Fatespinner RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 |
I know that this game is proto-4e, but the "feel" that 4e has honestly seems like it belongs in the Star Wars universe, so I have no problem with that fact.
What I really want to know is this - how does the system compare to the old d20 version (and even to the WEG d6 version)? I've been strongly considering this one for awhile now, but I already own the d20 version and a buddy of mine is a d6 loyalist. I wouldn't mind leaving my old versions behind as long as I knew this new version was some kind of improvement. Anyone have any lengthy experience playing this system? How does it stack up? Does it "feel" more like Star Wars should? Are the Force powers conveyed properly and given appropriate potential (this was my biggest problem with d20, the Force was seriously weaksauce)?
Dom C |
This is a hard-to-answer question in the respect that you're asking something that is personal preference and persepective. However, with that caveat in mind, I will offer my opinions.
I have run every version of Star Wars RPGs. D6 was good, especially the later editions, and d20/d20Rev. was horrible. The primary game killers for me were specifically the Jedi were WAY overpowered compared to other classes and the Starship system was unviable and simply not fun. D20 Revised was better than d20, but neither fixed those two main problems and so neither were good. I don't really see Force Powers as being "weaksace", as you put it, in d20/d20Rev - my experience was that if you had only one Jedi in the party, everyone was just watching them do everything. If you had a party of Jedi, it was mega-beat-stick time.
SAGA is a breath of fresh air. I started running it from launch and just recently ran seven slots of it for GenCon '08 under the RPGA, so I have just as much experience as anyone not on the Dev team does. :)
Star Wars, to me, is supposed to be epic space opera that is cinematic in feel. That translates as something that is fast moving, mostly balanced across the board, but with enough flexibility to do outrageous things and make it work on the fly. It succeeds in all of that and more. I love the system, and think it is perfect for Star Wars. There are some nit-picky things I can bring up, but all-in-all, a great system that is getting better with every book.
I would say the only open question in your list is the "potential" of Force Powers. For this I would point to my opening warning - it depends on what you expect out of Force Powers and how you perceive how powerful it "should be". I don't see the Force as giving someone god-like powers; even Yoda had to take a breather in a good fight. However, for mechanics and overall game balance (i.e. making a Jedi character compelling and fun to play without making everyone else seem useless at the same time), it works very well for my group.
As to the 4e correlation, I see that as two totally different things. I like my D&D experience to be more as a Midieval Simulation (more grit and realism appropriate) and Star Wars as a Cinematic Space Opera (fantastic and free-flowing). My primary issue with 4e, and the whole reason I'm going with Pathfinder incedently, is that I don't want D&D to essentially be like Star Wars. :)
KnightErrantJR |
Well, bear with me, as I don't have my books here at work, but there are a number of things that are fairly minor effects that you can do simply as part of the "Use the Force" skill, rather than a full blown Force power.
Also, there are indeed the "per encounter" Force powers, but if you use up your Force powers, you can use these powers over again in an encounter.
As you pointed out, a lot of 4e changes actually do fit pretty will in Star Wars, such as the ability to use a second wind (healers are a whole different matter in this setting, and it makes sense that a band of rebels or smugglers without a Jedi or in an era where there are no Jedi can still have a chance to recouperate after an encounter).
Also, I actually felt that the "auto leveling" skills and broad skill categories fit Star Wars pretty well. A pilot in the Star Wars movies can pretty much fly anything, so it make sense that as he gets levels he gains ranks, and can fly anything that the piloting skill handles, for example.
The Force Unleashed sourcebook also added "unleased" abilities, which you have to take a feat to use, and they use your Fate points. You won't get many Fate points overall in a campaign, so this is a big deal, but "unleashed" abilities let you do crazy things, but just for one encounter. For example, Palapatine's Force Storms or Bastila's Battle Mediation are "unleashed" abilities.
Overall, I've been pretty happy with the Saga era of RPG products.
Fatespinner RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 |
Thank you both for the feedback so far.
