yes..."

drinks a cup of warm tea

"There I was, travelling in the Shadowlands, looking for a tainted creature to prove my adulthood. I was travelling near a river, knowing that Goblins frequented those locales. I got a warning from a water Kami, just before they struck. 3 goblins hungry for my blood. I ducked before the attack of one, its claws barely missing my throat. I quickly moved to place the one that had lept at me between myself and the other two as I coaxed a kami to bring a katana of flame into existence. This caused the Kappa to pause apprehensively, I took that moment to strike the lead Kappa, splitting it down the middle..."

"The other two backed away at the sight of their comrade dropping and smoldering away. I took that opportunity to call the Earth Kami to protect me, my skin becoming crab grey."

"I then leapt at the other two, lopping the head off the second one as it tried to claw me, but the kami protected me from it's claws. The third attempted to I called once again on the Earth kami and launched a jade strike at it, instantly destroying the pathetic creature."

"I brought only the head of the goblin I severed with my flame katana to prove my worth, but when I told my tale, I was told I exaggerated, that I couldn't have faced three or I would have brought three heads...from that point on I vowed to never lie, for my tale is truth, and I shall only ever tell truths...."

pours another tea

Kappa do count for the Crab Gempukku right?...I changed it to goblins then, I thought Kappa were goblins...ok no problem

Crab Samurai wrote:
The listening Crab roar with enthusiasm at Nagatsuna's toast, downing their own drinks with equal fervor, and the innkeeper tosses the group a suspicious glance. One of the surrounding samurai leans toward the center of the group and stage-whispers, "Think we might need to move this to the Poisoned Water, samurai; sensei-sama over there seems to be getting nosy," to a chorus of chuckles all around.

"Ha! We face Oni what have we to fear from one disgruntled innkeep?! Perhaps we will find better company and better sake there." He will accompany them to the Poisoned Water.

Kappa aren't creatures of the Shadowlands. Your story would fit goblins perfectly, though, or maybe something more esoteric like a oyuchi no kansen, which are vulnerable to fire and possess corpses. Perhaps they were three oyuchi no kansen possessing kappa corpses?

Matsu Ume wrote:

"The Crab will do very well in the Juijutsu tournament, agreed." Somewhat more subdued, in a much more private voice she added. "I just wonder if they'll do so well in the other challenges."

She watched the huge Crab for a while longer, listened to the boasting story. "I think the art of battle is in part to shield yourself from bad fortune, and exploit good fortune fully. Why should it be different in this tournament?" Ume even felt Akodo might have written something along these lines.

Also somewhat admiringly and somewhat repulsed, Chigitsu murmurs, "Those Crab boast like Lion... but about the minions of Fu Leng...!" He shudders. Refocusing his attention on Ume, he blinks, then nods as her words sink in. "Hai, Ume-san. With skill and the favor of the Fortunes, there is nothing that we cannot accomplish." His eyes drift toward the Phoenix boy, now sitting at a table with two young Scorpion and an equally young Mantis, as he says this.

Kakita Megumi wrote:
"It is perhaps the proximity to the Crab here. I am not accustomed to their uniquely displeasing presence." She eyes them suspiciously for a few moments then looks back to her fellow Crane samurai. "We will have to eliminate them swiftly. The Crab do not belong in our homeland."

Toru looks away from Amiko at last, glancing toward Megumi. "They are our guests, Megumi-san," he says reproachfully, "and deserve our courtesy as such. Bushido demands nothing less." He looks back toward Amiko for a moment, then nods and rises. "In fact, if you will excuse me, my friends, I believe I will introduce myself to them."

Kakita Megumi wrote:

The young Kakita looks over her kimono absently wrinkling then smoothing parts of it out. She smiles genuinely toward Keitomaru. "Thank you Keitomaru-san for your concern but some tea will help settle my stomach."

All throughout Megumi's eyes quickly glance back toward the newly arrived Phoenix then just as quickly away once again.

