Anyone write their own Music?

Music & Audio

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I do. Here's my stuff. Blood Stained Glass, Symbiotech, and both on Soundclick. I play a lot of different genres.

Do you know Charlie Aggression from lethal aggression? He's <was> out in Columbus, I'm not sure where he is right, now he was in a whole heap of bands out there tho...

yellowdingo wrote:
I write my own using a realy nice Ringtone composer with a wide selection of instruments, save as MIDI, play on Windows Media Player (while I use Microsoft Movie Maker's Narrate section to record the Music to a WMP format) - I strongly recommend a low recording volume so it is not overdistorted.

I've composed and produced a lot of music over the years, mostly in a gaming vein althought I did sell a couple of pieces.

Go to The original Dr. Games Site.

In service,


Liberty's Edge

Here's a new piece. A Celtic Cacophony. No techno--it's all traditional instruments, and a pretty traditional sound, if you like Irish/Celtic music. :-)

Liberty's Edge

Awesome New EP by me :-)

disclaimer: your opinion may vary.

Liberty's Edge

I've been trying my hand at creating techno/electronica on my computer at work (things go pretty slow this time of year). One piece is finished, and the second is about half done. I'll post links at some point.

Liberty's Edge

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
I've been trying my hand at creating techno/electronica on my computer at work (things go pretty slow this time of year). One piece is finished, and the second is about half done. I'll post links at some point.

Here are two of my s$@$ty techno pieces:

- "The Armageddon Echo"
- "Blue Roses"

And, if you feel like having your ears bleed from my horrible playing, my covers of "Beyond the Iron Gate" and "You Again" by Richard Shindell.

Fun fact: this is the first time that my voice has been recorded without all that weird distortion.

Liberty's Edge

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
I've been trying my hand at creating techno/electronica on my computer at work (things go pretty slow this time of year). One piece is finished, and the second is about half done. I'll post links at some point.

Here are two of my s!##ty techno pieces:

- "The Armageddon Echo"
- "Blue Roses"

And, if you feel like having your ears bleed from my horrible playing, my covers of "Beyond the Iron Gate" and "You Again" by Richard Shindell.

Fun fact: this is the first time that my voice has been recorded without all that weird distortion.


"Non Compos Mentis" (mostly mixed by A. Walters with some input by myself)
"The War"
and my cover of Henry Rollins' "Family Man"

Scarab Sages

Cool, there's a large variety of interesting stuff here.

If anyone can be bothered to listen, here's an oldie of mine (I haven't written anything completely in a while):

> Lust Circus <

(Its a rather long epic, so I recommend skipping the first 2 minutes 30 seconds, with the 'proper' tune starting around 4 minutes).
Any comments are more than welcome!

Cheers! :D

Liberty's Edge

ComicJam wrote:

Cool, there's a large variety of interesting stuff here.

If anyone can be bothered to listen, here's an oldie of mine (I haven't written anything completely in a while):

> Lust Circus <

(Its a rather long epic, so I recommend skipping the first 2 minutes 30 seconds, with the 'proper' tune starting around 4 minutes).
Any comments are more than welcome!

Cheers! :D

That is awesome! I love the whole piece--what do you mean skip the first few minutes! Nice bridges and segues. I'm ready to buy, but I can't find you in iTunes :-(

Edit: You're giving this away? You need a label, man. Seriously. This is very marketable stuff you have.

Scarab Sages

Andrew Turner wrote:
ComicJam wrote:

Cool, there's a large variety of interesting stuff here.

If anyone can be bothered to listen, here's an oldie of mine (I haven't written anything completely in a while):

> Lust Circus <

(Its a rather long epic, so I recommend skipping the first 2 minutes 30 seconds, with the 'proper' tune starting around 4 minutes).
Any comments are more than welcome!

Cheers! :D

That is awesome! I love the whole piece--what do you mean skip the first few minutes! Nice bridges and segues. I'm ready to buy, but I can't find you in iTunes :-(

Woah! Thanks *blushes*.

I'm not selling it, as I'm only doing this for fun. But if you want it, this SHOULD be a Soundclick download link. > Download <
I hope it works (tell me if it does). I've also started work on an updated version of it to 'modernise' it. Though I'm not sure if it'll work.

If you liked that, you might like this one:
> Unit 03 <
This is my 'Golden Oldie' from 2005.

Now I'm spent, those were my best 2 tracks... :S

Cheers! :D

Liberty's Edge

I joined the site just to get your work. Brilliant. Sincerely, I love it. I hope you're at least giving demo tapes to clubs in London. Producers hit clubs all the time, on the lowdown, just on the off chance of hearing some new, good work. Most DJs are eager to give dropoffs a listen--I'd take your portfolio to a couple nightspots if I were you.