In response to my earlier comments about d20's "weaksauce" Force powers, my problem was the fact that things like Force Lightning, which is supposed to be one of the most dreaded Dark Side powers extant, caps out at a measly 3d4 damage and has a fairly laughable DC against anyone above level 8 or so. I would've liked to see the damage and DC caps removed so that characters with significant investment in their Force powers could actually do something significant with the Force instead of merely inconveniencing someone. Now, if Force Lightning had said that the 3d4 damage went straight to Wounds, then it would've been a different matter entirely (and possibly a bit OVERpowered), but it doesn't. It affects Vitality, which means it was pretty weak.
That brings this to mind: Does SAGA still use the Vitality/Wounds system? Or is it a straight hitpoint-based system like D&D now?
I don't want Force users to necessarily overpower everything else on the board, but in a universe where Force users are somewhat feared and envied, shouldn't they possess some abilities that justify these fears and grudges? It sounds like the "unleashed" abilities may be exactly what the doctor ordered on this one (especially since I love the video game), so that has definitely piqued my interest a bit.
Fatespinner RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 |
I don't know much about the Jedi, seeing as I'm a scoundrel in the Saga game I 'm playing in, but I can say that a standard blaster pistol does 3d6 plus half your level per shot.
Presumably force lightning does more than this. :)
What about the Vitality/Wounds system? Do characters on average have more hit points than they did in d20 Star Wars, or is it about the same? Because, if they made everything deal twice as much damage, but everything has twice as many hit points, then it hardly matters. :)
Fatespinner RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 |
Lipto the Shiv wrote:8d6 if it hits, and it moves you one spot down on the condition track ;)Presumably force lightning does more than this. :)
Sounds good so far. Please explain this "condition track" mechanic, though. I'm not familiar with it. Also, do Force Powers still cost the user Vitality/Hit points to use? Or are they just restricted to "at will," "per encounter," etc. like 4e spells?
KnightErrantJR |
What about the Vitality/Wounds system? Do characters on average have more hit points than they did in d20 Star Wars, or is it about the same? Because, if they made everything deal twice as much damage, but everything has twice as many hit points, then it hardly matters. :)
No vitality now, just hit points and the condition track. Your starting hit points are higher (for example, Jedi start with 30 + your con modifier), but your hit points for each successive level are about the same (Jedi get 1d10 + con modifier per level, for example).
So its front loaded, but levels out.
Lipto the Shiv |
Actually, There are hit points and condition modifiers now. Basically, if you take a crit, or suffer damage greater than your threshold (equal to your fort save) you move down the condition modifier by a step. Each step inflicts more severe penalties to all your abilities and AC until you fall unconscious. There are certain other pwers and abilities that can also force your condition modifier down, but on the whole, it doesn't happen very often (at least with my group). Once it does start though, it's easy to fall into the spiral of death.
EDIT: semi-ninja'd
Fatespinner RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 |
Awesome. I'm liking what I've heard so far. Now... do lightsabers still deal obscenely huge amounts of damage relative to other sane weapons? Or have they gotten toned down a bit? I appreciate that they probably should deal some significant harm to their targets, but from a game balance perspective... ye gods, 3d8 + STR (or more) in d20 was a bit much, especially with iterative attacks.
Lipto the Shiv |
They still pack a punch if I'm not mistaken... but then so does every weapon. The thing that makes it a bit risky to be a saber wielder is they eliminated the 5 foot step. Every move through a threatened area incurs an AoO. Not only that, but you can use ranged weapons like blasters to take the attack. Jedi still have whole other bags of tricks as well.
Fatespinner RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 |
Okay, I've got the Force Unleashed and the Core Rulebook in my cart right now. Is there anything else that you would suggest is a "must have" supplement before I check out? I've considered the Old Republic Sourcebook too, but I'm not sure if it's really "necessary" for my particular needs.