As Toru heads toward the Crabs, Keitomaru quickly pours more tea for Megumi, offering it to her with a polite bow. Amiko looks between the two of them, then rises herself. "Pardon me, but I wish to be well rested for the tournament." With a bow aimed nowhere in particular - and certainly not at Megumi - she leaves the common room.

Megumi bows her head meekly as Toru chastises her. She knows she has overstepped acceptable behaviour and all she can do about it now is continue fiddling with her kimono. Her face brightens as Keitomaru offers her the tea which she eagerly accepts and sips from.

"So Keitomaru-san, it is just you and I now. Could you tell me of your travels? Mine were relatively bland, it being such a short journey from the dojo to here." Her voice is much softer now no doubt due to some amount of shame.

Female Utaku Battle Maiden 1

"He doesn't look too well either.." Yukari notes before dropping the subject of the Phoenix shugenja.

"So.. do you have any idea of the events we can expect in the tournament?" she asks Tsuto with interest, before waving to the serving girl for some tea.

..Eh?..What's this? A Crane approaching. Must be brave or.....this sake has got to be getting to me. Nagatsuna watches with interest the Crane approach. When he gets close enough, "Come to share your tale?" He glances at the others and then holds out a cup of sake for the Crane to take, "I am Hida Nagatsuna. Tell us Kakita-san of your greatest conquest. The floor is yours."

female Akodo Bushi 1 - Insight 123

Ume looked at the huge Crab, and her initial disdain grew. Greatest conquest? He was talking as if he was an experienced general. What gave him the right? He was as much a contestant as her, if appearances were to be believed, and should know he was shaming all those who could claim a few bandits at the very best.

Before her temper could flare all too badly, she focused on a more promising situation. "So, you have something in mind for this particular campaign?" She asked, and followed his gaze to the mantis and scorpion-occupied table. There could naturally only be one champion, but the path to that honor was probably easier walked in company.

"Remember brother, this is her gempukku, these samurai who were not the colors of the Crab have not been to the Shadowlands to prove themselves. They forget who holds back the tide of evil, those waves that crash upon the Kaiu walls."

Kuni Heihachi wrote:
"Remember brother, this is her gempukku, these samurai who were not the colors of the Crab have not been to the Shadowlands to prove themselves. They forget who holds back the tide of evil, those waves that crash upon the Kaiu walls."

Actually, I am speaking to Kakita Toru, I believe.

Nagatsuna looks across at his clan brother who's eye level is very near his own, "While that may be true, he was chosen by his clan to represent them at this tournament. No small honor. A swift way to defeat is to underestimate your competition no matter what it's guise or form." This last refering to common wisdom for survival in the Shadowlands. Pausing for a moment, "Kakita-san if you still wish it the floor is still yours." Nagatsuna's demeanor is strangely calm, quiet, and his movements slow and careful compared to the boisterousness of earlier.

Hida Nagatsuna wrote:
Kuni Heihachi wrote:
"Remember brother, this is her gempukku, these samurai who were not the colors of the Crab have not been to the Shadowlands to prove themselves. They forget who holds back the tide of evil, those waves that crash upon the Kaiu walls."

Actually, I am speaking to Kakita Toru, I believe.

Nagatsuna looks across at his clan brother who's eye level is very near his own, "While that may be true, he was chosen by his clan to represent them at this tournament. No small honor. A swift way to defeat is to underestimate your competition no matter what it's guise or form." This last refering to common wisdom for survival in the Shadowlands. Pausing for a moment, "Kakita-san if you still wish it the floor is still yours." Nagatsuna's demeanor is strangely calm, quiet, and his movements slow and careful compared to the boisterousness of earlier.

Bah, you're right, my mistake

"I try to never underestimate an opponent"

Kuni Heihachi wrote:
"I try to never underestimate an opponent"

In a low voice, "Of course not brother, you have survived where many others have failed."

