Any love for Spirit of the Century?

Other RPGs

I know there has to be one or two pulp lovers out there.

Scarab Sages

I am a big fan of pulp in general, and even SotC in particular. While I have not had the pleasure of running or playing in a SotC game, I am currently running a pulp masked men game and borrowing from the background of Spirit of the Century.

I have not found a group willing to step into the independent arena. Not to mention I think SotC’s fast and loose combat would drive my tactical generals nazi. At one time I was planning on running a Pirates of the Spanish Main campaign using SotC. I ended up using Hero.

I would like to see SotC/Fate take on super heroes. That seems to be the measuring stick I use for most system; how well they can handle powers.

I have this game and think that it may be one of the most innovative rpg systems I've seen. It is really well done. However, I haven't had a chance to play it yet. I am planning to run a Pulp one Shot adventure next week, as several of my regular dnd players are out of town for the holidays. I was thinking of trying Spirit of Century rules, but in the end I think I'm going to use All Flesh Must Be Eaten Pulp Zombie rules. I'm really looking forward to it.

I agree that it is innovative. Certainly outside of the box. Possibly too far outside the box for some people’s comfort.

Really? No love? Even with the Dresden Files in production?

Dark Archive

Played in a game at a local con, went out and bought it right after. Great game. Aspects are a little tough to get a handle on at the beginning but once you "get" it, it's magic.

I wish they would come out with Fate 3.0 already. SotC is great, but I am not a big pulp fan. I want to see how the new Fate will handle powers.

Liberty's Edge

Can you please get a tougher avatar? Man up, you're in Texas!

I suppose I can not be gay either because I am in Texas.

Liberty's Edge

CourtFool wrote:
I suppose I can not be gay either because I am in Texas.

Where on earth would you get a crazy idea like that?

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