Teemuu |

So after 15 months of running the SCAP , most of my party finally met its demise in a gigantic explosion at the end of chapter 10. In the end we had 46 character deaths and roughly 30 cohort and henchmen fatalities.
The party developed many strong relationships or rivalries with the Stormblades, Alek Tercival, Jenya, and the Taskerhills. It was amusing to see how much the party relied on them in the end.
The party breezed through many of the tough encounters like Ashuuna, the fire giant smith, the crater lake monster. Some of the "trivial" encounters like the acid pit in chapter 1, the were rats in chapter 2, wandering fiendish owlbears in chapter 5 and stampeding livestock in chapter 9 really posed a serious problem to the party. It also didn't help that the party often fought amongst themselves( often to the death) on several occasions.
Despite this, the party happily slaughtered or ran from each Chapters encounters, till the final explosion that destroyed Cauldron. It was a fitting end to an adventuring group called "Circus Abyss" . I'm gonna step down from DMing for awhile and let my friend run his Eberron campaign. All in all , I had fun, I think my players had fun too.( I wasn't lynched after the last session heh) so I thank Paizo for an entertaining 15 months.