To the Wilderlands and Beyond..Wellards Goodman / Necro campaign


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Female Elf Druid 3 / Wizard 3

"If it's the story about the dwarf and the honeypot, I've heard it," I say with a straight face.

Male Elf Swashbuckler [3]; Monk [2]

Avinar lets the hood of his cloak fall to his shoulders and his honey blonde hair casecades down his back after it. He chuckles at the Dwarf and the honey Pot remark, "Now-Now, lets not take this gift for granted its not too many times you get serenaded on your walks, I know a song, its an Elvish lulluby, come on my elf maidens sing it if you have heard it, Tristan I am sure your talent with music you will pick up the beat, Sasha you as well, lets celebrate the warmth of the sun!" Avinar lets loose a baritone voice singing a haunting elvish ballad about two lovers who force the stars to stay so their night of love never ends....

Male Human Pathfinder Bard 1, Rogue 1
Eltariel Elessand wrote:
"If it's the story about the dwarf and the honeypot, I've heard it," I say with a straight face.

Tristan blushes, "Now that's not a story I would care to tell in mixed company, m'lady!"

When Avinar begins to sing, Tristan pulls out his lute and listens for a few bars before beginning to play. Even with the unfamiliar song, he manages to provide a complimentary performance to the elf's deep voice.

Perform Check for playing the Lute (1d20+10=23) (Great Performance)

Sovereign Court

Male variable 12th lvl Dm/5th level fanboy/3rd Lvl Pedant

Your footsteps lightened by the song and Tristans playing you step out towards the escarpment. The land here is level and,now that you have passed the headwaters of the river, much drier.Heather crushes beneath your boots as you walk towards the sharply defined ridge.

No encounters mar your progress as you move over the moorland and finally stand at the bottom of the escarpment.the ridge line stands some 200 feet above you a few badly defined trails running from where you stand to the top.

It being late summer thee are still a good few hours of daylight remaining

Survival rolls DC20 please

Male Human Pathfinder Bard 1, Rogue 1

Tristan looks up at the daunting hike to the top of the ridge and decides this is going to require all of his attention. Putting away the lute, he waits for someone who knows what they are doing to lead the way.

Survival Check (untrained) (1d20+1=16) Bah! Surviving is overrated anyway!

Male Human Sorcerer 1 (celestial)

Survival roll: DC20+0 = 16

Now that the weather has cleared up and everyone is singing (not that I understand a word), things are indeed looking brighter. Sasha braces himself to climb the hill.

Male Human Pathfinder Bard 1, Rogue 1

Tristan gives Sasha a sidelong glance and with a little smirk gestures towards the ridge "After you."

Female Elf Druid 3 / Wizard 3

I smile at the song Avinar has chosen, although I don't join in ... singing is not my strong-point. Instead I concentrate on keeping an eye on the surrounding and for signs of any other's passing.

"You are a skilled musician, Tristan," I compliment him when it is over.

OOC: Survival check: Roll(1d20)+9: 17,+9 Total:26

Our singing should have declared our presence to anything within a mile, which is not a bad thing; surprised animals tend to attack. I eye the escarpment carefully.

"Our orders are to patrol the escarpment, not necessarily climb it," I point out. "We could do that as well from down here, and look for signs the dwarves have been trafficking up and down. What think you all?"

I'm not really a very good climber, and I don't fancy the sight of that ascent.

"Something else I should point out, we are on the borders betwixt their lands and ours. A few lookouts from up there could see everything below, and we wouldn't want to provoke them by seeming to invade their territory," I add thoughtfully.

Sovereign Court

Male variable 12th lvl Dm/5th level fanboy/3rd Lvl Pedant

For Eltariel

You think that you can find a way up if you must..though it wall be difficult...the trails would seem to be game trails the dwarves must have a way down that is elsewhere or possibly being dwarves a tunnel to the escarpment base is most likely.

Have I said how much I hate 1st level characters with +9 to a skill...grumble moan

Female Half-elf Duskblade 6

Survival roll for Gashelle:
1d20+1: [4,1] = (5)

Eltariel wrote:
"Our orders are to patrol the escarpment, not necessarily climb it. We could do that as well from down here, and look for signs the dwarves have been trafficking up and down. What think you all?"

