Barbarian Iconic

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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Of course, realistic or not, everyone who plays this gal is going to be taking Monkey Grip. Admit it. You know you will. And then Two-Weapon Fighting followed by Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Except those aren't core. Besides, I think it would be more fun to take the penalties.

Sect wrote:
Except those aren't core. Besides, I think it would be more fun to take the penalties.

Bit like those celt and berserk warriors who went to fight with little to no armor. "I'm so bad-ass I don't need to optimize!"

Sovereign Court

I assume that she is statted up with the other iconics in the first Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure. If so, I might have to check it out.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

She'll be appearing in Second Darkness.

No monkey grip here, core and certain beloved rules only. Also, I like her penalties, they make her that bit more vivid and interesting.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Now with Paizo RPG I bet Barbarians will a crazier rage so she can wield that sword even crazier. :P

Liberty's Edge

SirUrza wrote:
Now with Paizo RPG I bet Barbarians will a crazier rage so she can wield that sword even crazier. :P

Nah, barbarians are fine as is. But her strength is going to be 17...

Roll on the Barbarian write up, coz then we're that much closer to seeing the gnome, and I do so want to see the gnome, pretty pretty little gnome. *strokes crazy gnome hair*

Also I have a player who NEEDS to see the write up, she's fallen in love with the barbarian's 'try it, I dare you expresion.'

I like the picture personally and I think RAW had done some great work in the artwork. Can't wait to get my hands on the Crimson Throne and Second Darkness adventure paths (Being on a island in the North Atlantic can delay delivery times ^^)

However, since someone brought up artistic style I just have to ask if anyone else has noticed this. I like pictures so I tend to stare and analyze. Has anyone else noticed that in the Monster Manual almost every single humanoid drawn by him has the left food abit more forward and slightly bent?
This is not an attempt to diss the artist, all of the pictures are different and I like 'em. I just remember noticing it all of a sudden and then my eyes snap to it whenever I see it =D

A fun point is that my players get really interested in Pathfinder when they see the artwork, it draws them in and gets their imagination cranking. So thumbs up!

I had, I think it's coz he did all the fiddly outsiders, eladrin, gaurdninals (amazing art there) and ineveitables, etc. I always thought it was on purpose, as if to say these are outsiders too, but look at how different they all are.

Liberty's Edge

Alright. She's cool. I admit. That said, I was hoping for something a bit more unusual for a barbarian, perhaps a two-axe-wielding dwarf barbarian or a halfling with a greatsword.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Saurstalk wrote:
Alright. She's cool. I admit. That said, I was hoping for something a bit more unusual for a barbarian, perhaps a two-axe-wielding dwarf barbarian or a halfling with a greatsword.

Already have both races though and don't think we'd see more then 1 Iconic from said races.

Liberty's Edge

Sigh. Darned humans are like cockroaches.

Yes, but that is true of Golarion, it's extremely heavily humanocentric. There's more of a variety of races in the Iconics than is true of the world's demographics.

She's up! I liove her story, and the art! Long live Amiri!

Liberty's Edge

DitheringFool wrote:

Maybe this is just a ploy to divert attention away from the 3.x/4e civil war?

I like big swords and I can not lie
You other fighters can't deny
That when a girl walks in with an menacing grin
And a broad blade in your face
You get sprung
Wanna pull up tough
Cuz you notice that steel was scuffed
Deep in the leather she's wearing
I'm hooked and I can't stop staring
Oh, baby I ready an action
Defensive is my reaction
My homeboys tried to warn me
But that blade you got
Make me so ...

...never mind

Dithering Fool, you're my hero. :D

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Ok I didn't read the whole thread. But the thing I most liked was the obvious scares on her face and stomach. I can't recall the last time i seen scares in fantasy art for a RPG. The sword seems a bit over sized and yeah the armor is a bit cheesecakeish but i am ok with it. It is nice art, which is what I care most about and Paizo has a nice varity of art.

Liberty's Edge

doppelganger wrote:
Why would you put the adamantine on the inside?

Hey, why do people put Intel inside? No accounting for some people.

Liberty's Edge

Kirth Gersen wrote:

Oh, you faked me out. I was getting all psyched up for a Donovan video.

"Superman or Green Lantern ain't got... nothin' on me!"

What were you expecting? Some sort of universal soldier?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
vagrant-poet wrote:
She's up! I liove her story, and the art! Long live Amiri!

No kidding, it's everything James alluded to. Her background is awesomely long. :)

Timespike wrote:
Kirth Gersen wrote:
Timespike wrote:
I think one of the ways to do this in play is to have the people who are REALLY skilled combatants (that super-elite mercenary company, the clergy of the war god, whatever) use just plain ol' longswords, and I do mean plain. No ornamentation at all, not even a particularly polished finish. Just a well-forged, razor-sharp hunk of cold steel. Have them scoff at oversized or over-decorated weapons as "toys" or "frippery" unsuitable for combat.
We're already there! Our campaign boasts the Tellindar School, whose practitioners use studded leather armor, vambraces, and a plain, slightly slim, normal-length longsword. Through a synergistic meld of feats, they tend to clean the floor with the Super-Monkey-Grip-Power-Attackers, given roughly equal levels of experience.
Excellent! Every campaign should have a group like that. Mercenaries from Arag, usually devout followers of Goridon, prime god of war, fill that role in my game. Incidentally, Arag is a rocky, mountainous nation where the locals do very little but raise sheep and train to fight. There's not much else TO do, and mercenary revenues are an important part of their economy.

That, sir, is what I call cool. Well done!

Kirth and Timespike, I am curious about the methods you guys use to make fighters who can mop the floor using nothing but ordinary longswords, studded leather armor, and small shields. I don't doubt that it can be done, and I think I could probably come up with my own way to do it, but I'm curious how you guys did it.

And, just to keep this marginally on topic, I really like the new iconic barbarian, from her art to her backstory. I particularly like the story of how she got her huge sword in the first place.

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