Abruptly, all of your conversations are interrupted by the booming sound of great drums from out in the streets. The pounding rhythm catches all of your attentions, and several of the older samurai look surprised before rising swiftly to their feet. (Ume and Yukari can understand why - they recognize the rhythm as one used by the Imperial Legions.) The inn quickly empties of people as samurai and peasants alike pour into the streets to see the source of the commotion.

Three large groups of samurai are making their way through the streets of Tsuma toward the Kakita Dueling Academy dojo. The first is a small knot of samurai surrounded by bushi in the brilliant green armor of the Imperial Legions. As the party approaches, the crowd that stands along the edges of the street lowers itself to the ground in a great wave, and you realize with shock that you are looking at the Emperor himself. All of you prostrate yourselves without a moment's hesitation. Looking up as the party passes, you catch a glimpse of the Imperial party.

Toturi XII is still a handsome and vigorous man, only a few streaks of gray in his hair betraying that he is approaching the age of forty. He smiles politely to the bowing crowds as he strides forward. Walking behind him are his two eldest sons, the twins Hatsu and Kobashi, sporting the mons of the Crane and Lion schools where they have been fostered. Between the two handsome young men is their youngest sister, six-year-old Toturi Chisa, whose birth took the life of her mother after twelve fertile years. More than one maiden in the audience flutters her fan and sighs as she watches the two handsome youg men proceed down the street, protectively guarding their innocent youngest sister.

Following closely behind the Emperor is Miya Shikan, the Imperial Herald, who will serve as master of ceremonies for the tournament. Shikan's pale, narrow face and clean-shaven scalp make him look almost monastic, but his gaze is sharp and faintly disapproving as he acknowledges the bows of the crowd.

As you rise in the wake of the Imperial party's passage, you get a closer look at the other two groups of samurai following in the wake of the Emperor and his family. The first is a group of samurai in the golden brown armor of the Lion Clan, and their leader is none other than the Lion daimyo and current Emerald Champion, Matsu Hoketsaku. Hoketsaku is a powerful-looking man in his mid-thirties, moving with the energy of a warrior even in these peaceful times. He is accompanied by a young man of thirteen years or so, who you realize must be his son and heir, Matsu Nimoro, named for the famed hero of the reign of Toturi III. Also with them is a lean, hard-faced older man with thinning hair and prominent cheekbones.

Intelligence/Lore: Heraldry, TN 10 (Ume gets a Free Raise if she spends a Void Point for the skill):

The older man is Akodo Gintaku, daimyo of the Akodo family and a renowned political opponent of Miya Shikan. He is also rumored to be displeased with the Matsu dominance of the Lion Championship, but his displeasure has not been suited to any action as far as anyone knows.

Perception/Lore: Heraldry, TN 15:

Matsu Nimoro, the Champion's young son, is not wearing a School mon on his kimono. This suggests he has not yet completed his gempukku. He is, however, wearing his swords, just like all of you - which further suggests that he, like you, is here to participate in the tournament.

Alongside the Lions, the handsome Crane Champion, Doji Sarutomo, smile charmingly, but with a distracted air as he trails along behind the Emperor. He is accompanied by an elderly woman whose tottering pace is supported both by a cane and a pair of young handmaidens. This can be none other than the legendary O-Doji Koneko, the Crane Clan matron, widow of the previous Champion and still, according to many, the power of the Clan.

Raw Perception, TN 20:

A voice nearby mutters, "Here comes the old ghoul" as Koneko hobbles past. Turning to look, you see a young man in the sea-green kimono of a Mantis, standing with the Crab samurai from the inn. Some of the Crabs seem to have heard him, and are chuckling quietly to themselves.

The crowd sweeps along behind the procession toward the Kakita Dueling Academy, where Kakita Saburashi awaits the arrival of the Son of Heaven.

female Akodo Bushi 1 - Insight 123

Raw Perception: 9, Int + Lore / Heraldry + 1 FR: 24, Per + Lore / Heraldry: 10

Ume had hardly raised her head enough to see more than the dirt in front of her, when the questions started. She had known of the possibility for someone high-placed to notice her, but this. The son of heavens. Her Clan Champion... and... him?

