Aldern Tane |
So I've got this fellow left over from a Skull and Shackles application, but I'm not sure if the short story would be compatible with Serpent's Skull. The original idea was that his previous ship was in a storm and sank, and he wound up on the ship in Skull and Shackles.
If the captain of the Jenivere is a bastard, the story could work, with the exception that the ship didn't sink. If he's more of a kindly fellow, he could have saved Aldern from his fate; either the previous ship indeed went down but he was saved by the Jenivere, or the previous ship survived the storm and the captain of the Jenivere bought out Aldern's debt from the other captain.
In any case, I think everything but equipment (namely, gold calculation) has been updated. Here's Aldern!
Aldern spent most of his youth aboard his mother’s ship, and grew up knowing little of life on land, save for small port cities. When his mother grew too old to continue on as a captain, the sylph found himself at a loss as to what to do with his life; although he had experience aboard a ship, he was never much use when it came to harsh physical tasks. One of his mother’s crew encouraged him to enroll at a magic university, noting that those who could bend the elements to their will were ever welcome aboard ships. Lyssa was less supportive – she knew of her son’s desire for freedom and his tendency to gamble, neither of which lent themselves well towards a life of study – and bet her son that he wouldn’t last a week in the Arcanamirium in Absalom. Eager to prove her wrong, Aldern applied to the school, and was accepted due to his innate gift for air magic.
To his credit, Aldern lasted much longer than Lyssa predicted. After nine days at the Arcanamirium, Aldern was banished from the school grounds after betting a fellow student that one of the spell lords indeed wore a wig, and accidently creating a small, localized hurricane in an attempt to prove it.
Aldern has since studied magic wherever he could learn it, from dusty old tomes in libraries to lessons from less-than-reputable members of society. As a result, his learning has been incredibly slow, albeit one of a wide breadth. As his magical studies progressed, he learned to tap into some of the powers of his djinn heritage, the most important of which being his uncanny ability to predict the weather with near perfection. The sylph has spent the last several decades aboard various ships, serving as a minor weather forecaster and manipulator – and occasionally even as a sailor when extra bodies are required on deck. Although profitable, he often gambles away most of his gains, and it is not uncommon for Aldern to leave a ship with empty pockets. Nevertheless, he enjoys his lifestyle, and the freedom of the sea and sky.
Although the billowing blue markings of the sylph are evident all over Aldern’s skin, very little of it is exposed. He typically wears long, flowing robes of a seafoam green, and his head is often obscured by a tricorne hat and full beard. Despite the fact that Aldern appears to be rather young, his hair is uniformly white in color.
”We need to dump some of the weight,” he said to the ship’s first mate, a stocky young man with a misshapen nose. ”The storm’s coming, and it’s bad.”
”Cap’n says to leave it be. We’ve weathered bad before, we have. Don’t call ‘er the Stormbreaker for nothin’,” replied the first mate with a lazy confidence. To further make it clear how little he cared about the sylph’s warning, he faked a yawn. ”’Sides, the sky’s clear! Might not even be a stor-oof!” exclaimed the man as Aldern pushed past him.
Aldern sprinted awkwardly for the captain’s quarters, the soles of his feet beating out a dull rhythm as they bounced off the ship’s wooden floor. The captain might be a greedy man, but Aldern would make him listen to reason. Force him to, if necessary. If it came to that, Aldern would like as not be put in the brig once his deception came to light, but at least he would be alive. Maybe once they saw that he had been right, they wouldn’t even keelhaul him. Maybe. But maybe dead was better than definitely drowned.
Aldern burst through the captain’s door, and immediately muttered an incantation. ”What the hell are you-“ growled the captain. As Aldern finished the incantation, the captain’s eyes became briefly unfocused, then found their way to Aldern. ”Ah, Aldern! To what do I owe this pleasure?”
”Ship…storm,” panted Aldern, out of breath. ”Need to…to offload some cargo. Too full.”
”Dear boy, have you gone mad? That cargo is worth its weight in gold! To offload it would be…most unprofitable. We’ll make the proper arrangements to weather the storm, of course. Quite clever of me to bring you on board,” chirped the captain.
Gozreh drown him. The spell makes me into his best damned friend, and he’s too greedy to listen to me even now. Aldern noticed his hands had balled into fists of their own accord, and straightened them. He fought to keep his voice calm. ”How about this, then? We play a game of cards. If I lose, I serve aboard this ship for a year with no pay aside from meals. If I win, you dump the cargo.”
