[G1]Age of Worms consumes the Realms


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Khadath wrote:

Decipher Script or appropriate Knowledge check = 20 Aid Another is factored in already

Bardic Knowledge, knowledge history (1d20 3=21, 1d20 6=7)

Decipher Script (1d20 6=26)
maybe you should have aided Kessel

Zereta notes that the corridor continues deeper alcoves appearing on either side of her, deeper than the previous ones. To the right the passage is blocked by a huge pile of collapsed rubble, filling the alcove from top to bottom. Even a brief glance shows that it would take weeks to clear the densely packed debris.

To the left however is something of more interest. The western hall extends perhaps 40 feet, ending at a small marble platform raised about six inches off of the floor. A strange, shattered arcane apparatus rests upon this platform, it's curved ovular frame giving the appearance of a noble's dressing mirror. Only a third of this frame remains. An unusual aracane glyph about the size of a man's head has been delicately carved into the baseplate of the support platform.

Male Halfling Rogue/1

Tobin walks slowly around the strange apparatus, examining it from all sides. "Intriguing," he says, almost to himself. "What do you make of this, Darie, KC? Does that glyph mean anything to you?"

Search = 26

Female Human Sorcerer (Infernal) 2

Darie quickly joined Tobin, instead of dwelling overmuch on the bedroll, which likely signified a decidedly less than pleasant fate for a previous explorer. She joined him at the shattered apparatus, and examined it closely.

She pursed her lips, as she went through the stories she had been told by her parents, and the few things she had managed to pull out of her grandfather. Had anyone ever mentioned something like this? She was not <u>quite</u> sure, but...

Ok, i rolled high ;) 22 on http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1571368/


Looking at the glyph you are reminded of stories her parents told her of Djinn, and of people with wind in their blood. This glyph looks something akin to ones they showed her when they told her about Auran, and earlier still the ancient language of air - Vaati.


Whilst looking around the appartus Tobin discovers several shards of an unidentifiable shiny black substance that feels like stone. It is slightly cold to the touch.

Female Human Sorcerer (Infernal) 2

Darie traced over the shattered remains of the apparatus with her fingertips. She held the lamp close to aid in her examination "Hey, this looks like the 'Symbols of the Vaati Language', you know, like in the stories. About the people of the Wind, and their children. People who have storms in their blood, thunder in their eyes and lightening at the tips of their fingers?"

Turning around to her new friends, she added "Vaati is supposedly some ancient form of the language of Air creatures. It is very old, i think. Older than the city, i believe"

Male Human Paladin / 1

Kells looks thoughtful for a second and nods. "I imagine that could make perfect sense. Especially in a place with a constantly moving breeze... Did the Vaati live in this area?"

Kells remains at the junction of the the hallway and alcove peering deeper into the gloom.

Sorry if that's a bonehead question, my knowledge of the realms is limited.

Male Human (Calimshan) Cleric 1

After finishing his inspection of the geometric bands Khadath joins the others and informs them of his findings, that while the bands are decorative, they are also from where the Whispering sound is animating from.

“The Auran, interesting. It may be possible that at one point they dwelt here or where somehow summoned here through this device. I wonder if the geometric bands somehow allowed them to communicate with one another by manipulating air through or against the bands.” he adds upon hearing what Darie says of the arcane glyph. ”it may even be possible that the bands allowed them to move through the cairn with easy?” he says with a questioning look

”It would seem that there is something here after all that would interest Auric and Tirra companion Khellek.”

Male Halfling Rogue/1

"I don't know much about these People of the Wind," Tobin admits. "I suppose they must have lived here in the past, if this cairn was made by them. So, maybe that whispering wind is saying something in this Vaati language? Would you recognise it if you heard it, Darie?"

Stepping closer to the light, Tobin holds out his open hand, revealing several shiny black shards lying in his palm. "I found these on the floor behind that platform," he explains. "I suppose they might be bits of that thing that came off when it was broken. I guess I'll pop them in my pouch to examine more thoroughly later, unless anyone else has a better idea?"