See, I really like Jedi and Force Users (both light and dark side) so I want to make sure there are plenty of fun and creative options for them, but I also know that there are others in my group who are more inclined towards Soldiers and Scoundrels, so I want to give them some options as well. Naturally, since I'm footing the bill, my needs come first. :P
Fatespinner RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 |
Our group tends to avoid vehicle combat, so if the Core Rulebook has even basic rules for vehicle/starship stuff, that should be sufficient. Maybe if we decide to broaden our scope in the future, I can pick it up then, but for now I don't see it as a necessity.
As for eras... we've always played Old Republic era before. I don't think we've ever done anything BUT Old Republic, but era-specific books aren't really something I think we need to buy at this point since we've got a couple of total geeks in our group who know just about everything there is to know about the history of the universe. :)
I'm mostly interested in broadening player character options and equipment. I want to make sure that everyone has plenty of options for their characters and plenty of neat gizmos to play with. In short, I'm looking more for "crunch" than "fluff." We know the setting well enough, it's the mechanics that we're going to be learning all over again.
Fatespinner RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 |
After a talk with some people in the chatroom, I've placed my order!
The Core, Force Unleashed, and Knights of the Old Republic it is!
Thanks for the feedback!
Fatespinner RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 |
Now I'm getting anxious to actually receive the shipment! >.<
Naturally, it hasn't even shipped yet... nor do I expect it will until nearly the end of this week. I can't wait to see what these 'talent trees' look like for building the characters. Can anyone tell me how many classes there are in total (and what they are, if possible)? Also, does the game have "prestige classes" like d20 did?
Martin Mosquera 58 |
You won't be disappointed Fate, Saga is a great game. I have been playing Star Wars roleplaying games Since 1987, and am a huge fan of the d6 system still one of the all time best game systems. That being said the folks at Wizards of the Coast have finally brought a game system worthy of the name Star Wars. The previous edition using d20 rules was quite simply horrible. Thats really all the time I wanna spend acknowledging the broken game much like its three point whatever cousin. However you will find some really cool stuff in Saga edition and it really has some awesome stuff in the Starships of the Galaxy like starship maneuvers for example. They are like encounter powers for starship battles really cool stuff. Hope you enjoy!!!
mordulin |
Now I'm getting anxious to actually receive the shipment! >.<
Naturally, it hasn't even shipped yet... nor do I expect it will until nearly the end of this week. I can't wait to see what these 'talent trees' look like for building the characters. Can anyone tell me how many classes there are in total (and what they are, if possible)? Also, does the game have "prestige classes" like d20 did?
There are 5 classes: Jedi, Noble, Scoundrel, Scout and Soldier. There are Prestige Classes in the core book. I don't have my setting books yet, just ordered those last week. Its definately a lot of fun. I just wish that we could get some Paizo made adventures for it.... Oh well, guess I'll just have to wait for Nick Logue's Cold Black to come out and see what I can use from that for a Saga game.
Fatespinner RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 |
KnightErrantJR |
I notice the lack of a "Technician" class like they had in d20. If someone wished to play a 'gearhead' concept, are there talent paths in some of the classes (Scoundrel or Scout, perhaps?) that suit that concept?
Check out this web enhancement:
Also, there are indeed PrCs in the game, and the PrCs have their own talent trees that you get access to if you take that class.
KnightErrantJR |
The Saga book has the following PrCs:
Ace Pilot
Bounty Hunter
Crime Lord
Elite Trooper
Force Adept
Force Disciple
Jedi Knight
Jedi Master
Sith Apprentice
Sith Lord
The Knights of the Old Republic Book has the following PrCs:
Corporate Agent
Melee Duelist
The Force Unleashed book has these PrCs:
Independent Droid
Master Privateer
Fatespinner RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 |
Thanks, KEJr. Am I correct to assume that Force Sensitivity is a feat in this system as it was in d20? So you could play a Force Sensitive Scoundrel, for example? Do the Jedi classes get any inherent bonuses to using Force powers that make them better at it than "Joe Schmo Force User?" I would assume that they must, otherwise the Jedi class would just be a Force-Sensitive Soldier with a lightsaber.