The captain closed his eyes thoughtfully, and took a few moments to run some calculations in his head. Finally, he gave a curt nod of agreement that sent a wave of relief through Aldern’s body. Perhaps the captain would be furious once the charm spell wore off, but at least the sylph had saved the lives of everyone aboard the ship, especially his own. As the wizard sat down and the captain began to shuffle the cards, Aldern readied a spell; this particular spell, he knew, would allow him to win.
Sixteen hours later, Aldern lay curled in a ball in the corner of the brig as the ship rocked violently from side to side. How was he to know that the captain was the sort of bastard that would cheat in a game against his own “best friend?” ”Shoulda made an image of a royal flush,” the wizard muttered to no one in particular.
Alexander Sabadosa |
Im submitting a monk (zen Archer) but im not trying to take the others place. Its just a different approach and quite honestly im okay with not getting picked. Any questions or anything else let me know.
Male Undine Monk (Zen Archer) 1
LN Medium outsider (native)
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4
AC 17, touch 17, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +4 untyped)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +6
Resist cold 5
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +1 (1d6+1)
Ranged masterwork composite longbow +4 (1d8+1/×3)
Special Attacks flurry of blows
Undine Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration -1)
. . 1/day—hydraulic push
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 7, Wis 19, Cha 7
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 18
Feats Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike, Perfect Strike, Precise Shot
Traits get the cargo through, rich parents
Skills Acrobatics +7, Disable Device +6, Swim +13
Languages Aquan, Common
SQ ac bonus, hydrated vitality, unarmed strike
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds (3), durable arrow (10), tangleshot arrow (2), trip arrow (2); Other Gear arrows (20), blunt arrows (10), masterwork composite longbow, backpack, masterwork, bandolier, bedroll, belt pouch, everburning torch, fishing kit, grappling arrow (3), silk rope (50 ft.), skeleton key, snorkel, masterwork, swim fins, thieves' tools, masterwork, trail rations (10), 52 gp, 4 sp
Special Abilities
AC Bonus +4 The Monk adds his Wisdom bonus to AC and CMD, more at higher levels.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Flurry of Blows -1/-1 (Ex) Make Flurry of Blows attack as a full rd action.
Hydrated Vitality (2 HP/day) Gain fast healing 2 when submerged completely in natural, flowing, water.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Perfect Strike (2d20, 1/day) With certain weapons, roll twice, higher is attack, lower is confirmation roll.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Skeleton key Use a +10 Disable Device for one try to open a lock.
Swimming (30 feet) You have a Swim speed.
Unarmed Strike (1d6) The Monk does lethal damage with his unarmed strikes.
Procellae was always the best swimmer in his village as a young Undine. Unfortunately his small floating village was swept up in one of the seasonal tsunamis. At the age of 21 he lost his entire Village and Family in one night, but he managed to wash ashore near a temple. The monks seeing a youngling washed ashore, took him in and taught him their traditions, as well as some of his own. After a few years of being raised by the monks he set out to see if he could find any other Undines from his old village. That is what led him to protecting trade cargo. Procellae figured that traveling the shipping lanes and trade destinations would be easier then trying to walk from island to island and while every destination might not be ideal, He figures they are all on His path.
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Grand Moff Vixen |
Hmm, I may just have to break out some of my other sea-faring character concepts and make a submission for this game. Seeing as the deadline is later in the week I will have plenty of time to craft a story.
As I come up with thoughts I will post questions and the like in this thread.
Does any player want to have a shared background? Or how about a sibling? Lots of options here. I am quite fond of intertwined background stories.
DoubleGold |
![Kreighton Shaine, Maste rof Spells](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9435-Kreighton_500.jpeg)
I wouldn't mind sharing a background, but we couldn't possibly be siblings. A tiefling born both male and female, which is impossible by the way, but hey this is fiction. As best we could be half-siblings as a stretch as they are the result of humans and devils/demons. So we could share a mother together as my father was a Devil.
Sága Runesdóttir |
This is the submissions so far:
Vanzulii- LN Human Inquisitor(Infiltrator)
Finn- Samsaran Dual Cursed Life Oracle
Ib- CG Halfling Fighter
Antorin- CG Elf Rogue(Knife Fighter)
Mosi- LG Catfolk Monk(Zen Archer)
Darius- Human Arcanist
Grimtooth- NG Goblin Alchemist(Trap Breaker)
Baelir- CG Half-Orc Swashbuckler
Bayani- N Elf Fighter(Lore Warden)
Falendral- CG Elf Ranger
Lormo- NG Elf Investigator
Saga- N Human Skald
Sam- CG Tiefling Wizard
Zared- N Changling Summoner
Viorec- CN Human RogueLet me know if I missed you.
