Expanded Spell List for Urban Druid? Please! Pretty please?!

Dragon Compendium

I am playing an Urban Druid in my current campaign. I'm really liking the class- good balance and great flavor, especially for the type of game I'm in. The animated object companion has been especially useful. (I chose a small pile of rope, which equated to 300 feet of animated rope!) But it's spell list, while thorough, is certainly lacking considering the plethora of spells released beyond those in the PHB.

Any chance of getting an expanded spell list that includes the Spell Compendium and PHB2? If not an "official" expanded list, then at least some guidance and suggestions from someone at Paizo? It's a shame to have such an interesting class effectively hampered by a spell list which seems quite limited in comparison to "normal" druids and other spell casters. I'd greatly appreciate any help beefing up the list. Thanks.

I just started playing in a Ptolus campaign and I thought what a great time to try the urban druid. After reviewing the class I decided that it was time to try a cleric instead. I really like the theme and flavor, the change in wildshape was a nice touch but the spell list left me a little befuddled. The spells an urban druid gets are just awful in comparison to the other pure casters.

The Exchange

MaxPowers wrote:

I just started playing in a Ptolus campaign and I thought what a great time to try the urban druid. After reviewing the class I decided that it was time to try a cleric instead. I really like the theme and flavor, the change in wildshape was a nice touch but the spell list left me a little befuddled. The spells an urban druid gets are just awful in comparison to the other pure casters.

Their spell lists may not be great, but their skill bonuses make them very very viable characters especially in a single city based campaign like Ptolus.

Ah...immaturity rears its ugly head.

I think that Paizo staffers can't contribute to this since the class is now IP of WotC. However, if you have the Ptolus campaign book you should certainly consider adding the spells of the Civilization domain to your druid's spell list. Also the city-based spells from Races of Destiny could be justifiably added.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

I'm running a Curse of the Crimson Throne game with an Urban Druid, so I took the time to comb through my books to cobble together an expanded list. Here's what I got.

Urban Druid Spell List: Spell Compendium

0 level Urban Druid Spells
Launch Bolt
Launch Item
Silent Portal

1st level Urban Druid Spells
Animate Wood
Aura Against Flame
Beastland Ferocity
Blood Wind
Buoyant Lifting
Climb Walls
Dead End
Delay Disease
Dispel Ward
Enrage Animal
Foundation of Stone
Hail of Stone
Healthful Rest
Horrible Taste
Low-Light Vision
Omen of Peril
Raging Flame
Remove Scent
Serene Visage
Slow Burn
Snake’s Swiftness
Surefooted Stride
Wall of Smoke

2nd level Urban Druid Spells
Balancing Lorecall
Binding Winds
Bite of the Wererat
Blinding Spittle
Camouflage, Mass
Creeping Cold
Daggerspell Stance
Dark Way
Delusions of Grandeur
Discern Shapechanger
Earthen Grace
Entice Gift
Fire Shuriken
Frost Breath
Gem Bomb
Iron Silence
Malevolent Miasma
Mark of the Outcast
Mechanus Mind
Mountain Stance
Snake’s Swiftness, Mass
Veil of Shadow
Wave of Grief
Winter’s Embrace
Wracking Touch

3rd Level Urban Druid Spells
Amorphous Form
Awaken Sin
Bottle of Smoke
Chain of Eyes
Circle Dance
Corona of Cold
Creaking Cacophany
Energy Vortex
Entangling Staff
Favorable Sacrifice
Fell the Greatest Foe
Giant’s Wrath
Infestation of Maggots
Listening Coin
Nature’s Balance
Nature’s Rampart
Nauseating Breath
Resist Energy, Mass
Rust Ray
Shadow Cache
Spark of Life
Stony Grasp
Suppress Glyph
Thunderous Roar
Treasure Scent
Vigor, Mass Lesser
Weather Eye