What I'm really curious about, does the game make any provisions for playing a Dark Side campaign? I see that Sith Lord and Sith Apprentice are listed amongst the PrCs. Are they appropriately balanced as PC PrCs or are they made a bit weaker than normal to suit the role of an NPC villain? Also, I'm curious to know what the effects of "falling to the Dark Side" are in this system. While the core rules may state that a fallen character should become an NPC, are there any rules for allowing the player to retain control? Does the Dark Side have it's typical "withering" effect on the character like it did in d20 once you reach a certain point?
KnightErrantJR |
A scoundrel with Force Sensitivity can use the Use the Force skill to do, well, I don't want to say minor, but certain more common abilities with the Force with a skill check.
Move light object (think Luke calling his lightsaber in the Wampa cave) or minor, one word Telepathy (i.e. Luke calling Leia in Empire) can be done with a Use the Force check by a non-Force character class.
On the other hand, there are "bigger" Force powers that are either talents of the various Jedi classes and PrCs (and thus aren't available to a Force sensitive Scoundrel), or full blown Force powers, which are limited in how often you can use them.
For example, throw lightsaber is a talent, and Force Crush is a power. You can keep throwing a lightsaber as long as you are making your Use the Force checks at the DC you have to to throw it. Force Crush you can only use once until you rest, outside of combat, for at least one minute, unless you use a Force point.
Force sensitive characters can take feats to learn Force Powers, but they don't get access to Force talents unless they take a Force using PrC.
KnightErrantJR |
Sorry, slightly misspoke. There are three Force talent trees that have "generic" powers that any Force Sensitive character can take, the Sense, Control, and Alter talent trees, and characters with at least one Dark Side Point can take talents from the Dark Side talent tree.
But Jedi get things like Block, Deflect, Lightsaber Throw, and Redirect Shot.
Also, the old Jedi classes are talent trees under Jedi now, i.e. Jedi Guardian talent tree, Jedi Sentinel talent tree, etc.
As far as falling to the Dark Side, you can gain up to your wisdom score in Dark Side points, at which time its the GM's option to either allow a Dark Side character in the campaign, or it becomes an NPC.
There isn't much in the core rulebook about physical effects, just about how to atone for Dark Side points.
flash_cxxi RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |
I know that this game is proto-4e, but the "feel" that 4e has honestly seems like it belongs in the Star Wars universe, so I have no problem with that fact.
I totally agree with this statement. I got Saga Edition when it came out and even though I haven't played it (I'm more of a SW Fan and collecting it) I thought that the rules changes were quite good and fit in with the SW Mythos.
When almost the same rules came out for 4e, I was disappointed. Not that it isn't a good game/rules system, but just because it doesn't seem like it fits D&D.The question though is purely one of personal preference. So my opinion may not echo yours if you do decide to play it.
That being said. The rules changes from Revised to Saga Editions are definately something that will take some getting used to, but they aren't too much that it isn't worth converting from Revised.
All in all I like it and although there aren't the "Powers" that 4e has, I do like the Talent Tree idea more.
David Fryer |
Thank you both for the feedback so far.
In response to my earlier comments about d20's "weaksauce" Force powers, my problem was the fact that things like Force Lightning, which is supposed to be one of the most dreaded Dark Side powers extant, caps out at a measly 3d4 damage and has a fairly laughable DC against anyone above level 8 or so.
I just looked and it actually does 3d8 and you only save for half. Still not great, but better than 3d4.
David Fryer |
After a talk with some people in the chatroom, I've placed my order!
The Core, Force Unleashed, and Knights of the Old Republic it is!
Thanks for the feedback!
I would add Threats of the Galaxy before too long as well. It has tons of pre-rolled generic NPCs and a few iconics as well. It's a very handy resource to have when you're players decide to detour into uncharted territory.
Crystal Frasier Contributor |
I enjoy some aspects of the Saga Edition of Star Wars, and dislike others. I think the Talent system is wonderful; it's exactly what D20 Modern should have been. There are a nice variety of abilities and they're all useful. On the other hand, I really dislike the skill system they introduced; it feels like it takes away a lot of my ability to personalize a character. I'm also still a bit iffy about the change in Saves and the loss of iterative attacks; they're just genre-familiar staples that feel like tradition to me.