Female Human Sorcerer (Infernal) 2

"I don't think so... i mean, i never really learned it, only heard about it" Darie replied, shrugging. Why did the halfling expect her to know that tongue anyway - it wasn't exactly something you pick up on the side.

Male Human Paladin / 1

Kells glances back at the group over his shoulder, "Do any of you have any paper and ink? You could make a sketch or two of some of the glyphs. I think there are a couple of mages in Daggerford, one of them might have some knowledge of the wind spirits who bored out these tunnels."

Kells Gryffoncrest wrote:
Kells glances back at the group over his shoulder, "Do any of you have any paper and ink? You could make a sketch or two of some of the glyphs. I think there are a couple of mages in Daggerford, one of them might have some knowledge of the wind spirits who bored out these tunnels."

"This is why I suggested the parchment and charcoal, we could have made a rubbing"

Male Human (Calimshan) Cleric 1
Kessel Cobey wrote:
Kells Gryffoncrest wrote:
Kells glances back at the group over his shoulder, "Do any of you have any paper and ink? You could make a sketch or two of some of the glyphs. I think there are a couple of mages in Daggerford, one of them might have some knowledge of the wind spirits who bored out these tunnels."
"This is why I suggested the parchment and charcoal, we could have made a rubbing"

"I didn't bring any charcoal, but as Kells has reminded me i do have paper and ink" Khadath says as he begins going through his pack, and within a few moments he has the desired items.

"anyone amoungst us exceptional talented in any form of artistary?"

Khadath wrote:

"anyone amoungst us exceptional talented in any form of artistary?"

"This isn't very far into the cairn and making Charcoal isn't that difficult," Kessel points out, "there's no need rush just yet, we should have plenty of time before we have to return to town. The paper was the important part."

Male Human Paladin / 1

Kells still looks deeper into the gloom, trying to get his eyes accustomed to the lower light "Well, I've also got chalk in my pack, so we don't have to make charcoal just yet if you need any rubbings."

Kells Gryffoncrest wrote:
Kells still looks deeper into the gloom, trying to get his eyes accustomed to the lower light "Well, I've also got chalk in my pack, so we don't have to make charcoal just yet if you need any rubbings."

"I got chalk as well, but it doesn't work as well, something about white chalk on white paper. Graphite works best mind you, but charcoal works as well."

Female Human Barbarian

"Why don't we just take it with us and inspect it later?"

Female Human Sorcerer (Infernal) 2

Darie laughed, albeit a little subdued. "Jeny, i am used to heavy lifting, but look. That glyph alone is larger than my hand, and the whole thing is made of solid stone. Even if it could be moved, do you want to haul it all the way back to town?"

The comment from Kessel riled her up again, to some degree. Why did this man always insist on being such a damn smartass? "Kessel, why don't we just take some ink, and sketch it out? Or memorize it? Or otherwise work with what we have instead of bemoaning the lack of a jar of honey."


As you look ahead into the gloom you spot a faint flickering green light coming from the north.

Male Halfling Rogue/1

Tobin tucks the black shards into his pouch and saunters back out into the main corridor. "Well," he says as he goes, "while you're deciding which technique will most accurately render that glyph, I might as well scout ahead a little. Some honey would be nice, though..." Ignoring the rubble-choked alcove, Tobin continues carefully up the main passage, examining the floor and walls closely.

Female Human Barbarian

Jeny grabs hefts the strange shattered arcane apparatus.

"See, its not that heavy."

Male Human Paladin / 1

Kells narrows his eyes and holds the torch well behind him to try to plumb the darkness a bit better. "I see somthing on in a ways... Looks like a green flicker... Maybe flame, maybe just a reflection of my torch, I don't know. I don't think it was moving, though."

Tobin moves further along the corridor. The central hallway opens into a large chamber with wings leading to the east and west. Across the chamber to the north yawns a twenty-foot-wide open arch draped from top to bottom in translucent cobwebs. An eerie green light flickers beyond the webs, casting strange shadows about this room.