"W- w- we could s- st- s-* begin around h- here," replies Gashelle, really trying to plough through what she wants to say, "but I th- think w- we'll need to g- g- get up there and l- look around, e- ev- e-* too. At least o- one of u- u- us."

Eltariel wrote:
"Something else I should point out, we are on the borders betwixt their lands and ours. A few lookouts from up there could see everything below, and we wouldn't want to provoke them by seeming to invade their territory."

"N- Nor provoke M- Magister Ryg- Rygard." Once she says it. Gashelle smiles ruefully.

Female Elf Druid 3 / Wizard 3

"I suppose, Gashelle," I sigh. "I think if the Dwarves had a trail up and down the escarpment, it would be more obvious. Perhaps a tunnel through it?" I hazard.

"At any rate, these are just game trails. Unless any of you is a skilled climber, I wouldn't recommend it. Why don't we press along the escarpment? Then we can find an easier way, and maybe a sheltered place to camp tonight."

Female Half-elf Duskblade 6

Gashelle nods and continues on along the escarpment, looking up every so often.

Inwardly, Gashelle is astonished. She disagreed with a full-blooded elf, and didn't get beaten for it!!

Male Human Pathfinder Bard 1, Rogue 1

Tristan looks back up at the escarpment again. "I support any plan that negates or delays us having to climb up that!" he declares.

Male Human Sorcerer 1 (celestial)
Tristan of Redbough wrote:

Tristan looks back up at the escarpment again. "I support any plan that negates or delays us having to climb up that!" he declares.


Female Elf Druid 3 / Wizard 3

"Agreed then, let's go west for an hour or so, then double back east," I muse. "Tomorrow we can push further east, and then turn for home around midday, if the weather is good enough."

OOC: Perception check Roll(1d20)+9: 16,+9 Total:25 for spotting signs of Dwarves, points of interest, observers on the top of the escarpment etc, Survival check Roll(1d20)+9: 11,+9 Total:20 for picking out tracks, anything out of the ordinary, both for seeing a good camp-site or a route up to the top.

Male Elf Swashbuckler [3]; Monk [2]

"Eltariel, I hope after that hour we are going to have something to eat, I am in need of sustinence!"

Sovereign Court

Male variable 12th lvl Dm/5th level fanboy/3rd Lvl Pedant

For Eltariel

The escarpement show no sign of dwarven activity though some of the larger game trails may be climbable(did you remember to bring more always need more rope).It would need 5 DC12 climb checks to get to the top safely....DC6 if using ropes

You proceed Eastwards the escarpement looks no easier to climb as you progress along its base nor do you see any obvious tunnels or gateways.

Perception Checks please

Male Human Sorcerer 1 (celestial)

Perception d20+0 = 4. No luck there.

Male Human Pathfinder Bard 1, Rogue 1

Tristan walks along, seemingly lost in his own thoughts. and thus not very perceptive.

Perception Check (1d20+5=6) Ouch!

Female Elf Druid 3 / Wizard 3

"Well if anyone is skilled enough at climbing they might make an ascent here, but I'd rather pass on it myself," I point out the larger game trails. "I have a good fifty feet of hemp, and pitons, did anyone else bring climbing gear?"

OOC: D20,+9 8+9 = 17 (or 15 if not sight/sound related)

Male Elf Swashbuckler [3]; Monk [2]

Avinar keeps a keen eye on his surroundings perception=12
Perception Check.

Female Elf Druid 3 / Wizard 3

I snap bolt upright.

"Did you hear that?" I ask of the others sharply.

"A rumble ... not thunder, something else ..."

I try to orient on the source of the sound.

OOC: Perception to locate? Roll(1d20)+9: 13,+9 Total:22

Female Elf Druid 3 / Wizard 3

"It's from this way," I face eastwards intently. "Something is happening ... I don't know what, but something."

Male Human Pathfinder Bard 1, Rogue 1

"hmmm, what?" Tristan takes note of Etariel's concern. He takes out his short bow and nocks an arrow. "You think it's trouble?" he asks the Druid.

Female Elf Druid 3 / Wizard 3

"Only one way to find out," I start back eastwards the way we came, attempting to keep to the bushes and to move quietly.

OOC: Stealth check: Roll(1d20)+3: 10,+3 Total:13 not my strong point ...

Female Half-elf Duskblade 6

If Eltariel decides to go sneaking off , Gahselle isn't going to argue.