Scarab Sages

Heh, I would but my clubbing days are really numbered, especially with a little 5 month old bundle of joy now in my life! :) I've also read research that babies and children who listen to music with a 4/4 or repetative beat turn out less intelligent, so its a little hard to produce at the moment.

I have a friend in Holland who is also a producer (MUCH better than me!) who DJ's and who has made the top 50. Once I've learnt more from him, I will be asking him to play/demo some stuff for me.

Thanks again!

Cheers! :D

Liberty's Edge

For those who are interested, A Celtic Cacophony is available from iTunes (worldwide) and

Amazon-UK and Amazon-Germany.

You can buy a physical copy at Barnes & Noble.

It's traditional Celtic music.

Go to YouTube for a free listen, or catch 30 seconds at an online store.

Cheers :-)

Andrew Turner wrote:

For those who are interested, A Celtic Cacophony is available from iTunes (worldwide) and

Amazon-UK and Amazon-Germany.

You can buy a physical copy at Barnes & Noble.

It's traditional Celtic music.

Go to YouTube for a free listen, or catch 30 seconds at an online store.

Cheers :-)

Listening to the Celtic Cacophony right now - great stuff Andrew!

As for myself, I write country and bluegrass tunes mostly with a little folky stuff thrown in. My goal this summer is to get some song copywritten (?) and send 'em out - never know what might happen from there.

Liberty's Edge

Here's a new one I'm working.

I just wrote this piece for my gaming group:

Team Glarg: Theme Song.


In service,


The Original Dr. Games' Site since 1993.

Just posted several more RPG mood music creations to:

Bold Beginnings Music Site.


In service,


The Original Dr. Games' Site since 1993.

Silver Crusade

How did I miss this thread? I've got to look this stuff up.

I just added a new song for an upcoming adventure to my site.

Gaming Music by Dr. Games

The new song is called the Caves of Chaos. If you listen to it from start to finish it tells a story, it grows on you!


In service,

The Original Dr. Games

Liberty's Edge

My music page on Facebook. Sorry for the bad recording quality.

Hey there, musicians...
Can any of you point me to some nice free music-creation software (for Windows) for beginners? Or are they all commercial?

Liberty's Edge

Astral Wanderer wrote:

Hey there, musicians...

Can any of you point me to some nice free music-creation software (for Windows) for beginners? Or are they all commercial?

Not sure what you mean by music creation, but Audacity is a halfway decent piece of free recording software.

Right, my bad for not specifying. I already have Audacity, and it's surely nice, but I'm looking for one of those applications with pre-registered instruments, where you pick the instruments, effects, and so on, and then place the music for it in a music sheet or graphic interface of sort. Dunno how to say it better, I hope it's clear enough.

I completed a BA in Composition a few months ago. I don't yet have my own soundcloud, but I'll post up a link as soon as I get that sorted. I do have a blog

Mostly I write chamber music, though I've also done electroacoustic pieces and I'm interested in popular music - just about every genre interests me!

I look forward to listening to all you guys' work!

Astral Wanderer wrote:
Right, my bad for not specifying. I already have Audacity, and it's surely nice, but I'm looking for one of those applications with pre-registered instruments, where you pick the instruments, effects, and so on, and then place the music for it in a music sheet or graphic interface of sort. Dunno how to say it better, I hope it's clear enough.

You might try Finale. It's mostly geared for writing music that you would print out and play. It'll run around $300, but they have a "lite" free version called Finale Notepad that can do a few things.

Finale doesn't have a lot of "effects" that are usable out of the box - you have to have a good understanding of MIDI effects to coax interesting things out of it.

I have the most recent version (2011) - but I strongly prefer using the 2002 release - the interface suited me better (and the tools I use run faster). You may be able to find one of these older copies on Ebay. The old versions do not support output as .WAV, only .MID. .WAV export support was added in 2009 (I think).

Looking back on s~#! I put together years ago... it was really terrible. I'm no Kurt Cobain or anything, but I've gotten a lot better since then.

I used to play shows just as myself, occasionally with a backing band, and I put out an EP last year, but that's basically a dead project at this point. This year, I also got to sing backing vocals on the new single from one of my favorite local bands, Bridge Under Fire.

Currently, I play guitar in a band called Operation Hennessey (we released a split 7" record last year), and just formed a new band called Against The Giants, featuring Bridge Under Fire & Operation Hennessey frontman Mark Turley on drums, The Action! frontman Mike Gibson on bass and backing vocals, and myself on rhythm guitar and lead vocals. Against The Giants is currently in the process of recording a full-length album, so stay tuned.

