W1 Conquest of Bloodsworn Vale Fort Thorn Map


Just getting ready to run W1 when I noted that there are 2 'A6' locations in Fort Thorn. I did a quick search but didn't note that it had been previously addressed. One is the Boar's Bones (the larger one?), anyone have insight as to what the other one is.

Paizo Employee Director of Games

Krell wrote:

Just getting ready to run W1 when I noted that there are 2 'A6' locations in Fort Thorn. I did a quick search but didn't note that it had been previously addressed. One is the Boar's Bones (the larger one?), anyone have insight as to what the other one is.

Ah yes, the smaller building is the stables across the street from the Boar's Bones.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

Thanks for the swift reply-one of the many good things about Paizo. Really looking forward to running this, albeit modified, in my Greyhawk campaign. As the PCs just finished the Misgivings, Bloodsworn Vale will be something completely different and allow the ranger to really shine.

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