Guide to Korvosa Errata and Clarifications

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I think the Guide to Korvosa is one of the most compelling fantasy city products I've ever seen (and I have quite a collection.) But I did run across a few minor points that could use some clarification, so I'm starting this thread for us to collect any such items we discover.

In another thread, Mike McArtor already provided some clarifications. (I've edited my questions for clarity)

Cintra Bristol wrote:
Exactly where are the ward boundaries? For example, Old Korvosa - how far west and east does Bridgefront run, and what districts do Merciless Way (at the left) and Fiddleback Way belong to?
Mike McArtor wrote:

Ah drat. The ward boundaries are nowhere to be seen. :( Ward boundaries follow major thoroughfares for the most part. Sometimes they connect one landmark to another, when appropriate.

Bridgefront runs from the Narrows to Waydon Street, IIRC (and certainly, that's close enough for me). It follows Waydon Street until it starts to curve and turn into Merciless Way, at which point it runs to that last tower on the wall there. It ends in the NE at Fort Korvosa Boulevard. Old Dock takes up the NE end of the island, with the boundary following Fort Korvosa Boulevard until it turns, at which point the boundary follows that little unnamed street that connects with Siegebreaker Circle and then up to the shore. Fort Korvosa ward is everything inside the walls in the N-NW chunk of the island. Garrison Hill ward is everything else.

Cintra Bristol wrote:
Which 5 families are the nobles for the "Peerage Review"? The noble families on pages 40-43 include Arkona, Bromathan, Endrin, Jeggare, Leroung, Ornelos, and Zenderholm. Which two don't count?
Mike McArtor wrote:
The Great Families are those with coats of arms illustrated (Arkona, Jeggare, Leroung, Ornelos, and Zenderholm).
Cintra Bristol wrote:
Is the "Longriver Bridge" (p.24, "Northgate:") actually the North Bridge?
Mike McArtor wrote:
Oops. Yes, that's correct. :)

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Based on the logic for Ward boundaries, there are three other districts still needing to be sorted out:

The Heights: I’m going to guess that Citadel Crest is literally the area within the circle of Crest Circle West and Crest Circle East. Cliffside includes the amphitheater, so I’ll guess it’s the section south of Pillar Hill Blvd, then west of Ramp Blvd, then west of Crest Circle West and all the way around to Academic Blvd?. And University will be the rest (north of Pillar Hill Blvd and around the east side of Crest Circle East, up to Academic Blvd?

Midland: I don't have enough info to figure this set out - help!

North Point: Five Corners runs northeast along Dead Shoanti Way to Jeggare Circle, then east along Northgate Avenue to Sunrise Blvd, then south to the wall and west-northwest along the wall back to Dead Shoanti Way.
Mainshore is the section north of this, within the walls (incl. First Street thru Fifth Street).
Northgate is the area east of Five Corners, including the bit north of Northgate Avenue and southeast of the walls.
Ridgefield is the remaining section of the district, west of Jeggare Circle.

Mike - can you confirm my guesses (particularly the northern boundary between Cliffside and University in the Heights), and also sort out the Midland district for us? Thanks!

Dark Archive

I did start a thread exactly like this in the Pathfinder Chronicles section.

Guide to Korvosa (GM Reference/Errata)

Cintra Bristol wrote:
I think the Guide to Korvosa is one of the most compelling fantasy city products I've ever seen (and I have quite a collection.)

Can I ask- what makes it so compelling? I'm on the fence here as I don't play in Golarian and typically import fantasy cities into my own world if they are that original and unique.

Sovereign Court

Elijah, Having just finished reading through the Guide for the first time a few things jump out.
First, the history of the city should be easily inserted into most any world. A military colony, no longer attached to the mother land(my word) too closely, but with plenty of politics working around the current relationship with the mother land.
Second, three very different military groups who share the resposibilites of defense, security and law enforcement.
Third a temple for devil worship, that is lawful evil and tied to the motherland and minor conflict with the temple of "the God of cities and finnance". Next, quite a number of detailed city sections called wards each capable of setting very different urban scenes.
Some really "bad" bad guys plenty of underground complexes based on the history of the site where the city is built and the novel idea of the "shingles" where the city has built up creating highways that run across the roof tops in various sections of the city.

These are only first impressions. There is plenty more in the guide.

Sold. I'm ordering it from my FLGS. Thanks.

Andrew Phillips wrote:

Elijah, Having just finished reading through the Guide for the first time a few things jump out.

First, the history of the city should be easily inserted into most any world. A military colony, no longer attached to the mother land(my word) too closely, but with plenty of politics working around the current relationship with the mother land.
Second, three very different military groups who share the resposibilites of defense, security and law enforcement.
Third a temple for devil worship, that is lawful evil and tied to the motherland and minor conflict with the temple of "the God of cities and finnance". Next, quite a number of detailed city sections called wards each capable of setting very different urban scenes.
Some really "bad" bad guys plenty of underground complexes based on the history of the site where the city is built and the novel idea of the "shingles" where the city has built up creating highways that run across the roof tops in various sections of the city.

These are only first impressions. There is plenty more in the guide.

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