Her own quibbles with the crabs suddenly vanished entirely. How childish and unbecoming. She was here to prove herself the best young samurai the Empire had to offer this year. That was her goal, and nothing else.

She looked at the procession and despite the additional weight on her shoulders felt nothing but being lifted, elevated just by having been here.


being so near to the Mantis, he couldn't help but hear, though he ignores the insult

[ooc]Raw Perception: 2d10.extra(10)=13

Maintaining the bowed position Nagatsuna almost seems to go into a trance. He feels his inner core of raw emotion straining to break free with such an unexpected turn of events. Must remain calm. Nobody notices him take hold of a piece of folded paper and blow into it making it inflate into the shape of an origami box. For the first time since arriving a bit of doubt creeps unbidden into his mind, Look at them. They are worthy. Will you be? The emperor knows who keeps the Shadowlands at bay. This is my chance to prove myself worthy of defending the walls."

Int/Lore(Heraldry): 3k2=13, Perception/Lore (Heraldry): 3k2=11, Raw Perception: 2k2=10.

Wonder and awe struck deep into Megumi when the drums are heard. However when she witnesses the approaching Imperial Legions she is shocked and nothing could have prepared her for the arrival of the Emperor himself! Not knowing what to do Megumi bows so far that the dirt could very nearly cover her face.

In her own mind the young Crane is questioning what could have warranted this great an honour. No words come in response, only a somewhat grim reminder that the Son of Heavens is here and that her petty squabbles are infinitely unimportant.

Female Utaku Battle Maiden 1

Perception:3k3 = 18

Yukari prostrates herself along with everyone else as the Emperor's party passes by. Once they have passed, the Shiotome looks up again, hardly able to believe that the Son of Heaven was here. Was he here for the Topaz Tournament? She hadn't expected anything like this.

As she stood up, it began to strike home just how truly prestigious this event was. She really couldn't let the clan down now.. the pressure was definitely on.


A voice mutters, "The Emperor himself! Well, you've certainly arranged for a spectacular stage to fail on." A thin, steel-haired woman in dark purple armor shimmers into your vision, shaking her head after the departing Imperials. "And not just the Cranes, but the next Lion Champion against you too! Oh, you did a fine job, choosing this," she continues. "Just try not to embarrass the entire Clan, if you please. I hold out no hope for our own line, of course, but perhaps the Moto and Shinjo will escape unscathed."

Male Half-Orc Monk 5

Standing only 5'2" the road dirty man dressed in the red and black of the Scorpion clan rises after the passage of the emperor’s procession. Chastising himself verbally for the delays caused by weather and bandits that forced him to be late for the Topaz tournament. The demon faced mask he wore muffling his voice “ I can’t control the fates but I should have anticipated them. How can I prove myself if I allow the unseen to hinder my duty to Clan and school”. Looking for signs and markers to direct him to the registry official he rushes off to make up for the time lost in travel. “Now I must show myself dirty and rushed, the tournament judges will be looking at me even more critically than they would normally scrutinize a Scorpion.”


A slim, well-dressed young man in Scorpion red and black steps out of the crowd and into your hurrying path. As the rest of the crowd trails through the streets toward the Dueling Academy, he draws you into a nearby alley.

"Tamu-san!" he says, smiling broadly from beneath his mask. "I am pleased you made it at last. I'm Bayushi Tenmaku, honored to meet you." He pulls a broad horsehair brush from his sleeves and steps toward you, beginning to brush the dust from your kimono. "You're already registered, no worries there. We just need to get you looking acceptable for the dais, which we're going to be on in... about two minutes."

Male Half-Orc Monk 5

Bayushi Tenmaku
"Tenmaku-san I beg forgiveness for my appearance and tardiness. I also thank you for keeping myself from embarrassing our Clan with my childish mistakes, I assure you it will be my last."
*as we proceed to the dais*
"Tenmaku-san are there any judges or contestants I should be aware of? Any one who may hold grudges to imagined slights?"

