Opportunist Fighter crafting.

Pathfinder Society

Opportunist Fighter (FAQ says it is PFS legal) gets Cunning Edge abilities, one of which is:

Alchemical Refinement (Ex)
The opportunist increases the save DC of any alchemical item he crafts by 1 for every 3 fighter levels he has. Doing so increases the raw material cost to craft that item by 10 gp for every +1 increase. This bonus applies only when the opportunist uses the crafted alchemical item himself; it functions as a normal item of its type for all other users.

Does it mean, that I’m allowed to craft things like “alchemist’s fire” or poisons? Or does this ability just doing nothing?

Dark Archive 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Alchemical Refinement is one of several abilities you can choose. If your character doesn't have a means of crafting in Society (such as multiclassing as an Investigator or Alchemist), then I'd recommend choosing one of the other Cunning Edge abilities in place of a bonus feat.

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