As for the Force, couldn't say. I usually forbid Jedi in my games because they're so radically unbalancing and everyone and their mother wants to play them, skewing the party balance. Hence, I usually gloss over anything Force-related in my SW game books, or ignore it completely.
As for books, I'd stick with the crunch ones like Starships of the Galaxy and Threats of the Galaxy, and skip the setting books. WotC has been hacking the fluff out of their products more and more, and the setting books for Saga are mostly a clumsy amalgamation of era-spcific crunch that's easy to create on your own. I got a lot more setting information from my KOTOR game guide than I got from the campaign setting.
Cato Novus |
I picked up the Saga Core book last week with my paycheck. Overall, I like the look and feel of it. Its making me consider running an Old Republic setting campaign while I build my game world. I have to agree about the saves and skills, it feels odd, but I'll save judgement for when I actually play it some.
I've actually even thought up a decent idea for a campaign, continue the story from the two KotOR games.
Edit: Another thing I don't like is that the Light/Dark side system only truely factors in the Dark side of the Force. There is no varying degree of Light, only of Darkness. Similarly, Light side Force users who use Dark side powers gain Darkside points; but, Dark siders simply cannot use Light Side powers? A Sith Apprentice may not be willing to heal someone out of the kindness of his heart, but he may decide to heal someone because he believes this will benefit him later on down the road. Perhaps he sees potential in the person and believes he can use them to help himself overthrow his master.
I'm thinking I may modify it to my own ends, allowing for a gradient. Probably setting it to have Wisdom Score number of Dark side and Light Side points, with Wisdom Modifier number(minimum 1) on each side of the zero mark being the neutral ground.
Example: A character with 14 Wisdom can get a total of either 14 Dark or Light Side points; but is not considered to be a Light Sider untill she exceeds 2 Light Side Points, just on the path of Light. Similarly, she would not be a Dark Sider untill she exceeds 2 Dark Side Points.
Eh, its not perfect.
But enough of my rambling. :P
Fatespinner RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 |
Okay, Saga people, perhaps I've overlooked it somewhere, but I have a few questions about Force users in this system.
1.) If a character takes the Force Sensitive feat, he can make Use the Force checks and Use the Force is treated as trained for him. However, it does not appear that simply having the Force Sensitive feat would allow a character to use any of the various Force powers (move object, force grip, etc.). Is this true? Does a character need both Force Sensitive AND Force Training to learn powers?
2.) Can a character who takes Force Training choose the same power multiple times in order to get multiple uses of that power per encounter? I know you can only use each power once in an encounter (unless you spend Force Points or use some other ability to refresh them) but if I wanted to, say, make a Force Adept character whose specialty was hurling objects at his foes, could I just take move object like 4 or 5 times to use it that many times per encounter?
KnightErrantJR |
Okay, Saga people, perhaps I've overlooked it somewhere, but I have a few questions about Force users in this system.
1.) If a character takes the Force Sensitive feat, he can make Use the Force checks and Use the Force is treated as trained for him. However, it does not appear that simply having the Force Sensitive feat would allow a character to use any of the various Force powers (move object, force grip, etc.). Is this true? Does a character need both Force Sensitive AND Force Training to learn powers?
2.) Can a character who takes Force Training choose the same power multiple times in order to get multiple uses of that power per encounter? I know you can only use each power once in an encounter (unless you spend Force Points or use some other ability to refresh them) but if I wanted to, say, make a Force Adept character whose specialty was hurling objects at his foes, could I just take move object like 4 or 5 times to use it that many times per encounter?
1. Yes. You get a few neat abilities (kind of like at will cantrips) but no big guns that would require training for having the Force Sensitive feat.
Force Training is what gives you the "big guns."
2. Yes. In fact, if you look through some of the NPC stat blocks, some of them have the same Force power multiple times.
Fatespinner RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 |
1. Yes. You get a few neat abilities (kind of like at will cantrips) but no big guns that would require training for having the Force Sensitive feat.