*Bowing deep at Tenmaku*
"Tenmaku-san I beg forgiveness for my appearance and tardiness. I also thank you for keeping myself from embarrassing our Clan with my childish mistakes, I assure you it will be my last."
*as we proceed to the dais*
"Tenmaku-san are there any judges or contestants I should be aware of? Any one who may hold grudges to imagined slights?"

Female Utaku Battle Maiden 1

Yukari's heart sinks as she realises who is talking to her, adding to her already substantial nervousness at finding out the Emperor was here. She had come to dread Sakura's frequent arrivals. She bows her head respectfully, knowing that she needed to receive the woman's counsel with all the esteem required for older family members. "Yes, Utaku-sama. I will do my best - I will not allow myself to dishonour our clan," she replies quietly.

Being selected for the tournament alone was clearly not enough for the Sakura. But perhaps if she did well here, Yukari would finally be accepted as worthy of the Utaku family and shiotome school.. Her pride at being selected to attend was now quickly being replaced with a burning, desperate need to place highly in the approaching tournament.


Tenmaku frowns for a moment, thinking. "None that you need to be especially concerned with, I think," he says. "None of the judges are likely to be especially fond of a Scorpion, but I don't believe any of them will be overly... attentive... to us either." He looks you over once more with a critical eye as you catch back up with the crowd. "Not perfect, but it'll due to keep you out of trouble. We'll meet up at the inn - that's the House of the Laughing Carp if you haven't heard yet - after the presentation, and we can talk more then." He offers you a quick bow, and slides into the crowd once more.

The procession wends its way to the southern end of town, where the Kakita Dueling Academy stands proudly atop a low hill. There, in a courtyard within the outer walls, a dais has been constructed, with a small party of mostly Crane dignitaries waiting for the arrival of the Imperial party and the Crane and Lion contingents as well. At the head of the group on the dais is a tall, lean, sharp-faced man of perhaps forty years, wearing a grim expression. His white hair is pulled back in an extremely severe samurai topknot, and he moves with the astonishing grace of a exceptional warrior. This, you realize, must be Kakita Saburashi, daimyo of the Kakita family and head sensei of the Kakita Dueling Academy.

Megumi, and anyone else who makes a TN 10 Intelligence/Lore: Heraldry, Intelligence/Lore: Law, or Intelligence/Lore: Crane roll (remember, you can make rolls unskilled if you wish):

Saburashi's greatest claim to fame was his victory in the Test of the Emerald Champion ten years ago. Saburashi easily defeated all his competitors, but then refused to accept the office of Emerald Champion, claiming his sword skills were insufficient. He offered his seppuku to the Emperor, who refused it, and then returned to the Kakita lands to resume his duties as sensei. The Emperor then appointed Matsu Hoketsaku to take the Emerald Championship, a position that Hoketsaku still holds.

Saburashi steps forward as the Emperor mounts the dais, ritually prostrating himself before the Son of Heaven. After a brief moment, the Emperor bids him to rise, and the two men exchange brief words. Saburashi continues his bows to the Emperor's twin sons, and one - Hatsu, whose hair is dyed Crane white and whose kimono bears the mon of the Kakita Dueling Academy - exchanges several warm words with Saburashi before moving on. As the rest of the samurai mount the dais, Saburashi greets them all as well, then turns his attention to the waiting crowd.

Unskilled intelligence roll: 2d10=11

Following the processional, Nagatsuna absorbs the excitement flowing through the crowd like a sponge. Expect the unexpected, he thought to himself but still found his emotions out of balance. Looking upon the Crane a flicker of recognition crosses his face, Ah, Kakita Saburashi. You should have taken what was rightfully yours all those years ago but instead you shirk your duty showing why your clan is weak and not up to the task of protecting the Empire. With a slight shake of his head to clear his thoughts he listens to what is being said.