4th Level Urban Druid Spells
Arc of Lightning
Blindsight, Greater
Contagious Touch
Contingent Energy Resistance
Creeping Cold, Greater
Enhance Wild Shape
Eye of the Storm
Land Womb
Lay of the Land
Magic Fang, Superior
Metal Melt
Miasma of Entropy
Moon Bolt
Murderous Mist
Ray of Deanimation
Resistance, Greater
Ruin Delver’s Fortune
Rushing Waters
Shadow Well
Sheltered Vitality
Sound Lance
Spark of Life
Stone Shatter
Surefooted Stride, Mass
Vortex of Teeth
Wind at Back
Wood Rot

5th Level Urban Druid Spells
Body Harmonic
Cloak of the Sea
Cold Snap
Contagion, Mass
Heal Animal Companion
Memory Rot
Owl’s Insight
Stone Shape, Greater
Vigor, Greater
Xorn Movement
Zone of Respite
Zone of Revelation

6th Level Urban Druid Spells
Anger of the Noonday Sun
Blood Sirocco
Energy Immunity
Fantastic Machine
Hide the Path
Ooze Puppet
Phantasmal Disorientation
Resistance, Superior
Ruby Ray of Reversal
Sarcophagus of Stone
Seal Portal
Stone Body
Tunnel Swallow
Vigorous Circle
Wall of Gears

7th Level Urban Druid Spells
Aura of Vitality
Blood to Water
Body of War
Brilliant Blade
Hiss of Sleep
Master Earth
Radiant Assault
Shifting Paths
Slime Wave
Storm of Elemental Fury
Swamp Lung
Withering Palm
Word of Balance

8th Level Urban Druid Spells
Brilliant Aura
Heat Drain
Red Tide
Unyielding Roots

9th Level Urban Druid Spells
Awaken Construct
Cast in Stone
Death Ward, Mass
Drown, Mass
Fantastic Machine, Greater
Instant Refuge
Magic Miasma
Obedient Avalanche
Shadow Landscape
Sphere of Ultimate Destruction
Summon Elemental Monolith
Transmute Rock to Lava
Whirlwind, Greater

Urban Druid Spell List From Other Sources

CM = Complete Mage, CSc = Cityscape, RoD = Races of Destiny, ECS = Eberron Campaign Setting, FoW = Forge of War, PHB2 = Player's Handbook 2, MoE = Magic of Eberron,

1st level Urban Druid Spells
Death’s Call (CM)
Detect Weaponry (CSc)
Friendly Face (RoD)
Guided Path (CM)
Inflict Light Damage (ECS)
Instant of Power (FoW)
Locate City (RoD)
Peacebond (CSc)
Resinous Tar (CM)
Rooftop Strider (RoD)
Skunk Scent (FoW)
Unfailing Terrain (FoW)
Vigilant Slumber (CM)

2nd level Urban Druid Spells
Attentive Alarm (CM)
Blackrot (CM)
City Lights (RoD)
Clothier’s Closet (MoE)
Doublespeak (CM)
Expose the Dead (MoE)
False Lie (CM)
Inflict Moderate Damage (ECS)
Linked Perception (PHB2)
Master’s Touch (PHB2)
Peacebond, False (CSc)
Torrent of Tears (CM)
Whelming Blast (PHB2)

3rd level Urban Druid Spells
Alter Fortune (PHB2)
Humanoid Essence, Lesser (RoE)
Inflict Serious Damage (ECS)
Prickling Torment (CM)
Rusted Blade (CM)
Stone Construct (ECS)
Sudden Aegis (FoW)
Winding Allies (RoD)

4th level Urban Druid Spells
Call of Stone (PHB2)
Commune with City (RoD)
Healing Spirit (PHB2)
Inflict Critical Damage (ECS)
Iron Construct (ECS)
Leomund’s Spacious Carriage (CSc)
Rain of Spines (CM)
Rebirth of Iron (CM)
Renewed Vigor (PHB2)
Storm of Needles (CM)
Summon Pest Swarm (CSc)
Whelm, Mass (PHB2)