Force Training is what gives you the "big guns."
2. Yes. In fact, if you look through some of the NPC stat blocks, some of them have the same Force power multiple times.
Awesome. Thank you, KEJr. And yes, I had noticed that some NPCs have the powers listed with a number (2) or (3) next to them. That's what prompted me to ask. I wasn't sure if they had gained those extra uses by means of some special feat or PrC abilities or something or if it was just chosen multiple times. Cool!
I'm putting together a concept for a character when my friend finally gets a chance to pour over the rules a bit. I want to make a Force Sensitive Noble who uses the Force in subtle but effective ways to aid his business and diplomatic ventures. The "Jedi Mind Trick" is an important element of this concept, as is the farseeing ability.
Cato Novus |
Okay, just running this by any who read this thread, but here's what I have so far on the altered Dark/Light Side score I'm working on.
Your Wisdom Score determines your max Dark/Light Side score on the positive(Light) and negative(Dark) ends. You are not truely considered Light or Dark unless you have half or more than your Wisdom Score on the respective sides.
Example: Your Wisdom is 12. Your potential Dark/Light Side rating can fall anywhere between 12 and -12. 6 and above or -6 and below are considered being truely Light or Dark Sided.
Note: Classes that previously required you to have a Darkside score equal to your Wisdom score or no Darkside Score at all; now require you to have a Darkside score equal to half your Wisdom score or a Lightside score equal to half your Wisdom score, respectively.
You are considered neutral or "Shadowy" if your Dark/Light Side score is in between the positive and negative half-way marks. If on the positive side of zero, then you are Shadowy, but on the Path of Light. Similarly, if on the negative side of Zero, you are Shadowy, but on the Path of Darkness.
Example: Your Wisdom is 12. If your Dark/Light Side rating falls anywhere in between 6 and -6, then you are in Shadow.
Note: Previously, you could not spend a Force point to raise your Use the Force check for a Dark Side power if you had no Dark Side score; nor could you spend a Force Point to do the same for a Light Side power. Now, you must be on the respective paths to raise your UtF checks for your powers with the Light and Dark descriptors.
Finally, to perform the special ability of a Dark or Light side power which is activated by a Force or Destiny point, you must actually be devoted to the Dark or Light Side, and not just Shadowy. Force Powers without the Light or Dark descriptors can have their special abilities activated without regards to alignment. This emulates the idea that powers which are inherently Light or Dark come more easily to those who are similarly aligned.
So, what do you guys think of this?
Fatespinner RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 |
So, what do you guys guys think of this?
It's an interesting idea... in theory. The problem is this: It's very easy to come up with certain criteria that will cause a character to gain Dark Side points, but it's quite another to develop a system for gaining Light Side points. You may want to think about how you plan to award Light Side points before you get any more detailed on the minutiae of the system.
Cato Novus |
Cato Novus wrote:So, what do you guys guys think of this?It's an interesting idea... in theory. The problem is this: It's very easy to come up with certain criteria that will cause a character to gain Dark Side points, but it's quite another to develop a system for gaining Light Side points. You may want to think about how you plan to award Light Side points before you get any more detailed on the minutiae of the system.
Just as Dark Side points are awarded for evil deeds or intent, Light Side points would be awarded for good deeds or intent.
selios |
I'm very interested to try this version. I'm no fan of 4e, but from what I've read, this seems to work well with Star Wars universe.
I wasn't at all interested in the D20 version, revised or not.
I have ordered the core rulebook and gamemaster's screen, and I have downloaded the Dawn of Defiance campaign.
Has someone played/run it ? How good/bad it is ?
Xennootch |
Anyone know of some good starter modules for Saga Edition? I played it about year ago and had a blast but I know my lack of creativity (read: lazyness) would make for a poor homegrown campaign.
I can crunch those rules but arg the settings be kryptonite so even it was old stuff (like d20 or d6) I could make it work.
Prolly wouldn't be starting a game anytime soon but it would be nice to have some material to work with.
mearrin69 |
Dawn of Defiance is actually pretty good. Basic plot and structure is generally decent. Sometimes the adventures need a bit of background work and fleshing out...so a bit of GM work.