"It is my great honor to welcome you all to the Tournament of the Topaz Champion!" Saburashi calls to the crowd. "Each year, the Crane Clan is host to the finest young samurai the Empire has to offer, each demonstrating the qualities that all samurai must possess in order to fully embrace bushido: honor, integrity, wisdom, and strength. Each of these qualities will be plumbed to their depths over the next three days, as each of the contestants is examined to determine which of them hews closest to the ideals of our Empire! Now, allow me to present the contestants for this year's Tournament of the Topaz Champion!"

"From the Crane Clan, Doji Keitomaru, Kakita Amiko, Kakita Megumi, and Kakita Toru!"

Each of the young samurai is brought up the dais and bows to the crowd. Amiko looks supremely confident, and she smiles openly at Saburashi as she climbs the stairs to the stage.

"From the Lion Clan, Matsu Nimoro, Matsu Chigitsu, and Matsu Ume!"

The crowd breaks out in shocked murmurs as the son of the Emerald Champion steps forth from the party of VIPs to take his place alongside the other competitors. He is a handsome and well-built boy of 13, looking supremely comfortable as he bows to the crowd. Chigitsu, on the other hand, has gone quite pale, though he manages to hide the fact for the most part in his bow.

"From the Scorpion Clan, Bayushi Tenmaku, Shosuro Morito, and Shosuro Tamu!"

Tenmaku is a slim, good-looking young man of about 16, well-dressed and elegant as he bows gracefully to the crowd. Morito is taller and pale, but he seems if anything even more comfortable on the stage, executing his bow with flourishes worthy of a professional actor.

"From the Phoenix, Isawa Tsutakito!"

This turns out to be the skeletal-looking young man from the inn earlier. He bows graciously enough to the crowd, but the crowd seems somewhat put off by his appearance, and the response he gets is lackluster as compared to what has come before.

"From the Unicorn, Moto Tsuto and Utaku Yukari!"

Tsuto has some trouble climbing the stairs with his unusually short legs, and there are titters in the crowd as he finally makes his way to the center of the dais. He appears wilfully oblivious, however, as he bows to the courtyard.

"From the Dragon, Tamori Ryuko!"

Ryuko is the young Dragon shugenja-ko with the daisho and scroll satchel Heihachi exchanged looks with earlier, with bright eyes and a sharp, hawklike nose. She bows to the crowd with a fierceness that almost makes it seem a challenge rather than an acknowledgement. As she steps back to join the rest of you, she offers an open glare to the Isawa standing a few feet away.

"From the Mantis, Yoritomo Kagetora!"

Kagetora is a bulky, barrel-armed youth, whose sleeveless vest clearly allows the muscles in his arms - and the tattoos that cover them - to be seen by all. (Heihachi recognizes him as the man with the unkind words in the crowd a few moments before.) He wears his katana strapped to his back, and a pair of kama take the usual place of his daisho in his obi.

"From the Crab, Hida Chorotai, Hida Nagatsuna, and Kuni Heihachi!"

Chorotai bellows out a roar, answered by a roar from the Crabs in the crowd, before bowing to the crowd. The applause in general is somewhat dismal, as the crowd seems more shocked than impressed.

"And finally, Maeda Oroko and Kenji!"

These are, shockingly, two ronin, where one is a rarity in a contest where ronin contestants must have Great Clan sponsorship in order to participate. Oroko, a member of the Maeda ronin family apparently, is a pretty woman in her late teens, with an impish smile and short hair pulled back into a kind of spiky pigtail. Her bow to the crowd is a bit flirtatious, but the crowd lets her get away with it, applauding more than they did for the Crabs. Kenji is a thin, intense-looking man in somewht threadbare clothing, whose bow to the crowd is somewhat awkward, and the response he receives could be described similarly.

Perception/Kenjutsu (Katana), TN 15:

Though the rest of Kenji's outfit is pretty pathetic, the katana he carries - while simply wrapped - appears to be one of extremely high quality.

