Identifying Malcanthet

Maure Castle

Quick question:

Is identifying the statue of Malcanthet on the 2nd level (in the boarded up side room) do-able from a Knowledge (Religion) roll? Or would one only rule that a Knowledge (The Planes) will identify her? Since Yeenoghu has clerics, I allowed it for identifying him from his holy symbol. But what about Malcanthet? Is she "high enough up" to qualify for a religion roll?


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Sure! At the time that adventure was written, Malcanthet was pretty obscure, but she's since become a pretty big part of Abyssal politics. I'd say that either roll works to identify the statue, but that a (religion) roll would reveal information about her cult and personality, while (planes) would reveal information about her Abyssal lair and her herself.

James Jacobs wrote:
Sure! At the time that adventure was written, Malcanthet was pretty obscure, but she's since become a pretty big part of Abyssal politics. I'd say that either roll works to identify the statue, but that a (religion) roll would reveal information about her cult and personality, while (planes) would reveal information about her Abyssal lair and her herself.

Thanks for the input, James. Our cleric scored a 30 on a Knowledge (Religion) roll. At the time I said he didn't get anything (thinking it was only a Planes roll) but further reflection after the game led me to the question.

I guess a little bit of info will be retroactively divulged next week ;-)

(Incidentally, it was the same cleric that decided to walk into the room and then roll a 17 for his Will save. Hopefully this will help him feel a little better about the 3 negative levels she imparted :-) )


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