4E D&D novels


Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

Does anyone know which books are set in the 4E rules inspired timelines? From what I can tell the Unclean/Undead/?? Red Wizards trillogy is, and the new Swordmage FR book is also. Are any of the other 2008 FR or Eberron releases explicitly set in 4e rules and/or history?

I'm asking so I can avoid them, but I'm sure others would want to know so they can seek them out.

JoelF847 wrote:

Does anyone know which books are set in the 4E rules inspired timelines? From what I can tell the Unclean/Undead/?? Red Wizards trillogy is, and the new Swordmage FR book is also. Are any of the other 2008 FR or Eberron releases explicitly set in 4e rules and/or history?

I'm asking so I can avoid them, but I'm sure others would want to know so they can seek them out.

SwordMage isn't bad. I'm firmly Pathfinder, but I wanted to see how 4E would affect the FR novels. Besides some very light descriptions of areas mysteriously changed by the Spellplague, there's only one real give-away that this is a 4E novel: the main character tosses around spells before every combat. Which is to be expected of a novel called Swordmage, BUT you can almost see the at will/per encounter/daily nature of the spells.

Scarab Sages

The Haunted Landtrilogy changed over to 4E in the first part of the book, which is when I stopped reading it. In my opinion the transition was handled poorly. I will not be purchasing the third book in the trilogy either.

Salavatore's new Drizzt trilogy, subtly called "Transitions", also helps convert. I thought the first book was terrbile, so I won't be buying the other two.

I believe the Empyrean Oddyssey might also be a change over book as well. Considering what I've experienced with the other two, I won't even bother checking out books 2 & 3 of this one.

I found the writing quality of Swordmage quite subpar. I was entertained by the book, however.

Liberty's Edge

Aberzombie wrote:
Salavatore's new Drizzt trilogy, subtly called "Transitions", also helps convert. I thought the first book was terrbile, so I won't be buying the other two.

Yeah, that about sums it up. They've finally found a way to make Drizzt suck more.

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