5th level Urban Druid Spells
Humanoid Essence (MoE)
Magic Convalescence (PHB2)
Radiance (PHB2)
Skyline Runner (RoD)
Overwhelm (PHB2)
Zone of Peace (CSc)

6th level Urban Druid Spells
Bones of the Earth (PB2)
City Stride (RoD)
Disable Construct (ECS)
Incite Riot (PHB2)
Rusting Fog (FoW)
Storm of Fire and Ice (CM)
Smoky Confinement (CM)
Thunder Field (PHB2)
Total Repair (ECS)

7th level Urban Druid Spells
Humanoid Essence, Greater (MoE)
Overwhelm (PHB2)
Plague (PHB2)
Urban Shield (RoD)
Wrack Earth (PHB2)

8th level Urban Druid Spells
City’s Might (RoD)
Deadly Lahar (CM)
Golem Immunity (MoE)

9th level Urban Druid Spells
Animate City (RoD)
Genius Loci (CM)
Summon Golem (PHB2)
Towering Thunderhead (CM)

That's a pretty generous list. As a DM I'd be forced to go over with a finetooth comb and compare what's on it with what they already get. I think you've been especially generous with attack spells.

I'd eliminate Mechanus' Mind from it for flavor reasons. I also don't know how you can justify Wave of Grief even for evil urban druids. Neither druid type has access to that spell and they wouldn't in my campain either.

On the other hand, some of the selections (like Bite of the Wererat) make perfect sense.

The Exchange

Personally I think an Urban Druid could break COCT fairly easily, especially with some of the insight from city spirit powers he gets. I wouldn't be in favour of allowing one in my COCT game, particularly not with an expanded spell list.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Gurubabaramalamaswami wrote:

That's a pretty generous list. As a DM I'd be forced to go over with a finetooth comb and compare what's on it with what they already get. I think you've been especially generous with attack spells.

Have you seen an actual druid's spell list lately? They're up to their ears in attack spells. I could see a few that arguments could be made against... but urban druids have access to disintegrate! That right there suggests that they should have some offensive oomph, especially at higher levels.

Gurubabaramalamaswami wrote:
I'd eliminate Mechanus' Mind from it for flavor reasons. I also don't know how you can justify Wave of Grief even for evil urban druids. Neither druid type has access to that spell and they wouldn't in my campain either.

Urban druids have a lot of construct-themed powers, like urban shape and their urban companion. And they also get plenty of bard-type spells, so wave of grief I thought fit in just fine. What "neither druid type" are you talking about--druids and...?

I can't for the life of me remember what I meant by "neither druid type."

But Wave of Grief seems neither druidic nor urban. It's too vile darkness apocalyptic death cultish.

Okay, I'm dumb. I'm gathering that the Urban Druid is in reference to the 3.5 CityScape web enhancement that allows druids to changes some class stuff? Is this where the WotC IP comes into play? Is there a 4E Urban Druid variant of sorts? What about Pathfinder Urban Druid- anything on it I might have missed? Just seeking clarification, please. Thank you...

Szombulis wrote:
Okay, I'm dumb. I'm gathering that the Urban Druid is in reference to the 3.5 CityScape web enhancement that allows druids to changes some class stuff? Is this where the WotC IP comes into play? Is there a 4E Urban Druid variant of sorts? What about Pathfinder Urban Druid- anything on it I might have missed? Just seeking clarification, please. Thank you...

Urban Druid is in reference to a class in the Dragon Compendium, which is why this was posted in the Dragon Compendium forum.

Love the spell list. Saves a lot of grunt work for me, thanks. I'd say it could stand to be pared down, but that's a DM thing & best left to each group's taste. I always wanted a larger list to work with, for that and other non-core classes. (I'll have to dig around for more threads like this.)

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