Ah sorry, I made a mistake, my character is actually CG. I was making another neutral character for a different game at the same time, and that was going to be N, and somehow i ended up with one saying CG in the sidebar and N in the statblock and the other one saying the opposite.
Yeah, so Sága is CG. Sorry again.
Lionel Russ |
![Loris Raknian](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/LorisRaknian.jpg)
Heres Lionel for consideration. Was in another Serpents Skull but the DM had commitements that warranted letting the game go. I dont think I really got to see any major plot points, since we only managed 3-4 days of random encounters.
He will be a monk / fighter hybrid using the Feral Combat feat. Basically he will be all about two very powerful attacks in his claws, and being hard to put down.
The character is currently not adjusted for this game, but he will start as a fighter and pick up monk right away. Let me know if you absolutely need a revised version for consideration, but for now I hope his current state gives you an idea of what hes about.
Also @wolfman, you dont really need to buy an extra pair of legs for your spider. It can even start with 8 legs even though its only a quadroped by the rules. 4 of the legs just wont do anything from a mechanics perspective.
Kintargo |
Sunshadow here with Kintargo, a socially awkward tengu druid from the depths of the Mwangi Jungle trying to return home after aiding some Pathfinders. Ended up reskinning the bandit trait as stalker; overall core is the same, just reflavored it to fit a jungle hunter theme better. The picture isn't the greatest, but at least its a tengu.
Grand Moff Vixen |
For whatever reason, I want to make an inqusitor as I have never played one before. Something about it is appealing to me just now. I am going to look at my options. Don't know the specifics yet, but as I pour over everything something will stick out to me soon.
Salty GM, how do you feel about the Tiefling heritages? I am suddenly considering them for additional options, and would like your input. I am still looking things over.
Sága Runesdóttir |
Like I said, the picture is not the best.
I found these three that might suit your character better:
Jakaw (under type Tengu)
Nondescript Tengu (under type Tengu)
Corbin (under type Animal)
Kintargo |
Kintargo wrote:Like I said, the picture is not the best.I found these three that might suit your character better:
Jakaw (under type Tengu)
Nondescript Tengu (under type Tengu)
Corbin (under type Animal)
Thank you for the effort, but the more I think about it, the more a bit of an odd picture fits the character.
Chyrone |
Likewise, it could be an improved excuse for him connected to the campaign trait stowaway.
A gnome chasing his canary at the last moment ending up aboard illegally.
But depending until i know for sure i'm not posting the otherwise completed crunch and bio.
Personality wise, Cloony is an adventurous & mischievous young gnome.
He's NG, good at heart but not easily prone to follow strict regulations, especially if he thinks those regulations are wrong. Smart to the point where he can be annoying, he means well.
Viorec Rulasti |
![Captain Josper Creesy](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A12-Good-Guy-Ship-Captain.jpg)
I submit Viorec Rulasti, Varisian con artist, and stowaway aboard the Jenivere.
A note about Viorec's character-- I'm seeing him as a loveable scoundrel, someone who is mostly good-hearted. I listed him as CN, because you really can't be good and still be actively running cons. As the character develops, I see him transitioning to becoming chaotic good, depending on the nature of the rest of the party.
DoubleGold |
![Kreighton Shaine, Maste rof Spells](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9435-Kreighton_500.jpeg)
For whatever reason, I want to make an inqusitor as I have never played one before. Something about it is appealing to me just now. I am going to look at my options. Don't know the specifics yet, but as I pour over everything something will stick out to me soon.
Salty GM, how do you feel about the Tiefling heritages? I am suddenly considering them for additional options, and would like your input. I am still looking things over.
Good idea, I could be your father or mother considering we would be at least 60 years apart. Not sure if Tieflings are sterile though, considering they are the result of humans and devils, but if you picked human, you would look a little not human, but be human enough to have the human racials, and still have the tiefling heritage. Or do you want to be a tiefling? I know donkey's are sterile, I didn't know if certain races were sterile as well.