To the west, three short stairs lead up to a wide marble dais, but the far end of the wind is obscured by darkness.

Huge slabs of cracked masonry and irregular piles of scattered debris choke the eastern wing, giving the appearance of complete collapse, although even a casual inspection reveals a ten-foot-wide opening in the middle of the debris.

The sibilant, almost human whispers present in the passage becomes a chorus in this massive chamber, eerily echoing off the walls.


Meanwhile Jeny shifts to lift the apparatus but whilst she can easily make it rock a little in it's foundations it's attached to the floor.

Darie Billown wrote:
"Kessel, why don't we just take some ink, and sketch it out? Or memorize it? Or otherwise work with what we have instead of bemoaning the lack of a jar of honey."

"Have you ever heard of the expression 'the right tool for the right job?', or 'haste makes waste?', I'm not trying to be difficult here Darie but there are all sorts of things that might be important about the size and shape about runes or glyphs. Right now we have the time, and as far as I can tell we're not in a dangerous spot, all I'm saying is why rush and potentially make a mistake when these runes are just a hop, skip, and jump, from the mouth of the cairn?"

Female Human Sorcerer (Infernal) 2

"Because a stitch in time saves nine, Kessel. We can probably spend the better part of the year going back for whatever fits the job just exactly right, or we can use what we have to the best of our abilities. I mean, sure. You can use a carpenters hammer to nail down a panel - but in a pinch, a wooden shoe does just as well." Darie raised her hands in obvious frustration, but decided to remain at least somewhat cordial. She was in this for better or for worse, with not many other options.

A little less confrontationally, she continued "Listen, all i am saying is that we may not have everything and a ten foot pole, but neither do we know if these signs have any significance at all. They might be pure ornaments, or... love poems, or anything like that. Let's just check that light out. If this sign ever becomes important, we can still sketch it, rub, or do whatever."

Darie Billown wrote:

"Because a stitch in time saves nine, Kessel. We can probably spend the better part of the year going back for whatever fits the job just exactly right, or we can use what we have to the best of our abilities. I mean, sure. You can use a carpenters hammer to nail down a panel - but in a pinch, a wooden shoe does just as well." Darie raised her hands in obvious frustration, but decided to remain at least somewhat cordial. She was in this for better or for worse, with not many other options.

A little less confrontationally, she continued "Listen, all i am saying is that we may not have everything and a ten foot pole, but neither do we know if these signs have any significance at all. They might be pure ornaments, or... love poems, or anything like that. Let's just check that light out. If this sign ever becomes important, we can still sketch it, rub, or do whatever."

Kessel is again taken aback by Darie's frustrations. Kessel stares at her for the longest time, his dark eyes boring into her, and then he shrugs and half turns away.

"I think you and my sister would get along swimmingly." Is all he says.

Male Human Paladin / 1

"On that note," Kells mutters, and steps a few feet down the passage to follow the halfling. The contention between Darie and Kessel was a little distressing and hoped that they didn't rip the new group in two, but then again, it may be part of the crucible that forges the group into a stronger, more well rounded whole.

Female Human Barbarian

Jeny slinks away from the object in embarrassment, and while the group is discussing the highly technical nature to which they will draw some runes, Jeny finds a corner to sit in and is soon dozing off.

Zereta rolls her eyes about the discussion between Darie and Kessel and then follows Kells and Tobin towards the green light and the strange hall it inhabits all the while clutching her sword tightly and scanning the area around her for any sign of danger.

Kessel glances after their retreating companions, Kessel makes a sweeping motion with his arms the way the gentlemen in the cities sometimes do, a gesture to the ladies that seems to say 'after you'.

"And Darie," Kessel says, "None of my friends call me Kessel. Please call me KC."

Female Human Sorcerer (Infernal) 2

"Well, if you insist i don't call you by your proper name, sure." Darie grinned at the man in the shifting light of her lantern. "I just figured it would be a sign of respect."

