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Does anyone know anything about this movie? I've seen the trailers, which don't give much about what "it" is, but I've heard rumors about it possibly being some sort of HPL baddie.
Thoughts? Speculation? Inside scoops? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
It is meant to be an American "Godzilla" movie (not a remake of Godzilla, mind you, but the same sort of genre). The movie is entirely shot to look like it is filmed on a camcorder from the point of view of one of the characters as the monster attacks New York City. The video is found "after the fact" and filed away under the code name "Cloverfield".
Much as Godzilla was a commentary on nuclear proliferation during the 60s and 70s, this movie is supposed to be a commentary as well, although I haven't heard specifically what of.

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My buddy Rockie is a total film nerd and he’s been telling me about this movie. (I don’t watch very many movies and use Rockie as a suggestion box.)
He told me that they have been very careful to not let what the monster looks like/is slip out into the public eye. He also told me recently that he had heard that “concept art” for the creature was seeded through the first season of “Heroes”. Apparently, actors were not the only people used from the Heroes pool and there were some writers or something working on Cloverfield too.
Anyway, he had mentioned that there were a coupla of scenes in the tv show that show some weird monster. I want to say one of them was on a cover of a comic book or something. I know this isn’t much help, but I kinda glazed over what he was saying because I wasn’t familiar with the TV show.

theacemu |

Caught the midnight show last night. I'm a tough movie critic and i'd say this show is worth seeing in the theatre. Storyline is nothing sneaky but the pace of the film is intense and you will be entertained. I also found myself actually caring what happens to the characters in this film (a rarity nowdays) IMO. Between locking the viewer in from start to finish and a well-produced film, i'd give it an A-.
As ever,

Faux Real |

I wasn't a fan of the creature's design, but otherwise I found this to be a highly entertaining film.
Just to return to the Godzilla issue: I have to assume that the film uses the creature as a metaphor for our fears concerning terrorism, just as Godzilla is a metaphor for japan's fear/grudging respect for american nuclear power.

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The Jade |

Although Toho studios continues to churn out kaiju (meaning mysterious creature in Japanese) films, their approach embodies nostalgic Toho corniness. For a modern, more severe kaiju movie I recommend the Korean film Gwoemul/The Host.
I'm not a fan of Heroes but the Cloverfield trailer looks straight up Kaiju and I'm very much looking forward to seeing it.

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Saw it yesterday with my wife. Pretty darn good film, truly scary in some spots, creepy in others, and downright funny in places you wouldnt expect it. All in all, worth the $8.25 a ticket.
Take a Dramamine before you see it, though. The hand-cam effect made me actually, physically nauseous toward the end of the movie.

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The wife and I saw it this evening. I have to say I enjoyed the film, and, much like Ace, found myself rooting liking the characters, caring about what happened to them, and rooting for them.
Also, I find myself pissed at the apparent death of the Rob and Beth characters at the end. I kind of wanted to see them make it.
Lastly, I read through the plot summary on Wikipedia, and found something I didn't notice in the film. At the end, when the last footage from the Coney Island trip is showing, in the background you can apparently see something fall from the sky and into the sea. I missed that.
Now I'm kind of hoping they make a sequel.

mwbeeler |

Unfortunately, Hollywood hasn’t clued in to the fact that people with wee ones don’t get to see movies, because this sounds kind of neat (one day they’ll figure out how to stream new releases direct to home).
I hear conflicting reports that the film is very “Blair Witch” kind of camera, which is a serious detraction. That movie made me acutely nauseous in the theater. Can anyone confirm?

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I hear conflicting reports that the film is very “Blair Witch” kind of camera, which is a serious detraction. That movie made me acutely nauseous in the theater. Can anyone confirm?
If Blair Witch made you acutely nauseous, then Cloverfield can, in my humble opinion, turn you into Vomit Guy's long lost brother.

pres man |

Now I'm kind of hoping they make a sequel.
Except I heard that the director thinks if they do a sequel, it might be the exact same incident but from a different group of people's perspective. *yawn* I hope not.