"The tournament will begin tomorrow morning, with the first event starting promptly at the hour of the Moon!" That's 8 AM to you and me. "The Crane Clan is honored by the attendance of Toturi XII, Emperor of Rokugan and Blessed of the Celestial Heavens, at this event, and proud to announce that he will personally bestow the Armor of the Topaz Champion upon the winner of the tournament! This is only the third time in his reign that the Son of Heaven has graced the Topaz Championship with his presence. Let us make it one worthy of his gaze!" Though those last lines are delivered ostensibly to the crowd, each of you feels the weight of them.

With that, you are dimissed. The evening is yours, with the first event occuring first thing in the morning.

What will you do?

Perception/Kenjutsu: 3k2=12 I don't suppose I get to use Iaijutsu here instead of Kenjutsu for Way of the Crane?

Taking a good position while following the procession the young Crane seems nearly overwhelmed at the personalities involved this year. When her name is called she hesitates but only for a second and she bows deeply to the crowd, revealing the smallest bit of her nervousness. As the other samurai are called up to the dais Megumi takes interest in seeing the competitors and memorising the names Saburashi calls out.

After being dismissed Megumi takes a few moments to watch the Emperor and his children, especially the sons, and her sensei. Finally wishing to discuss this news with somebody she decides to seek out her fellow Crane competitors not really caring who she finds.

Male Half-Orc Monk 5

Kensi info roll =20 (5k2)

Saburashi info roll =13 (3k2)

I'm not sure if I rolled these right.

*Tamu stays at the dais observing the crowd and emperial contingent, looking for anything odd or out of place.*

Perception/Kenjutsu (Katana), TN 15:

Nagatsuna dismisses the lack of applause as unimportant taking note of each of the other competitors as they are introduced. He seems to follow Oroko's movements a little more than is appropriate. At Kenji's introduction his gaze stops suddenly on a seemingly innocuous detail, Could it be Kaiu?


After they are dismissed he seeks out Oroko. If he is able to find her. he maintains a socially polite distance from her but only just barely. "Greetings Oroko-san, I am Hida Nagatsuna. You seem to be a more popular than we Crab in these distant lands."


Thinks to himself...very interesting...continues to watch the the events unfolding around him.

When the events are complete, I will head to my room, lay out my tatami mat and meditate.

Female Utaku Battle Maiden 1

Intelligence: 2k2 = 9

Perception/Kenjutsu: 7k3 = 26

When it comes to her turn, Yukari bows to the crowd, trying her best to appear calm and collected. She watches the other competitors with interest, attempting to size them up. The ronin, for all his apparent shabbiness, seemed to be one to keep an eye on.

Quick question before I decide what Yukari does after the ceremony: is there an exercise area or something similar for the competitors to use that she could take Arashi to? Basically, if Yukari wanted to go riding during the tournament on her own time, would there be anywhere available for her to do so?

Kakita Megumi wrote:
Perception/Kenjutsu: 3k2=12 I don't suppose I get to use Iaijutsu here instead of Kenjutsu for Way of the Crane?

Not "using" a katana, I'm afraid. ;) Nice try though.

Kakita Megumi wrote:
After being dismissed Megumi takes a few moments to watch the Emperor and his children, especially the sons, and her sensei. Finally wishing to discuss this news with somebody she decides to seek out her fellow Crane competitors not really caring who she finds.

It is Keitomaru that Megumi finds, as Amiko loiters to speak with Saburashi and Toru returns to the Crab to finish his attempt to make friends. He looks comfortable and confident, making his way up the street toward the inn with an easy, purposeful stride. He slows to allow Megumi to catch up once he notices her, however. "Megumi-san," he greets her, bowing.

Shosuro Tamu wrote:

Kensi info roll =20 (5k2)

Saburashi info roll =13 (3k2)

I'm not sure if I rolled these right.

Actually, your Perception/Kenjutsu roll was even higher, because you get to reroll your 10s and add the result to the total of the die. See the post below yours for an easier way to handle Invisible Castle rolling, or the discussion thread.

