A New Dragon

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

I loved Dragon Magazine and have bought every issue since 1986.

I will never bye WotC's online magazine though. I like real magazines.

Has there been any talk about Paizo doing a monthly, bimonthly or quarterly magazine with contents similar to the old Dragon Magazine?

Paizo where after all by any standards the best publishers either Dragon or Dungeon magazines ever had.

Diego Winterborg wrote:

I loved Dragon Magazine and have bought every issue since 1986.

I will never bye WotC's online magazine though. I like real magazines.

Has there been any talk about Paizo doing a monthly, bimonthly or quarterly magazine with contents similar to the old Dragon Magazine?

Paizo where after all by any standards the best publishers either Dragon or Dungeon magazines ever had.

Check out Wolfgang Baur's Cobolt Quarterly, which has some excellent D&D related articles.

Paizo staff have frequently said they do not want to get back into the periodical business. Apparently it's a very difficult business to get into and it's even worse to get advertisers and distribution, let alone turn a profit without a good track record and a decent readership base. James Jacobs said it much better in a post a while back. I'm looking for it right now but I'm having trouble finding it.

magazines much like newspapers are a dying business. Along with music. The internet is killing all 3

No offense meant, but the magazine you are looking for is called Kobold Quarterly. Their website is www.koboldquarterly.com.

Just my 2 cp.

This is a little off-topic. I'm trying to find a back issue of dragon magazine from around the mid to late 80's that had an article about suggested character classes for the basic d&d game. I know this is a bit vague, but can anyone help me figure out what issue it is?

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