As she moved to catch up with the rest of the group, she added a few more reconsilatory words "Its not that i don't understand you wanting to do this right, Kess... KC. But the fact remains that if we keep going back at every obstacle, we won't get anywhere." As she saw Jeny, her eyebrows shot up again, however "What is she doing there?"

Kessel glances at Jeny and shrugs.

"You didn't catch my meaning Darie," Kessel says as they walk past Jeny, "I wasn't suggesting we go back, only hold off on sketching or copying those Glyphs until we have the proper tools, whatever that thing was it's clearly broken, and as Jeny clearly demonstrated, is not going anywhere. I'm sorry if I come across as being very meticulous but I don't really have the adventurous spirit . . ." Kessel suppresses a shiver as the whispering voices grow louder, "and having a fiery tempered and opinionated sister often means that I'm left fixing things or avoiding things, or just cautioning her. I find myself often playing the voice of reason when she's around and so I guess I've come to do it around other people as well.

"Now as to the name, nobody I like calls me Kessel . . . my sister does when she's trying to start a fight or to get my attention, family does, employers do, everyone in the city does, but to my friends I'm KC. It's easier for me to sort friend, foe, and unassociated that way."

Female Human Sorcerer (Infernal) 2

"If i were you, i would be worried about counting your family and employer as 'people i don't particularly like'. After all, they allow you to live your life, after a fashion, and you are responsible to them. I'm sorry if i come across as bossy, but maybe just lack the "carefree rover" spirit." Darie winked, and considered the matter closed - even though she did just link him to some no-good wastrel living off the kindness of others.

"Heh. I should be the one to talk, i suppose. I am the one who ran away from home, after all..."

Male Halfling Rogue/1

Tobin pauses in the middle of the end chamber, suspiciously eyeing the cobwebs lit by flickering green light. "Just as I thought it couldn't get any spookier," he observes, "it does!" Looking back to check that all his friends are following along, he turns left and walks to the bottom of the stairs. "I could do with a bit more light here, Kells, to see the steps and dais more clearly," he says.

Male Human (Calimshan) Cleric 1

As the debate of copying the simply glyph ensues (which causes a little concern to the priest), Khadath proceeds to make a sketch, its enough at the least that he can later find others references and sources when he does a more in-depth research of it.

As he compares his drawing to that of the glyph on the base of the apparatus, it dawns on him that there isn’t any debris around its base that would account for the missing portion of the device. Intrigued he draws closer, recalling the several shiny black unidentifiable shards that Tobin found he proceeds to give the apparatus a look over to see if there is someplace where they may fit, he will extend this search to the area near the apparatus (floor and walls).

As he is dallying behind as the others move on, and seeing that Jeny is still nearby in the event that something happens he simply says “I’ll be along in a moment.”

Search = 22 (Taking 20, if needed)

Once done he approach the rest girl, and with a slight nudge he says “were done here, lets go before the others forget us or get themselves into trouble.” He says with bit of jest.

I'll make another post to reflect current events, though it may depend on my search.

Male Human Paladin / 1

Kells steps up behind Tobin bringing the light source closer. His hand clenches reflexively around the handle of his hammer and he rests it on his shoulder as he looks into the gloom.

Male Human (Calimshan) Cleric 1

Catching up to his companions Khadath waits a moment to see in which direction the group decides to head in. When Tobin has decided upon going east and stating he needs more light, he starts reaching for the sunrod tucked into his belt, then stops as Kells moves into position with his own light source.

He slowly follows the pair as they advance into the darkened area.

Down the western passage a wide dais spanning the back half of the western wing calls attention to a faded fresco upon the south, west and north walls. From a vantage point in the center of the dais, the wall painting makes it look like you stand within a massive room with seven short hallways radiating outwards from a central point. A chain dangles from the ceiling at the end of each hallway, and each chain bears a gleaming coloured lantern. Clockwise the colours are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

Male Halfling Rogue/1

Tobin climbs the steps onto the dais, and stands in the centre, admiring the fresco. "A nice piece of work, this," he opines. "I almost feel as though I'm standing in a much larger room! I'm starting to think that these People of the Wind were pretty clever folks. I'd like to have a closer look, but I hope someone's going to keep an eye on those spooky webs while I do." With this, Tobin moves forward and starts to examine the fresco carefully, looking for anomalies or interesting details.