Shosuro Tamu wrote:

*Tamu stays at the dais observing the crowd and emperial contingent, looking for anything odd or out of place.*

Amiko remains on the dais as well, waiting with teeth grinding "patience" to speak with her sensei, who is currently being monopolized by Toturi Hatsu. Hatsu's twin brother Kobashi is speaking with Matsu Hoketsaku and his son Nimoro, and the other VIPs are heading inside the Dueling Academy, where they will presumably be staying.

Perception/Investigation (Notice), TN 20 (Tamu only):

As they leave, Matsu Chigitsu stares at Isawa Tsutakito, and for just a moment, something like open hatred flares on his face. It is gone in an instant, however.

Hida Nagatsuna wrote:
Could it be Kaiu?

It's impossible to tell without seeing it drawn.

Hida Nagatsuna wrote:


** spoiler omitted **

Oroko studies you with a cool stare. "I'm popular everywhere, Hida-san." She takes a deliberate step backwards, to a more appropriate distance. "I am Maeda Oroko, Hida-san," she says, bowing.

Kuni Heihachi wrote:


Thinks to himself...very interesting...continues to watch the the events unfolding around him.

When the events are complete, I will head to my room, lay out my tatami mat and meditate.

Any plans for later, or are you done for tonight?

Utaku Yukari wrote:
Quick question before I decide what Yukari does after the ceremony: is there an exercise area or something similar for the competitors to use that she could take Arashi to? Basically, if Yukari wanted to go riding during the tournament on her own time, would there be anywhere available for her to do so?

No exercise area within the town as such, but the town is unwalled, and there are fields and forests aplenty nearby. In fact, a large, level area to the west of town has already seen the construction of a viewing box and some bleachers, as though some portion of the competition will occur out there.

DM Shisumo wrote:
Kuni Heihachi wrote:


Thinks to himself...very interesting...continues to watch the the events unfolding around him.

When the events are complete, I will head to my room, lay out my tatami mat and meditate.

Any plans for later, or are you done for tonight?

I had figured that as boring as it is, this character would probably meditate on the competition ahead, especially as he is so uncomfortable with social situations. These crowds make him a bit nervous

Male Half-Orc Monk 5

*tamu aproaches Amiko and speaks*

"Kakita-san may I speak with you while you wait for your masters attention. Have you heard of who sponsored the ronin Kenji and why?"

female Akodo Bushi 1 - Insight 123

Ume did her introduction by rote. She really couldn't score any points in it, so any risk was just a chance to run into an open knife. After her brief appearance was done, she kept in the background... but noticed the ronin, and started to wonder. They had to have a powerful sponsor, certainly, but... just how powerful?

She returned to the other Matsu - even though there was a small bit of dread about meeting Nimoro. This boy was for one thing quite young. For another, he had to be very very good to be placed in the competition.

She decided to take a relaxing evening. Not any huge amount of drink, not any attempt at studying, or training overmuch. Get to know the other contestants a bit, but retire early to be in peak condition in the morning, when the first competitions were to start.

Hopefully, it would work out that way.

Shosuro Tamu wrote:

*tamu aproaches Amiko and speaks*

"Kakita-san may I speak with you while you wait for your masters attention. Have you heard of who sponsored the ronin Kenji and why?"

Did you make the Per/Investigation roll?

Amiko looks at you as you approach. For a moment, an expression of frustration passes over her face as she looks between you and Saburashi, but it is gone quickly. "Of course, Shosuro-san," she says. "It is my honor to meet you. I am Kakita Amiko." She frowns after the ronin, who is moving with the crowd out into the streets, seemingly lost in his own concerns. "No," she says after a moment, "I don't know who his sponsor is. Why?"

Matsu Ume wrote:
She decided to take a relaxing evening. Not any huge amount of drink, not any attempt at studying, or training overmuch. Get to know the other contestants a bit, but retire early to be in peak condition in the morning, when the first competitions were to start.

As Ume leaves the courtyard, the Bayushi, Tenmaku, approaches her. Bowing low, he says, "Good evening, Matsu-san. I am Bayushi Tenmaku, and I am hoping it would not in inappropriate for me to accompany you back to the inn - if that is indeed where you are going?"

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