Dave Mallon - One More Year EP
Bridge Under Fire, featuring Megan Cullen and Dave Mallon - "No I Don't Want To Hang Out With You, Now Bring Me To Taco Bell And Take Me Home"
Operation Hennessey / The Nudes split 7"

Bridge Under Fire
The Action!
Mike Gibson

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I compose songs on the guitar and record them with some friends who play various other instruments. I've recorded a couple of EPs which can be heard here.

It's folky stuff, mainly fingerpicked guitar but I like to get a bit of a groove on.

I couldn't possibly keep this post short. No, I have to tell my whole life story.

I love electronic sounds in music. For instance, back in the 1980s, I used to love listening to the sample tracks in the Kawasaki Performer on my parents' Commodore 64. I got a couple of programs for that computer which I used to compose a few ditties.

In the late 1990s, when I got the first PC of my own, I downloaded a lot of MIDI files on it, and knew from the start that I had to write music on it. So I bought a program called "Music Time Deluxe" and wrote a few MIDI files.

Today, looking back on those days, I think that one problem was that I lacked vision. I had no sense of direction. I wrote one piece in this form, and another in that genre. I had no master plan. Not knowing what I was really doing, I stopped composing.

Still, after the turn of the century, it happened half a dozen times or so that a tune would come to me in a dream, and upon waking, I would jot it down in a notebook. Maybe one day, I would go back to composing, and use those tunes.

In 2014, I rediscovered some music I had loved as a child: that of Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass. It's not that I was ever especially in love with the trumpet. But I liked that approach to music, and I finally started consolidating my idea of the kind of music I wanted to make.

Sometimes, it would happen that my father would ask me to edit some music for him to play on the violin, or my son would ask me to edit some music for him to sing, or stuff like that. So I downloaded MuseScore. And as I edited music for other people, I kept thinking: why can't I edit my OWN music, like I used to?

Why didn't I? I'm not sure, but for some reason, I was afraid to.

Then last month, it happened. I dreamed of a tune, wrote it down, and said "I must finish this song." And that was it; I was hooked. I wrote out the song on MuseScore and called it Ceiling. Then I moved on to another I called Vacation. Then I dug up from the notebook another dream I had had in 2015, fleshed it out, and called the result Rose.

Not all my attempts and composition were successful. For instance, I wanted to write something with the childish simplicity and charm of Herb Alpert's cover of Peanuts. So I wrote up a song I called "Goobers". I finished the song, but didn't like it, so I never uploaded it.

But I didn't give up. I took another dream - this one going back to 2012! - and gave that a Peanuts-like feel, throwing in some of the ideas that I had used in "Goobers", and called the result Cashews.

Upon finishing that song, I wondered: could I make enough music this way to fill an audio CD? At the rate I was going, I thought I could do it in less than a year. My supply of dreams won't last long, but I have ideas for other sources of inspiration...

Unfortunately, recent weeks have seen my hands tied. My job, the Jewish holidays, and various family problems and obligations have kept me too busy to write music. But I hope to go back to it soon.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
David M Mallon wrote:
Against The Giants is currently in the process of recording a full-length album, so stay tuned.

Well, it took forever for us to release the thing, but it's finally out:

Against The Giants - Harden Your Heart

I just deleted the videos to which I posted links before... because I just uploaded a whole album worth of my music. I call it...

The One Note.

Yes, I compose and produce music.

Check out:

Streaming and Download Site


Gaming Items and links to music in progress

Once again, I should update the link to my album:

The One Note

David M Mallon wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Against The Giants is currently in the process of recording a full-length album, so stay tuned.

Well, it took forever for us to release the thing, but it's finally out:

Against The Giants - Harden Your Heart

That band broke up a while back. A year later, they re-formed, replaced me without telling me, then released a new song about how much of an a*#!+!# they think I am. So I've got that going for me, which is nice.

All the while that was going on, though, I started a new project with this guy, and were getting set to start recording full-band demos and playing shows, but then we got hit with a state-wide shelter-in-place order.

I ended up recording an album's worth of (super rough) demos by myself in my car in a bunch of random parking lots, all the while being chased all around town by the cops.

All of the original songs were written as a band, but on the demos, it's just me. I think the anger and desperation really comes through in the recording. Here's what we've got so far:

Gold Leader - Thanks! I Hate It. [demos]

Facebook page

gomeshelen wrote:

I'm just an amateur but I also started making my own music not so long ago. Want to record my first song. I read about best dynamic microphone for podcasting with reviews and I'm going to buy new microphone for my home studio.

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