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I loved this movie. It creeped me out to a level that I've never been before in a film by having everything seems so real, and having the characters feel very much akin to myself and my friends. This is one of those movies that I'm glad I got to see in the theatres for the entire experience of it.
It was a unique and interesting take on this type of monster movie and I loved that not everything was wrapped up in a neat little package at the end. The mystery adds so much to the film; even the monster, which looks so strange it defies description, is shrouded in mystery.
Not surprisingly, coming from the creator of Lost though, there are quite a few clues in the background into what is actually going on, and using these clues, one can begin to piece together their own story of how this happened.
I think my favourite part of this movie was walking back home with my friends, each coming up with our own theories on what actually happened, all different, but all equally valid.
To me, that's the sign of a great movie.
If you get a chance, go see this one before it's too late and they start revealing too much on TV commercials.

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Well, my post was eaten. Maybe the site does that t force me to rewrite more succinct posts. I guess I could use the practice.
There's favorite movie of all time, there's movie I've seen more than any other. There are different kinds of favorite movies. This was the greatest experience watching a movie in a theater I have had, topping my first viewing of Jurassic Park.
Camera movement didn't bother me at all. I hated Blair Witch, but not because of that. Because the movie had no plot, dialogue, villain, conflict, climax, etc. This movie was well-conceived and brilliantly made. It was very effective, it was creepy, it was horrific, it was even a little touching a few moments.
The movie wouldn't be the same if they told you stuff about it. Immersed in their attempt to save Beth and survive, you have to be as confused as they are. But no details, cause I've already typed this post once, and don't want to mess with the spoiler-oriented discussion.
I will say that as an allegory to terrorism, it is very satisfying. The monster is always where the civilians are, running from the military and destroying innocents instead. No one knows where it's been or why it's here in New York. Its purpose seems purely destructive or self-perpetuative. It's hard to put down with force, yet can't be reasoned with.
Anyhoo, I read severl places where it was panned by critics and fans alike. My wife wrned me to go into it with low expectations (as if people scale their expectations when going to movies: 'I'll see this one and hope for at least a four.'). But even before the monster attacked, I could sense good groundwork being laid and myself settling in to the poeple so the monster could surprise me (which it did even while I tried to outsmart it).
It was a great movie, and I think I'll take my oldest daughter to see it this week. My wife is too afraid.

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My wife hated it.
I thought it was pretty good, although some of the shaky camera action was a bit much.
I also think that like Blair Witch Project, the movie will get a lot more in depth if you delve into the "net history" of it all. Blair Witch was good on it's own (although it loses alot after the first viewing), but when put together with all of the back story from the net and comics it makes a really vivid story that is quite creepy. I think that this movie will benefit from the same kind of net story as well.

WelbyBumpus |

I actually liked not having things explained to me for once. I could infer anything I wished out of the situation without much trouble.
The shaky camera did make me rather ill, though, and early on at that. I'd wait for video if you get easily motion sick.
I loved it, and plan on seeing it again (I don't generally see movies more than once, so this is a compliment coming from me). I wasn't motion sick, but I wasn't motion sick in the Blair Witch, either.
With regards to the posts about the explanation, it really bothers me when a movie doesn't "resolve", unless I know ahead of time that it won't--I knew Cloverfield wouldn't resolve, so I just went along for the (very good) ride.

Corey Young |

Saw it on Saturday with the roommates, and we are still talking about this movie. That and wondering if we all have PTSD now. Once the movie ended, there was only silence. As everyone quietly filed out, we all had matching blank expressions. Made the entire experience creepier.
I was especially jumpy and paranoid the rest of that night. Those freaking little monsters... *shudder*

Shade |

I've seen Cloverfield twice so far. Between it, The Host, The Mist, and The Last Winter, the last 12 months have pretty much been the best 12 months for monster movies that I can ever remember. More, please!
I watched the Host for the first time the night before I watched Cloverfield. Monstergasm. :)
If you liked the movie, check out the viral marketing stuff. The following site sums it up nicely:
It almost plays like a prequel.

Grimcleaver |

Okay for those of you still curious as to what the critter is...
Here you go!
More or less the monster looks like a giant Hydralisk from Starcraft. Big reapery blade arms, serpentine body (though it's got a set of smallish for it's body size lizardy hind legs) and a vaguely pythony head. One of the coolest things about it are its larvae, which drop from it akin to Sin from Final Fantasy X. They are these crazy spidery things that remind me of headcrabs from Half Life. If they bite you with their ovipositor, you're pretty much dead. A larva or something explodes out of your chest, Alien style. Everything looks cool like crazy. The CG is amazing!
As far as WHAT it is, it's more or less a space monster. You see it's pod or whatever fall out of the sky into the ocean in the last shot of the film.
How that connects with SLUSHO I'll never know...

