Father's Day ideas?

Off-Topic Discussions

Scarab Sages

So I was asked what I wanted to do for Father's Day. I don't have a clue. Any one else out there have any creative ideas of what to do for Father's Day? I could use some ideas.

Playing D&D with your family ?

Scarab Sages

Seldriss wrote:
Playing D&D with your family ?

Little difficult with the two-year old. :)

I have seen some players with not much more maturity than that ;)

About a trip to a park, picnic, frisbee, outdoors games and all ?

Hammock time?

Might require a hammock too O:)

Sovereign Court

What I do every year! :-)

Father's Day Brew Festival

And now my son is old enough to be the designated driver and get me home! :-)

Sovereign Court

Pete Apple wrote:

What I do every year! :-)

Father's Day Brew Festival

Lucky b*stard.

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