I highly recommend checking out the DoD forum at Wizards (under the Mess Hall in the Star Wars RPG forums). There are several threads about enhancing the various modules and some of the advice in them in priceless.
To the previous poster, DoD is an obvious place to start but the scope is epic to say the least. You could steal one or two modules and adapt them for your game as one-shots though. Also, if you're interested in playing on the seedier side of the SW universe, there are several small adventures in the back of Scum & Villainy that look pretty good. The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide also contains a small series of adventures.
Hope that helps...I see the first post I replied to is a couple of months old but maybe you're not so far into DoD.
Studpuffin |
Dawn of Defiance is actually pretty good. Basic plot and structure is generally decent. Sometimes the adventures need a bit of background work and fleshing out...so a bit of GM work.
I highly recommend checking out the DoD forum at Wizards (under the Mess Hall in the Star Wars RPG forums). There are several threads about enhancing the various modules and some of the advice in them in priceless.
To the previous poster, DoD is an obvious place to start but the scope is epic to say the least. You could steal one or two modules and adapt them for your game as one-shots though. Also, if you're interested in playing on the seedier side of the SW universe, there are several small adventures in the back of Scum & Villainy that look pretty good. The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide also contains a small series of adventures.
Hope that helps...I see the first post I replied to is a couple of months old but maybe you're not so far into DoD.
Dawn of Defiance is good... so far.
My only gripe has been that they couldn't keep a schedule for releasing the modules for the game as quickly as my group went through it even after we started a year after its release. If you check it out be forewarned that the schedule for DoD is way off... but what do you expect from something that is free...
...PFRPG for the Win!
I also read that there are some KotOR era adventures that were written for SAGA, I think they were called Iridonian Darkness and Darth Revan's Betrayl.
I'd also delve deep into the wizards website Archives and check out the SAGA forums, especially the Praxeum.
Good Luck and Gaming
ProsSteve |
I know that this game is proto-4e, but the "feel" that 4e has honestly seems like it belongs in the Star Wars universe, so I have no problem with that fact.
What I really want to know is this - how does the system compare to the old d20 version (and even to the WEG d6 version)? I've been strongly considering this one for awhile now, but I already own the d20 version and a buddy of mine is a d6 loyalist. I wouldn't mind leaving my old versions behind as long as I knew this new version was some kind of improvement. Anyone have any lengthy experience playing this system? How does it stack up? Does it "feel" more like Star Wars should? Are the Force powers conveyed properly and given appropriate potential (this was my biggest problem with d20, the Force was seriously weaksauce)?
Personally the new STAR WARS SAGA is very good at portraying the SW universe. The only issue that me and my players found, due to the restricted skill options and level skill progression all players of the same class were very clone like.
The limited Force Powers are good because after playing the D6 version and the early D20 we were finding the Jedi character using powers again and again because their was limited restrictions on the use. I never saw Luke trying to move objects 20 times in the films till he got the best result.Much better. There does need to be a little more variety in Class Talents but overall it's still a damn good system. More D20 Modern in the class talents style which had a lot of very good potential.
Studpuffin |
Sadly, what works is what works in Saga. Its hard to do anything but shoot for most characters at early levels, or chop things up if you're a "Jedee" (or more likely Move Object, which I feel is overpowered). I've seen a Scout build act almost the same as a soldier build, which was annoying for both players.
We got more on track when their weapon selections started to change a bit. The soldier eventually went more snipery (Heavy Weapon sniper btw) and the scout became a blaster cannon aficionado.
SirUrza |
I like it better then the d20 versions, but I'm still a strong fan of d6. If 4e had been more like Saga... well people have said enough good things about it already. :)
Jam412 |
This thread actually got me to order the books. I got the core rule book and the kotor setting guide. A question though, is there any reason to pick up the other time period books if you don't want to play in those eras? Are the crunchy parts appropriate for any time period, and if so, are there any balance issue to be wary of?