Dwynra Naad |
Grand Moff Vixen wrote:Good idea, I could be your father or mother considering we would be at least 60 years apart. Not sure if Tieflings are sterile though, considering they are the result of humans and devils, but if you picked human, you would look a little not human, but be human enough to have the human racials, and still have the tiefling heritage. Or do you want to be a tiefling? I know donkey's are sterile, I didn't know if certain races were sterile as well.For whatever reason, I want to make an inqusitor as I have never played one before. Something about it is appealing to me just now. I am going to look at my options. Don't know the specifics yet, but as I pour over everything something will stick out to me soon.
Salty GM, how do you feel about the Tiefling heritages? I am suddenly considering them for additional options, and would like your input. I am still looking things over.
The description suggests they can have tiefling children, but that comraderie between tieflings is extremely rare on the material plane.
Grand Moff Vixen |
Come on Vixen, i'm sure you can.
Sent you a PM.
Grand Moff Vixen wrote:Good idea, I could be your father or mother considering we would be at least 60 years apart. Not sure if Tieflings are sterile though, considering they are the result of humans and devils, but if you picked human, you would look a little not human, but be human enough to have the human racials, and still have the tiefling heritage. Or do you want to be a tiefling? I know donkey's are sterile, I didn't know if certain races were sterile as well.For whatever reason, I want to make an inqusitor as I have never played one before. Something about it is appealing to me just now. I am going to look at my options. Don't know the specifics yet, but as I pour over everything something will stick out to me soon.
Salty GM, how do you feel about the Tiefling heritages? I am suddenly considering them for additional options, and would like your input. I am still looking things over.
Sent you a PM as well.
Grand Moff Vixen |
Alright, I have come up with a background and crunch to the inquisitor I mentioned before. Here is Malthu, an Oni-Spawned Tiefling Inquisitor.
The background is up, as is the crunch. I have not selected gear, or the domain/inquisition. If anyone has some fun ideas for any of these I am open to suggestions.
I had a lot of fun making the story. I had been looking over the different races and the tiefling just stuck out to me. I started looking at the heritages and saw some potential. It wasn't till I tried to go to bed when inspiration struck (it always does that when I go to bed!). This morning when I awoke I put it all to paper. With some help from a few people, I fleshed out the story and came up with this. I hope everyone enjoys reading about him.
Bayani Nishou |
![Rogue Elf](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/06_forlorn_elf_final.jpg)
I wouldn't mind sharing a background, but we couldn't possibly be siblings. A tiefling born both male and female, which is impossible by the way, but hey this is fiction. As best we could be half-siblings as a stretch as they are the result of humans and devils/demons. So we could share a mother together as my father was a Devil.
It's not entirely impossible. There's a real life phenomenon called mosaic chimerism where under certain circumstances two zygotes in the womb (i.e. two fertilized eggs, which would normally lead to fraternal twins) fuse into one mass of cells, and develop into a single individual with a mixture of cells from two different conception events, which can be male and female. There was actually an olympic sprinter, Foekje Dillema from the Netherlands, who was determined to have a mix of XX and XY cells in her body.
Anyway, Bayani is completely ready to go if picked. Yay!
Sixteenbiticon |
![Denizen of Leng](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9065-Denizen_90.jpeg)
I am sorry for my late response, as there are a number of recruitments going on right now that I am interested in.
I am feverishly working on retooling a bladebound magus I created for a Mummy's Mask campaign that failed to finish the first encounter before the GM disappeared.
I will post with the alias as soon as I am satisfied with his alterations. I appreciate the opportunity of playing in your game!
DoubleGold |
![Kreighton Shaine, Maste rof Spells](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9435-Kreighton_500.jpeg)
DoubleGold wrote:I wouldn't mind sharing a background, but we couldn't possibly be siblings. A tiefling born both male and female, which is impossible by the way, but hey this is fiction. As best we could be half-siblings as a stretch as they are the result of humans and devils/demons. So we could share a mother together as my father was a Devil.It's not entirely impossible. There's a real life phenomenon called mosaic chimerism where under certain circumstances two zygotes in the womb (i.e. two fertilized eggs, which would normally lead to fraternal twins) fuse into one mass of cells, and develop into a single individual with a mixture of cells from two different conception events, which can be male and female. There was actually an olympic sprinter, Foekje Dillema from the Netherlands, who was determined to have a mix of XX and XY cells in her body.
Anyway, Bayani is completely ready to go if picked. Yay!
And here I thought it was only the work of surgery in the real world, not something done by birth.
Anyway, now that we all know, I'll get off the subject and leave this thread for recruitment. Not that this information is necessarily disturbing or not, but any further discussion can derail this thread.
Good luck to all.