Male Human Paladin / 1

"On it" says Kells simply as he steps to Tobin's side and waves the torch to whisp away the spider webs. He pays attention to just clear out the area they are moving into... not leaving a lot of stray singed strands to cause complications of an inflamitory nature.

Male Human (Calimshan) Cleric 1

Kayos, i also made a search post concerning the apparatus in the event a more specific search or inquiry was required, it involved the shiny black shards Tobin found, see second most recent post.


You notice whilst inspecting the strange artifact a series of runes and glyphs carved into a slot running the inside of the frame, you'd assume the black material fit into this slot. You also find a bit more of the frame and the black shards but not the entirity.

The fresco has has faded a little with time but is still quite stunning, it's quite lifelike and you get the feeling that when it was freshly painted you really would have felt like you were in another room.

The cobwebs are soon cleared away revealing the room beyond. A wide stairway descends into an immense domed chamber. Seven short tunnels branch from the room in all directions, extending some thirty feet before ending in rounded walls. At the terminus of each passage, a thick chain dangles from an unseen high ceiling. Five of the chains bear colourful lanterns but two bear nothing at all. Opposite the entry stairs, a bright green lantern containing wha looks like a torch casts a weird murky light about the room. Countless chips of glass and shiny metal inset into the chamber's domed ceiling reflect this light, giving the impression of stalight and falling snow. The dome starts at about ten feet off of the group and rises to about thirty over the center of the room.

Below the dome's peak, a long dais holds what appears to be a marble sarcophagus. A milky white bas-relief figure, perhaps of a human, rests passively upon the sarcophagus lid. Unlike the rest of the tomb, this room is completely silent.

As Kells clears away the cobwebs the green flicker becomes more apparent to everyone in the cairn.

Listen Check: DC 20:

As you look around you hear a small clatter of stone on stone down the eastern (partially collapsed) passage.

Male Human Paladin / 1

Kells gives a hissing alert "Tssssssst! Listen! Does anyone else hear something?"

He riases his torch to try to shed light farther down the side passage and slings his hammer down off of his shoulder and holds it ready to swing.

Zereta moves along beside Kells keeping her sword at the ready while tobin search the fresco and then leads them up to the room with the sarcophagus. Zereta is so in awe of the workmanship of the room that she isn't listening too well Listen Check (1d20 4=7). She looks over at Kells after he mumbles and asks "What is wrong?"


The closer you get to the collapse in the eastern passage the more certain he becomes that the sound is behind the wall of cracked masonry.

The eastern corridor ends in rubble, there is however a gap in the rocks that you could crawl through.

Male Halfling Rogue/1

Tobin moves back down the stairs towards Kells, drawing his rapier as he does so. "I can't hear anything other than us, Kells," he whispers. "What was it? Where did the sound come from?"

Female Human Sorcerer (Infernal) 2

Darie shrugged. "I didn't hear anything either. Are you sure it wasn't one of the tricks of the wind?" She glanced over the surroundings nevertheless, albeit briefly. "How does this work, by the way? I mean, with the wind never really stopping?"

No need to roll, i can't hit a 20 with a -1 modified ;)

Male Human Paladin / 1

Kells eyes narrow and he shifts the grip on the haft of his hammer a bit. "I think there is something back there... behind that wall. It may be nothing, but it may not. Hang on everyone, be ready for something. Maybe. I'll take the front here."

He moves closer to the wall and quickly shoves the torch down near the entrance, waving the flame around the gap.

Zereta stands within 5 ft of Kells sword at the ready just incase something should happen "Do you see anything Kells?"

Kessel has his lute at the ready.

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