MaxSlasher26 |

Saw it today and loved it. A number of spoilers.

pres man |

Spoiler:The one girl explodes. It's freaky.Spoiler:I'm glad all the main characters died. It makes the whole thing more chilling to know they couldn't escape it. I also like that we don't know where the thing came from or what happened to it. Same mysteriousness.
As for the mystery of what happened to it. Well we were suppose to be watching a military obtained tape after the incident. It seems silly to suggest that us, third party viewers, wouldn't know. Sure, the people in the tape wouldn't.

Grimcleaver |

Remember they got separated, with his brother's girlfriend getting out first. She could still possibly be alive. Though I thought the death of Hud was pretty dumb. I mean, something that size biting a human, and then not even eating him, just biting and tossing. Seemed pretty weak.
To which I suggest...
It did seem pretty small compared to the bigger one that was getting carpet bombed...my thought was perhaps that it was one of the little spidery ones that had eaten enough to mutate into it's "smaller version of mom" form. That's what I figured anyway. I didn't assume it was the same one.
This is FUN!

tim yeh |

Saw the movie last night with friends and I really liked it. My friends on the otherhand didn't. Their reaction is no surprise to me as this is not your typical hollywood action movie. It does not spoon feed you info like most other movies. It does not have a satisfactory conclusion to wrap up the movie (to most people). The ending is a bit abrupt. As a few poster noted, the shaky camera work can be very distrating but I had no problem after a while.
For me this movie works because I did care about the characters. The long intro was fine as it set the groundwork for the characters and we all know things will hit the fan soon.
The creature was very original and the obscure camera work really made it even more creepy. However I can't say the same for the smaller guys as i've seem them before in other movie (you know the one about a bunch of soldiers traveling to another planet to combat a horde army).
But probably the best comment I can make about this movie was that I was on the edge of my seat most of the time and after the show my heart was still going pretty fast. I watch a lot of horror movie and there is not many that can do that.

David Schwartz Contributor |

I saw half of this movie today before I walked out. Seemed like a good story, but I couldn't take the way they shook the camera every few seconds to prove that it was hand-held. I can hear the explosions, you don't need to shake the camera like its the frickin' USS Enterprise. I'll see it through on the small screen.
Still, as far a nausea inducing movies go it's still behind Stigmata* and Cremaster 2.

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My reactions to this movie:
sweaty palms;
literally moving around in my seat when they are climbing inside Beth's apartment building;
This film has all the best parts of any great FPS video game; the cinematography will have you subtly fooled into dodging debris, ducking rocket fire, and straight-truth stomach-lurching.
Having been in a helicopter crash, I can tell you it's the most realistic I've ever seen in any movie.
I love this editorial.

BenS |

Sorry to resurrect an older thread, but I just saw this the other night and loved it. Rather than parrot what others liked about it, I'll try and add something new.
For whatever reason(s), the movie felt "real" to me. Like things played out the way they would if an actual monster attacked a major metropolitan area. I know it's likely an allegory for terrorism, but it seriously creeped me out. Plus, no tacked on "happy Hollywood ending (TM)" (cough*"I Am Legend"*cough). Grim.

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I am so very sorry I wasted my money buying this abomination of a movie. Between Shaky Cam, 50-70% of the "dialogue" consisting of variations of "Oh My God", and the fact that I felt absolutely NO empathy for these characters, the only thing that got me through the entire movie is
Maybe it was creepier in the theaters or something but bleah! Now at least I can save myself from ever watching Blair Witch Project.

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I am so very sorry I wasted my money buying this abomination of a movie. Between Shaky Cam, 50-70% of the "dialogue" consisting of variations of "Oh My God", and the fact that I felt absolutely NO empathy for these characters, the only thing that got me through the entire movie is ** spoiler omitted **
Maybe it was creepier in the theaters or something but bleah! Now at least I can save myself from ever watching Blair Witch Project.
Take a look at
this editorial.