Gashelle catches Avinar's eye and motions to a position between the noise and the human party members. She unhooks her glaive and sets herself in a complementary position, closer to the escarpment. (In sparring with Avinar, Gashelle has recognized that he wants to move around his opponents, dodging their blows. His style needs more space than hers, so she's positioning herself closer to the side wall.)

She almost --but not quite-- forgets to check for opponents up the escarpment-side.

Male Human Sorcerer 1 (celestial)

Sasha takes out his crossbow and loads it carefully, glancing around nervously. For the first time, he might actually have to kill something - or someone.

Male Human Pathfinder Bard 1, Rogue 1

As the others take up positions for a fight, Tristan moves over to the treeline and finds a good place to hide.

Taking 20 on a Stealth check to hide = 20.
Also here is an Initiative Roll (1d20+2=12) just in case we need one.

Male Elf Swashbuckler [3]; Monk [2]

Avinar's eyes glint mischevieously and he draws his exquisite blade, he performs a flourish and a semi kata like dance, hoping fo rsomething worthwile to fight....

Sovereign Court

Male variable 12th lvl Dm/5th level fanboy/3rd Lvl Pedant

ok my bad i had you going east not west..I should not post while playing other games.

You head back east about a quarter mile and see a hole in the side of the escarpement about 60 feet up. Dust devils play around the hole which is about 6 feet in diameter..

It's obvious that something burst out of the ground here recently but what it was you can't tell. Whatever it was it's gone now.

Female Elf Druid 3 / Wizard 3

"Everyone!" I bellow back. "Come take a look at this!"

OOC: I look for tracks or any other traces of whatever might have been there. Perception = Roll(1d20)+9: 18,+9 Total:27 Survival = Roll(1d20)+9: 7,+9 Total:16

Female Half-elf Duskblade 6

Gashelle stares at the hole.

"I hope that w- wasn't our last member."

Sovereign Court

Male variable 12th lvl Dm/5th level fanboy/3rd Lvl Pedant

For Eltariel


You are unable to determine what or who caised this...the hole however seems rairl regular in dimensions and you think it might be a tunnel entrance.

Male Human Pathfinder Bard 1, Rogue 1
Eltariel Elessand wrote:
"Everyone!" I bellow back. "Come take a look at this!"

At the sound of the Druid's call Tristan, followed closely by the others ( I would guess ), runs over to see what she has found. Upon seeing the large hole in the side of the cliff, Tristan is taken aback for a moment. "Whoa, that is a big hole!"

Female Elf Druid 3 / Wizard 3

"Lets take a look," I take the grappling hook from my pack and a length of rope. "Did anyone bring any more rope?" I ask, "I don't think this is quite enough. Avinar, you're better at this than me, do you think you can get this snagged in that hole?"

I offer him the grappling iron, a light-weight three-pronged hook.

Male Human Sorcerer 1 (celestial)
Eltariel Elessand wrote:
"Did anyone bring any more rope?" I ask, "I don't think this is quite enough."

Glad to be of assistance, Sasha produces a length of rope. "Here you are, madam", he says with a smile.

Female Half-elf Duskblade 6

Gashelle is scanning the escarpment face, the sky, and the area behind us.

"If something ... burst out of th- there, and it's not on the ground around here, then wh- where is it now?"

Female Elf Druid 3 / Wizard 3

"Thank you Alexander," I knot the two ropes together, giving us a length of nearly a hundred feet in length. "There looks to me like there's a tunnel up there, leading into the escarpment. I think we need to know where it came from."

"Who's up for throwing?"

Male Human Pathfinder Bard 1, Rogue 1
Gashelle Smith wrote:

Gashelle is scanning the escarpment face, the sky, and the area behind us.

"If something ... burst out of th- there, and it's not on the ground around here, then wh- where is it now?"

That is an excellent question! Tristan looks around (Preception Check (1d20+5=13)).

Maybe it wasn't a creature though. Perhaps there was just some kind of explosion?

Female Half-elf Duskblade 6
Eltariel Elessand wrote:
"Who's up for throwing?"

Gashelle shrugs and hold out her hand.

Wellard, in the standard d20 system, Gashelle would roll a Use Rope check, DC 20. How do you want me to handle this under the Pathfinder RPG rules? In particular, is it an attack roll, to try to hit a good lodging place with the grapple, and is there any way to use Truestrike to get an insight bonus on the roll?

