101 Mystical Site Qualities (13th Age) PDFRite PublishingCreate an Enchanted Realm! 101 Mystical Site Qualities gives you—yes, you guessed it—101 New qualities to help creature a truly mystic location. From areas where magical items overflow with power, to new areas of dead, wild, unstable, and enhanced magic that can change the nature of an encounter; to areas where only the eastern martial arts hold sway, to evocative locales like Avatar's Landing, Endless Summer, and the Fountain of Grit. 101 Mystical Site Qualities brings a host of new options and wonders for your world. Wholly compatible with 13th Age, 101 Mystical Site Qualities is designed so that you can bring a sense of the evocative and wondrous to your game and provide a benefit or challenge at all levels of play. Get yours now and make your campaign mystical! Authors: Steve D. Russell, Patryk Adamski Product Availability
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