Tristan wrote:
"Maybe it wasn't a creature though. Perhaps there was just some kind of explosion?"

Gashelle feels so much better now. Thank you.

Sovereign Court

Male variable 12th lvl Dm/5th level fanboy/3rd Lvl Pedant

For Tristan

You see no obvious sign of a creature. You can make bardic knowledge checks if you wish

On closer inspection you can see the traces of what appear to be steps cut in the rock. The climb here should be easy(no check required) provided the rope latches on

well I would say..Wis check DC 15 to spot a place to lodge the hook safely, STR check DC12 to throw the hook far enough and Dex check DC15 to lodge the hook safely or we do the 3.0 thing and have rope use as part of survival

Female Half-elf Duskblade 6
Wellard wrote:
well I would say..Wis check DC 15 to spot a place to lodge the hook safely, STR check DC12 to throw the hook far enough and Dex check DC15 to lodge the hook safely or we do the 3.0 thing and have rope use as part of survival

Wisdom check:1d20+1: [5,1] = (6)

Nope. She hands the rope back to Eltariel. (Should Gashelle have tried a Perception check instead?)

Sovereign Court

Male variable 12th lvl Dm/5th level fanboy/3rd Lvl Pedant

yes you can do it as a perception bad

Female Half-elf Duskblade 6
Wellard wrote:
well I would say..Perception check DC 15 to spot a place to lodge the hook safely, STR check DC12 to throw the hook far enough and Dex check DC15 to lodge the hook safely.

Perception check: 1d20+3: [17,3] = (20)

Aha. There: above and to the right. Gashelle sets down her glaive and swings the grapple-and-rope over her head.

Strength check: Take 10+3 = (13)

Dexterity check: 1d20+2: [14,2] = (16)

And there we go. She holds the rope in her open palm and looks around the party.

Male Human Pathfinder Bard 1, Rogue 1

"I'll go first", Tristan volunteers. "Does someone good at stabbing things want to follow me?"

Tristan climbs up the rope to the tunnel opening and peers in.

If there is no immediate threat apparent he will climb onto the lip and search the area inside the opening for traps.

Perception check is 1d20+5. Dont have access to invisible castle or a d20 at work. Wellard or anyone else can roll for me if they want.

Male Elf Swashbuckler [3]; Monk [2]

"I'll follow second behind Tristan, I am a good climber, and better with my blade, we will need someone to guard while the rest climb up, Gashelle, maybe you come last so you can guard the bottom in case we are assulted from that end, what do you think?" Avinar scrambles up the rope right behind the bard.

Sovereign Court

Male variable 12th lvl Dm/5th level fanboy/3rd Lvl Pedant

Tristans roll


The opening is definitely not natural as wooden props sit to both sides of the entranceway

The entryway is mostly cleared of rocks, though a few are still scattered down the passageway.Scrambling over one of these is a fairly large spider. It is headed toward the opening of the cave.

Initiative rolls for Tristan and Avinar please and your actions for this round.It will be a minor action to shout a warning to the others

Spiders initiative


Male Human Pathfinder Bard 1, Rogue 1

Initiative Roll (1d20+2=13)

What is a minor action? Is that like a free, swift or standard action?

Since the spider beat Tristan on init. he will draw and attack with either his bow or rapier depending on how far away it is on his turn.

Sovereign Court

Male variable 12th lvl Dm/5th level fanboy/3rd Lvl Pedant

Arrrgh meant a swift action...I'd been playing 4th edition last night at my club

The spider is 20 feet away down a 5 foot wide tunnel so the tactical situation has Tristan just inside the tunnel mouth and Avinar on the rope just below him

Male Human Pathfinder Bard 1, Rogue 1

So is this spider the size of a bunny, a poodle or a pony?

Tristan calls out "Spider! Big, big spider!"

On init 13

Tristan draws his rapier and attacks the spider if is in melee range. Otherwise he readies an action to attack it when it enters his threatened area

Melee Attack with Rapier (1d20+1=2) of course.

This is my last post before I head to the airport in a few hours. I dont know if I will be able to post when I am on vacation. If not feel free to DMPC Tristan as appropriate. I will be back on the 28th

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